岩本 裕
Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
東南アジア -歴史と文化- (ISSN:03869040)
vol.1981, no.10, pp.17-38, 1981-06-30 (Released:2010-03-16)

On the full account of the author's opinion on this problem, please see the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Chandi Borobudur, Tokyo 1981, in which the author deals with the following points in details:1) The ancestors of the Sailendra royal line were in a leadership position among the Old Malay speaking population in some colony of Srivijaya in Java.2) Though originally Sivaites, under the widespread Buddhist influence from Srivijaya, their native land, they converted to Buddhism.3) Under the economic development of Srivijaya, they came to dominate over the area west of Central Java. This country in the west of Java was called Ho-ling in the Chinese sources. (As there were no kingdom in Java except Sailendra and Mataram in those days, we have no choice but to identify Holing with Sailendra, because the Buddhism had floulished in either country).4) In the mid-eighth century, they advanced eastward to Central Java and pressured the Mataram kingdom.5) As a symbol of the dynasty's devotion to Buddhism, they built candi Borobudur to the southwest of the capital, and the date of beginning of its construction was ca. 780 A. D.6) There arose discord for the suzerainty over Java among the members of the Sailendra royal line during the construction work of candi Borobudur, probably in the second quarter of the 9th century.7) Samaragravira was defeated in this war, and he escaped then to Srivijaya, becoming the king of that country.8) By the latter half of the 9th century, the suzerainty over Java had passed completely into the hands of the Mataram kings.
岩本 裕子 イワモト ヒロコ Hiroko Iwamoto
no.38, pp.25-47, 2008-03

こども学部発足により始まった「歴史入門」の講義を手がかりに、西洋精神の起源に関する一考察を試みた。講義は筆者の専門領域である西洋史を中心に展開する。旧約聖書・ギリシャ神話・ケルト伝説という、史実と虚構の狭間に存在する西洋精神の起源から講義を始めることは意義深いばかりか、「歴史嫌い」の学生の興味を引くことにつながった。従来歴史嫌いの学生を歴史が大切だと自覚させるために、筆者の講義では映像や音楽を用いてきた。視覚や聴覚を刺激し学生の「気づき」を誘導できれば、歴史学習の必要性は明らかになる。 往年のハリウッドで『天地創造』や『十戒』が制作され、旧約聖書の世界が欧米社会に直結することは周知された。21世紀を迎えた現在も、『トロイ』『アレキサンダー』『キング・アーサー』等の西洋史の古典領域をテーマとする映画化は続いている。講義題材としてばかりでなく、ハリウッド映画を歴史学の視点で読み解く意義は深い。
岩本 裕子 イワモト ヒロコ Hiroko Iwamoto
浦和論叢 (ISSN:0915132X)
no.52, pp.1-29, 2015-02

アメリカ演劇における黒人女優の歴史は、アメリカ黒人史同様、白人主体のアメリカ演劇界で苦難の道であった。その業界で成功者となり得た先達たちの代表、マヤ・アンジェロウとルビー・ディーが、2014年5月末と6月半ばに死去した。2人の逝去に挟まれる時期、6月8日に開催されたトニー賞授賞式で、黒人女優の歴史でも記念すべき出来事が起こった。オードラ・マクドナルドが、演劇部門で主演女優賞を獲得したのである。オードラはすでに、ミュージカル部門での助演女優賞と主演女優賞を3回、演劇部門で助演女優賞を2回、実に5回の受賞を果たしていた。ビリー・ホリデイの役を演じた「レディ・デイ」によって、最優秀主演女優賞を獲得したのだった。アメリカ演劇界の人種を超えた女優の世界で、前人未踏の快挙である。マヤとルビーを見送ったアメリカ黒人演劇界は、オードラたち後進が引き継ぎ、先達たちの語り継ぎは、その演技に生き続けていくのである。The history of African American actresses in Broadway dramas has been marked by countless hardships. Two of the pioneers in the theatrical world passed away on May 28 and June 11, 2014. The former was MAYA ANGELOU, the Presidential inaugural ceremony poet in 1993, and the latter was RUBY DEE, a main civil rights activist. Between their deaths, the 68th Tony Awards Ceremony was held on June 8 at Radio City Music Hall. A milestone in African American history was reached in that ceremony. Broadway star AUDRA MCDONALD made history at the Tony Awards on June 8 night, when she became the most decorated actress on the Broadway stage. Audra picked up her sixth Tony for portraying jazz and blues legend Billie Holiday in Lady Day at Emerson's Bar & Grill. The Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play win also gave her the first Tony Awards grand slam. She had previously won gold as a best featured actress in an play(A Raisin in the Sun & Master Class),a best lead actress in a musical(Porgy and Bess)and a best featured actress in a musical(Carousel & Ragtime).
岩本 裕子 イワモト ヒロコ Hiroko Iwamoto
no.38, pp.25-47, 2008-03

こども学部発足により始まった「歴史入門」の講義を手がかりに、西洋精神の起源に関する一考察を試みた。講義は筆者の専門領域である西洋史を中心に展開する。旧約聖書・ギリシャ神話・ケルト伝説という、史実と虚構の狭間に存在する西洋精神の起源から講義を始めることは意義深いばかりか、「歴史嫌い」の学生の興味を引くことにつながった。従来歴史嫌いの学生を歴史が大切だと自覚させるために、筆者の講義では映像や音楽を用いてきた。視覚や聴覚を刺激し学生の「気づき」を誘導できれば、歴史学習の必要性は明らかになる。 往年のハリウッドで『天地創造』や『十戒』が制作され、旧約聖書の世界が欧米社会に直結することは周知された。21世紀を迎えた現在も、『トロイ』『アレキサンダー』『キング・アーサー』等の西洋史の古典領域をテーマとする映画化は続いている。講義題材としてばかりでなく、ハリウッド映画を歴史学の視点で読み解く意義は深い。With the inauguration of the faculty of Child Studies at Urawa University, I began to teach "Introduction to historical science" (REKISHI NYUMON in Japanese) as one of the starting staffs. This class (lecture) is one of cultural studies and elective subject, not required subject. Most of the Japanese students are tend to dislike "history" and try to avoid studying history. One of the purposes of my lectures is to give my all students "noticing"("KIZUKI" in Japanese). Noticing is the starting point of studying all. I want to notice my students that studying history is important to understand the international relationship and human relationship, also. The purpose of this paper is to bring my idea into focus about the fruits of REKISHI NYUMON. It will be "A Study on the Origins of Western Mind." The keywords of this paper are as follows : Bible (Old Testament) to Hebraism, Greek Mythology to Hellenism, Celtic Legends, Western History, Hollywood Movies and so on.
岩本 裕之
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.61, no.8, pp.384-387, 2013

岩本 裕真 阿部 博 遠峰 隆史
研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT) (ISSN:21888787)
vol.2021-IOT-54, no.9, pp.1-7, 2021-07-02

ネットワーク運用者やシステム管理者は,安定したシステム運用の実現やトラブル発生時の原因特定をするために,サーバやネットワーク,セキュリティ機器から出力される監視データの蓄積や解析を行う.代表的な監視データとして,ログやフロー,SNMP があり,それらは Syslog,NetFlow,IPFIX,sFlow,SNMP といったプロトコルで定義されており標準化されている.しかし,多くのネットワーク・セキュリティ機器にはサーバ機器のような高性能な CPU が採用されておらず,システム負荷を上昇させないために監視データの宛先送信数に上限がある.そのため監視データを集約する専用のネットワーク機器やシステムを用いることで,解析基盤に必要な監視データを複製して転送する手法が用いられる.本研究では,ネットワーク機器群から送信された監視データを集約し複数の監視・解析基盤に複製して転送する際に,Linux カーネルのトラフィック制御機能である TC を用いた実証実験を行った.
岩本 裕子 イワモト ヒロコ Hiroko Iwamoto
no.32, pp.81-109, 2004-06

In Hollywood movies the images of Japan, Japanese or Japanese culture have been misunderstood. There were so many stereotypes of us. The movie, "The Last Samurai" is showing Meiji-period, the epoch of Japanese history, which was the term changing our culture through Western civilization. That was not exceptionally stereotyped. The Director of "The Last Samurai," Edward Zwick, was very impressed by the movie, "Seven Samurai," by Director Akira Kurosawa. Mr. Zwick also studied Japanese history and culture from Professor Reishauer at Harvard University. The movies before "The Last Samurai" were as follows: "Glory", showing the first black troops of the Civil War, Massachusetts # 54 troop; "Legends of the Falls", showing the family in Montana at the turn of the 20th Century, whose father was the Colonel of the Custer's Seventh Cavalry; "Courage under Fire", showing the Gulf War, operation 'Desert Storm', in which there were friendly fire among the US Army. This movie was the first one in Hollywood showing the Gulf War.; "The Siege", showing the relationship between the Islamic terrorists and NYPD, FBI, CIA. This movie was like a kind of imaginary scene of 'September 11th'. Director Zwick has developed the views to see the World affair. He has studied the history of minorities all over the world. He tried to make motion pictures of minorities from a world point of view.
岩本 裕之
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.50, no.4, pp.168-173, 2010 (Released:2010-07-25)
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Insects, the largest group of animals on the earth, owe their prosperity to their ability of flight and small body sizes. The ability of flight provided means for rapid translocation. The small body size allowed access to unutilized new niches. By acquiring both features, however, insects faced a new problem: They were forced to beat their wings at enormous frequencies. Insects have overcome this problem by inventing asynchronous flight muscle, a highly specialized form of striated muscle capable of oscillating at >1,000 Hz. This article reviews the structure, mechanism, and molecular evolution of this unique invention of nature.
岩本 裕
東洋学術研究 (ISSN:02876086)
vol.21, no.1, pp.p107-130, 1982-05