鷹木 恵子
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.65, no.1, pp.9-24, 2000 (Released:2018-05-29)

イスラームは,その歴史的過程で二つの「知」, すなわちアラビア語でイルムとマァリファと呼ばれるものを発展させてきた。 本論は,イスラーム世界の音文化を,この二つの知の在り方との関連から検討するものである。イルムとは,コーラン学やハディース伝承学に始まる,イスラームの伝統的諸学,また現在では学問一般をも意味する 。それは学習によって習得可能な形式的知識,また差異化や序列化,規範化を指向する知識として捉えられる 。 他方,マァリファとは,イスラーム法の体系化に伴う信仰の形骸化に反発して生まれたイスラーム神秘主義において追求された,身体的修業を通して到達する神との神秘的合一境地で悟得される直観知,経験知を意味する 。 これら二つの知の主たる担い手,イルムの担い手ウラマーとマァリファの担い手スーフィーのあいだでは,音楽に対する解釈やその実践にも異なるものがみられた。ウラマーのあいだでは,当初,音楽をめぐり賛否両論の多くの議論があり,イスラーム法での儀礼規範にはコーラン読誦とアザーン以外, 音文化的要素はほとんどみられない。一方,マァリファを追求したイスラーム神秘主義では,サマーと呼ばれる修業法に,聖なる句を繰り返し唱えるズィクルや, 器楽,舞踊などが取り入れられ,豊かな音文化を開花させた 。またイルムの儀礼実践の中核にあるコーラン読誦では、啓示の意味を明確化し、他者への伝達を指向する。堀内正樹の分析概念に基づくならば,「音の分節化」がみられるのに対して,マァリファの儀礼実践ではズィクルにみるように,自己の内面への精神集中が目指され,神との合一境地ではその声は意味を解体させ,「音の脱分節化」という特徴がみられる。このようにイルムとマァリファの知の特徴の相違と同様,これらの儀礼的実践における音文化的特徴にも,それぞれ異なる特徴のあることを指摘し得る。またイスラーム世界ではコーラン読誦やアザーンは「音楽」の範鴎外とされていることから,より包括的な音の問題の検討の上では,「音文化」という概念が有効であることについても,最後に若干,コメントを付す。
広畑 輔雄
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.40, no.3, pp.191-204, 1975-12-31 (Released:2018-03-27)

The god Takami-musubi (皇高産霊), the Founder of the Imperial Family, in Japanese mythology seems to be equal to the god Tien-ti (天帝) . Tai-i (太一) or Tien-Huang-ta-ti (天皇大帝) in Chinese mythology. It appears that the myth of Tenno (天皇) , the monarch of Japan, being the descendant of Takami-musubi, was created for the purpose of making him equal with Huang-ti (皇帝) , the monarch of China. If Tenno is the descendant of Tien-ti or Tien-Huang-ta-ti, it follows that he has the right to worship the god Takami-musubi. And by that, he can also have the same privilege of worshiping the heavens as Huang-ti has. Thus, it shows that Tenno had the highest status because his ancestor was the highest god in the heavens. It is my opinion that the god of the Founder of the Imperial Family was created for such a purpose. In considering the reason why Amaterasu was made the Founder of the Imperial Family, we should do so on the basis of the relationship between Takami-musubi and Amaterasu, because Amaterasu was made the Founder of the Imperial Family later than Takami-musubi. Since Takami-musubi was originally made the ancestor god, it can be thought that Amaterasu, the Sun-goddess, was combined with Takami-musubi to become the joint-Founder of the Imperial Family. We can find proof of this in the fact that the Grand Shrines of Ise (伊勢神宮) have an indication of being combined with Tai-i of China. It seems to me that in the Imperial Court of Japan, the religious observation of the Sun-goddess had been performed before the Sun-goddess was made the Founder of the Imperial Family. There is a legend that Ame-no-hiboko (天之日矛) , the prince of Hsin-luo (新羅), came to Japan with a treasure, and that it was made a sacred treasure of the Isonokami Shrine (石上神宮). By examining this legend, I am of the opinion that it was the legend which reflected that the religious observation of the Sun-god had been transmitted from the royal family of Korea. After that the Sun-goddess was elevated to a higher status under the influence of Chinese thought, and finally reached the status of the Founder of the Imperial Family by being combined with the god Tai-i.
窪 徳忠
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.24, no.1-2, pp.412-437, 1960-03-25 (Released:2018-03-27)

Since the Edo period there has been a prevailing opinion, that the origin of the Japanese Koshin Belief had been derived from Taoism in China, but in recent years Japanese folklorists, with Mr. Kunio YANAGITA as the leader, have come to assert that it was native to Japan. Up to now neither has yet claimed a definite conclusion on this question. The writer thinks that both hypotheses have weaknesses in their methodologies : the former referred only to the literature without reaching into the folk beliefs and customs of the Edo period ; the latter depends only on the results of field work with the presumed ignorance of historical documents. In addition, neither the former nor the latter compare Japanese Koshin Belief in detail with Taoism at all. The writer intends to synthesize the historical records from the Heian period, when Koshin Belief began to appear in Japan, to Meiji Era, with recent field work results, and to compare it with Chinese Taoism and the functions of the Chinese Koshin Belief. He assumed that this method would be the best to determine whether the Koshin Belief has its origin in Japan or not. As the result, Japanese Koshin Belief has come to be judged as the complex of Chinese Taoism, Buddhism including the esoteric form, Shintoism, Shugendo, magical medicine and various Japanese folk beliefs and customs. This study has been published by him under the title of Koshin Belief in Japan. His view-point has been furthermore substantiated by his field research throughout Japan excluding Hokkaido and by his bibliographic survey on this subject. The Japanese folklorist school still insists strongly on the Japanese origin. But he cannot rely on their methodology and is suspicious of how they deal with the data the amount of which in their possession seems not sufficient enough to be handled quantitatively, as well as qualitatively. He can hardly, at present, say whether it was native to Japan, and thinks that he does not need to correct his opinion which Mr. YANAGITA should take into account.
木名瀬 高嗣
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-21, 1997-06-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

社会的レヴェルでのアイヌをめぐる問題の浮上や, 学者がそれに対して責任を果たすべきであるという気運の高まりに比して, アイヌに関する「現在」的な問題に対する文化人類学による取り組みの蓄積は依然乏しいままである。本稿は文化人類学におけるアイヌ研究の今後の可能性を模索するため, 日本におけるこの分野の言説の政治性について歴史的に考察する。そこに看取される論理への批判的視点から帝国日本の黎明期以来のアイヌを対象化する学的言説を概観したときに浮かび上がってくるのは, それらの言説が「国民」創出の過程と相関を保ちつつ, 文化的に「同化」していくアイヌの差異を永続的に対象化するレトリックを精緻なものにしていったプロセスである。本稿では, それらの言説のなかでアイヌの「現在」が捨象されることによって具体的現実のレヴェルで展開する「政治」が隠蔽されてきたことを明らかにする。
金谷 美和
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.64, no.4, pp.403-424, 2000-03-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

本論では, 日本民芸運動を事例にして, 日本の植民地という状況下において支配する側にいた人々が, 他者をどのように概念化し, 記述し, 理解しようとしたかを検討することで, 文化表象, ことに物質文化の表象について考察する。「民衆的工芸」=「民芸」という概念は, 大正時代末に柳宗悦を中心とする民芸運動によって作られた。流通機構の変化や機械生産の導入などにより衰退していた, 地方の手工芸による日用生活用品を取りあげて「民衆的工芸」=「民芸」と名付け, それらのもつ美的価値と, 「地方性」, 「民衆性」という性質から, 真正なる日本文化を示すものであると主張した。民芸運動の活動は, 日本が植民地支配下においていた中国北部においても行われ, その言論は, 日本の中国支配, さらには「満州国」や「大東亜共栄圏」を支持するものとなっていった。ここでは, 中国北部の民芸運動の中心人物であった吉田璋也と, 中国での運動から距離をおいていた柳宗悦の言説を比較し, 異なる文化を尊重することから始まった民芸運動が, 日本の植民地支配を支える方向に向かっていった原因が, 柳の民芸論に内包されていたことを明らかにする。そして, 文化表象には創造性と支配の2つの側面があること, 異文化表象の政治性を批判するだけでなく, 文化表象の創造性を問うことで文化表象についての議論が新たな方向に向かう可能性を示唆する。
川橋 範子
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.68, no.3, pp.394-412, 2003-12-30 (Released:2018-03-22)

三尾 裕子
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.55, no.3, pp.243-268, 1990-12-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

本論は, 台湾において最も人気の高い<神々>のうちの一つである王爺の分析を通して, 台湾の漢民族の霊魂観の構造的特徴及びそれらと台湾の歴史的社会的背景との関係を検証する。本論で王爺を取り上げたのは, 王爺の分析が, 台湾の漢民族の世界観の特色を理解するのに役立つと考えられるからである。王爺は, 従来台湾人の民俗分類概念といわれてきた3種の霊的存在-<神>, <鬼>, <祖先>-では捉えきれない。その問題点は, 従来の見方があまりに静態的であったために, 霊的存在の変化の可能性やその過程を説明しきれない点にあったといえる。本論では, このような視点の下に, まず従来の王爺研究をふり返る。そして, これらの文献資料及び筆者の調査した王爺信仰及び「迎王」儀礼を通して, 王爺にみられる霊魂の内的構造を分析する。更に, 「王爺」の<鬼>から<神>への変化が, 台湾の歴史的環境のなかで生み出されてきたことを明らかにする。
安渓 遊地
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.53, no.1, pp.1-30, 1988-06-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

窪 徳忠
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.41, no.3, pp.185-211, 1976

A number of festivals, manners and customs, and religious practices of Chinese origin are still prevailing in Okinawa. The author has been engaged since 1966 in research into some of those customs and practices which are apparently more or less related to Taoism. An attempt has been made to determine to what degree they are associated with those customs, etc., of China. A large part of the research done before 1974 has already been published, so the remainder, including the result of the research of 1975 is presented here. However, the research concerning religious practices of Chinese origin is not included here because space forbids. The areas covered are a part of each of the following islands of Okinawa : Iheya-shima, Izena-shima, Okinawa-honto, Miyako-jima, Ikema-jima, Irabu-jima, Kohama-jima. Kuro-shima. Taketomi-jima, Yonaguni-jima. Just behind the front gate of every house in Okinawa, there is something like a wall made of stones or block of some kind. This is called "himpun" in many parts of Okinawa-honto. This construction is still commonly found in those areas as in the areas previously researched by the author and even newly built houses usually have one. Though different names are given to this construction in different areas, Okinawa-honto, Miyako, and Yaeyama areas have a similar structure. Though it is commonly said to be built there so that the inside of the house is protected from the eyes of outsiders, some people and Yutas consider it to be a protection against devils. Since, in Fu-chien, China, too, a similar construction is built of wood and regarded as having a talismanic value, the assumption is that it is from China. As it is believed in Miyako and Yaeyama areas that it came from Okinawa-honto, it is suspected that this structure originated in Fu-chien and was introduced to Okinawa-honto first, then diffused to Miyako and Yaeyama. Another thing to be found in Okinawa is Shih-kan-tang, as it is locally called. This is a stone pillar of talismanic value built at the corner of an intersection or where a narrow passage meets a main street. Usually, the Chinese 石敢当 (pronounced Shin-kan-tang) are carved on its face and some have animal faces designed above the characters. In Amoi, I have heard, it is transformed into a stone lion figure. In Okinawa in all three areas, it is built exactly at the same location and with the same intention as in China. However, Miyako and Yaeyama areas (some parts of Miyako excluded) have fewer of them than Okinawa-honto. It is suspected that in these two areas it was combined and fused with the local belief in a god of stone. The first people to take up this custom in Okinawa seem to have been Sanjin-so's (who professionally told fortunes by the sun) , for they are in possession of Chinese books on the construction of Shih-kan-tang. Also, the people in Miyako and Yaeyama areas believe this custom was brought from Okinawa-honto. What is different from China is that Shih-kan-tang is quite rarely, if ever, worshipped here in Okinawa. The third custom found in Okinawa is the writing of the Chinese characters 天官賜福紫微鑾駕 (pronounced Tun-kuan-tzu-fu-tzu-wei-luen-chia) or 紫微鑾駕: (pronounced tzu-wei-luen-chia) on the ridge beam for the ceremony of setting up the framework of a house. These characters serve as a spell to guard against evils and to envite good fortune-ideas closely related to Taoism. In Formosa this custom was widely observed as late as the period of the Japanese Occupation. In Okinawa-honto this started early in the eighteenth century but was followed only by a small portion of the natives living in tile-roofed houses. It seems that Yuta and Sanjinso had something to do with this custom. It is understood that it came to Miyako and Yaeyama areas years later.
名和 克郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.57, no.3, pp.297-317, 1992-12-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

本稿の目的は, 「民族」に関する議論を, 理論的な側面において前進させることにある。前半では, 主観的定義と客観的定義, 重層性, 相対性, 「名」の問題など, 従来行われてきた「民族」に関する幾つかの議論を批判的に検討する。後半では, 筆者の「民族」に関する基本的な立場を, 内堀の民族論を大幅に援用しつつ述べる。民族は実体としては存在せず, 「名」と実体をめぐる民族論的状況のみが存在していること, 「民族」の原初的側面と手段的側面の関係は, 「民族」による個体の死の代替という仮説によって説明出来ること, 「民族」とは, 内堀が抽出した機構を通じて, 個体の死の代替物として想像される集団と定義出来ること, ネイションやエスニシティの問題もこうした機構無しには考えられないこと, ネイションとエスニック・グループの連続性を見失うべきでないこと, 民族誌家は「○○族は」という抽象化にはあくまで慎重であるべきことが主な論点である。
佐野 賢治
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.41, no.3, pp.235-258, 1976-12-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

The eel is an interesting creature from the standpoint of biology, that is, its migration, its geographical distribution, its transformation of sex and so on. And because of its mysterious life, many legends and beliefs concerning the eel also have been originated and transmitted all over the world since ancient times. What interests the author is the ethnographic information that some ethnic groups don,t eat eels at all in Formosa, Micronesia, the Philippines and so on, with relation to totem ,animal and ancestor worship. Although we can hear a lot of folklore concerning eels in Japan, a non-eel-diet taboo is almost always told with Buddhist Kokuzo-Belief. The folk-explanation is that an eel is the messenger or the favorite food of Kokuzo-Budhisattva (akasa-garbha) and therefore should not eat it. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the development of an interrelationship between eels and Kokuzo-Budhisatta and to analyse several aspects of a non-eel-diet taboo in the historical ,context. Japanese folktales around the eel are classified according to the following items : (a) An eel as the messenger of a Kami (god) or of Buddha. The deities usually represented being that of Suijin (a water deity) , Mishimamyojin (三島明神) , Konpiragongen (金比羅宮) or Kokuzo-Bodhisattva. (b) An eel which transforms itself into a man, usually a monk. This eel usually represents the guardian spirit of a pond or river. (c) A one-eyed eel. These always possess magical powers. (d) An unusual or mutated eel and its activities. (i. e. a red, yellow or white eel an eel having large ears.) (e) The origin of a place name after an eel ; i. e., eel-mound, eel-wamp, eel-abyss, eel-paddy, etc. An overview of these folk tales leads to the following concept : People in early times thought the eel was a water deity itself, or the messenger of a water deity who was the guardian spirit of a pond, marsh, river, deep or lake. The eel inspired apprehension among these primitive folk due to its strange appearance and activities. Also in Japan, there is some evidence which indicates that the eel may be a mythical ancestor. The belief that spiritual creatures in water bodies may change into a one-eyed eel, which indicates the tenement of a god, is an idea promulgated by the late Kunio Yanagita. In another legend, the eel appears in a deluge in which the eel is transformed into a monk who warns the populace of approaching disaster and consequently saves them from catastro-phe. Kokuzo-Bodhisattva beliefs have included the mitigation or avoidance of disaster since the Nara Period. One particular Kokuzo sutra, which prevailed widely among temples practicing Kokuzo beliefs in Japan, portrays Kokuzo-Bodhisattva as an itinerant priest who displays his ability to avert disaster more effectively than any other Bodhisattva. Shingon Sect priests (当山派修験) , as proponents of this Kokuzo belief, have connected this belief with that of the eel and its appearance during innundation. The aforementioned information is the product of research data obtained from Tokurenji Temple (徳蓮寺) in Mie Prefecture. Tokurenji Temple belongs to the Shingon Sect and has tradition that the itinerant Kobodaishi (a founder of the Shingon Sect) stayed at this temple at some point in its early history. Many "Ema" (small wooden tablets with an optative phrase and a suitable picture) are dedicated to this temple and most of them are pictures drawn with a catfish and an eel. we can guess that the catfish was added at a later date because of the synonimity of its name and the name of a skin disease "namazu" and the folk-connection of the catfish to the cure of the disease.