菊池 哲平 原田 恵梨子 Teppei Kikuchi Eriko Harada
熊本大学教育学部紀要 人文科学
vol.58, pp.175-181, 2009-12-04

The purpose of this study was to examine the unique cognitive feature of young children with autism using matching task for visual stimuli was able to match in either color or shape. 11 young children with autism (CA = 4 to 6) and 36 typical development young children (CA = 3 to 6) was participated. The participants was asked for choosing stimulation "same as" sample according to color or shape. The results as follows; l) The typical development children tended to choose in shape, especially younger children. 2) The response time is shorter\with age in typical development. 3) The young children with ausitm tended to choose in color. It is suggest that the young children with autism have preference to color. Therefore, when using a visual cues for children with autism, it is effective to make the color a key point.
古田 弘子 Sethunga Prasad
熊本大学教育学部紀要 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
no.57, pp.167-174, 2008

本研究では、2006年と2007年にスリランカ国立教員養成カレッジ(National Colleges of Education)3校、すなわち西部州ガンパハ県のハーピティガマ校、西部州カルタラ県のダルガタウン校、中央州ヌワラエリヤ県のスリー・パーダ校及び国立教育研修・研究所(National Institute of Education)を訪問し、資料収集を行うとともに関係者への面談調査を行った。
八幡 英幸
熊本大学教育学部紀要 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
vol.60, pp.17-26, 2011-12-12

The aim of this paper is to reconsider the relation between narrative and the power of judgment in Kant's sense, among which has been pointed out to be a close relationship. The results of this study are as follows: on one hand, diverse studies on narrative theory have reached agreement on these points: (1)in narrative is found the connection between two different kinds of orders (i. e. the chronological one and the non-chronological one); (2)the formation or reformation of narrative is set off by some contingent elements or the lack of connection between them; (3)narrative enables our self-understanding and gives the foundation of personal identity. On the other hand, the power of judgment in Kant's sense has these characteristics: (1)it mediates between two different kinds of orders (i. e. the one of nature and the one of freedom) in the same field of experience: (2)it subsumes some contingent elements under a new order: (3)it is led by a sort of feeling of pleasure: (4)it has a foundation on our bodily nature: (5)it contains two different viewpoints (i. e. the one of human limited understanding and the one of another kind of understanding). As a conclusion, narrative and the power of judgment have come out to have in fact many similarities. The above points (1) and (2) are obviously, also the other points are in fact thought to be applicable to both these activities.
登田 龍彦
熊本大学教育学部紀要 人文科学 (ISSN:0454613X)
no.55, pp.165-178, 2006

本稿の議論の構成は以下の通りである。先ず第2節では、項の概念規定を行う。とりわけ、虚辞(expletive)、疑似項(pseudo-argument)、項の区別を手始めに、意味論的項(semantic argument)と統語論的項(syntactic argument)、そして構文文法でいうところの動詞の項(argument of verb)と構文の項(argument of construction)について触れた後に、There構文の主語に生起する虚辞(expletive)のthereは、構文の項に属すると主張する。第3節では、Goldberg(2001,2005,2006)の構文文法での項省略分析の不備を指摘する。第4節では、認知論的視点から項省略についての代案を提起する。最後に議論をまとめる。
大杉 成喜 岩切 昌大 肥後 祥治 オオスギ ナリキ イワキリ ショウダイ ヒゴ ショウジ Osugi Nariki Iwakiri Shodai Higo Shoji
熊本大学教育学部紀要 人文科学
vol.61, pp.145-152, 2012-12-12

For evaluating the developing process of special needs education system at high school level in "P" prefecture, an attitude survey was carried out in 2011. Subjects of the survey were as follows, head teachers of each grade, school nurses, special need education coordinators, and head teachers of career guidance in each high school in "P" prefecture. The data was compared with the results of former surveys conducted in 2007 and 2009 at the same field. On the whole, we could not find out drastic changes at each question in all subject groups, expect school nurses. During two years, they were more concerned with making "individualized educational support plan" and "individualized instructional program". This result indicated that importance of the role of school nurse was getting bigger and bigger in the system of special needs education at high school level. Judging from the point of developing process of the system, many data from the survey in high schools were stay lower than data from compulsory education level. This is one we have to discuss about to promote special needs education in high school level.