三浦 創 佐野 晴洋
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.14, no.4, pp.279-285, 1972 (Released:2011-03-04)

Lead poisoning is associated with characteristic urinary increases of δ-aminolevulinic acid and coproporphyrinogen III, elevated erythrocyte protoporphyrin concentration and partial block of δ- aminolevulinic acid dehydratase.In human lead poisoning a very small amount of increase of porphobilinogen and uroporphyrinogen III is reported, while in rabbits porphobilinogen increases but uroporphyrinogen III does not as in the human cases. The small amount of porphobilinogen or uroporphyrinogen III in the human urine may be explained by δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase inhibition, but the increase in coproporphyrinogen III is as yet inexplainable.An alternative pathway of coproporphyrinogen III formation from δ-aminolevulinic acid or porphobilinogen has and suggested in lead poisoning. We proposed that an intermediate, 2-amino-methyl-3-methyl-4-carboxyethyl-pyrrole, may be formed in vivo by enzymic condensation of δ-aminolevulinic acid and 1-amino-butane-2-one (β-ketobutylamine) or by prior decarboxylation of acetic acid sidechain of porphobilinogen. To test this hypothesis we made an experiment, the results of which are as follows.The pyrrole compounds were isolated from the urine or the incubation mixture with δ-aminolevulinic acid and tissue homogenates (bone marrow, liver and kidneys) of lead poisoned rabbits by using the column chromatography on Dowex 2. All the pyrrole compounds were further converted to porphyrins by chemical condensation technique, resulting in the formation of the mixture of uroporphyrin isomers, though no coproporphyrin was detected.The results indicate that the pyrrole compounds in lead poisoning are identical with authentic porphobilinogen and the prior decarboxylation of porphobilinogen appears unlikely. It is suggested that the increase of coproporphyrinogen III in lead poisoning may be caused by over-production of δ-aminolevulinic acid. The increased amount ofthe precursor seems to overcome the partial blocking of δ-aminolevulirlic acid dehydratase and thenormal rate of porphyrin synthesis may be formed.
吉村 博之 竹本 和夫
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.33, no.2, pp.81-93, 1991-03-20

Occupationally induced lung cancer and mesothelioma have long been attributed to asbestos and moreover, several epidemiological studies have indicated a co-carcinogenic effect of cigarette smoking on the incidence of lung cancer in asbestos workers. The aim of the present study was to investigate the co-carcinogenic effects of asbestos and other carcinogens with emphasis placed on determining the effects of cigarette smoking on the incidence of asbestos induced carcinomas. Doses of 15mg of chrysotile asbestos were administered intratracheally to Wistar rats alone and in conjunction with N-bis(hydroxypropyl)nitrosamine (DHPN) and/or cigarette smoking. DHPN at dose of 1g/kg/B.W. was injected three times intraperitoneally, and the subject animals were exposed to smoke from 10 cigarettes per day, six days a week, for their entire life span. As a result, lung carcinomas were induced in one out of the 31 rats receiving only asbestos. Lung tumors were induced at a much higher incidence in the groups receiving DHPN alone and in conjunction with asbestos: of the 37 rats treated with DHPN alone 19 (51.4%) developed lung tumors, whereas those receiving asbestos as well showed an incidence of 68.4% (23/38) of carcinomas. The development of lung carcinomas (including adenocarcinomas, epidermoid carcinomas, anaplastic carcinomas, and combined carcinomas) was seen in 8 (21.6%) out of the 37 rats receiving DHPN alone and in 23 (60.5%) out of the 38 rats receiving asbestos as well. The incidence of lung carcinoma was significantly increased in combined treatment with asbestos than DHPN alone. In the group receiving asbestos in combination with cigarette smoke, 4 (13.8%) out of the 29 rats developed lung carcinomas, but these carcinomas were more common than in the group receiving only asbestos. Moreover, in the group administered asbestos, DHPN and smoking combined, lung tumors developed in 18 (62.1%) out of the 29, 15 (51.7%) of which proved to be malignant. Mesothelioma (pleura) was induced in three groups in the following combinations: DHPN plus asbestos, 8/38 (21.17%); smoking plus asbestos, 2/29 (6.9%); and smoking, DHPN and asbestos, 4/29 (13.8%). These tumors were extensively located, that is, on the parietal pleura, visceral pleura, epicardium and diaphragm surface. However, mesothelioma was not induced by asbestos alone nor by DHPN alone. Carcinogenicity of asbestos for pleural tumors was significantly promoted by combined treatment with DHPN to an extent greater than DHPN alone. It should be noted that asbestos plus smoking resulted in a higher incidence of mesothelioma than asbestos alone. The results of this study suggest that asbestos can induce lung cancer and that cigarette smoking has a promoting effect on asbestos-induced cancer and mesothelioma as well. Additionally, it was observed that the development of lung tumors and their malignancy and mesothelioma by asbestos is synergistic ally increased by the combined administration of DHPN. There were some histological differences in the carcinomas induced by DHPN alone and those induced in conjunction with asbestos.
池見 陽 久保田 進也 野田 悦子 富田 小百合 林田 嘉朗
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.34, no.1, pp.18-29, 1992-01-20

The objective of this study was to articulate the person-centered approach (PCAp) in theory and in the research and practice of occupational mental health. First, Carl Rogers' person-centered theory was reviewed. Secondly, a study on 1,661 workers was presented in which psychological variables such as fatigue (FG), depression (DP) and anxiety (AX) were found to be negatively correlated with relationship scales concerning the workers' perception of the person-centered attitudes (PCA) of their superiors, the democratic leadership of their superiors (DEM) and the overall activation (ACT) of their worksites. Significant differences in FG, DP and AX were found among workers who perceived of their superiors as having either high or low PCA. Workers who reported that their superiors had high PCA had significantly less FG, DP and AX than those who perceived of their superiors as having low PCA. Similar results were also obtained when high DEM/low DEM and high ACT/low ACT were compared in terms of workers' FG, DP and AX. Thus, the PCA of job superiors was considered to be positively related to the mental health of workers. Thirdly, PCA training in industry was introduced and evaluated. A total of 137 trainees (managers) conducted active listening, a basic skill in the PCAp, and filled out a relationship inventory immediately afterwards, evaluating themselves as listeners and their partners as listeners. A comparison of scores between the first and last sessions of training showed significant increases in empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard at the last session in both the speakers' version and the listeners' version of the relationship inventory. Cases showing changes in human relations at work as a consequence of PCA training, reported by the trainees and confirmed by an occupational health nurse, were presented. This study showed that PCA, which is positively related to workers' mental health, can increase as a result of training. The implications of these studies are discuss-ed and various possibilities for further research using the concepts' of PCAp are presented. The authors hope that such a viewpoint in occupational mental health may lead to fruitful research and practice in the field of occupational medicine.
江副 智子 森本 兼曩
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.36, no.6, pp.397-405, 1994-11-20

中村 賢
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.27, no.1, pp.24-37, 1985-01-20

上野 満雄 小河 孝則 中桐 伸五 有沢 豊武 三野 善央 雄山 浩一 小寺 良成 谷口 隆 金沢 右 太田 武夫 青山 英康
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.28, no.4, pp.266-274, 1986-07-20

小池 重夫 駒谷 美智子
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.11, no.1, pp.4-8, 1969-01-20

さきに,長谷川等は沃化メチル中毒家兎の血清に顕著なにごりが見られること,またこのにごりは血清総脂質血清コレステロールの増加によることを発見し報告している。 本実験では,9羽の家兎に,長谷川等の方法に従い,中毒量の57mg/kgのCH_3Iを皮下注射し,48時間後に心臓より採決した。血清トリグセライド(TG)量は注射後は注射前に比べて約19倍の増加,血清総コレステロールは約2倍の増加を示した。したがって血清のにごりは主としてのTG増加によるものと推定される。血清TGの増加には二つの成因が考えられる。一つはTGが肝で過剰生産されて血中に流出する場合,もう一つはTGが末稍流血中のリポ蛋白リパーゼ(LPL)の働きで,水解される過程が障害される場合である。さらに上記二つの成因が共に起こり相加されて働くことも考えられる。 沃化メチル中毒のtriglyceridemiaの成因としては,むしろ肝におけるTGの過剰生産が主因となると推定されるが,今回は後者,すなわちLPLの阻害について実験した。 CH_3I注射家兎のtriglyceridemicの血漿に比べて,家兎のpost-heparin LPLの活性を20%程度余分に阻害した。したがってtriglyceridemicの血漿にはLPLの阻害因子が含まれているとも考えられる。Holletはこのinhibitorの化学的,物理的性質からしてglycoproteinでないかと推定している。 本実験ではCH_3I注射家兎の血漿の中のglycoprotein量を結合蛋白ヘキソーズとmucoprotein量で測定したところ,両者ともに注射前の値に比べて有意に増加していた。またセルローズアセテート膜によると電気泳動法による血清glycorpteinの分画を求めたところ,注射後の血清は注射前の血清に比べてAlb.とγ-globulin分画の割合の減少と,α_1, α_2, β_1, β_2 globulin分画の割合の増加が見られた。これは同時に泳動した血清蛋白の分画の動きと平行している。CH_3I注射家兎のにごつた血漿が,注射前の血漿に比べてLPLの活性を阻害する力が強いことを,血清のglycoprotein量の増加,分画の変動とあわせ考えるとLPLのinhibitorの一つとしてglycoproteinがあげられよう。