長縄 成実
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.82, no.5, pp.324-331, 2017 (Released:2019-05-15)

Although ultra-deep and ultra-high-temperature drilling projects such as Kola superdeep borehole, German KTB project and Kakkonda WD-1a deep geothermal drilling were implemented in the past, such challenging drilling projects seemed to disappear for the last 10 to 20 years. In this paper, the past ultra-deep and ultra-high-temperature drilling projects and the associated technology developments, and the national project on supercritical geothermal system development just started this year are overviewed.
渡辺 厚
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.50, no.2, pp.114-121, 1985 (Released:2008-06-30)
田中 耕作
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.65, no.4, pp.314-319, 2000 (Released:2008-03-27)
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During the Jomon period asphalt was used as a binder to fix a harpoon or a fishspear in its shaft, to tie a sring with a spoon-shaped lithic knife or a stone weight, and to mendbroken pottery (Figure 1).The use of asphalt began about 3, 300 B. C., saw its climax in the latter part of the Late Jomonand Final Jomon periods (about 1, 500-300 B. C.), and was suddenly abandoned in the Yayoi period.During the Jomon period, asphalt was collected only in the oil-fields along the Japan Sea side areasof the Tohoku district where it came out to the surface. Tukinoki and Komagata in Akitaprefecture and Yunodai in Yamagata prefecture are well-known locations of the surface asphalt. InNiigata prefecture oil-layers lie near the surface and, therefore, crude oil came out to accumulate inponds located on foothills and is found half-soild along the pond shore. During the Jomon period, the asphalt collected in the oil-producing areas was distributed in the whole Tohoku district alongseveral trading routes (Figure 2).Dr. Masa-aki Ogasawara from Hokkaido University started a chemical compositional analysisof asphalt. As the chemical analysis enables to source ancient asphalt, exchange networks of Jomonpeople and relationships between areas will be documented more clearly.
柳 小正
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.76, no.4, pp.320-327, 2011 (Released:2014-01-18)

China, which has abundant coal resources, has a size comparable of coal bed methane (CBM) resources to conventional natural gas resources in the amount of land. The development of China's CBM, which mining methods was not ever practical and economic viability was ever extremely poor, has been activated by technological advancements of countries including USA in recent years.In this paper argues that the development status and trends for CBM in China. First, we reviewed the resources status and resources distribution of CBM. Next, we explained development status and technology status. Finally, after mentioned above preferential policies and development plans by Chinese government, we examined CBM development trends. The development of China's CBM from cooperation with foreign companies, Chinese enterprises developing its own and backup by Chinese government etc. to be brought major changes for China's energy industry is considered.
荒田 直 鋤崎 俊二 傳田 篤 粟島 裕治 岡田 陽
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.74, no.4, pp.350-359, 2009 (Released:2011-02-22)
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Japan relies on imports for the greater part of its energy needs, so that securing reliable future energy resources have become even more significant due to the recent violent fluctuation in the price of oil. In addition, as global environmental problems, such as global warming, become more serious, the need to shift to cleaner energy sources, such as natural gas, becomes more pressing. In this social context, methane hydrate, a new natural gas resource that has been confirmed to exist in the sea surrounding Japan, is expected to become a cleaner source of domestic energy in the future. “Methane Hydrate Exploitation Program in Japan” was published in July 2001 and the Research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources in Japan (official abbreviated title: MH21 Research Consortium) was established to oversee the completion of phase-1 of this plan. In this consortium, Engineering Advancement Association of Japan (official abbreviated title : ENAA), which is the group responsible for conducting Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA, has conducted a number of research and developed activities to establish basic technologies associated with EIA and completed almost all of aims during phase-1. In this paper, we introduce overview of our R&D about EIA which should be necessary to implement on methane hydrate production.
小林 照明 猿橋 具和 澤田 郁郎 横山 貴大
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.82, no.5, pp.355-364, 2017 (Released:2019-05-15)

The D/V Chikyu greeted 11 years operation in 2016. Chikyu expeditions were always targeted to the most challenging and extreme areas which never experienced before. CDEX has overcome technical difficulties caused by the deep water, high current, high temperature and the deep drilling, and achieved world scientific and technical outcomes. This paper look back the establishment of the CDEX operation scheme from the early stage and the technical experiences of the Chikyu's deep sea drilling for 11 years. CDEX would continue to challenge to the new era of the next 10 years.
本田 博巳 吉武 直哉 山本 修治 芦田 貴史 川本 友久 辻 隆司 轟木 俊男
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.78, no.1, pp.61-67, 2013 (Released:2015-04-03)
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The On'nagawa Formation in Akita Sedimentary Basin is composed of siliceous mudstone and volcaniclastics. The volocaniclastic facies have been productive reservoirs of oil and gas fields in the Neogene Akita Basin, North Japan. The mudstone facies have been recognized to be potential source rocks for hydrocarbons pools in the reservoirs. After a long period of oil and gas production in the basin, a potential exploration concept of a new play in the siliceous rocks is required to keep the productivity of the basin.This study reports a basic description of physical properties of the siliceous mudstone facies in order to provide a basis for the idea of shale play in the On'nagawa Formation. Wireline logs (GR, Δt, ρb) are basic data for our description of the physical rock properties as well as descriptions of cutting lithology.
山田 淳也 川崎 緑 大塚 町恵 金田 英伯
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.81, no.5, pp.401-407, 2016 (Released:2018-05-09)

Natural gas and oil produced from in-situ reservoir may contain a small amount of mercury. The origin of mercury in these production fluids is thought to be atmospheric mercury deposition or enhanced mercury concentrations resulting from interaction of hydrocarbon fluids with mercury rich sediment, such as coal and carbonaceous shale. Mercury in natural gas can cause amalgam corrosion of aluminum heat exchangers in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plants, and mercury in condensate and crude oil can cause catalyst poisoning in oil refineries and petrochemical plants. It is important to remove mercury from natural gas and oil in various aspects of stable oil/gas production, environmental issues and occupational health and safety in production facilities. There are several mercury removal technologies for natural gas, oil and produced water. Metal sulfide adsorbents and activated carbons are popular technique to remove mercury from natural gas and oil. However, there are some difficulties in mercury removal from oil. These mercury adsorbents can work for removing only elemental mercury in condensate, while cannot work for the other types of mercury species, such as ionic mercury and organic mercury. In addition, wax interferes mercury removal in condensate and crude oil by covering adsorbed sites of adsorbents. For efficient mercury removal, it is important to know what amount of mercury content and what types of mercury species are in production fluids. To achieve detailed understanding of these key points, an analytical method using Gas Chromatograph-Inductive Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (GC-ICP-MS) is optimized for mercury speciation analysis. The optimization focuses on condensate samples in particular. This analytical technique will contribute efficient mercury removal from production fluids.
平野 弘道 安藤 寿男
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.71, no.3, pp.305-315, 2006-05-01 (Released:2007-11-01)
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Thirty years passed since the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events were proposed by Schlanger and Jenkyns (1976). Three events, OAE1 to 3 were recognized at the beginning of the research. Nowadays, however, OAE1 is subdivided into four subevents, OAE1a, b, c, and d. The OAE1b subevent is further subdivided into three components, Jacob, Paquier, and Leenhardt. The existence of Mid-Cenomanian Event (MCE) between OAE1d and OAE2 is drawing attentions of world scientists. A concise review of the researches on these events and subevents is followed by more detailed descriptions of the synonymy (local names), geographic distribution, age, stable carbon isotope fluctuations, extinction and/or radiation of fossils, major synchronous events, characteristics including the duration and the types of kerogen, and their causal factors. It is recognized that all OAEs do not have the same causal factor. The western part of the Tethys and the narrower early Atlantic were rather closed basins, where anoxic to dysoxic conditions easily occurred through the stratification of water column by run off, like the Sapropel event 1 in the Holocene Mediterranean Sea. The Cretaceous global OAEs may have occurred either by the stagnation of the deep water associated with the global warming or by propagation of marine organisms. Due to a large amount of input of terrestrial siliciclasitics, the regional influence of OAEs in the Japanese Cretaceous strata may differ from that of the Tethyan/Atlantic region, even if the occurrence of OAEs is ocean wide or globally synchronous.
西谷 正
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.75, no.4, pp.277-285, 2010-07-01

The queendom of Queen Himiko of the third century problem that becomes the national topic now. After all the subject is a problem of the location of queendom of Queen Himiko of the third century, and there are Kyushu opinion / Kinki opinion and moving from Kyushu to Kinki. The reason is because decisive evidence can lack in what do not watch an end at which opinion while having the history of the study to pass over those opinions than 280 years either. Yoshinogari site in the Kyushu opinion and Makimuku site in the Kinki opinion have important significance for each argument when I look back on history of slightly detailed study. However, for the candidate place of the grave of Himiko, the existence of Hashihaka tumulus in the Kinki opinion will work more profitably. In addition, it rises in the viewpoint of the northeast Asian history, and it may be said that that I elucidate the local actual situation of Japanese Islands each place is demanded most now.
内田 真之 山口 薫 藤井 康友
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.58, no.1, pp.67-77, 1993

地震探査データにみられる炭化水素の存在と直接に関わっている現象いわゆるDHI (Direct hydrocarbon indicator) による炭化水素検知の手法として, 近年AVO (Amplitude variation with offset) 解析が注目を集めている。同解析は地震波の入射角の変化に伴う反射波の振幅の変化を観測することによって炭化水素貯留層を直接検知しようとするものであり, 重合断面上の特徴的なアノマリーの観測のみによる炭化水素検知法に比べてより精度の高い対比ができるものと期待されている。<br>AVO現象はP波の伝播速度および密度の他にポアソン比 (あるいはS波の伝播速度) というもう1つの岩石物性の変化にも起因するため特にガス貯留砂岩層の検知に有効であることが知られているが, データ処理において重合前の多くのデータを使用するためノイズ除去や振幅保存などに通常処理よりも大きな注意を払う必要がある。本スタディの対象となったエリアは東マレーシアの陸上地域で, 中新世~鮮新世に堆積したデルタ成の砂泥互層の発達が卓越し試掘によりこれらの砂泥互層中に複数の砂岩ガス層が存在することが確認されている。またこの地域では通常処理震探断面上で異常振幅やホライゾンの下方湾曲が観測されており, これらのアノマリーがガス層の存在に起因するものと期待されていたが, ガス層発見井の坑井データによりこれらの異常が必ずしもガス層の存在にのみ起因するものでは無いことがわかった。<br>本スタディではまず坑井データに基づきガス層でのP波伝播速度の減少を推定し, さらに密度の観測データとS波伝播速度の変化の推定からガス層上面での入射角の変化に伴う振幅変化の予測を行った。次にガス層が確認された構造とその背斜トレンドの延長部に存在する未試掘プロスペクトのそれぞれ頂部を通る測線の震探データに前処理を施した後AVO解析を行った。その結果使用したデータが比較的S/N比や重合数が低くAVO解析には必ずしも適していなかったものの, AVOの解析結果にみられる異常はガス層とよい対比を示した。また未試掘構造ではAVO解析の結果顕著な異常は認められなかった。
高橋 正道
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.70, no.1, pp.37-46, 2005 (Released:2007-06-01)
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A new assemblage of Late Cretaceous fossil plants (the Kamikitaba assemblage) was discovered from the Ashizawa Formation of Futaba Group (Early Coniacian; 89Ma). The flora includes well-preserved mesofossils of angiosperm flowers, fruits, seeds, leaf fragments and woods.Some aspects on the origin of angiosperms and the vegetational consequences of Cretaceous and Paleogene flora are reviewed in the paper.
永松 茂樹
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.71, no.2, pp.205-211, 2006-03-01 (Released:2007-09-03)

Utilization of heavy crude including unconventional oil may be indispensable to cope with an increasing demand of crude oil in developing countries, such as China and India. Upgrading technologies and processes are, therefore, important for utilizing such heavy oils. In the present paper, upgrading technologies of carbon rejection and hydrogen addition processes are reviewed. Coking and SDA are focused as carbon rejection process. Hydrogen thermal cracking process based on slurry technology is focused as hydrogen addition process. Characteristics of such processes and possibility for integration of SDA and hydrogen thermal cracking are presented.
本村 眞澄
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.74, no.5, pp.406-413, 2009 (Released:2011-02-22)

Russia, the largest gas producing country in the world, maintains investments not only in new gas field developments in Sakhalin, Yamal Peninsula and the Arctic but also in the gas pipeline network to the new markets in Northern and Southern Europe and the Far East to cope with their increasing demand. However, at the planning stage plans of cross-border gas pipelines are facing various types of competition. Russia confronts competition of gas suppliers, for example Turkmenistan for the market of China, on the other hand Russia made China a gas-market competitor against the traditional European market, which allowed Russia to win a series of long-term sales and purchase agreements from European gas distributors. As the gas demand soars, Russia may notch a stronger position against both East and West due to its magnitude and flexibility of deliveries,which is being accomplished not through geopolitics but rather through competition in the market.
須藤 斎 柳沢 幸夫 高橋 雅紀
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.67, no.5, pp.501-511, 2002 (Released:2008-03-27)
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Diatom biostratigraphy was re-examined for the Miocene marine sequence distributed along the Arakawa River in the northern part of the Hiki Hills area, central Japan. Thirteen out of 24 collected samples yielded age diagnostic diatom fossils, which are restricted between diatom biohorizons D41 (15.7Ma) and D41.5 (15.6Ma) in the lower Denticulopsis lauta Zone (NPD 4A). A thin conglomerate layer, which is previously presumed as an unconformably overlying basal conglomerate, is sandwiched between the last occurrence (LO) biohorizon of D. praelauta (D41:15.7Ma) and first occurrence (FO) of D. ichikawae. As the maximal duration between these two biohorizons is estimated as about 20, 000 yr., it is concluded that there is no unconformity along the studied section. Temporal change in the diatom assemblage suggests a transgression in the examined interval.
岩田 尊夫 平井 明夫 稲場 土誌典 平野 真史
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.67, no.1, pp.62-71, 2002-01
8 22

The Offshore Joban Basin, which constitutes the southern-most part of the forearc basins located along the Pacific coast of the northeast Japan, extends about 170 km in NNE-SSW direction with 50 km width. The Upper Cretaceous and younger sediments distribute widely with maximum thickness of more than 5,000 meters. The Iwaki-oki gas field located in the Offshore Joban Basin, which is the only commercial offshore gas field in the Pacific Ocean off northeast Japan, has been producing gas since 1984. The Paleogene and Maastrichtian coals and coaly mudstones, deposited in a confined basin along continental margin, are the most likely source rocks of the gas. The basin modeling simulation in the basin depo-center west of the gas field estimates present vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values at the source rock horizon to be in the range from 1.0 to 1.3%. The simulation also indicates that maturation of the source rocks were accelerated by rapid subsidence since Miocene, and that peak gas generation and expulsion occurred during middle Pliocene. Therefore, the basin depo-center is considered as the kitchen area. Main reservoirs are the shallow marine sandstones intercalated in the Lower Miocene and the basal part of the Oligocene. The former is the producing reservoir of the Iwaki-oki gas field. Both sandstones are sealed by the extensive and thick mudstones. Primary hydrocarbon traps are NNE-SSW trending anticlines, which were formed before Middle Miocene. These anticlines are cut by NNE-SSW trending faults at their flanks. As the reservoir sandstones are about 2,000 meters vertically apart from the source rocks in the kitchen area, it is considered that expelled hydrocarbon migrated vertically through faults. Although forearc basins are not generally considered to be prospective for hydrocarbon exploration, there could be relatively good hydrocarbon system existing as shown above in the Offshore Joban Basin.
山崎 豊彦 ロセス S.A. 金子 正紀 ケービン N. 内藤 健一
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.59, no.3, pp.216-226, 1994

この研究は水蒸気攻法で, オイルサンドからビチューメンを回収した後, さらにビチューメンを回収する方法として, 水蒸気にヘキサンや石油ベンジンのような軽質炭化水素を利用する方法について研究したものである。ここに報告したのは温度250°Cおよび300°Cの水蒸気に上記の溶剤を加え, その回収実験を行ったもので, 16の実験結果について, 水蒸気のみで10時間回収を行った場合, 始めの5時間は水蒸気で回収を行い, その回収がほぼ完了したと見られる5時間後から, ヘキサン, 石油ベンジンを水蒸気のほぼ2%程度混入した場合の回収率について検討した。この結果, 石油ベンジンを混入した場合はヘキサン混入の場合より大量のビチューメンを生産し, 300°Cの場合, その回収率は最大で56.6%となった。