中島 敬史
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.80, no.4, pp.275-282, 2015 (Released:2017-05-10)

This is a review of recent published papers regarding the theory of abiogenic origin of petroleum such as Kutcherov and Krayushkin (2010) “Deep-seated abiogenic origin of petroleum.” It discusses the overview of the theory and its credibility with various geological evidences, such as the presence of liquid oil and hydrocarbon gas in primary fluid inclusions in mantle derived rocks, existence of 496 basement oil and gas fields in 29 countries, and oil discoveries at ultra-deep hot temperature reservoirs.Experimental abiogenic hydrocarbon generation by CaCO3-FeO-H2O system at upper mantle ultra-high pressure condition has once been proven by several Russian and Ukrainian academic teams, such as Kenny et al. (2002). And its credibility was reconfirmed by several American academic teams such as Scott et al. (2004) during the last decade.The theory has already been applied to actual oil exploration. The Ukrainian Academy of Science achieved an extremely high success ratio of 57% through actual oil exploration with the abiogenic theory by 1990's. The exploration area in Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine, had been disqualified as a prospect for a long time, due to the absence of source rocks. However, over 50 oil and gas fields have been discovered in Precambrian crystalline basement rocks and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the area so far.Practical applications of the abiogenic theory in explorations like the case of the Ukrinian Academy of Science are seldom performed in the world. However, the author sees that the said theory will soon be cognized as a highly effective exploration guide among oil exploration geologists.
大嶋 和雄
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.56, no.4, pp.300-309, 1991 (Released:2008-03-27)

On the geological scale, earth history yields vital information concerning past environments and climates. This highlights the urgency for increased collaborative international response and research into solutions of problems posed by current climatic changes, whether natural or induced by the activities of man. Climatic changes occur on variety of timescales, ranging from catastrophic volcanic eruptions (minutes or days), through gradual changes in Earth's orbital parameters (104-106 years) to tectonically driven changes (106-108 years). It seems likely that the long-term fluctuations of climates (less than the time-scale of planetary evolution), which give rise to glacial epochs, are largely determined by continental plate distributions and movement, whilst the shorter-term fluctuations which produce glacial and inter-glacial periods in glacial epochs reflect variations in coming solar radiation.Attention is focussed on the possible existence of an anoxygenic, primeval atmosphere and on the history of atmospheric CO2. Five great biologic revolutions have occurred through earth history that have fundamentally shaped the modern geochemical picture. It is significant that organisms have controlled their own environment. Organic CO2 and calcium budget have played critical roles.
西谷 正
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.75, no.4, pp.277-285, 2010 (Released:2012-03-01)

The queendom of Queen Himiko of the third century problem that becomes the national topic now. After all the subject is a problem of the location of queendom of Queen Himiko of the third century, and there are Kyushu opinion / Kinki opinion and moving from Kyushu to Kinki. The reason is because decisive evidence can lack in what do not watch an end at which opinion while having the history of the study to pass over those opinions than 280 years either. Yoshinogari site in the Kyushu opinion and Makimuku site in the Kinki opinion have important significance for each argument when I look back on history of slightly detailed study. However, for the candidate place of the grave of Himiko, the existence of Hashihaka tumulus in the Kinki opinion will work more profitably. In addition, it rises in the viewpoint of the northeast Asian history, and it may be said that that I elucidate the local actual situation of Japanese Islands each place is demanded most now.
小松 直幹
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.70, no.3, pp.250-258, 2005 (Released:2007-06-01)

Japan hunted oil in Manchuria before World War II. In 1927 Japanese geologist found scattered asphalt in vugs of basalt and quaternary gravel deposits on the north western shore of Hulun Nur (lake), NW Manchuria. Geological Survey of China made a check survey of the area, and found the same asphalt in 1931.After establishment of Manchukuo, geological survey, tortion balance and refraction seismograph survey, and drilling were conducted during 1932-1941. One deep well (1,114 m TD) and 21 core holes were drilled on the northern shore of the lake, but no potential oil were found.That the core hole drilled in Fuxin coal mine hit oil shows in 1938, led to extensive oil exploration program. Geological field party mapped a broad anticline located on east of Fuxin, and the core hole drilled on the anticline recovered some 30 m thick sandstones (100-200 m in depth) impregnating with oil. To explore this oil called on massive drilling campaign, and 47 or more wells were drilled on this anticline, but the reservoir quality was not good enough to establish commercial production. It is noteworthy to point out that the geologists engaged in Fuxin oil exploration thought that the oil came from Jurassic shales deposited in fresh water lake.In 1940 oil shows were found in the water wells near Chengde, and a one-month field check survey was conducted, and mapped a small anticline in Jurassic shales, but no further exploration was conducted.
鈴木 德行 前本 健太 星野 太一
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.78, no.1, pp.16-27, 2013 (Released:2015-04-03)
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Change of residual hydrocarbon gases in mudstones and pelitic metamorphic rocks was investigated to evaluate the retention of methane in shale rocks during diagenesis and metamorphism. The samples were collected from borehole MITI-Mishima and outcrops in Shimanto belt, Chichibu belt, and Sanbagawa metamorphic belt exposed in Shikoku region. Concentration of residual methane normalized to total organic carbon content begins to increase when mudstone porosity reaches about 5%. The increased methane concentration at mudstone porosity less than 5% suggests a significant retention of methane in mudstone matrix. The high concentration zone of residual methane corresponds to maturity levels of vitrinite reflectance (Ro) =2 to 3%. Residual methane concentration significantly decreases in the higher maturity levels (Ro>4%), suggesting the graphitization of methane. The maturity levels of Ro=2 to 3% with the highest residual methane concentration is expected to be the favorable stage for shale gas formation, although host rock lithology such as the storage capacity and fissile nature are also related to enhanced shale gas recovery. Many parts of accretionary prism in Shimanto belt are at these maturity levels of Ro=2 to 3% favorable for shale gas formation. Accretionary prism formed under the compressional stress suggests development of gas seal structures and closed fracture systems convenient for shale gas retention, although shale rocks in Shimanto accretionary prism are comparatively poor in organic matter. Several thermogenic gas seepages in Shimanto belt would be another indication of shale gas formation in accretionary prism distributed in wide area along Pacific side of southwest Japan.
島田 忠夫 矢崎 清貫 狛 武
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.20, no.5, pp.164-171, 1955-09-30 (Released:2008-03-27)

Oshamambe natural gas field had been surveyed geochemically and geologically by the Geological Survey of Japan in 1953 and 1954.The writers performed the core analysis and lift test of natural gas well, Oshamambe R-1, which was drilled under planning of Oshamambe town-office, having 600m of depth and being located about 200m north from Oshamambe station.As a casing pipe, gas-pipes 4 inches in diameter are used about 500m of length. The gas-pipe was perforated between 350-390m, 410-550m in depth, and non-casing bore hole in adepth of 551-613m.The production data obtained under natural flowing are as follows: gas volume water volume water temperature 350-400m3/d 710m3/d 49.0°CAnd the data obtained by the lift test are as follows gas volume water volume water temperature 850-900m3/d 1, 150-1, 200m3/d 50.0°CThe geothermal gradient of this place is almost twice in ordinary region.As a conclusion, the writers suppose that the promising gas-reservoir beds in the Kuromatsunai formation of Pliocence age exist probably in the deeper part than 600m in depth.
大賀 光太郎 本位田 篤生
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.73, no.6, pp.487-495, 2008 (Released:2011-02-22)

JCOP (Japan CO2 Sequestration in Coal Seams Project) has been commenced since JFY2002 with full subsidy from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Yuubari area of Ishikari coal field in Hokkaido was selected as the most suitable pilot test field, because the coal seams of this area are gassy and permeable.The preliminary field experiment was designed to investigate technical and economical feasibility of storing CO2 in coal seam until end of JFY2007.Injection well (IW-1) was drilled in the end of 2003, production well (PW-1) was drilled in the summer of 2004. The distance in the coal seam between the vertical injection well (IW-1) and the deviated production well (PW-1) was about 65m.CO2 injection and CH4 production tests were carried out from the end of this August to the end of October, 2007. From the measurement results, gas and water production rates were observed lower than estimated rates. The gas production rate increased gradually after carbon dioxide injection and then it reached the peak. After stopping injection, gas production rate decreased gradually to the initial gas production level. It is seems that this increase was due to the carbon dioxide injection.CO2 injection rate were also observed lower than estimated rate. History matching was carried out using the measured water production rate in 2005. From the results of history matching, these measured gas production rates were in agreement with calculation results. At that calculation, bottom of pressure of production well was 9MPa and permeability around the injection well was 0.13md. The high bottom hole pressure of production well shows that production damage is occurred. It is considered that perforation holes or cleat of coal plugged with fine coal particles might have caused this production damage. Two reasons for the decrease of permeability around injection well can be considered. One is that the gap of the coal cleats was reduced by the swelling of coal matrix due to CO2 adsorption. The other is that coal cleat was plugged by fine coal particles. From the measurement of gas content of coal in this test, it is conformed that gas content of coal seams in Ishikari coal field are in highest level. If the above mentioned problems on production damage is solved, CO2 injection into the coal seam and development of CBM will be commercialized soon.
大賀 光太郎 板倉 賢一 出口 剛太
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.77, no.6, pp.435-437, 2012 (Released:2014-03-29)

In our laboratory, fundamental tests on underground coal gasification (UCG) by using coal blocks were conducted for several years. Last year, a small scale field test on UCG was carried out at a part of developing area of Mikasa surface mine in Hokkaido.At the field, two bore holes were drilled, one is incline bore hole and the other is vertical bore hole. The lengths of incline bore hole and vertical bore hole were about 5m and 1.4m, respectively. The vertical bore hole was used for an oxygen injection hole and ignition hole. The incline bore hole was used for a gas production hole. Some temperature sensors were installed around the incline bore hole to measure the temperature of around the production bore hole. AE sensors were also installed around the incline bore hole to estimate the gasification zone in the coal seam. Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) demands precise evaluation of the combustion area in the coal seam. Especially, the monitoring of fracture activity in the coal seam and around rock is important not only for efficient gas production but also for estimation of subsidence and gas leakage to the surface. The test was carried out for forty hours and production gases were analyzed at every thirty minutes.Experimental results obtained showed that the combustion propagated along the linking hole inside coal seam. The temperature gradients inside the coal and the composition of production gas were changed under constant oxygen flow rate. But Average thermal value of generated gases by field test was about as much as generated gases by laboratory test.
林 雅雄 稲盛 隆穂 佐伯 龍男 野口 聡
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.75, no.1, pp.42-53, 2010 (Released:2012-03-01)
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The Japanese Government has acquired regional reconnaissance seismic data in territorial waters since 1969 to evaluate the country's hydrocarbon potential. Total length of seismic lines is about 100,000 km and many surveys cover relatively deep water areas where gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) is expected to exist. BSRs related to methane hydrates in the offshore areas surrounding Japan were studied jointly by the group comprised of JNOC (at present, JOGMEC) and 10 private sectors based on these archived seismic data, and the areal extent of BSRs was reported to be 44,000 km2 in 2000.The country's research into methane hydrates has been accelerated since 2001 by establishment of the research consortium (MH21) under administrative guidance of METI. To investigate into methane hydrate, extensive 3D seismic surveys were conducted in the eastern Nankai Trough and many LWD wells were drilled there. Through the exploration campaign, certain new knowledge on seismic attributes related to the concentration of methane hydrates was obtained. In the light of this advanced knowledge about the appearance of BSRs, MH21 has decided that the archived seismic data should be investigated for the comprehensive understanding of methane hydrates as the potential future energy resources. Old seismic data processed suitably for loading in a “work station” was interpreted in the sophisticated system, though the volume of them was very limited.A method of high density velocity analysis was applied to the seismic data which recorded clear BSR appearing at abnormally shallow depth as 200msec below the sea floor in the Sea of Japan and in the Sea of Okhotsk, comparing to 500 to 700 msec in the Pacific side. This may represent that the geotectonic setting of the Japanese Islands controls GHSZ and this understanding seems to be important for the future exploration of MH.Present study has revealed that the areal extent of BSRs in offshore Japan is 122,000 km2.
前田 治男 五十嵐 雅之 宮川 喜洋 小林 肇 佐藤 光三 眞弓 大介 坂田 将
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.76, no.6, pp.530-537, 2011 (Released:2014-01-18)
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INPEX Corporation, Tokyo University and Natural Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) have been working since 2008 to study methane-producing technology using microbes inhabiting depleted oil and gas fifields. The concept and mechanism of microbial methane conversion are depicted as follows. First, inhabiting bacteria prompt to produce acetic acid or hydrogen from residual petroleum components in the underground reservoir. Next, methane-producing microbes (methanogens) are concerned in generating methane from the produced acetic acid, hydrogen and carbon dioxide injected for geological sequestration as CCS operation.A wide variety of hydrogen- and methane-producing microbes have been discovered in (depleted) oil fields. We found that microbes indigenous to the reservoir brine could produce methane probably by using crude oil as a carbon source in the presence of CO2 (10 mol%).Kinetics of gas (methane, carbon dioxide) production and consumption of acetic acid indicated that there are two reaction pathways from oil to methane; the acetoclastic methane producing pathway and the hydrogentrophic methane producing pathway.Furthermore, from the result of methane producing experiments and Carbon isotope tracer test, the existence of syntrophic cooperation between hydrogen producing bacteria and methane producing archaea is also identified.We are currently evaluating the way to enhance the capability of methane-producing microbes and developing an effective and efficient process for methane production in the actual reservoir condition.Our results will lead to establish a new MEOR system that converts residual oil in depleted oil fields into environmentally friendly methane efficiently.
加藤 碵一
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.71, no.5, pp.417-424, 2006-09-01 (Released:2008-08-26)

Kenji Miyazawa is one of the most popular literary men in Japan. He was well grounded in geology because he was highly educated for geology. Therefore geological issues underwent a good infl uence on his literary productions. For example, he used colors of minerals to represent atmospheric phenomena such as colors of sky, cloud, mist, sunshine etc. However, the past annotations for technical terms of geology in Kenji's literary works are much doubtful from the viewpoint of geologists. I, a geologist, would like to introduce some examples of the investigation about his intended discrepancy between strict description of geological terms and literary expressions. 1. Kenji ventured to adopt technical terms which were not always ordinary in even his days. For example, he used the term“ gastaldite” , blue-colored minerals to express blue ship beacons. But in general“ glaucophane” is used. Kenji used the former in order to make rhythm“ da-da-da” in his poem. 2. Kenji also adopted wrong technical terms purposely. For example, he used“ dihexagonal pyramid” as a crystal form of quartz. He said it is originated from high quartz in rhyolite or dacite, therefore they must be“ hexagonal bipyramid”. Of course he understood the difference between them, however he adopted the former wrong terms purposely because the former term is more beautiful in Japanese linguistic sense. 3. Special pronunciations of technical terms peculiar to Kenji were used. For example, he read Lepidodendron, a plant fossil as“ Rinboku” in Japanese. Today“ Rinboku” is common pronunciation, however it was named“ Urokogi” originally as Japanese name, therefore the latter was also common in Kenji's days.
阿部 正憲 斎藤 滋 棚瀬 大爾
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.76, no.6, pp.538-543, 2011 (Released:2014-01-18)

Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) is a key technology to reduce carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere and needed to be widely deployed in the world as early as possible. Mainly many developed countries are advancing research, development and demonstration of CCS. The Japanese Government is also conducting an investigation for CCS demonstration project in Japan. Since 2009, field surveys have been conducted at three candidate sites. An offshore pipeline route survey was carried out at the Nakoso-Iwakioki candidate site in 2009, a preliminary survey well was drilled at the Kitakyushu candidate site in 2010, and two 3D seismic surveys were carried out and two survey wells were drilled at the Tomakomai candidate site through 2009 to 2011. A final geological evaluation is being conducted for the Tomakomai candidate site and a demonstration plan will be presented to the Government as soon as the geological evaluation has been completed.
前田 啓彰
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.87, no.5, pp.350-358, 2022 (Released:2023-10-19)

Offshore drilling, which began some 130 years ago with a pier on the coast in only a few meters of water, has faced many difficulties and challenges, struggled in the harsh site, and repeatedly challenged itself to develop various elemental technologies. As a result, the frontier of greater water depths of more than 3000 meters, and even greater depths that were unimaginable in the beginning, has been opened up.In line with the development of technology, there have been significant changes in operations. Lessons learned from various accidents have reaffirmed the importance of safety management systems in the industry, and HSE-MS has been implemented and operated. In addition, the development of satellite communications has made it possible to build high- capacity networks on rigs, which has greatly contributed to the efficiency of operations and the safety of crew members by allowing more information to be shared with land bases.
金子 信行 猪狩 俊一郎
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.70, no.3, pp.241-249, 2005 (Released:2007-06-01)

The 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake induced natural gas to gush out at several points in the Izumisato area of Chitose city, central Hokkaido, on September 26th. Four gas samples were taken on October 2nd and conspicuous gas seeping continued for a maximum of a month. Chemical and isotopic compositions of the gas revealed that methane was produced by CO2-reductive/hydrogenophiric methanogen and there were two different origins.Three samples had a N2-rich, CO2-depleted composition, and its methane was relatively depleted in 13C. Enrichment in N2 implies a non-marine source, but the thickness of the late Pleistocene Higashichitose formation around Izumisato is only about 20m, which is inadequate for explaining the discharged gas volume. Therefore the gas might be generated in the Higashichitose formation beneath the Ishikari lowland, and migrated upward through the strata and along the underlying uncorformity. Some gas was emitted through Izumisato fault, but the rest of the gas accumulated at a shallow depth in the eastern area from the fault, and was quickly discharged by the earthquake. Dissolution of CO2 in the formation water through these processes resulted in a low CO2 content in the gas.The other sample had a completely different compositions than the three samples. The gas was supposed to be generated in the marine Neogene Oiwake formation and migrated through or near the fault. This seepage seemed to be continuous and not related with the earthquake.
島田 昱郎 村中 英寿
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.53, no.6, pp.463-474, 1988 (Released:2008-03-27)

The Neogene formations in the Noto Peninsula are widely distributed as an extention of the “Green tuff” basin formed in the inner zone of Northeast Japan. The Suzu and the Himi-Nadaura areas, among them, are well known as the standard Neogene sequences of the Noto-Hokuriku district, Central Japan.In order to obtain some information on geochemical evaluation for petroleum source rock, 119 argillaceous rock samples collected from each Formations of both areas mentioned above were examined through the stratigraphic variation of organic constituents and maturation obtained by extractable organic matter, visual kerogen and Rock-Eval analysis.The average values of organic carbon contents of the Nazimi and the Iizuka Formations (Middle Miocene) in the Suzu area, and the Sugata Formation (Middle Miocene) in the Himi-Nadaura area are high more than 2.0 per cent. They are higher than ones of the other Neogene oil field areas along the Japan Sea side. The results of Rock-Eval analysis, however, show that argillaceous source rocks from these Formations are immature in terms of organic maturation. Althogh the source rocks are immature, on the basis of those results and other geochemical and geological information, some considerations on the expectancy for the occurrence of immature hydrocarbon deposits in this distrct have been also presented.

3 0 0 0 OA 新潟と石油

横木 剛
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.79, no.4, pp.219-223, 2014 (Released:2016-07-15)
国末 彰司 三田 勲 和気 史典
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.67, no.1, pp.83-96, 2002 (Released:2015-06-05)
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Several natural gas and iodine companies have developed the Mobara gas field for 70 years. In this field, the natural gas dissolved and the iodine are contained in the formation brine. More than 1000 wells were recorded by electrical logging that consists of sponteneous potential and resistivity data when they were drilled. In this study, subsurface geology of the Mobara gas field is integrated with stratigraphy of the Kazusa Group by correlating well logs. Productivity of natural gas and iodine is indicated on a contour map, then the relationship between geology and productivity is evaluated. Main conclusions are as follows: (1) Distribution of turbidite sandstones indicates that the area is covered with the spread of a submarine fan. In the Umegase and the Otadai Formations, many turbidite successions are deposited in the submarine fans. The central parts of the submarine fans are located at the southwestern part of the Mobara area. (2) In the central parts of the submarine fans of the Umegase and the Otadai Formations, both the gas water ratio and the iodine chlorine concentration ratio are relatively high. It means that productivity of natural gas and iodine corresponds with the area with the thickest part of the turbidite sandstones. Consequently, the central parts of the submarine fans are highly productive. (3) The Shibahara area, which is the most productive area for natural gas, is located on the west side of the normal faults. The depths of the production zone are relatively shallow (between 200m and 600m below sea level). It may serve as evidence that the faults and the depths of the gas reservoirs influence natural gas productivity.