苦瀬 博仁 内田 大輔 長谷川 翔生
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.44, no.4, pp.13-18, 2021-11-15 (Released:2022-06-03)

Until now, urban disaster prevention plans have mainly focused on strengthening the structure of buildings and evacuation plans. However, securing daily supplies after evacuation will be an issue in the future.In this paper, we look back on the issues occurring, and countermeasures taken, in past earthquake disasters, organize a logistics concept for providing emergency relief supplies, and show three related countermeasures. Finally, we clarify a plan to strengthen roads and urban facilities assuming the need for emergency relief supplies.
小倉 英郎
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.46, no.2, pp.3-8, 2023-05-15 (Released:2023-06-08)

From October 2000 to March 2021, we examined the clinical features of 349 outpatients with SHS, MCS and EHS (16 years and older) who initially visited our hospital with symptoms. A diagnosis of MCS was made based on the “1999 Consensus”. The average age of the subjects was 47.6 +/-13.3 years, with a male to female ratio of 1:4.82. However, the male-to-female ratio of 34 children aged 15 years or younger was 1:1.15 (p<0.001). A review by disease type indicates that SHS accounted for 22.3% of the cases, decreasing after 2007, with 69.2% thereof progressing to MCS or MCS+EHS. The trend shows that EHS associated with MCS has been on the rise since 2011. There was a significant difference in the male-female ratio between adults and children. The results also suggest that there more females than men develop the disease at an older age. There is a concern that MCS and EHS will increase going forward, so some form of countermeasure is desired.
三上 直之
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.42, no.4, pp.21-26, 2019-12-15 (Released:2022-06-03)

A remarkable trend in the current promotion of public discussion on climate change issues is the introduction of randomly selected citizens' assemblies. In 2019, France and the UK officially announced the launch of citizens' assemblies to discuss the transition to a carbon neutral society, while the Irish government consulted its multipurpose citizens' assembly in 2017 for recommendations on climate policy. This should be regarded as a global trend, rather than merely a local phenomenon, in that it has roots in the development and application of mini-publics techniques over the last few decades around the world, including the World Wide Views project, which has aimed at realizing participatory environmental governance on a global scale. The author's recent trial of a two-day citizen panel on “Decarbonization Transition and the Quality of Life” held in Japan demonstrates that a randomly selected citizens' panel can effectively provide the members of the public with an opportunity to become informed, deliberate on climate change issues, and collectively envision carbon neutral transitions. However, conclusions from a particular citizens' panel may largely depend on its conditions. To take full advantage of this method, it is important to iterate such meetings in different settings and share their results for wider public debates.

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清水 千弘
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.45, no.3, pp.21-26, 2022-08-15 (Released:2022-11-28)

What kind of economic impact do international mega-events such as the Olympic Games have on the host city? When the decision was made to host the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, an increase in the number of foreigners visiting Japan was expected to boost consumption. Since this consumption included accommodation in hotels and other facilities, there was a rush to build hotels. Furthermore, investment in infrastructure, such as the development of transport networks, accelerated. Such events can often be measured through changes in the property market. What did this mega-event leave behind in the host city when observed in a comparison of pre- and post-event periods? This paper focuses on international capital flow in the property market and examines the expected effects.
宮崎 毅
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.41, no.2, pp.22-26, 2018-05-15 (Released:2022-06-03)

This paper investigates the relationship between municipal mergers and cost reduction over municipalities given the elapse of 10 years after the “Great Heisei Mergers” in Japan. First, this paper surveys research on local government mergers in Japan and other countries. Second, it explores the effects of municipal mergers on total expenditure, payroll costs, and spending on legislature per capita, with the focus on elapsed years after the merger and comparison with non-merged municipalities. It is found that previous studies have not obtained consistent results on the effects of mergers on costs, either in Japan or other countries. Examination of the effects of mergers on specific fiscal items demonstrates that spending on legislature declined dramatically in the few years before and after a merger, whereas total expenditures and payroll costs hiked in the year of a merger and dropped one year after, but increased since then onward.
前川 陽平 錦澤 滋雄 長岡 篤 村山 武彦 竹島 喜芳 安本 晋也
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.46, no.1, pp.29-36, 2023-02-15 (Released:2023-03-10)

In recent years, there have been conflicts with local residents in Japan over issues such as landscape and disaster risk caused by the construction of solar-PV facilities. In order to promote the suitable installation of solar-PV facilities in the future, it is necessary to clarify resident attitudes toward such facilities, not only in the planning stage but also in operation. In this research, a questionnaire survey was conducted among local residents living near a solar-PV facility in operation (that had had conflicts in the planning stage) at Mt. Tsukuba, in Tsukuba city. In addition, a model of resident attitude formation toward the facility was constructed and its determinants were clarified. As a result, it was found that the felt annoyance due to landscape change had a statistically significant relationship with the negative attitude to the project. Moreover, it was also demonstrated that the installation in Mt. Tsukuba was a significant correlated factor with the felt annoyance due to landscape change. The analysis confirms that it is important to avoid installation in mountainous forests of special value to residents, such as Mt. Tsukuba, in order to improve the acceptance from local communities toward solar-PV projects.
伊藤 雅春
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.45, no.4, pp.15-20, 2022-11-15 (Released:2022-12-19)

Mini-publics are often criticized for causing democracy with shortcuts. In response to this criticism, we have turned to community spheres in order to broaden trust in the forum of deliberation. We thought that by repeatedly holding mini-publics in a community area, a “deliberative community” would be born. A “deliberative community” should be the foundation for achieving deliberative democracy. Next, we sorted out the types of community deliberations. There are two types of deliberations in the community sphere: “deliberation over the community sphere” and “deliberation by the community sphere.” Mini-publics held in the community area provide legitimacy to the deliberations of the community sphere. Mini-publics in the community sphere have the role of connecting the community sphere to the public sphere. In addition, mini-publics can connect multiple community spheres to create a larger “we.”
坂野 達郎
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.45, no.4, pp.3-8, 2022-11-15 (Released:2022-12-19)

Almost 50 years have passed since the inception of mini-publics by two prominent inventors, Ned Crosby and Peter Dienel, in parallel. With the development of the theory of deliberative democracy in 1990s, mini-publics gained wider attention as the promising method to realize deliberative democracy. Since then, the number of mini-public projects has been increasing worldwide, spreading even in authoritarian regimes like China. Originally the pioneers of mini-publics promoted this method on the assumption that the communicative setting of mini-publics guarantees the quality of deliberation and that the opinions made by mini-publics will be influential on policy making. There is supporting empirical evidence for the first assumption. However, the second assumption is not necessarily true. Based on the experiences of various countries, ways to institutionalize mini-publics are now being explored. In this article, I categorize three stylized approaches of mini-public institutionalization: permanent citizens’ assembly, citizens’ initiative review, and installation of a mini-public into the administrative process. I discuss how these variations correspond to three different political regimes.
原田 博夫
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.37, no.2, pp.23-28, 2014-05-15 (Released:2022-04-18)

The Easterlin Paradox, describing the contrast between the happy poor and the unhappy wealthier citizens, was first presented in 1974, and has been mentioned by many scholars on various occasions. We developed a questionnaire to gauge general trust and life-satisfaction in East Asia's eight countries/areas, to be used for Senshu University's research project “Exploring Social Capital towards Sustainable Development in East Asia,” funded by the MEXT-supported Program for the Strategic Research Foundation at Provate Universities, 2009–2013. Fig. 2 shows the relationship between general trust and average/median household income. Fig. 3 shows the relationship between general trust and average GRP. Although neither conveys the causal relationship between general trust and economic factors, Fig. 4 does express a relationship between general trust and life-satisfaction. This indicates that life-satisfaction, or happiness, is increased by social capital in each area.
垣内 恵美子
一般社団法人 日本計画行政学会
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.35, no.2, pp.60-68, 2012-05-15 (Released:2022-04-18)

We conducted an audience survey, profiling attendees to identify factors which encourage and discourage theater attendance, based on the case of the Hyogo Cultural Center, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The survey shows that many attendees are heavy repeaters, tending to be of senior age, well educated, and in the high income demographic. The Center has succeeded in establishing a good relationship with such attendees. However, income and education are not correlated to whether attendees become heavy repeaters, which suggests that some people who have not attended performances might become potential frequent attendees if exposure to an initial theatrical experience was properly provided. Also, the younger generation has difficulty in finding time to visit theaters, and this is a serious obstacle in developing potential attendees from this group.
三上 直之
計画行政 (ISSN:03872513)
vol.33, no.3, pp.15-20, 2010-08

The consensus conference was first developed by the Danish Board of Technology (DBT) in the 1980s as a tool for participatory technology assessment. In the 1990s, Japanese researchers in science and technology studies introduced the method and implemented it on a trial basis. Since then, about ten consensus conferences have been held in Japan under various themes such as gene therapy, the Internet, genetically modified crops, brain death and organ transplants, and nanotechnologies. Through the decade of its introduction and trials in Japan, it became obvious that the consensus conference functions effectively in Japanese society as a means for public engagement in science and technology. The method proved flexible to a variety of topics, resources and time constraints. The next agenda is to magnify the method's prevalence in society and increase its influence on the policymaking processes. In order to achieve this, there are several actions. One option is incorporating the consensus conference into administrative agencies; while another is building an independent agency or nongovernmental networks to organize public deliberation.