嘉手苅 徹 豊嶋 建広 井下 佳織 Toru Kadekaru Tatehiro Toyoshima Kaori Inoshita
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.25, pp.69-80, 2017-03-10

The aim of this paper is to investigate how唐手(Toudi) was evaluated in society between 1879, when Okinawa Prefecture was established, and 1905 when Toudi was initially adopted as part of the gymnastics program at junior high schools in Okinawa. This attempt to clarify some aspects of Toudi after the Ryukyu Annexation is based on research using materials such as articles in Ryukyu Shinpo, the local newspaper, and educational magazines of that time. An examination of such documents reveals that the era was an important turning point for “Toudi” on its journey to becoming “Karate,” which is still written using the same characters, 唐手. Karate was, on one hand, condemned as “ one of the customsthat should be refined” under the assimilation educational policy of the Meiji Government. On the other hand, it was widely practised at local annual events and welcome parties for military personnel. Karate also found a place in school activities like farewell parties or sports meets of the Okinawa Prefecture Normal School.
土井 正 Tadashi Doi
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:09196714)
vol.17, no.1, pp.27-40, 2009-03-10

In recent years, the rapid development and penetration of the Internet have brought about convenience to users on one hand, while on the other hand, so-called "black websites" are becoming a social issue. Consequently, there is an increasing numer of incidences where minors can get access to harmful material and consequently become involved in crime. To tackle such illegal and harmful information, the police have set up cyber patrols and are cracking down on those who post illegal information. Also, measures are being carried out by providers and ebulletin board administrators to prevent the sending of illegal or harmful information, and the filtering of information is performed by the receivers of information. But an enormous amount of new information is circulated daily on the Internet, and in addition, there is also data that is stored on servers installed abroad. It is very difficult to shield children from harmful web sites. The Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association, which is the representative of the mass media, opposes any move that would appear to foster government intervention, because it must refrain from making any moves that would restrict the constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of expression. However,they find it unacceptable to help with the circulation of such harmful information. The mass media enterprises in the Internet age should change their business structures and strategies. The study described in this paper examines the influences of the mass media and harmful information on the Internet.
Yusoff Irma Yazreen Md. Lau Sim Yee Irma Yazreen Md. Yusoff Sim Yee Lau
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.24, pp.107-126, 2016-03-10

This study formulates a CSR index―which is a multi-dimensional metric―for assessing the performance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the Top100 PLCs in market capitalization in the Bursa Malaysia. Data on financial performances of these companies in 2012 were sourced from Thompson DataStream whilst other CSR related components were taken from each company's annual report and sustainability report that are available in public domain. CSR index of each Top 100 PLCs was computed by unweighted and weighted methods. This result shows that Public Bank is strongly balanced in profit generation and CSR contribution. The findings also show the rankings of some PLCs have improved when CSR activities with the assigned weightage are incorporated as moderators for evaluating CSR performances. The opposite results were also evident from the analysis. More importantly, the results suggest that with an appropriate system of metrics in quantifying CSR performances, a corporation could certainly achieve a better standing in the society not merely due to a better financial performance but because of its strive to becoming a more responsible corporate citizen in enhancing social wellbeing beyond the acts of paying taxes, employment generation and maximization of shareholders wealth. Hence CSR activities should not be viewed as a means for improving public and investment relations but they ought to be included as an integral part of the corporate's role in the society.
嘉手苅 徹 豊嶋 建広 井下 佳織 Toru Kadekaru Tatehiro Toyoshima Kaori Inoshita
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.25, pp.69-80, 2017-03-10

The aim of this paper is to investigate how唐手(Toudi) was evaluated in society between 1879, when Okinawa Prefecture was established, and 1905 when Toudi was initially adopted as part of the gymnastics program at junior high schools in Okinawa. This attempt to clarify some aspects of Toudi after the Ryukyu Annexation is based on research using materials such as articles in Ryukyu Shinpo, the local newspaper, and educational magazines of that time. An examination of such documents reveals that the era was an important turning point for "Toudi" on its journey to becoming "Karate," which is still written using the same characters, 唐手. Karate was, on one hand, condemned as " one of the customsthat should be refined" under the assimilation educational policy of the Meiji Government. On the other hand, it was widely practised at local annual events and welcome parties for military personnel. Karate also found a place in school activities like farewell parties or sports meets of the Okinawa Prefecture Normal School.
伊藤 哲 Satoshi Ito
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.23, pp.165-175, 2015-03-20

I intend to insist that both Keynes and Smith considered the common respect of Economics as one of Social Science. Keynes stated that Economics was one of Moral Science, as Smith pointed out the difference between Moral philosophy and Natural philosophy. However, Hume emphasized Moral philosophy should adopted Newton's experimental method in the analysis of human nature. Keynes doubted whether human acts were based on Mathematical expectation, and indicated the instability due to the characteristic of human nature. Equally Smith submitted that the casuists made mistakes their end for the rules of justice. Criticizing Casuistry, Keynes and Smith recognized that Economics connoted the insecurity of human nature which created social dynamics.
大塚 祐一 Yuichi Otsuka
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.25, pp.81-93, 2017-03-10

In previous times, Japanese companies were regarded as a kind of community (Gemeinschaft). The Japanese management style which respects harmony and cooperation supported the growth of companies from the period of high economic growth to the 1980s. Generally, in Japanese management theory, the value of collectivism as an ideology is emphasized. Apart from this, a new view of corporate-community based on Aristotle philosophy (virtue ethics) or communitarian-thinking appeared after the 1990s. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of each concept of corporate-community and to examine the differences between them.
中畑 邦夫 Kunio Nakahata
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:09196714)
vol.21, no.1, pp.55-68, 2013-03-10

The purpose of this article is to outline the main studies on conversion, which plays an extremely essential role in Christianity. Here, I outline two theories about conversion. One is the study of the psychology of religion by William James, and the other is found in the Catholic theology of Bernard Lonergan. By outlining these two studies, we can find the distinctive characteristics of each theory, which are clearly opposed to each other.That is, James’ theory values personal factors in conversion, while Lonergan’s theory values institutional or communal factors in terms of political theory. So, these two theories diverge as liberalist and communitarian in terms of political theory. I support neither of these two theories. Instead, I suggest a third way which goes beyond then. It is an attempt to construe the process of conversion as one of tragedy in the sense of the thought of Nietzsche. At the end of this article, I give some brief comments on the thought of Simone Weil, who I think expressed her theory of conversion and her own experience of conversion itself as tragedy.
堀内 一史 Kazunobu Horiuchi
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:09196714)
vol.21, no.1, pp.1-17, 2013-03-10

President Barak Obama was reelected in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election to serve a second four-year term. The major elements that allowed the incumbent to win reelection include the support he received from members of minority groups such as Hispanics and the so-called Millennial generation ─ young adults aged between 18 and 29 ─ that was especially important in such swing States as Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Having provided a systematic analysis of the voting behavior of religious and ethnic groups, age cohorts, and supporters of political parties, this paper will focus on the newly apparent trends revealed by the data examined, such as the decline in numbers of the majority group: the increasing size of ethnic minority groups including African Americans, HispanicAmericans, and Asian Americans; the succession of the generations; and theincreasing number of the so-called unchurched Americans.
近江 啓太 Keita Omi
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.25, pp.95-99, 2017-03-10

This article reviews, “ Politics and Strategy: Partisan Ambition and American Statecraft” by Peter Trubowitz, published in 2011 from Princeton University Press, introducing to potential readers some theoretical and methodological strengths and weaknesses of the book. For scholars and experts, especially on U. S. foreign policy issues, the book pushes the boundaries of traditional understanding of country’s grand strategy typology and it rekindles structural incentives arguments of both domestic and international politics by reconstructing the conventional knowledge of international relations. For the general public, the book takes readers on a brief excursion into what scientific research is and how social science research is being conducted in exploring politics.
川久保 剛 Tsuyoshi Kawakubo
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:09196714)
vol.16, no.2, pp.1-36, 2008-09-30

This article examines the thought of Tsuneari Fukuda both before and during World War II. It focuses on his ideas regarding ethics of the common man, and it is an attempt to clarify the place and meaning of Fukuda's thought within the history of ideas.
川久保 剛 Tsuyoshi Kawakubo
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:09196714)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-14, 2011-03-10

This article examines what Tsuneari Fukuda was interested in in his youth,especially in his primary, lower secondary and high school time according to his new materials.Fukuda got a liberal education - what is called a Taishou liberal education- during his primary and lower secondary schools. In his high-school time, student movements were prevalent among his generation. However, Fukuda was not involved in those movements because his primary concern was drama. At that time, although leftist dramas were very popular, he was not interested in them. Rather, he was interested in dramas of art for arts sake. From this perspective,he sympathized with the theatrical company, Tsukijiza.Mr. Fukuda was also interested in literary criticism at that time. The prominent critic, Hideo Kobayashi's anthology of literary criticism brought Fukuda into this arena.
上元 亘 Wataru Uémoto
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.25, pp.39-51, 2017-03-10

The proportion of the service industry to Japan’ s whole economy is increasing year by year and it has been a subject of interest among the government and companies to enhance the productivity of the service industry that is significantly lower than that of other developed countries. The service standardization hasattracted attention as a means to enhance this productivity; however, little research has been done so far. Furthermore, former researches have paid little attention to the consumer behaviour in service standardization. This research, from the findings of customer-to-customer interaction researches and the consumer culture theory, suggests that customers can standardize their consumption behaviours themselves in service settings and that they may vary depending on service types and customer’scharacteristics.
Yamashita Miki Miki Yamashita
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.24, pp.93-105, 2016-03-10

This qualitative study explores the effectiveness of an active learning project for a group of two male and four female Japanese students in my seminar course in the economics department of a small liberal arts college in suburban Tokyo, Japan.The students created and implemented a project called the Human Library (HL), designed to improve their generic skills, especially the relational ones essential to collaborative and healthy human relationships.The importance of active learning and mentoring to the project are described, and an account of the main HL event is provided.Relational cultural theory is then used to evaluate the project’s impact on the students’ generic skills.It is concluded that its effects were generally positive, but that improvements to the project and to the data collection about it are possible and desirable.
中畑 邦夫 Kunio Nakahata
麗澤学際ジャーナル = Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN:21895333)
vol.23, pp.115-130, 2015-03-20

In this article, I deal with unique arguments on the masses in Ango Sakaguchi’s works which was written mainly after the Pacific War, and try to show its significance.To understand Ango’s arguments on the masses, it is necessary to comprehend his concept of Karakuri. Karakuri means systems, which involve not only ‘visible systems’ such as political systems or legislative systems, but also ‘invisible systems’ such as morals, manners and customs of communities, and even habits in personal life. Karakuris are established based on human nature, or on the fact that as long as humans live, they have will to live, and to live better, and in Ango’s works, human nature is nature of masses who are faithful to their will personally in any social circumstances, and all the humans are masses radically and intrinsically. But there are cases where to be faithful to human nature impedes our life of a person, or of a community. So Karakuri must be established, even though it is contradictory to human nature. For example, during the war time, the military had to make soldiers faithful to a Karakuri called bushido, morals of soldiers that it is much better to die than to receive disgrace as captive, because Japanese would hate to battle in general, and without such Karakuri, Japanese would escape from the battles for their country.In this way, Karakuris shows peculiarity or special characteristics of persons or communities, even though they are based on universal human nature or nature of masses, and in Japan they brought about tragic situations. Never to repeat such situations, and to realize eternal peace, Ango points out absurdity and contradictory construction of conventional Karakuri as to what Japanese people are, or peculiarity of Japanese people, and insists that Japanese people go back to or evolve into, nature of masses or universality. And as a way to universality, Ango argues the importance of art which is not conventional in or peculiar to Japan, but is open to masses universally.