松岡 三郎 松永 久生 山辺 純一郎 濱田 繁 飯島 高志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00264-17-00264, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Considering in design by analysis, four types of tests, slow-strain-rate tensile (SSRT), fatigue life, fatigue crack-growth (FCG), and elasto-plastic fracture toughness (JIC) tests, were conducted with low-alloy steels, JIS-SCM435 and JIS-SNCM439, in 115 MPa hydrogen gas and air at room temperature (RT). In addition to above tests at RT, the SSRT tests were also conducted in 115 MPa hydrogen gas and air at 120 oC and in 106 MPa hydrogen gas and 0.1 MPa nitrogen gas at -45 oC. The low-alloy steels used in this study had tensile strengths (σB) ranging from 824 to 1201 MPa with fine and coarse tempered-martensitic microstructures. In the SSRT and fatigue life tests, the tensile strength and fatigue limit were not degraded in hydrogen gas. The FCG tests revealed that the FCG rate (da/dN) was accelerated in hydrogen gas; however, there existed an upper bound of the FCG acceleration, showing the FCG rate in hydrogen gas was about 30 times larger than that in air, when σB was lower than 900 MPa. The JIC tests demonstrated that the fracture toughness (KIC) in air was 207 MPa·m1/2 at σB = 900 MPa, whereas the hydrogen-induced crack-growth threshold (KI,H) was 57 MPa·m1/2 at σB = 900 MPa. Based on these results, we proposed advanced guidelines on the use and design for SCM435 and SNCM439 on design by analysis in 115 MPa hydrogen gas, which enable to design the storage cylinders used in 70 MPa hydrogen station with lower cost without compromising safety.
円谷 悠 毛利 宏
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00114-17-00114, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

This paper describes an investigation on the nonlinear filter that can realize its gain and phase characteristics independently. In the driver-vehicle closed loop system, it is reported that there is an optimal value in vehicle phase delay, i.e., excessive large or small delay deteriorates vehicle maneuverability. However, there is a strict relationship between the gain and phase delay in linear system. It is difficult to evaluate the gain and phase delay of vehicle response independently. In this investigation, we tried to design a non-linear filter that can set the relationship between gain and phase delay arbitrarily by using neural network. We investigate the effect of the gain and phase delay corresponding to the steering angle input on the ease of driving by using driving simulator, and evaluate the control performance on the lane change task. We verified that the ease of driving is improved by reducing a phase delay and decreasing a high frequency gain.
石倉 嵩也 鈴木 宏典
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00111-17-00111, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

This paper proposes mathematical models to predict preceding car's deceleration intent and evaluates its effect on the following car driver in terms of the mitigation of risk of rear-end collision. Assuming a four-vehicle convoy, an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) integrated with a conventional car-following model attempt to estimate the headway and velocity of the 1st to 3rd vehicles in the platoon. The car following model used in this research is the conventional Gazis-Herman-Rothery model (GHR model). Then, another GHR model is used to predict the deceleration intent of the 3rd vehicle, which is expected to occur 1.5 seconds later based on the estimates of headways and velocities. In addition, this study proposes an interface to inform the predicted intention to the following vehicle by using a windshield display (WSD). Numerical analyses showed that the UKF integrated with the GHR model succeeded in estimating the vehicle platooning states and predicting the deceleration intent accurately. However, the prediction does not always shows the perfect match with the actual observation due to the uncertainty of driver's behavior. Although it is not completely accurate, it is a quite useful information to mitigate the collision risk so that we decided to design the interface by the WSD to inform the predicted deceleration intent to the following car driver. A driving simulator experiment was carried out to present the 3rd vehicle deceleration intent expected to occur 1.5 seconds later to the 4th ego car. It was found that the maximum deceleration rate of the 4th vehicle was suppressed and the value of the Time-To-Collision was increased not only in an ordinal deceleration case but also in a situation where the collision risk became significant.
川勝 俊輝 毛利 宏
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00099-17-00099, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Many articles have reported that the white lines painted on both sides of highways are used by automatically driven vehicles to control their lateral movement when driving. They are detected by stereo cameras or radars. And GPS is used as an additional information for improving its robustness and reliability. However, when we think about an urban area, the stereo cameras and radars cannot recognize any white lines because white lines do not exist at intersection. Therefore, a method for controlling a vehicle without environmental recognition becomes necessary. In our method, the steering angle is controlled by using simple map information comprising nodes and links of roads, which are widely used in navigation systems, and the data of the vehicle's position, which is obtained continuously. In addition, by using two front gaze points to solve the problem associated with one front gaze point, we propose a method that allows a vehicle to steer smoothly when turning at intersection. We performed an experiment using an actual vehicle under the same conditions as those used in the simulation. The results confirmed the validity of our proposed method because the target steering angles at each corner and the driving trajectory of the actual vehicle were almost the same as those obtained using the simulation.
藤原 大悟 塩川 貴之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00087-17-00087, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Aiming at the realization of agile autonomous flight for the extension of the flying range of single-rotor helicopters in the limited flight time, the flight control system design and the control performance verification for the high-speed turn flight are conducted. To achieve the reference following control for large attitude angles and the rotor thrust, the control system is composed of the main-rotor thrust and body torque centralized controller based on the MIMO (Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output) helicopter model including the blade motion dynamics, rotor speed proportional-integral controller, the attitude controller designed via the backstepping method based on the quaternion attitude model, and the guidance controller based on translational motion model. Simulation results show that the hovering and 10-m/s straight cruise flight followed by over 45-degree bank turn is feasible by using the proposed control system. In addition, flight tests have been conducted using the experimental small unmanned electric helicopter equipped with the flight control computer, and the high speed turn agile autonomous flight was successful in the real environment.
酒井 英樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00064-17-00064, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

This paper considers ways to increase stability of wheelset hunting. The aim of this study is to introduce formulas which represent the damped natural frequency and its damping. This has been done by analytical and not by numerical calculation. These formulas are functions of mass, creep coefficient and other wheelset parameters. These formulas are obtained with a 2 degree of freedom wheelset model whose radius of gyration of yaw equals to a half of gauge and whose creep coefficient is isotropic, in the first part of this paper. In the second part, based on one of these formulas, ways to increase damping of wheelset hunting are discussed. First, it is shown that a longer wavelength of geometrical hunting is effective in reducing hunting at all vehicle speeds. Secondly, it is shown that at speeds slower than a certain speed, the damping is increased when the ratio of the wheelset mass to the creep coefficient is larger. Further, a symbolic formula for this boundary speed is obtained. Thirdly, if it is assumed that the wheelset mass is proportional to the square of the wheel radius, then at speeds higher than a certain speed, the damping is increased when the wheel radius is larger. Moreover a symbolic formula for this boundary speed is also obtained.
酒井 英樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00043-17-00043, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Sport riding performance on racing circuits and other locations is seen as an important element in the marketability of motorcycles. In sport riding, some riders start a turn while braking or start acceleration (driving) while turning. Furthermore, the braking aspect of sport riding performance is also critical to accident avoidance performance since it is similar to that of the braking during cornering performance. Consequently, in this paper a fundamental study was carried out to determine methods for improving the cornering limit performance during driving and braking. In the case of four-wheeled vehicles, the G-G diagram is used as a method to indicate the cornering limit performance. In the G-G diagram the longitudinal driving and lateral driving of the vehicle are set as the two axes. Therefore, the first part of this paper proposes a G-G diagram for motorcycles theoretically. In the latter part of this paper, this paper discusses the braking force distribution ratio of front wheel that would maximize the maximum lateral driving, the influence of the normal load distribution ratio of front wheel on the limit cornering property and the influence of the height of the center of gravity on it. From these result, this paper proposes methods for improving the cornering limit performance while braking.
磯村 直道 藤原 大悟
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00013-17-00013, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Flight control system with position compensation applicable to trajectory tracking of agile maneuvers that require an attitude rotation and a reverse of main rotor thrust of single-rotor helicopters is proposed. The outer loop position compensator calculates the desired attitude and rotor thrust which reduce position tracking error by utilizing a kinematics equation established near the reference trajectory. The desired attitude is set using the magnitude of the rotor thrust in the reference trajectory, which enables continuous position feedback compensation based on the fact that the relationship between rotational and translational motion becomes independent as the rotor thrust decrease. To achieve high-bandwidth control of lateral-longitudinal angular rates in the inner loop, two-degree-of-freedom servo system is designed using a linear model with blade flapping motion dynamics. The control system is applied to autonomous control of flip maneuvers which include transition between upright and inverted hovering. The reference trajectory of a flip maneuver is generated as a parameterized simple equation which can be adjusted to the helicopter ability. Simulation and outdoor flight tests of the autonomous flip maneuvers demonstrated the capability of position feedback compensation that reduces position tracking error during out-of-trimmed flight state. This control technique can be extended to various agile flights for quick execution of flight tasks or recovery maneuvers from dangerous state.
高橋 優輔 杉本 健太 日野 遥 橋本 成広
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00178-17-00178, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Control technique of orientation of a biological cell is expected to be applied to tissue engineering. It is known that morphology of the scaffold affects the cell behavior. For example, the micro stripe pattern can control cell orientation. The effect of aspect ratio of the micro checkered pattern on cell orientation has been investigated in the present study. The dimension of each unit of the micro checkered pattern is as follows: the length is 10 μm, and the height is 0.7 μm. Variation has been made on the width of the micro pattern: 5 μm (A), 8 μm (B) and 10 μm (C). Each type of repeated micro pattern was formed in the square area of 500 μm × 500 μm. The micro pattern was made of the negative photoresist material (SU-8 2) coated on a glass plate by the photolithography technique. C2C12 (mouse myoblast cell) was cultured for 24 hours on the micro pattern. The angle between the longitudinal axis of each cell and the width of the micro pattern was measured on the microscopic image. In each pattern, the average angle was as follows: 62.8 degrees on A, 50.2 degrees on B and 41.2 degrees on C. The experimental results show that the aspect ratio of micro checkered pattern controls cell orientation.
高橋 優輔 吾妻 樹 溝井 篤志 日野 遥 橋本 成広
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.16-00110-16-00110, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Separation technique of the circulating tumor cell (CTC), which would be a sample for diagnostics of cancer, is important. In the present study, a micro flow device, which has gaps between micro-cylinders, has been fabricated by photolithography technique to distinguish between cancer cells and red blood cells. Two kinds of cells were used in the test: Hepa1-6 and swine red blood cell. The mean diameters of two kinds of cells measured by ImageJ were 21 μm and 6 μm. Variation was made on the dimension of the gap: 10, 15, 20 and 25 μm. The micro cylindrical pattern was fabricated on the slide glass with a photomask of titanium film. The negative resist material (SU-8) was coated on the glass plate to make the 60 μm height of the micro cylindrical pattern. A micro flow channel was made between the glass plate with the micro cylindrical pattern and the flat polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) disk. Swine blood was diluted 100 times by the saline solution. The concentration of Hepa1-6 was adjusted to 5000 cells/ml by the physiological saline solution or by the swine blood. The cell suspension of 30 μl was injected into the channel by a micropipette, and the trap rate at the gap of the micro pattern was measured. The experimental result shows that trap rates of micro cylindrical pattern gap of 10, 15, 20 and 25 μm are 100, 80, 37 and 26%, respectively. Most of the swine red blood cells can pass through the 10 μm gap. The result shows that the microchannel device developed in the present study is effective for the separation of the CTC.
田丸 雄摩 清水 浩貴
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00278-17-00278, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Non-contact supports involving air or magnetic forces are used as guide supports for linear motion mechanisms. In the present study, non-contact supports are generated using the effect of the static pressure force produced by a squeezed air film. The linear slider is supported at just two of its ends. Applying a different excitation amplitude to the two transducers leads to a difference in the floating height at either end of the slider due to the different air-film thicknesses. This causes the slider to tilt, which produces a propulsion force due to the dead load. An experimental apparatus with a flat plate slider was developed and its floating characteristics were examined. In addition, the propulsion force was measured for sliders with different weights. The results indicated that the floating height was 2 to 3 times the excitation amplitude. The slider was capable of travelling all over the movement stroke. The traveling force increased with increasing slider weight, and was about 0.15-0.35 mN. The measurement results were in good agreement with theoretical calculations. Thus, the present study showed that the slider could be successfully supported in a non-contact state and was capable of movement under the influence of a propulsion force generated only by the dead load.
東﨑 康嘉 松下 直矢 隅谷 悠司 後藤 卓也 田中 智之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00272-17-00272, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Power transmission systems using gears require both large capacity and miniaturization. As a result, the gears used in power transmission need to be strong enough to withstand high loads and high engine speeds. Because surface damage and temperature are related, it is very important to know the surface temperature of gears in operation. However, measuring the surface temperature of gears in operation is difficult. As an effective means to measure the surface temperature, method of using dissimilar metals is known. The voltage proportional to surface temperature was produced by contacting dissimilar metals. This is known as Seebeck effect. The authors tried to use two simple ferrous metals. In this study, S55C (Carbon steel) and SUS316 (Stainless steel) were selected to dissimilar metals. Both dissimilar metals were heat-treated and surfaces were hardened. SUS316 was performed plasma carburizing process and S55C was performed induction hardening. As for the gear, it is known that the two or more teeth will mesh simultaneously. In order to remove the influence of the number of tooth in operation, the gear of two sheets were made into the one structure meshed by turns (combined lacked gear). When making the gear of two sheets into one structure meshed by turns. The experiments were operated on maximum condition of contact pressure 1.47GPa in a pitch point. As a result, surface temperature measured almost successfully by combined lacked gear by SUS316 plasma carburizing process and S55C induction hardening. When we compared the experimental values and the theoretical values using Blok's formula, surface temperatures on gear teeth values were largely same.
志鷹 拓哉 村島 基之 梅原 徳次 月山 陽介 新田 勇 上坂 裕之 鄧 興瑞
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00252-17-00252, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

This paper addresses a novel lightweight and low starting torque bearing with looped carbon fiber brush (LCFB). LCFB simulates bristle of living being. Moreover, the static friction coefficient is nearly equal to the kinetic friction coefficient. By applying LCFB to a slide bearings, where a shaft is supported by multiple LCFBs, it is realized low starting torque bearings as well as lightness compared to conventional ball bearings. In this paper, we manufacture prototype LCFB slide bearings. With the bearings, we compare friction torque between LCFB slide bearings, slide bearings and deep groove ball bearings. As results, the ratio of starting torque to regular torque of LCFB slide bearing is from 0.93 to 1.07 which is smaller than that of the slide bearing. When micro-spline shaft is used as a mating material of LCFB slide bearing, the torque reduces because of decrease of real contact area between LCFB and mating materials. In addition, since LCFB utilize elastic deformation of fibers, LCFB slide bearings are not endurable in heavy radial load as high as load rating of ball bearing. Therefore, we define the load capacity of LCFB slide bearing from buckling load of a carbon fiber bundle to avoid overload state. We propose the load capacity as a design guideline of LCFB slide bearings.
坂本 二郎 小林 佳介 北山 哲士 清水 信孝
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00212-17-00212, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

An optimum design method for determining the cross-sectional sizes of thin steel plate columns used for steel framed house was developed to maximize their buckling strength under a constraint of constant volume using evolutionary computing and cold forming. Buckling analysis was performed by finite strip method (FSM) that can analyze the buckling loads of local, torsional, and total buckling within less computational time. Differential evolution (DE) was used for the optimization algorithm because it is a fast and reliable method for non-linear, non-convex, and multimodal optimization problems. In this research, an optimum design method is proposed, which combines DE and FSM to achieve an efficient global optimum design considering comprehensive buckling modes. This method was applied to overcome the optimum design problems of the thin steel plate columns with a lip channel cross-section. Normal axial compression capacity (Nc) of the column under a constant volume was maximized by considering design variables such as web height, flange width, and lip length of the cross-section. The search performance of the optimization method was evaluated by obtaining an objective function (1/Nc), which was calculated at the lattice points of the design variables. The optimum design point obtained by the optimization method included a global minimum point of the objective function surface, hence ensuring the validity of the proposed method. Furthermore, the optimum design problem was solved under the deformation constraint by considering connection to the wall panels for the column length of 1000 mm, 2000 mm, and 3000 mm. Optimum designs with the open profile cross-section was obtained for all the abovementioned column length. The optimum designs obtained by the proposed method can be used for practical purposes because of their open profiled cross-section and can be produced by cold forming.
渡邉 誠 熊谷 進 田口 收
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2007, pp.195-196, 2007

If a plastic eraser is placed in liquid nitrogen it will explode. The characteristics of explosion of the eraser were studied experimentally. The most probable cause of the explosion was cryopumping of a subsurface void. After boiling on the surface of the eraser, liquid nitrogen penetrates into the eraser and then flash evaporates in the subsurface void. A cryopumping model was proposed to capture the unique characteristics of the eraser frozen in liquid nitrogen.
酒井 忍 北出 侑也
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.17-00225, (Released:2017-11-15)

Ball shooting machine (pitching machine) is used for practicing ball sports, and it is widely prevalent. However, there are few pitching machines that can throw a ball with a gyro spin, such as a football or rifle bullet, in which the axis of the ball spins in the same direction as the ball travels. In this study, a new ball shooting machine, which can throw in the ball in a wide range of speeds and all pitch types (no, top, down, side and gyro spin balls) was invented by introducing a launch mechanism using four rollers (two launch and two gyro rollers). The shooting machine is able to arbitrarily change the rotational speed of the four rollers and the crossing angle of both gyro rollers. Shooting tests were conducted using the prototype shooting machine to confirm the ability of its performance. From the experiment results, the prototype machine had a maximum ball speed of 42.5 m/s, a spin rate of exceeding 5000 rpm, and a ball of any pitch type could also be shot. In addition, the position accuracy (shot accuracy) at the targeted fall position in the opponent's court was high because the gyro spin and other pitch types (no, top and side spins) were less than 140 mm and 40 mm (the diameter of one table tennis ball), respectively. The prototype machine had the necessary launching performance for table tennis practice of a college student level.
岩野 治雄 正木 信男 鎌田 崇義 永井 正夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.754, pp.1784-1790, 2009-06-25 (Released:2017-06-09)

It has been shown in our previous report that DYC is not compatible with the tire force usage equalization and it is important to consider total tire force F_x and F_y as feedback signals for DYC being compatible with the tire force usage equalization. However the driving stability of the electric vehicle is affected how the weighing matrix's coefficients of the criterion function are chosen because our control logic based on the optimal control of the yaw moment, total tire force F_x and F_y, and the tire force usage equalization. In this paper, we proposed a method for the determination of the weighting coefficient of our control logic with quality engineering. By using this, we can make clear the relation between the optimal control error and the driving stability of the electric vehicle how the weighting coefficients are chosen. It was found that the controller using the optimal control having the weighting coefficients determined by the quality engineering method has robustness for the driving stability in various driving conditions. Therefore, it was effective to use quality engineering for vehicle dynamics control.