江湖 俊介 阿山 みよし
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.100, no.10, pp.449-454, 2016-10-01 (Released:2016-12-01)

The previous study reported by some members of the Research Group for Glare Evaluation of Outdoor LED Light Sources established in the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, showed that luminance based photometric quantities have a stronger correlation to discomfort glare evaluation than those based on equivalent veiling luminance or illuminance at the observer’s eye. They proposed the m_DGI as an index to assess the degree of discomfort glare. However, the test lights that cause strong discomfort glare were not examined there.In this study, we conducted a subjective evaluation experiment using seven types of LED streetlights including those of higher luminance in the outer environment similar to the previous study. The results revealed several findings. First, discomfort glare is strongly felt when the positional relationship between the pedestrian and lighting fixtures is in a certain range; second, light sources with spatially non-uniform luminance distribution cause a strong discomfort glare; third, GR for sports-field lighting is not suited for discomfort glare evaluation of pedestrian zones; and fourth, the relation found in the previous study was confirmed.In addition, we confirmed the versatility of m_DGI from weak to strong discomfort glare evaluation. We proposed a new index m_GR calculated using equivalent veiling luminance. Correlation to the discomfort glare evaluation is worse than m_DGI, our data indicate that m_GR is applicable to estimate a degree of discomfort glare in practical situations.
中上 英俊
一般社団法人 照明学会
vol.80, no.6, pp.420-424, 1996
坂上 美香 明石 行生 梅野 千絵 八木 昭宏
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.81, no.5, pp.385-390, 1997-05-01 (Released:2011-07-19)
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We compared the concentration levels of subjects under several lighting conditions in which the ratio of the task illuminance to the ambient illuminance was varied.In order to evaluate the subjects' levels of concentration, subjective appraisals and measurements of the subjects' lambda responses (one of the brain's responses) were carried out. The results showed a close correlation between the subjective appraisals and the measured lambda responses.We found that lighting in which the ratio of the ambient illuminance to the task illuminance was from 0.02 to 0.3 provided the optimum conditions for concentration.
関根 征士
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.80, no.5, pp.354-363, 1996-05-01 (Released:2011-07-19)

The correlated color temperature (CCT) of total skylight, which comes to a horizontal plane from all sky components, varies hourly with atmospheric transmittance pv and the amount of cloud m. The parameter pvcaused by visible solar radiation is calculated from the atmospheric transmittance based on direct solar radiation. A new practical formula for estimating the CCT of the total skylight is proposed. Using the formula, the CCTs of the total skylight at 14 areas in Japan are calculated from the parameter pv and the number of days that is calculated from the parameter m. Consequently, it is estimated that variation in the CCT of daylight is 5900K to 8000K. The mean CCT of total skylight is 6800K, where the mean CCT of global light is 5900K and that of the total skylight for the parameter m=0 is 8000K.
野口 公喜 白川 修一郎 駒田 陽子 小山 恵美 阪口 敏彦
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.85, no.5, pp.315-322, 2001-05-01 (Released:2011-07-19)
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The effects of simulating dawn lighting with an ordinary ceiling light on the quality of awakening were investigated. The subjects were healthy men, aged 24-27. After sleep for about 7 hours with polysomnographic recordings in a climatic chamber kept at a temperature of 25t and a relative humidity of 50%, each subject was awakened by an alarm. For the 30 minutes immediately before the subject was awakened, the illumination in the chamber was gradually increased, simulating the condition of waking up as the sun rises. Alpha attenuation test, measuring blood pressure and awakening feelings were conducted after awakening.The time of sleep stage 2 appearing during the 30-minute simulating dawn lighting was significantly less (p<0.05; Wilcoxon test) than during typical waking conditions (i. e., waking up in the dark), while the time of stage W was higher (p=0.0796). The mood after awakening in the simulatig dawn lighting condition was significantly better (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in the alpha attenuation coefficients and blood pressures after awakening between the two conditions.These results suggest that simulating dawn lighting arouses subjects to light sleep, which makes awakening less sudden and more pleasant. There was no evidence that the light sleep immediately before awakening decreased the subjects' cerebral cortex activity or sympathetic nervous activity after awakening.
山田 知生 太田 誠 高橋 昌司
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会雑誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.44, no.3, pp.139-142, 1960-03-25 (Released:2011-07-19)

The preparation, structure and photoconductive characteristics of the CdS sintered layer cell are described.The photoconductive characteristics of the CdS sintered layer are dependent on the CdS composition, layer preparative techniques and structures of the unit.And its photoconductive properties are similar to those of the huge CdS crystal.The features of the photoconductive cell prepared by using this layer are that it has a high sensitivity, an extensive spectral-sensitivity and can get a large photo-current.
森田 和元
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.84, no.8, pp.507-513, 2000-08-01 (Released:2011-07-19)
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At dusk, the change in brightness of peripheral vision is striking. Such a sudden change in the viewing environment could affect the vision of a driver, possibly leading to an accident. I investigated the occurrence of traffic accidents at dusk by statistical analysis to determine whether changes in the viewing environment at dusk affect the accident rate. Dusk is considered to be the time of civil twilight, which is about 30 minutes in Tokyo. The analysis was done under certain conditions; for example, the target area was limited so that the time period for dusk was basically the same. Furthermore, the effect of the day of the week on the occurrence rate was investigated. I found no tendency for traffic accidents to occur with higher frequency at dusk. Moreover, the analysis of the accident rate of the day of the week showed that the accident rate is rather related to the traffic volume.
太刀川 平治
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会雑誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.14, no.9, pp.381-403, 1930 (Released:2010-10-27)

人類文明史上最も記念すべきものの一なる電燈の起源より50年を経たる今日に於て, 本記念會の爲に一場の講演ななす機會な得たることは我が最も光榮とすろ所なり. 此機會に於て吾邦電氣事業の開祖たる藤岡市助氏及電燈の發明者たるスワン, エヂソン兩氏が斯業界に與へられたる偉大なる效績に對し諸君と共に深甚なる敬意な表す. 吾邦電氣事業の概況及觀察な述ぶるに於て, 其前半に於ては吾國電氣事業發達の経路な統計に依りて概述すると同時に諸外國の實例な幾分引用し, 共後半に於ては演者の電氣事業に關する觀察の概要を述べんとするものなり. 而して人口以下収入及支出に至ろ各項の統計及添附圖面に於ける數字は主として電氣事業要覧の示す所に據れるものにして, 特に記述せざる限り電氣鐵道專業者, 準用事業者, 自家用事業者及官廳の分を除き, 單に電氣供給事業者及兼營事業者 (電氣供給及電氣鐵道) の分のみに就ての數字なり. 又上記の統計及添附圖面に於けろ數字は朝鮮, 臺灣及樺太を除きたろもの即ち吾邦内地のみに關すうものなり.