Katoh Masahiko Murase Jun Hayashi Motoki Matsuya Kazuo Kimura Makoto
Soil science and plant nutrition (ISSN:00380768)
vol.50, no.5, pp.721-729, 2004-10

To estimate the impact of water percolation on the nutrient status in paddy fields, the seasonal variations of the concentrations of cations, anions, inorganic carbon (IC), and of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in percolating water that was collected from just below the plow layer (PW-13) and from drainage pipes at the 40 cm depth (PW-40), as well as in irrigation water were measured in an irrigated paddy field. Total amounts of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn leached from PW-13 during the period of rice cultivation were estimated to range from about 390 to 770, 65 to 130, 33 to 66, 340 to 680, and 44 to 87 kg ha^<-1>, respectively. Amounts of losses that were estimated from the differences between the input by irrigation water and the output by percolation water from the plow layer corresponded to 11 to 26, 22 to 47, 5.9 to 12, and 13 to 26% of exchangeable Ca and Mg, amorphous Fe, and easily reducible Mn in the plow layer, respectively. The concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn in PW-13 were higher than those in PW-40. The amounts of these nutrients that were retained in the subsoil between the 13 cm and 40 cm soil depth corresponded to 83, 86, 61, 99, and 89% of the amounts that percolated from the plow layer, respectively. Total amounts of IC and DOC that percolated from the plow layer ranged from 750 to 1,500 and 85 to 170 kg-C ha^<-1>, which corresponded to 5.0 to 10.0% and 0.6 to 1.1% of the total carbon content in the plow layer, respectively. Eighty eight % of IC in the percolating water from the plow layer was also retained in the subsoil.
Tokuda Shin-ichi Hayatsu Masahito
Soil science and plant nutrition (ISSN:00380768)
vol.50, no.3, pp.365-374, 2004-06

Nitrous oxide (N_2O) is one of the main greenhouse gases, and accurate estimation of the N_2O flux from fertilized arable land is required. It is known that acidic tea field soil displays a higher N_2O production activity than neutral arable soil and that tea fields could be a major source of N_2O. Therefore, N_2O fluxes from four plots (Std, 2N, 2Ca and -Ca plots) in a tea field that had been subjected to different conditions of fertilizer management were measured using the closed chamber method over a period of two years, and the relationships between the N_2O flux and soil environmental factors were analyzed. The amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and liming material (dolomite) applied to the Std plot were 600 kg N ha^<-1> y^<-1> and 1,500 kg ha^<-1> y^<-1>, respectively. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied to the 2N plot was two-times larger than that applied to the Std plot and corresponded to the conventional level in Japanese tea fields. The soil was acidified due to heavy nitrogen fertilization in the 2N plot. The 2Ca plot was amended with two-times the amount of liming material of the Std plot and in the -Ca plot no liming material was applied. There were significant differences among the N_2O fluxes from the plots, and the highest value of N_2O flux was 8.785 mg N m^<-2> h^<-1> in the 2N plot. Annual emission rate and emission factor of N_2O in the 2N plot were 25.22kg N_2O-N ha^<-1> and 2.10%, respectively. Both long-term heavy nitrogen fertilization and subsequent soil acidification possibly enhanced the N_2O flux from the tea field. The N_2O flux from the tea field showed temporal variations, namely the N_2O flux was relatively low from December to March possibly due to the low soil temperature and it increased gradually after March as the soil temperature increased over 10℃. The N_2O flux reached the first major peak in July, decreased transiently in August presumably due to the drying of soil, increased again and reached the second peak in September or October, and then decreased after November. Multiple linear regression analysis of the relationships between the N_2O flux and soil environmental factors indicated that the N_2O production activity was significantly related to the N_2O flux from the tea field. The N_2O production activity showed temporal variations corresponding to the temporal variations of the N_2O flux.
在原 克之 渡辺 春朗
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.68, no.2, pp.103-111, 1997-04-05

In order to solve the problems with paddies, in the case of soil dredging for the establishment of strong gley paddy fields from rivers we examined the growth and yield of paddies as well as problems occurring after their construction. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The total sulfur content of the sediment was 4-25 g kg^<-1>, and, when the soil was oxidized with hydrogen peroxide, its pH(H_2O_2) was 3. We concluded that the sediment was an acid sulfate soil because the Ex-MgO content was higher than the Ex-CaO content. 2) In the stockpile, the clayey sediment accumulated on the surface horizon whereas the sandy sediment accumulated on the subsurface horizon. After sediment accumulation over 6-8 months, oxidation of acid sulfate materials contained in the clayey sediment occurred only in the surface horizon. 3) One year after paddy-field construction, the sandy paddy soil showed a lower pH(H_2O) than both the clayey and loamy paddy soils, although the pH(H_2O) of the sandy paddy soil increased for a few years after the construction of the paddy fields. The pH of the loamy paddy soil, on the other hand, declined. 4) In the sandy paddy fields, salt damage in the first crops was frequently found after land construction, whereas in the loamy paddy fields, salt damage was hardly found in the first crops but very poor yields occurred from the second and third crops. 5) There were differences between plant heights and the number of tillers on the border at soil pH(H_2O) 4.5 ; plants were short, and the number of tillers was low in fields below pH(H_2O) 4.5. The yield, which showed the same tendency as above, was less than 1 500 kg ha^<-1> in the field with pH(H_2O) 4.5. 6) In paddies with sandy soil, salt damage was limited to the first crops, although the growth of rice plants in the paddy was restrained because the high solid ratio interrupted the growth of rice plants in the paddy.
Khan Harunor Rashid Rahman Shafiur Hussain Mohammad Sultan Adachi Tadashi
Soil science and plant nutrition (ISSN:00380768)
vol.40, no.2, pp.231-242, 1994-06

A pot experiment was conducted in relation to the growth, yield, and nutrition of rice plants cultivated in an acid sulfate soil treated with chemical fertilizers, basic slag, lime (CaCO_3) MnO_2, and leaching. The soil showed a low pH (4.0-4.5 : field), high ECe (0.7-1.6 Sm^<-1>) and consisted of a sulfuric horizon within the 1.2 m depth of the soil surface. Maximum growth and yield of rice cultivated in the soil were attained by the application of leaching plus basic slag treatment at the rate of 12.5 g kg^<-1>. The other treatments also resulted in a significantly (p <__- 0.05) improved performance compared with the control treatment (where no amendment was applied). Leaching, basic slag, MnO_2, and lime as single amendment brought about a grain yield increase of 500-900%, while leaching plus various doses of basic slag and lime resulted in an increase of grain yield of more than 1,500% over the control treatment. The highest N content of rice was obtained by the application of leaching plus basic slag (12.5 g kg^<-1>) and leaching plus lime (7.5 g kg^<-1>) treatments. The highest P, Ca, and Mg contents were obtained by the application of leaching plus lime treatment at the rate of 7.5 g kg^<-1> and the maximum content of K was recorded after basic slag treatment at the rate of 7.5 g kg^<-1>. Leaching, lime and basic slag treatments led to a decrease of the Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations in the plants and soil solutions (leachates). The addition of lime, basic slag, or MnO_2 exerted a significant effect (p <__- 0.05) on the decrease of the S content, increase of the soil solution pH, and optimization of some element concentrations in the plants and soil solutions.
平内 央紀 三枝 正彦
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.77, no.1, pp.41-46, 2006-02-05

水稲用育苗培土のケイ素供給能の評価法を検討するとともに,ケイ酸資材施用の要否基準を決定するため,36種類の育苗培土を用いて育苗試験を行った. 1)育苗培土の可給態ケイ素量は,リン酸緩衝液法では77〜662mg kg^<-1>,湛水静置法では12〜189mg kg^<-1>,上澄液法は12〜166mg kg^<-1>,酢酸緩衝液法では12〜582mg kg^<-1>と,培土によって大きく異なっていた.育苗培土の可給態ケイ素量と水稲苗のケイ素濃度との相関係数は,リン酸緩衝液法で0.86と最も高かった.なお,リン酸緩衝液法ではリン酸吸収係数が1,500以上とそれ未満の育苗培土を区別することで,より正確な可給態ケイ素の評価が可能となった. 2)酸性化多孔質ケイ酸カルシウム水和物の苗箱施用により,苗の地上部および地下部乾物重が増加する傾向が見られた.リン酸緩衝液法による可給態ケイ素量の少ない育苗培土(100mg kg^<-1>前後)と中庸の育苗培土(400mg kg^<-1>前後)では酸性化多孔質ケイ酸カルシウム水和物の施用によって水稲苗のケイ素濃度が有意に増加した.本試験の結果から,育苗培土の可給態ケイ素量の評価方法は,リン酸緩衝液法が現在用いられている評価法としては最も適していることが明らかとなった.また,育苗培土のリン酸緩衝液法による可給態ケイ素量が,非火山灰土壌を原料とする培土(リン酸吸収係数1,500未満)では200mg kg^<-1>,火山性土壌を原料とする培土(リン酸吸収係数1,500以上)では350mg kg^<-1>未満の場合に,ケイ酸資材を施用することが望ましいと考えられた.
實示戸 雅之 池口 厚男 神山 和則 島田 和宏 荻野 暁史 三島 慎一郎 賀来 康一
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.74, no.4, pp.467-474, 2003-08-05

耕地土壌表面における窒素収支を,投入窒素量と収奪量の差から求めた土壌残存窒素が余剰降水量に全量溶けたと仮定する年間平均溶脱水窒素濃度推定値を用い,都道府県別に評価した.その結果,以下のことが示された.1.年間亜平均溶脱水窒素濃度推定値の全国平均は7.8mg NL^<-1>,北海道を除く府県平均で8.8mg NL^<-1>,北海道で2.9mg NL^<-1>である.都道府県間のばらつきが大きく,30mg NL^<-1>を超えるなど極端に高い県と,値がマイナスを示す県とに分かれた.2.溶脱水窒素濃度推定値が高い府県では家畜ふん尿窒素負荷が高い場合が多い一方で,これらを含む多くの県において化学肥料窒素施用量のみでは溶脱水窒素濃度推定値を説明できなかった.3.現状の化学肥料窒素施用量の3割を削減することで,平均溶脱水窒素濃度推定値の全国平均が7.8→5.4mg NL^<-1>(-31%)に,府県では8.8→6.3mg NL^<-1>(-38%)に低下した.4.高度処理が可能なふん尿について窒素成分を除去し系外に排出する効果はそれほど大きくないが,これは前提となる処理可能量自体の問題と思われる.5.すべての休耕地を利用することにより,溶脱水窒素濃度推定値が全国平均で7.8→5.9mg NL^<-1>(-24%),府県平均では8.8→6.6mg NL^<-1>(-25%)と大きな削減効果が,さらに化学肥料削減の併用でさらに大きな効果が推定された.6.ただし今回の試算は,都道府県単位としたこと,年間平均溶脱水窒素濃度の性格,アンモニア揮散を窒素負荷減少要因と見なしたことなど,重要な精度低下要因が内包されており,改善の余地が残されている.
上田 和雄 山岡 熟
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.26, no.11, pp.464-466, 1956-03-05

In reference to the previous report, in this paper, we investigated the effet of "Arashi" to the chemical and physical properties of paddy field soil in Ando soil area of low yield. The results obtained were as follows : (1) "Arashi" seemed to change chemical and physical properties of the paddy soil in accordance with the kind of geological formation. (2) With the above treatment (Arashi), a large amount of humus in the Ando soil was changed into the rotted product, and true humic acid was decreased. This product seemed to raise the productive power of the field. (3) On the other hand, free iron oxide relatively decreased, the rotted product was decomposed, and hydrogen sulfide was developed; consequently an increase of rice-yield in this Ando soil was not necessarily expected.
奥村 正敏 東田 修司 山神 正弘 下野 勝昭
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.65, no.3, pp.274-281, 1994-06-05

インゲン連作土壌を充填したポット条件下で.52作物種の作付が後作インゲンの根腐病発生におよぼす影響を検討し,以下の結果を得た.1)野菜,緑肥,ハープ,花き等の作物種を栽培後,作物体を搬出した処理では,全作物種が根褐変を抑制した.根褐変指数の低下率が20%以下にとどまったのは供試作物全体の約44%であり,これらの根腐病抑制効果は小さいと考えられ,21〜30%の低下率を示した作物種は,ニンジン,ナガネギ,ハツカダイコン,マリーゴールドなど全体の33%,低下率が31%以上で大きい抑制効果を示した作物種は,ニラ,チンゲンサイ,ペルコ,アルファルファ,スペアミント,コカブなど全体の23%であった.抑制効果の科間差は認められなかった.2)インゲン根腐病に対する抑制効果と緑肥類を除く作物根のメタノールの抽出物の病原菌(F. solaniとF.oxysporum)に対する抗菌活性との間には,ミツバ,ニンジン,シュンギク,ニラなど数種の作物で正の対応関係が存在したが,全体的にみると,両者の間には一定の対応関係が認められなかった.3)緑肥類10種については,作物体の搬出処理のほかにすき込み処理も設けた.その結果,アルファルファ,ペルコ,マリーゴールドではいずれの処理系列でもインゲン根腐病に対する抑制効果が大きかった.搬出処理に比べてすき込み処理で効果が大きい作物はアカクローバ,トウモロコシ,ソルゴーであった.他の作物でもすき込みによって効果が高まったが,その程度は小さかった.なおインゲンの残渣物すき込み処理でも抑制効果が認められた.4)インゲン根腐病を抑制した緑肥作物種のなかでは,病原菌に対する抗菌活性が(1)アカクローバ,アルファルファのように強いもの,(2)マリーゴールド,レバナ,エンバクのように中庸なもの,(3)トウモロコシ,ペルコ,ソルゴーのように弱いものに分類された.
Aoyama Masakazu Nagumo Toshiyuki
Soil science and plant nutrition (ISSN:00380768)
vol.42, no.4, pp.821-831, 1996-12

The size of the microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity were measured in air-dried and rewetted apple orchard surface soils with accumulation of Cu, Pb, and As due to the application of Bordeaux mixtures and lead arsenate. The largest amounts of total Cu, Pb, and As found in the soils used were 1, 108, 1, 271, and 209 mg kg^<-1> soil, respectively. The amounts of 0.1 M HCl-extractable heavy metals were strongly correlated with the total amounts, while those of 0.1 M CaCl_2-extractable heavy metals, except for As, increased significantly with decreasing soil pH. The amounts of microbial biomass C and N, expressed on a soil organic C and total N basis, respectively, were each negatively correlated with the amounts of total and 0.1 M HCl-extractable Cu. On the other hand, the dehydrogenase activity was not affected by the amounts of total and 0.1 M HCl-extractable heavy metals, and was negatively correlated with the amount of 0.1 M CaCl_2-extractable Cu and positively with the soil pH. Higher significant correlations were observed when the dehydrogenase activity was calculated per unit of soil organic C. Thus the microbial biomass was adversely affected by the slightly soluble fractions of Cu accumulated in apple orchard soils, whereas the dehydrogenase activity was affected by the water-soluble and exchangeable Cu of which amount depended on the soil pH. It is suggested that the microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity expressed on a soil organic matter basis could become useful indicators for assessing the effects of heavy metals on the size and activity of the microbial biomass in soils differing in organic matter contents
Kim Hoyeun Fujiwara Toru Hayashi Hiroaki Chino Mitsuo
Soil science and plant nutrition (ISSN:00380768)
vol.43, pp.1119-1123, 1997-12

Composition of seed storage proteins in in vitro cultured cotyledons is known to be affected by exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA) and sulfur deficiency. In this paper, we analyzed effects of exogenous ABA on regulation of soybean seed storage protein accumulation in relation to that of sulfur deficiency. When exogenous ABA was applied at 10 μM and 100 μM, accumulation of the β subunit of β-conglycinin, a major seed storage protein, increased, whereas that of glycinin, another major seed storage protein, decreased. Free sulfate concentrations in cotyledons were not significantly affected by application of 10 μM ABA, but doubled by application of 100 μM ABA. As we have previously shown that concentrations of O-acetyl-L-serine (OAS), a precursor of cysteine biosynthesis, in in vitro cultured soybean cotyledons increased under sulfur deficiency, effects of exogenous ABA application on OAS concentration in soybean cotyledons were determined. The concentrations of OAS increased in accordance with the increase of exogenous ABA concentrations. These results suggested that exogenous application of ABA induces changes in soybean storage protein composition through the increase of OAS concentration.