宇津木 弘 西村 成興 堀越 英生
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.22, no.238, pp.673-679, 1973-07-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

The surface of silica gel was treated in an autoclave by the solution of alcohol or phenol with some functional groups in hexane or acetone, and their surface properties were investigated by determining their preferential dispersion into the media consisting of two immiscible components such as n-hexane and water. Furthermore, the identification of the surface groups and their thermal and chemical natures were examined through the infra-red spectra, differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and qualitative analysis.The conclusions obtained are as follows: (1) The silica gels treated by diethylene glycol, 3-chloropropanol, phenol, or salicylic acid were hydrophilic whereas the ones treated by o-, m-, or p-cresol and hydroxybenzol were hydrophobic (lipophilic). (2) The characteristic absorptions due to alcoxy or phenoxy groups were observed in the infra-red spectra of the surface-treated silica gels. Since the intensity of the absorption at 950cm-1 due to bending vibration of Si-OH was almost the same for both the untreated and phenol-treated silica gels, it is still questionable whether silanol combines chemically with phenol or not. (3) DTA showed the exothermic due to dissociation and oxidation of the surface groups at 250°C, which is higher than the normal boiling point, and the remarkable exothermic due to oxidation of deposited carbon. Therefore, the surface groups are considered to combine with silanol chemically, except phenol. (4) These surface groups are confirmed to be alcoxy or phenoxy, since they were dissolved into boiling water or boiling dil. H2SO4 and, furthermore, from the qualitative analysis of dissolved solution, they were confirmed being alcohol or phenol used in this study.
田邉 大貴 倉内 海 西籔 和明 倉敷 哲生
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.65, no.8, pp.611-617, 2016-08-15 (Released:2016-08-20)

This study aims to reveal the induction heating behavior of CFRTP composites by high-frequency induction heating method. The material used is unidirectional CF/PPS (UD-CF/PPS) and satin weave CF/PPS (woven-CF/PPS) laminates. The effects of geometry of induction coils, coil height, heating time and the carbon fiber reinforcement of CFRTP laminates on heating behavior of CFRTP composites in induction heating were investigated. The experimental results revealed that the surface temperature of UD-CF/PPS and woven-CF/PPS laminates was increased with increasing the heating time. Moreover, the surface temperature was increased with decreasing remarkably the coil distance. It was also confirmed that the carbon fiber reinforcement of CFRTP laminates has an effect on induction heating behavior.
黒部 利次 今中 治 佐藤 彰
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.30, no.329, pp.200-205, 1981-02-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

A study has been conducted to calculate theoretically the impact fracture strength of Japanese paper on the basis of the orientation of its constituent fiber. The impact strength of paper is known to be defined as the energy which can be aborbed in the paper until its rupture during impact loading. The theoretical analyses have shown that the impact strength of Japanese paper is dependent upon the cut direction of specimen sheet; the magnitude of impact strength is the greatest in the cross direction of paper which is normal to the machine direction and decreases gradually with deviating from the cross direction of paper, while the minimum is seen in the range of the cut direction of 50 to 60 degrees. The theoretical predictions were supported by the results of experimental measurements of Haku-Uchi Gami (Japanese paper).
清水 憲一
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.65, no.6, pp.S4, 2016-06-15 (Released:2016-06-20)
長野 博夫
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.27, no.294, pp.309-314, 1978-03-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
遠藤 達雄 安在 弘幸
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.30, no.328, pp.89-93, 1981-01-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
2 13

This paper reports in detail a fundamental concept of a P/V difference method which is one of rainflow algorithms. The method is one of cycle count procedures which are useful for analyzing a complex strain time history.A strain time history should be analyzed keeping in mind the stress-strain behaviour in the background. Based on this concept, the rainflow algorithm subtracts from a strain time history the parts which correspond to closed hysteresis loops in the stress-strain relation. The subtracted parts and the residual parts are successively processed for fatigue damage evaluation.The algorithm given in this paper is simpler than the ones already presented, by the use of successive absolute differences between neighbouring peaks and valleys called P/V differences.The simplicity enabled us to make a real-time on-site fatigue damage indicator.
屋代 如月 西村 英晃
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.63, no.2, pp.155-162, 2014-02-15 (Released:2014-02-20)

For a new insight on solid lubricant of fullerenes and onion-like carbons (OLCs), we have performed scratch simulations on isolated fullerenes/OLCs and monolayer film of their array. Here, molecular dynamics simulation may overestimate bond-forming between the scratch surface and target carbons, so that we consider only the van der Waals interaction between the rigid diamond and fullerenes/OLCs. On this condition, both the isolated/layered fullerenes/OLCs doesn't show rotation but slip on the perfect (001) diamond surface, showing frictional coefficient lower than μ=0.05. On the other hand, the fullerenes/OLCs show rotation and higher frictional coefficients of μ=0.1∼0.3, if we set surface roughness on both scratch walls. In this rotational friction, larger fullerenes/OLCs show smaller frictional coefficients, and the fullerenes shows higher frictional coefficient than OLCs of same size.
矢野 浩之 椋代 純輔 大西 一広
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.39, no.444, pp.1207-1212, 1990-09-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
6 8 2

The top plate of guitar is usually made from two wood species which belong to different genus, that is, german spruce (Picea abies) and western redceder (Thuja plicata). To clarify the characteristics of these species and of the wood materials for guitar top plate, the acoustic properties of the specimens prepared from the neighbour portion of the top plate were measured by means of free-free flexural vibration method. The results were compared with the evaluation by an expert of guitar manufacture.The mean values of specific dynamic Young's modulus (E/γ) and tanδ of german spruce were higher than those of western redceder, while among various wood species these two had higher E/γ and lower tanδ in the longitudinal direction. These characteristics were particularly pronounced in the specimens which were judged by the expert to be high grade. Moreover, the standard deviations of the acoustic properties of the high grade specimens were smaller than those of the medium or low grade ones regardless of the species.The value of E/γ in the longitudinal direction, which can be obtained easily, seemed to be a convenient criterion for selecting the wood material suitable for guitar top plate. Because it correlated highly with tanδ in the longitudinal direction, and also with the ratio of tanδ in the radial direction to that in the longitudinal direction. Evaluation using both E/γ and tanδ in the longitudinal and radial directions was more appropriate, because the experimental values of E/γ and tanδ in any grain angle agreed with the values calculated based on Hankinson's equation.
北川 浩
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.21, no.230, pp.969-977, 1972-11-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
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堀川 教世 中山 英明 境田 彰芳 田中 道七
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.49, no.4, pp.426-432, 2000-04-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
3 4

Load-controlled fatigue tests were carried out on PAN-based monofilament carbon fibers under cyclic tensile load conditions at a frequency of 10Hz. Fatigue strength data are obtained under pre-determined maximum load Pmax with three different stress ratios of R(=Pmix/Pmax)=0.1, 0.5 and 0.7. The maximum load Pmax is not an appropriate parameter to evaluate the fatigue strength behavior because the cross-sectional area of monofilament carbon fiber is not constant and varies along the longitudinal direction. This fact results in a large scatter of fatigue lives when the data are plotted on Pmax-Nf diagram. In order to evaluate the fatigue strength behavior more precisely, the fatigue strength data must be plotted on S-N diagram by using the maximum tensile stress σmax determined from the cross-sectional area of the fracture surface. It is found that S-N properties of monofilament carbon fibers clearly show the fatigue behavior, depending on the stress ratio R. It is also found that the fatigue strength of monofilament carbon fiber is governed by two parameters such as the maximum stress σmax and the stress amplitude σa, and that the combined stress parameter σmax(1-α)×σaα is useful to describe the fatigue strength behaviors of the different stress ratios.
木村 宣夫 楠本 韶 内田 武 安藤 司文 越智 利彦
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.38, no.434, pp.1261-1267, 1989-11-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

A method to express the distribution of the experimental results of fracture toughness of ice was investigated by postulating the Weibull distribution with three parameters. The data were taken from the previous experiments conducted to study the effect of loading rate on the fracture toughness9), 10). Weibull parameters were estimated by several estimation methods11), 12) and the parameters obtained were compared with each other. The effect of loading rate together with that of specimen size on the parameters were discusssd at three loading rate ranges. It was confirmed that the parameters estimated were closely related to the experimental value of fracture toughness.
時國 裕也 上野 沙也加 牛尾 祐大 福本 直 吉武 勇
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.63, no.10, pp.710-715, 2014-10-15 (Released:2014-10-20)

Thermal power plant has occupied 90% of electric power supply after the earthquake disaster in Japan. Hence amount of coal-ash has increased gradually. Coal-ash, especially fly-ash, should be used for civil infrastructures, and concrete pavement must be a typical application using fly-ash. Fly-ash is a pozzolanic material, so it can contribute to various properties, such as strength development at mature age. The strength development at early age, however, is significantly slow and may negatively affect traffic service. Early strength may be improved when limestone filler is mixed in fly-ash concrete. In addition, the fly-ash concrete made with limestone aggregate may be recyclable as raw material for cement production. This study aims at developing the fly-ash pavement concrete which can make a traffic opening early and can be recycled. The paper describes the flexural strength properties of pavement concrete made with fly-ash of 40% replacement of cement. The result indicates the flexural strength at early age can be improved by using limestone filler, and assures sufficient strength development for traffic service at age of 2 days. In addition, the report shows flexural fatigue strength of the fly-ash pavement concrete is equal to or higher than the durability of conventional concrete pavement.
大内田 久 西岡 章夫 岩崎 勤
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.12, no.117, pp.451-456, 1963-06-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

The present investigation has been made in order to determine the influence of induction-hardening on the fatigue strength of shrink-fitted specimens. Cyclic direct stress fatigue tests were made on shrink-fitted specimens 20mm in diameter of NiCrMo steel.The results obtained were summarized as follows:1. The reduction ratio 2.3 was obtained by comparing the endurance limit for a shrink-fitted specimen with that of a plain specimen.2. The endurance limit of a shrink-fitted specimen was increased by about 2.1 times by induction-hardening.3. The fatigue strength of the induction-hardened specimen with a shink-fitted member may be estimated approximately from the modified Goodman diagram, in which the residual compressive stress on the surface layer of specimen is assumed to be mean stress.
津谷 和男
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料試験 (ISSN:03727971)
vol.3, no.12, pp.72-76, 1954-03-01 (Released:2009-05-26)
北川 正義
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.25, no.277, pp.979-983, 1976-10-15 (Released:2009-06-03)

Craze and crack growth in polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride and polymethyl methacrylate have been investigated under the presence of kerosene. The experiment for craze growth was carried out under the conditions of both constant rate loading and cyclic loading since the results under dead weight and step-wise loadings had previously been obtained. The delayed crack growth rate was investigated as a function of stress intensity factor.The experimental results were compared with the theoretical predictions derived from a model taking creep into account, which was proposed by the author.The results are summarized as follows.(1) The theory seems to hold also for the craze growth under constant rate and cyclic loadings.(2) The delayed crack growth may be classified in two types. One is the fibrous fracture type and the other is the quasi-brittle fracture type. The former type crack growth can be explained by the modified Knauss theory with the same time function as that of craze growth.
日根 文男 保田 昌樹
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.23, no.251, pp.654-659, 1974-08-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
4 8

It is well-known that the corrosion rate of iron and steel is affected by the Fe3+ concentration in acidified solutions. Experimental works on oxidation from Fe2+ to Fe3+ by the dissolved oxygen in various electrolytes have been carried out. Generally, the process is first order with respect to Fe2+, and it depends much on the pH. The reaction rate increased with decreasing pH in HCl, while the rate decreased with decreasing pH in other solutions such as phosphate, sulfate and citrate buffer solutions. The reaction rate was less than 10-3min-1 in solutions of pH<4, or the increment of Fe3+ was only 10-5M/min in solutions containing Fe2+ of 10-2M. The limiting current density for the cathodic process of those Fe3+ to Fe2+ would be 1.6×10-5ma/cm2, which is very small in comparison with the corrosion rate of Fe in aerated solutions. Therefore, it is concluded that the effect of oxidation of Fe2+ by the dissolved oxygen is negligible on corrosion of iron and steel.
津田 紘 臺丸谷 政志 小林 秀敏
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.54, no.7, pp.734-740, 2005 (Released:2006-04-07)
5 5

In this research, the effect of pre-fatigue on the impact tensile properties of the welded butt joint of high strength steel plates, HR590 and HR780, was investigated by means of the split Hopkinson bar method for tensile test. For comparison, quasi-static tensile tests were also performed to examine the effect of strain rate on the strength and the elongation. It was found that the effect of pre-fatigue on the tensile strength of welded butt joints is quite small if the applied stress in the pre-fatigue is less than the apparent yield stress of the welded butt joints. In the results of quasistatic and impact tensile tests for the welded butt joint of HR780 steel, however, the fracture strain of the specimens subjected to high cycle pre-fatigue was larger than that of the virgin specimens. This may be caused by the increase in hardness due to pre-fatigue observed in the weld zone of the joints.
秋庭 義明 木村 英彦 原 航平 田中 啓介
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.54, no.7, pp.698-703, 2005 (Released:2006-04-07)

Single edge notched specimens of a unidirectional SiC long fiber reinforced titanium alloy were fatigued under four point bending. Propagation behavior of fatigue cracks was observed on the basis of the effect of the fiber bridging. The branched fatigue cracks were initiated from the notch root. The crack propagation rate decreased with crack extension due to the crack bridging by reinforced fibers. The longitudinal stress in the reinforced fiber was measured by using high spatial resolution synchrotron radiation. The interfacial frictional stress between the matrix and the fiber could be directly determined by X-ray method. The bridging stress was also measured as a function of a distance from a crack-tip. The stress intensity factor range corrected on the basis of the shielding effect agreed well with that for the monolithic titanium alloy, when compared at the same crack propagation rate.
上野谷 敏之 水谷 義弘
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.55, no.3, pp.341-347, 2006 (Released:2006-04-26)