公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.2, pp.1-39, 2017 (Released:2018-03-22)

本稿は、『大串兎代夫関係文書』(国立国会図書館憲政資料室所蔵)中から、大串が敗戦直後に断片的に書き残した憲法改正論はどのようなものか明らかにし、天皇に統治権を残しているという形式をもって国体・帝国憲法に固執した者と批判してきた従来の日本国憲法成立史の枠組を修正するものである。 大串は、終戦の詔書を非常大権の発動と捉え、詔書にしたがい、自主的にポツダム宣言を履行し民主化を進めようとした。特に大串が拘ったのは、バーンズ回答で示された日本の政府形態は日本国民の自由意志で決定するという点であった。大串はこれを国体の問題と捉え、国民投票によって天皇制存続を決定した後に、憲法改正をすべきと考えた。 大串の憲法改正案の特徴は、次の三点である。 第一に、前文として国民宣言と憲法上諭を設け、統治権が天皇に帰属すること、統治権者としての天皇の権威が国家存立の基礎にあること、ただし統治権の施行は国民に対して責任を負う政府が行うことを宣明し、国体の本質を明らかにした。天皇が国民意志にもとづき統治権を行うことは本文でも明記され、天皇の役割は儀礼的な権限や裁可に限られた。 第二に、憲法上諭で、憲法改正の発議権を国民に認め、改正手続の法的正当性を確保しようとした。 第三に、同時代の草案ではあまり見られない国民投票、地方自治の章が設けられ、国民の権利として、法の下での平等、教育、勤労、選挙が明記された。 このように大串の憲法改正案は天皇に統治権を残したが、それは国民の総意で国家権威として認められ、役割も儀礼的なものに限定されていた。よって実質的には、日本国憲法の象徴天皇制とほぼ同じ内容を備えていた。さらに、国民意志にもとづく政治を徹底し、国家の重要事案の最終判断を国民投票に付そうとしていた点では、一種共和主義的なものを志向しており、その点では社会民主主義者や共産主義者と相重なる特徴を有していた。
松尾 剛次
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.89, no.2, pp.204-229,274-27, 1980

In this essay the author attempts to make a contribution to the history of outcastes in Japan and, in doing so, to the present day burakumin liberation movement by exploring hinin-shuku in the kinai region under the control of the temple, Saidaiji, during the late Kamakura period. Hinin-shuku in medieval Japan were small pariah settlements organized by temples and shrines through operatives called chori. These shuku were located within larger way stations at important points along transportation routes in the Kinai, and provided an important source of non-agricultural labor ranging from simple portage to various defiling occupations like animal slaughter and burial services. By re-examing available documents concerning hinin-shuku, the author criticizes the position held by Oyama Kyohei that these shuku were controlled under the authority of the shugo in the Kinai provinces, and therefore ultimately under the Imperial prerogative (Amino Yoshihiko's position). As opposed to the management of these settlements by such religious organizations as Kofukuji and Gion shrine, in which hinin residents were organized into guild (za) formations, Saidaiji, through the leadership of two monks, Eison and Ninsho, carried out its control under the guise of almsgiving (segyo) and the offering of salvation through the beliefs surrounding monjushuri, the Bodhisattva of Supreme Wisdom. As his main conclusion the author argues that there was a close relationship between the Kamakura Bakufu and Saidaiji, and, therefore, in a certain sense through this relationship Bakufu domination of hinin-shuku was realized.
三枝 暁子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.110, no.1, pp.69-99, 2001

This paper, focusing on Gion shrine, discusses the power of temples and shrines during the Nanboku Period.Despite the fact that the Gion shrine held a estival and organized local peasants and artisans (jinin神人) to support it, two acts that must have appealed to the urbanity of Kyoto, the Gion shrine itself has not yet been the object of study. Chapter one deals with the organization of the Gion shrine.The Gion shrine was the administrative organ of the kanjin'in mandokoro 感神院政所, which included the Enryakuji kengyo zasu 検校座主, betto 別当, and mokudai 目代, as well as Gion shrine lay monks, which in turn were comprised of the shigyo 執行, gon no chori 権長吏, gon no obetto 権大別当, gon no betto 権別当, sango 三綱, and shogo 小綱.It was the shigyo that actually played the role of directing the shrines lay monks.In addition to the lay monks, there were also the kunin 公人, jinin, miko 神子, and geinomin 芸能民, of whom a special kunin, the yorikata 寄方, had additional supervisory rights.Characteristics of head/branch temple relations can be discerned from the fact that the Gion shigyo was appointed by the Enryakuji zasu as well as from the existence of various independent relationships between both the Gion lay monks and the Enryakuji monks and between Gion shrine kunin and Enryakuji kunin. Chapter two considers the development of the Gion' shrine's administration of its shrine lands in Kyoto.We can confirm the shrine's rule of these areas through its collection of taxes, and its exercise of general policing rights.However, Enryakuji monks and monzeki 門跡 could purchase land within Gion's shrine lands;and whenever there were border disputes with other shrines, the cooperation of Enryakuji monks and kunin was necessary.Therefore, the land of the Gion shrine was still affected by head/branch temple relationships. Chapter three looks at the Gion shrine's role in maintaining an base of independence for Enryakuji within Kyoto.Enryakuji, when policing their various branch temples within Kyoto, as well as the hiejinin 日吉神人, utilized Enyrakuji kunin as well as Gion shrine kunin and inujinin 犬神人.However, compelling Gion shrine kunin and inujinin to participate in Enryakuji activities not only caused the Gion Shrine economic burdens, but when the Muromachi bakufu tried to grab power in Kyoto, the Gion shrine gradually took a stance of resistance towards Enryakuji.
出岡 学
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.112, no.4, pp.477-497, 2003

This article intends to analyze the religious policy of the Japanese Navy, which occupied Micronesia in 1914, in relation to the international situation at that time. At the beginning of its occupation, the Navy permitted German missionaries to inhabit the Islands and educate the natives out of "respect for civil rights". However, after schools were established in the Islands by the Japanese, the missionaries were sent into exile from the Islands. Their absence caused difficulties in ruling over the native people, so the Navy decided to introduce Japanese priests into the Islands. After the Germans were exiled from the territory occupied by the Allies, the Japanese Navy commanded the German missionaries to leave the Islands in June 1919. The introduction of Japanese missionaries was determined by the Japanese cabinet out of fear that American missionaries would flood the Islands. Because their activities were remarkable in the movement for the independence in Korea beginning on March 1, 1919. To banish missionaries of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions from the Islands, the Navy, first, negotiated with the Japanese Congregational Church, but the Treaty of Versailles obliged the Navy to assign Catholic missionaries to Catholic Churches. So the Navy also began negotiations with the Vatican. Consequently, Japanese missionaries of the Japanese Congregational Church and Roman Catholic Spanish missionaries were introduced into the Islands. The author concludes that the Japanese Navy became interested in introducing missionaries into Micronesia, not simply because ruling the natives would have been difficult without religion, but because the international situation in those days compelled the Navy to introduce missionaries into the Islands, with extreme subtlety and minute attention.
岡田 泰介
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.124, no.12, pp.1-36, 2015 (Released:2018-10-05)

I G . I 31 0 3 2、いわゆる A t h e n i a n N a v a l C a t a l o g u e は、古典期アテナイの軍船乗組員の構成を詳細かつ具体的に伝える、現在のところほぼ唯一の史料である。この碑文は、乗組員中に奴隷(t h e r a p o n t e s)が高い比率を占めていることなど、前五世紀アテナイ社会の理解に深くかかわる可能性のある注目すべき情報を含んでいるが、保存状態が悪いうえ、比較すべき類例がほとんどないため、歴史的文脈への位置づけがむずかしい。そこで、現時点でもっとも信頼性が高いと思われる断片配置とテクスト復元にもとづいてこの碑文をあらためて吟味し、そこから知り得ることを確認するとともに、その歴史的意義をあきらかにすることが、本稿の目的である。 まず、年代としては、碑文に内在する手がかりからは、前五世紀末、おそらく前四一二年以前という推定が可能だが、外部史料との照合によっても、それ以上の絞り込み、特定の歴史的 事件との関係づけはむずしいことを確認した。つ ぎに、この碑文から読みとれるアテナイ海軍の状態を一般化できるか否かを、多数の奴隷乗組員の存 在、海兵(e p i b a t a i )の社会的地位、乗組員の徴募方法という三つの指標にそくして考察した。その結果、奴隷と海兵の様態、乗組員の徴募方法のいずれにも、なんらかの特殊な事態を示唆する要素はみられないことがあきらかになった。以上から、この碑文は、例外的な状況ではなく、むしろ、ペロポンネソス戦争期アテナイ海軍の常態を反映した史料と評価することができるとの結論が導かれた 。
藤谷 浩悦
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.113, no.10, pp.1659-1688, 2004

This paper considers the Ping-Liu-Li Uprising of 1906 from the viewpoint of popular culture surrounding the Mid-autumn festival, and focuses on the following three points. First, the Ping-Liu-Li Uprising consisted of many phases, and rumors about the uprising which appeared in the Mid-autumn festival played an important role. The second point is the ideals and world view of the people were contained in the rumors. The third point concerns the connection between those ideals and world view and several leaders of the Tong Meng Hui and the Hong River Society. The Ping-Liu-Li Uprising started with an appeal from the Tong Meng Hui to the secret societies, which resulted in the organization of the Hong River Society. However, the main factor which led to the uprising was popular ideals and world view as reflected in Mid-autumn festival : the idea of the present world coming to an end, the appearance of a savior, and the realization of a peaceful world. It was believed that a savior would come to earth on the night of the Mid-autumn festival and save the people. Ultimately, this meant the return of the fundamental world. It has been said that the Ping-Liu-Li Uprising was raised by leaders of the Tong Meng Hui and the Hong River Society. However, the ideals and world view of the people also played an important role in this uprising. This phenomenon was to be repeated in the Revolution of 1911.