15 0 0 0 OA 九州探題考

黒嶋 敏
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.116, no.3, pp.328-361, 2007-03-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The Kyushu Tandai was a post set up by the Muromachi Bakufu to govern the island of Kyushu. From the end of fourteenth century, the post was held by successive members of the Shibukawa family branch of the Ashikaga clan. The research to date has held that the power of the Tandai quickly declined after the defeat of Shibukawa Yoshitoshi at the hands of the Shoni family in 1425 and eventually became limited to the eastern portion of Hizen Province. This is why the Kyushu Tandai has not been seen as a significant political force in the region during the late medieval period. The present article reexamines the process of the Shibukawa family's decline and fall in order to relocate the place of the Kyushu Tandai within the historical context of late medieval Japan. The above-mentioned decline of the Shibukawa family, which supposedly began with the defeat of 1425, was in fact the result of policies implemented under the Muromachi Shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori, which aimed at a new way of governing Kyushu centered around the Ouchi family, and in the process reduced the authority of the Kyushu Tandai. Nevertheless, the Tandai still retained a high level of military leadership in the region. Then, during the sixteenth century, when civil strife shook northern Kyushu as the result of the weakening of shogunal power in the region, the Shibukawa family split into Ouchi and Otomo family factions. Even then, the Tandai remained influential and was considered an important element within the strategy of any feudal lord (daimyo) in the region. The author concludes that the Shibukawa Kyushu Tandai family did not decline and fall, but rather lost importance as a regional Bakufu administrative organ due to a change in shogunate politics. On the other hand, the Shibukawa family's high level of political influence remained an important, unwavering element within the regional political order throughout the period. The same phenomenon can be observed in the case of the Muromachi Bafuku's Oshu (Northern Honshu) Tandai. Placing the post of Tandai within its rightful place in regional politics alongside the Bakufu and daimyo now reveals a brand new aspect of the political structure characterizing fifteenth and sixteenth century Japan.
及川 亘 小宮 木代良 石津 裕之 金子 拓 黒嶋 敏 森下 徹 佐藤 孝之

本年度は公儀普請関連の史料収集と整理・分析・研究のために、以下のような研究活動を行った。①史料調査:まず、靖國神社遊就館所蔵の「名古屋御城石垣絵図」の調査・撮影を行った。これは慶長十五年名古屋城普請にかかる丁場割を示した絵図である。同種のものとして宮内庁書陵部所蔵の絵図などが知られているが、本絵図はこれまで学界未紹介のものである。併せて名古屋市蓬左文庫において関連史料の調査も行った。また熊本大学所蔵「松井家文書」および、柳川古文書館寄託の立花家重臣十時家関連の文書から、公儀普請関係の史料の調査・撮影を行った。②公儀普請関係史料目録:研究協力者の協力を得て、柳川立花家関係として『柳川市史 史料編Ⅴ』(前年度より継続)・『福岡県史 近世史料編 柳川藩初期』、福岡黒田家関係として『黒田家文書』・『福岡県史 近世史料編 福岡藩初期』、萩毛利家関係として『大日本古文書 毛利家文書』より(それぞれ刊本)、公儀普請関連の史料の抽出・目録化を行った。③『大日本古記録 梅津政景日記』のフルテキストデータベース化:『大日本古記録 梅津政景日記』の第二巻・第三巻テキストデータを加工、前年度に加工の完了していた第一巻とともに東京大学史料編纂所の古記録フルテキストデータベースに搭載し、一般公開した。④研究会の開催:研究代表者・研究協力者を中心に二回の研究会を開催した。それぞれの報告者・題目は以下の通りである。第一回(2018年9月3日 於東京大学史料編纂所)、黒嶋敏「天下普請としての秀吉の造船」、及川亘「靖国神社遊就館所蔵『名古屋御城石垣絵図』について」、第二回(2019年3月19日 於かんぽの宿柳川)、金子拓「天正四年における織田信長の洛中普請について」、黒嶋敏「『今井宗久書札留』にみる織田信長と銀山」、立石了(研究協力者)「立花家重臣十時家の公儀普請関係史料の概要」、以上。
金子 拓 黒嶋 敏 堀 新 黒嶋 敏 堀 新 岡田 正人 桐野 作人 杉崎 友美 矢部 健太郎 和田 裕弘


1 0 0 0 九州探題考

黒嶋 敏
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.116, no.3, pp.328-361, 2007

The Kyushu Tandai was a post set up by the Muromachi Bakufu to govern the island of Kyushu. From the end of fourteenth century, the post was held by successive members of the Shibukawa family branch of the Ashikaga clan. The research to date has held that the power of the Tandai quickly declined after the defeat of Shibukawa Yoshitoshi at the hands of the Shoni family in 1425 and eventually became limited to the eastern portion of Hizen Province. This is why the Kyushu Tandai has not been seen as a significant political force in the region during the late medieval period. The present article reexamines the process of the Shibukawa family's decline and fall in order to relocate the place of the Kyushu Tandai within the historical context of late medieval Japan. The above-mentioned decline of the Shibukawa family, which supposedly began with the defeat of 1425, was in fact the result of policies implemented under the Muromachi Shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori, which aimed at a new way of governing Kyushu centered around the Ouchi family, and in the process reduced the authority of the Kyushu Tandai. Nevertheless, the Tandai still retained a high level of military leadership in the region. Then, during the sixteenth century, when civil strife shook northern Kyushu as the result of the weakening of shogunal power in the region, the Shibukawa family split into Ouchi and Otomo family factions. Even then, the Tandai remained influential and was considered an important element within the strategy of any feudal lord (daimyo) in the region. The author concludes that the Shibukawa Kyushu Tandai family did not decline and fall, but rather lost importance as a regional Bakufu administrative organ due to a change in shogunate politics. On the other hand, the Shibukawa family's high level of political influence remained an important, unwavering element within the regional political order throughout the period. The same phenomenon can be observed in the case of the Muromachi Bafuku's Oshu (Northern Honshu) Tandai. Placing the post of Tandai within its rightful place in regional politics alongside the Bakufu and daimyo now reveals a brand new aspect of the political structure characterizing fifteenth and sixteenth century Japan.
黒嶋 敏 谷口 央 金子 拓 播磨 良紀 鴨川 達夫 畑山 周平 山田 貴司 福原 圭一

田中 大喜 村木 二郎 松田 睦彦 湯浅 治久 鈴木 康之 井上 聡 高橋 典幸 黒嶋 敏 貴田 潔 神野 祐太 渡邊 浩貴

黒嶋 敏
The Historical Society of Japan
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.109, no.11, pp.1992-2014, 2000-11-20 (Released:2017-11-30)

The research done to date on the relations between Japan and the Ryukyu Islands has tended focus its discussion on the Shimazu family of the Satsuma region in Kyushu. The Shimazu family was not only granted various rights over the Ryukyus, but also carried out a direct invasion of its territory. It is true that many of the historical sources related to the subject come from the Shimazu family, and it cannot be denied that the two regions were closely related geographically. However, it is the opinion of the author of the present paper that the focus of the research to date has placed to much emphasis on the history of the Shimazu family rather than the history of international relations between two countries. He sets out to reexamine the research and offer a broader point of view, while criticizing the conventional interpretation of the Shimazu family documents. As the result of this examination, the author divides the relations between medieval Japan and the Ryukyu Kingdom into four different periods. The first period, spanning the first half of the fifteenth century, involved mainly the Muromachi Bakufu on the Japan side, which dispatched emissaries to the Ryukyus on a yearly basis. During the second period, from 1470 to 1520, the Hosokawa family issued sealed orders permitting such parties as pirates on the Inland Sea and the Shimazu family to conduct maritime trade with the Ryukyus. The focus of the third period, 1520 to 1560, shifted to the Ouchi family, as internal division spread among the Shimazu resulting in a loss of their political influence in Ryukyu affairs. The final period, from 1560 on, centered around the Shimazu family, now unified as a powerful sengoku daimyo and assuming a position to demand exclusive rights to deal with the Ryukyus. It was also a time that the Ryukyu Kingdom attempted to free itself from international relations in which it was subordinated to Japan. According to this periodization scheme, it is clear that the Shimazu family played the role of a mere intermediary during most of the medieval period. Throughout the period, the Ryukyus were placed by Japan within subordinate relationships to political forces centered on the Muromachi shogunate.
黒嶋 敏
日本歴史 (ISSN:03869164)
no.594, pp.17-32, 1997-11