井関 利明
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.3, pp.13-29, 1964

論文1. 問題の提起2. 経済学における消費者行動論とその限界3. 消費者行動への社会学的接近法4. 購買行動分析の理論図式A. 分析のための作業モデルB. 諸要素の説明C. 準拠集団と小集団5. 要約と結論
平井 智尚
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.66, pp.109-112, 2008

平成19年度[慶應義塾大学]大学院高度化推進研究費助成金報告はじめに1. アニメーション, ゲームのファンの位置づけ2. インターネットの位置づけ(1) メディアとしてのインターネット(2) ネット文化3. 聖地巡礼から町おこしへ : 「らき☆すた」を事例として4. おわりに
深田 愛乃
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.91, pp.17-33, 2021

This paper aims to clarify the relationship between the conversion of Kenji Miyazawa (1896–1933) from Jodo Shinshu (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism) to the Lotus Sutra (Hokekyo) and how his educational thoughts were formed by analyzing the process of his separation from the ideology of Haya Akegarasu (1877–1954), a monk of Jodo Shinshu. Previous studies indicate that the educational thoughts of Kenji Miyazawa, a teacher of an agricultural school, were based on his faith. However, it has not been clear how his educational thoughts were influenced by the wanderings of his faith from Jodo Shinshu to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren-ism. Therefore, this paper first discusses the relationship between Kenji Miyazawa and Haya Akegarasu, who formed a friendship with the Miyazawa family. Then, by reviewing Fukkatsu-no-mae and Souringensou, Kenji Miyazawa's literary works referring to Haya Akegarasu, this paper examined why Kenji was dissatisfied with Jodo Shinshu and felt attracted to the Lotus Sutra and how such processes affected his mindset as a teacher. Fukkatsu-no-mae was published in spring when Kenji was graduating from Morioka Higher School of Agriculture and Forestry. By analyzing Haya Akegerasu's words quoted in the work, his thoughts were clearly characterized as an acceptance of reality with resignation. Kenji Miyazawa was dissatisfied with such thoughts, which consequently led to his conversion to the Lotus Sutra, which is oriented toward the reformation of reality. Souringensou refers to the Haya Akegarasu's tanka, that is, a short Japanese poem comprising 31 syllables. By examining the revision process and Haya Akegarasu's work, it is suggested that his tanka depicted real life as it was. In contrast, Kenji Miyazawa's literary works were transformed from tanka to free verses in spoken language and fairy tales, which were called Shinshou-sketch (Mental Sketch Modified). He regarded having questions about the structure of the world and how you see the society as an important factor in Shinshou-sketch. In conclusion, the present findings suggest that the transformation of Kenji's faith and literary works was connected to his educational thoughts, with which he entrusted the ideology of the reformation of reality to his students.論文
齋藤 誠子
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.82, pp.75-92, 2016

論文This research uses the KJ method to evaluate viewers' criticisms of Japanese TV programs through an examination of viewers' opinions appearing on the Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization (BPO) website.The research indicated that : (1) viewers criticized the partiality of the news content in news programs and the modus operandi adopted for the reporting (2) ; viewers believed entertainment programs were coarse and harmful for young people and had no morality ; and (3) viewers criticized the lack of consideration for the cast and reliability of the information. However, few viewers expressed their opinions regarding television dramas and animation shows.Therefore, this research confirmed that : (1) owing to the extensive use of the Internet, TV viewers are aware of the strong criticism that TV programs are prone to ; (2) TV viewers and the Broadcasting station experience a "moral panic ; " and (3) TV viewers do not tend to criticize television dramas or animation programs because these are fictional in nature.It is essential that future research examines the relation between viewers' criticisms and psychological factors, such as the third-person effect and the hostile media effect, and explore various theories to understand this relation.
間篠 剛留 原 圭寛 翟 高燕 塔 娜
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.79, pp.1-14, 2015

This paper examines how concepts of scholarship, especially scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and scholarship of engagement (SoE), have developed among academic theorists based on Ernest L. Boyer's Scholarship Reconsidered (1990).To break out of the monotonous old debate of teaching versus research, Boyer attempted to redefine the meaning of scholarship. He proposed four types of scholarship -discovery, integration, application, and teaching— and insisted that they be equally respected. Since Boyer's proposition, many scholars have actively debated what scholarship is, and new concepts of scholarship, such as SoTL and SoE, have been developed.Recently, American scholarship has had two important tendencies: one is disaggregated, specific, and concrete; the other is aggregated, holistic, and abstract. Advocates of the former regard the new types of scholarship, such as SoTL and SoE, as extensions of one of Boyer's original four types. Hence, these advocates believe SoTL to be an extension of scholarship of teaching and SoE to be an extension of scholarship of application. These arguments provide concrete representations of scholarship, something that Boyer did not provide, and this helps people recognize the significance of teaching and learning or service and outreach. SoTL and SoE programs are useful in helping convince people that the work of teaching and learningshould be evaluated. Because the call for accountability is strong today and certain specialized appointees typically focus their energies on only one of the traditionally integrated faculty functions, administrators and scholars are likely to welcome new types of scholarship. This specific and concrete concept has succeeded in appropriately evaluating work that Boyer had earmarked for evaluation.However, this concept of scholarship contains a weakness that disregards Boyer's principles. If one sees SoTL and SoE as merely developmental ideas of the scholarship of teaching and the scholarship of application, and as programs or activities concerning them, the possibility of conflict among research, teaching, and service arises anew. Hence, another conceptual type of scholarship has emerged: the comprehensive type, which advocates regard as a construction of Boyer's four forms of scholarship or a principle for constructing them. In this way, scholars regard SoTL as scholarship that emphasizes teaching and learning and SoE as a form that emphasizes service. This new, comprehensive type of scholarship yields a critical perspective on specific types. Boyer offers the four types of scholarship as a common ground concept that all academic professions must share, and comprehensive scholarship advocates the importance of the types of thinking inherent in those four original types. Advocates of comprehensive scholarship attempt to reconstruct Boyer's four types flexibly, so that American academic professions can foster diversity and share common ground.論文
宮田 裕光 渡辺 茂 皆川 泰代
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.70, pp.125-140, 2010

論文The present study using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) examined prefrontal activation associated with maze-solving performance and preplanning in adult humans. The participants were required to solve an eight-arm shuriken-shaped maze, comparable to the one used for pigeons to behaviorally assess preplanning, by moving a target square to a goal square presented on a touch-sensitive screen. The maze-solution phase was preceded by a 10-s preview phase during which the participants could observe but were not allowed to solve the maze. The participants, in contrast with pigeons, made few incorrect responses in trials in which the goal jumped to the end of another arm following the preview phase. The NIRS data revealed two-peak waveforms, with the first peak during the preview phase and the second one during the solution phase, most evidently in baseline trials. Significant increase in oxy-Hb was found near right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) during the solution phase, while hemodynamic changes during the preview phase failed to reach statistical significance. The data suggest that, although human adults may have planned the solution of the maze during the preview phase, they needed to employ relatively small amount of cognitive resources throughout this task. Developmental and comparative perspectives for investigating neural correlates of preplanning are discussed.
菅野 博史
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.34, pp.p21-29, 1992

論文0. はじめに1. 行為者の意図とその理解2. 間主観的な作用3. 独我論4. 社会システムと意識システム5. 相互浸透と構造的カップリング6. ルーマン理論の批判的検討
Lamotte Charlotte
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学心理学教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.77, pp.159-175, 2014

論文One of the renowned "three most important replicas of the Shikoku pilgrimage in Japan," the town of Sasaguri 篠栗, located in Northeast Kyushu, attracts more than 200,000 pilgrims annually. Established in 1835 following the wish of a mysterious wandering ascetic, the nun Jinin慈忍, it quickly became a local sacred place and a center of the Kōbō Daishi faith 弘法大師信仰for those who could not afford to travel to Shikoku Reijyō四国霊場. Nowadays, it is known as a place where wishes are realized, and it has earned a reputation as a "power spot." Its convenient location, less than 20 minutes by rapid train from the center of Fukuoka; natural environment; and the dynamic nature of its religious atmosphere attract many pilgrims and tourists as well as a variety of ascetic practitioners and religious specialists. The 88 replicas of Shikoku's small pilgrimage sites, fudasho 札所; the small temples and local shrines that came with it; religious figures from numerous small statues to the gigantic "Enlightenment Buddha" of the famous Nanzō-in temple南蔵院; and the presence of ascetic practitioners called gyōjya行者, spirit mediums called reinōsha 霊能者—who have psychic powers and can grant wishes—and oracles called ogamiyasan 拝み屋さんcreate a distinct atmosphere that adds to Sasaguri's success.Shugendō修験道, or mountain ascetism, played an important role in the development of Sasaguri as a sacred place, since most of the temple's founders were wandering ascetics with an ambiguous status in institutional Buddhism but with efficient ritual skills and charisma. Arriving from outside town, these religious specialists hugely impacted the locality, proving themselves to be an "external power" that contributed to shaping Sasaguri as a popular pilgrimage destination with the help of the locals who developed an impulse to transform the town. Alongside its overture to external influences, Sasaguri also showed a formidable ability to adapt to social changes. The exchanges between associations of pilgrims and Sasaguri inhabitants during the pilgrimage's seasonal peaks in spring and fall, such as the custom of settai 接待 (offerings of food, money, or shelter from locals to pilgrims), developed rapidly. Visiting Sasaguri enabled pilgrims to temporarily distance themselves from the mundane world, wash themselves from social or personal problems and ritual impurity, and have a leisurely experience.In this paper, I examine a case study of people who visit Sasaguri to perform religious austerities. These people are referred to as ascetic practitioners or gyōja 行者. Some of their followers believe that they possess spiritual abilities or reikan 霊感. Alone or in a group, they practice traditional ascetism such as the waterfall austerity, takigyō滝行. For them, Sasaguri is more than a replica of Shikoku; it is an ascetic practice site, gyōba 行場, with its own appeal, as proven by the importance of the ancient shugendō center on Mount Wakasugi若杉山and the cave temple Oku no In 奥の院on its summit, which is regularly visited by pilgrims even though it is not one of the 88 official sacred sites of the pilgrimage. Today, city dwellers from Fukuoka City increasingly consider Sasaguri and Wakasugi as hiking spots. However, people still visit the waterfall of Yōrō no Taki 養老の滝, halfway to the summit, to perform religious austerities. At the same time, Wakasugi's mountain forest attracts people seeking untouched nature. Many diviners, yoga teachers, and other persons interested in "spiritual" activities visit Sasaguri to receive "natural energy." Organizers of pilgrimage sites or fudasho札所and local members of temple organizations arrange one-day itineraries for easily accessible "pilgrimage experiences." Furthermore, the government "Forest Therapy" program was developed in Sasaguri, adapting to the locality by creating original religious and spiritual content. New religious activities such as Forest Therapy at Sasaguri and pilgrimage experiences might appear similar to the "religious experience practices" 体験修行proposed by Hasebe Ichirō. However, in Sasaguri's case, modernized spiritual practitioners are encountered in the same places as the more "traditional" ones, and they mostly follow the same patterns of practice. In this sense, Sasaguri is a "contact zone" between the internal and external worlds within the context of the local society that coexists in a newly created situation; this also explains its everlasting appeal. Thus, Sasaguri's particular status permits a rethinking of the relationship between religion and modernity.
伊藤 和幸
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.33, pp.p1-8, 1991

論文I. 序章II. 明治期の国語運動III. 国語調査委員会の創立と活動IV. 本稿の限界
阪井 裕一郎
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.70, pp.91-111, 2010

論文This paper aims at examining why and how the norm of arranged-marriage by go-between was strongly persistence during prewar Japan, though since Meiji era it had been gradually difficult to deny the idea that love was essential for marriage. Therefore, it is important to rethink the relationship between love marriage and arranged-marriage. Through analyzing the ideology and the logic of the discourse on arranged-marriage or marital mediation, this paper investigates this question.Firstly, I examine what logics coped with the contradiction between the affirmative discourses on love and the persistence of arranged-marriage norm. This study shows that there was the dichotomy of discourses on love: public( social) love and private (individual) love, and that the affirmative discourses on love contained a moment of encouraging the normalization of arranged-marriage.Secondly, by analyzing the discourses on eugenics and its national policy, I investigate the complex of the ideology regarding marital mediation. In the wartime Japan, it was thought that the scientific principle that a person's character depended on heredity should be applied to the regulation of people's marital behaviors and mate choice by the hand of the Government. On a variety of principles based on eugenics, the contradiction or rivalry between arranged marriage and love marriage was dissolved.These results suggest that the arranged-marriage was not simply traditional or familistic marriage, but also the marriage suitable to modern ideals. Therefore, it is important to describe the relationship between arranged-marriage and love marriage as complement rather than as binomial.
中原 逸郎
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.73, pp.57-77, 2012

論文The purpose of this study is to clarify how they have promoted the traditional art performance, which is created in a city. For this purpose, I have selected one of the five Geisha Community of Kyoto known as Kamishichiken. By reviewing information on the history through interviews with hosts and guests, I analyzed the dance performance and the aspects of Geisha Community which were devoted to the culture of hospitality.Kamishichiken is small scale, self-enclosed but focused on quality of arts, and has a close relationship with Nishijin merchants in Kyoto. Mainly By this close relationship was with Nishijin, an excellent textile maker and primary patrons of these arts, after WW II in 1952 during the important festival of Kitano shrine, Kamishichiken disclosed the performances.It was an excellent opportunity for them to show their new arts. However, they had to develop new performances to suite the changing society.Their performances were created under the direction of a movie director, Tamizo Ishida (1901‒1972) with a respectable knowledge of dance performances, he worked out new plans. By caring not to spoil the traditional dance of the Hanayagi school,Ishida created continuous hybrid performances with another dance schools and with a new type of music.In this thesis, Iwill clarify how the hybrid performances opened to the new audiences and the difficulties in promoting these new performances in a changing society.
本間 千尋
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.74, pp.33-54, 2012

論文Bourdieu's "cultural capital" is recognized as high culture. He states that cultural hierarchy corresponds to social hierarchy, noting that the piano is an aristocratic instrument and playing it is related to people's original social class. Therefore, the piano is considered the cultural capital. However, many people now play piano, and its popularity is growing in Japan.This study focused on the popularization of piano culture in Japan. Researchers have found that piano culture became popular during a period of high economic growth, but we examine how it achieved this popularity. Before World War II (WWII), piano culture was enjoyed only by the wealthy classes. However, after the war, it expanded and was modified by the music schools that were established by the piano manufacturer.Simultaneously, the number of women hoping to work increased during the high economic growth period, and learning to play piano enabled them to have a career in music.I analyzed the popularization of piano culture through oral history. This study found that during the high economic growth period, piano culture was a symbol that raised the player's class, and that popularization in this period was a prologue to the greater popularity that followed.
南 真紀子
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.63, pp.19-36, 2006

論文SAKAKI Yasusaburo is an authority on psychiatry in the beginning of 20th century and known as one of the researcher who introduced "Padagogishe Pathologie (Educational Pathology)" to Japan. But it is not known well that he is one of the pioneer of the study of the Yushu-ji (gifted children, Sakaki called them 'Yuto-ji')" in Japan and that his classification of the "Yuto-ji" affected the following ones. So l think l can find how the "Yushu-ji" themselves and the problems on them were seen by analyzing his study and the situation around it like why Sakaki concerned with it. This paper is divided into two parts. The purpose of this former part is to arrange his works and clear what his background as a researcher is. And then, the purpose of the latter is to prove the feature of the study of the "Yuto-ji" and what the feature came from. I think it to be a lead to solve the former questions.
西村 理
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.63, pp.87-109, 2006

論文In Japanese folklore since Kunio Yanagita, there is an established theory "the dead person who passed through last anniversary memorial service loses personality, and to become ancestors". However, in Yuza town, praying for the repose of souls is continued after last anniversary memorial service. This does not apply to an established theory that personality of a dead person is lost. Concept of the soul affects many shares in this memory about dead person. In Yuza town, it is particularly afraid of a dead person immediately on death, and a difference of measures to the stable soul that passed posthumously for several years is seen everywhere. There are a soul of a stable dead person and aliving person in close relation, which makes various memories about dead person. ln late years, the spread of a photograph and video technology advances, and there is a trial to print a history and history of each family in making of an area magazine. By this study, memory about a dead person in Yuza town is contemplated along with out look on soul which became the base, and introducing variable memory about dead person.
白井 勝美
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.31, pp.p169-175, 1991

論文はじめに第1節 イエズス会の一般的性格について第2節 反宗教改革とイエズス会第3節 「霊操」第4節 『霊操』の「総註」にみるロヨラの教育観の一端