加賀 裕郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1984, no.49, pp.57-71, 1984-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

It seems that Dewey's theory of the aim of education stressing 'growth' as the ultimate aim of education, is widely known and to a certain degree recognized. On the other hand, the meaning of growth is still ambiguous so much so that it may even be regarded as a mere slogan in education-a catchword without cognitivemeaning. In fact, such a paradoxical situation is partly due to ambiguities in Dewey's theory of the aim of education criticized by essentialists and reconstructionalists. However, on close examination, it becomes clear that many criticisms are put forth because of serious misunderstandings concerning Dewey's theory of growth; Dewey's theory of growth as the aim of education was built on the basis of thephilosophical foundations of his thought, a fact ignored in criticisms mentioned above. Hence, in this paper I would like to clarify the structure of Dewey' s theory of the aim of education with special emphasis on two of its aspects : the ultimate aim and the general or comprehensive aim in education.
村井 実
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1984, no.50, pp.1-15, 1984-11-10 (Released:2010-01-22)

Among researchers the problem has frequently been discussed how the relation between the liberal and enlightened thinking which Mori maintained as a Deputy Ambassador in America and the nationalistic and centralistic attitude he took as Minister of Education in Japan is to be interpreted. By making a distinction between nationalism in education and nationalism in general, this paper attempts to point out the possibility of a new understanding of this problem, more in line with the interest of the history of educational thought.Looking at the problem from this angle, it turns out that Mori in his fundamental thinking was an educational nationalist throughout. This study tries to establish the logic of this assumption by means of an examination of Mori's works and at the same time it points out that this type of nationalism possessed characteristics, in terms of educational thought, peculiar to the Japanese in their entirety and consequently the attempt is made to emphasize the importance of interest in educational research of this type of nationalism.

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茂泉 昭男
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1984, no.49, pp.5-12, 1984-05-10 (Released:2010-01-22)
岡本 明人
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1983, no.48, pp.1-14, 1983-11-05 (Released:2010-05-07)

This paper aims at a critique of the following Hegel interpretation of some educational theorists belonging to the geisteswissenschaftliche school. It is an interpretation in terms of a formation theory of Hegel's philosophy of 'spirit' explaining the self-emanation of spirit as 'alienation'.I call this interpretation a 'generalization of the particular' and criticize it on the following two accounts : (1) This theory misinterprets the pedagogical meaning of Hegel's alienation of spirit as if it meant a theory of self-alienation of spirit.(2) This theory presupposes that becoming 'socialized leads man immediately to autonomous thinking or to 'individualization'.
宇野 美恵子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1983, no.48, pp.15-30, 1983-11-05 (Released:2009-09-04)

Haruji Nakamura (1877-1924) is a Japanese educator who searched for possibilities of modern education for common people related to the traditional culture and especially to the consciousness of ultimate norms of the Japanese people.Influenced by modern educational thought introduced during the early Meijiperiod, especially Christian practical ethics and humanism such as 'self-help' of Samuel Smiles (1812-1904) or the social movement of fabianism, he tried in his experimental middle school to change the traditional view of man of common people in those days into the view of more responsible and self-disciplined man in modern society.In this attempt, he made use of the ethical teaching of 'Ten Ox-herding' or meditation and ascetic practices of Zen Buddhism and also turned his attention to the methods of teaching used in the 'Terakoya' which treated each child carefully and individually in small groups.Through such experiments, he sought to awaken people to a clear self-cosciousness of taking responsibility in their ethical relations.In spite of respect for and practical use of the tradition, his educational thought aimed at some kind of enlightenment and liberalism respecting responsible individuals and his eyes were directed toward realizing human freedom and social equality in the structural reform of the modernization of Japan.
羽根田 秀実
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1983, no.48, pp.31-45, 1983-11-05 (Released:2009-09-04)

In diesem Beitrag wird der Versuch unternommen, Pestalozzis Anschauung von der Wahrheit zu klären. Die Analyse seiner Gedankenstruktur sollte eine Losung dieser Aufgabe ermoglichen und diese seine Gedankenstruktur ist in der Struktur der 'Natur' zu finden.Diese Struktur besteht aus einer Wechselbeziehung zwischen Mensch und Außenwelt. Pestalozzi übersieht diese Wechselbeziehung keineswegs, aber er bleibt dabei nicht stehen, sondern sieht im Menschen 'Geist' und 'Gefühl', in der Außenwelt die Doppelseitigkeit von 'Kreis des Wissens' und der 'Verhältnisse'. Er betrachtet die Wahrheit unter diesen beiden gegensätzlichen und andererseits auch komplementären Rücksichten. Durch die Betrachtung dieser Wechselbeziehung kann geklärt werden, aufgrund welcher Denkweise Wahrheit' im Sinne von Pestalozzi konzipiert ist.In dieser Struktur lassen sich zwei Denkformen Pestalozzis unterscheiden, einmal lie Richtung von 'Mensch' zu 'Außenwelt', zweitens die von 'Außenwelt' zu 'Mensch'. Jene wird durch 'Geist' und 'Kreis des Wissens' erläutert, diese durch 'Gefühl' und 'Verhältnisse'. Die erstere führt zu 'Wissen', die letztere zu 'Weisheit'. Was bei einer Synthese von 'Wissen' und 'Weisheit' entsteht, ist die 'Wahrheit', nach der Pestalozzi geforscht hat.
青木 英実
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1983, no.48, pp.46-60, 1983-11-05 (Released:2009-09-04)

There are many conflicts in our society. The children will grow up in a society full of conflicts. They should acquire the ability to control conflicts without doing destructive harm to each other.Hence, teachers and parents themselves must control conflicts in educational situations, because by adults dealing rationally with conflicts children are helped to learn the rational strategies for dealing with conflicts which are necessary for peaceful social life.We tend to believe that love may check conflicts ; but a dogmatic theory of love may, on the contrary, also encourage mutual aggression in certain circumstances. A strong emphasis on love may even create serious conflicts.In the classroom, teachers should, therefore, not too strongly emphasize mutual love, but they should rather aim at an optimal understanding under prevailing circumstances including also the children's desires.To sum up, the road to peace is paved by an education aiming at rational conflict-ability and tolerance of a plurality of values.
佐藤 由紀子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1983, no.48, pp.60-73, 1983-11-05 (Released:2010-05-07)

The main purpose of M. Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology was to stop the fruitless dispute between materialism and idealism, to re-learn seeing the world, and to restore the naive contact with the world. Apparently this phenomenology suggests a unique viewpoint in understanding the existence of 'child'. We can find this viewpoint more directly expounded in his lectures on child psychology and pedagogy held at the Sorbonne. This paper, focusing on these lectures, examines the characteristic points and the meaning of these lectures.Merleau-Ponty proposes a phenomenological child psychology in contrast to child psychology as a positivistic science and he treats pedagogy also as synonymous with phenomenological child psychology. He emphasises the importance of the lived existential relation between the child and the adult which we are apt to miss by objectifying 'child' as the object of positivistic or scientific knowledge.If we dare to attach a name to attempt at phenomenology, we may call it phenomenology of 'child and adult'. It includes a notion of protest against the one-way theory of stages of development from child to adult, and it seems to suggest that human development should be considered only in terms of the structure of co-existence of child and adult.