大塚 惠一
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.51, pp.42-55, 1985-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

As to the content, this paper follows up the “Dialogue' and the Task of Human Formation-in its relation to 'dialogue toward' and 'dialogue through” published in Nr. 41 (1980) of the “Studies in the Philosophy of Education.”. As a continuation of those former studies and advancing considerations aiming at the formation of a theory, this paper is based once again on the practice research forming the fundamental theme of 'learning through dialogic thinking' in one particular primary school examined also in the former paper, studying the function of the pedagogical method principle involved in the dialogue as 'dialogue through'. At the same time, as in the former paper, this is another attempt of verification of the theory of 'education toward dialogue' of Prof. 0. F. Bollnow of Tübingen University in West Germany.
松浦 良充
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.51, pp.56-70, 1985-05-10 (Released:2010-01-22)

The purpose of this paper is to examine and clarify the meaning of the concept of 'freedom' in the philosophy of liberal education of Robert M. Hutchins.The term 'freedom' is always a controversial concept in regard to many contemporary problems of education. This is due to the ambiguity of its meaning. Hence, this paper as a kind of case study, tries to examine and to readjust this controversial concept by taking as an example Hutchins' concept of 'liberal' education.The logical structure of Hutchins' theory of liberal education includes the following three theses1. Liberal education was originally (in ancient Greece) the education suited to free men who were political rulers.2. At present, universal suffrage, the foundation of democracy, makes every man a ruler; industry garantees everybody leisure, hence every man can become a free man.3. Consequently at our time liberal education is the education for all men.Furthermore, this paper examines the above-mentioned concepts of 'liberal' educationand '
原 弘己
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.51, pp.71-83, 1985-05-10 (Released:2010-01-22)

As is clear from H. Nohl's lecture “Theliving Herbart” (Der lebendige Herbart), Herbart's pedagogy is recently being re-evalued. As another attempt of re-evaluation, attention in this paper is phocused on the starting point of Herbart's pedagogy. This starting point is to be found especially in the works of the young Herbart, particularly in his experiences as a family tutor. There Herbart believed the direct and close relation between educator and child to be of utmost importance and maintained that this relation was to be established through mutual trust. In this paper I would like to re-capture the framework of Herbart's systematic theory of education from the viewpoint of the relation of educator and child on this level.
早川 操
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.52, pp.1-15, 1985-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The main theme of this study is that John Dewey's theory of “social inquiry” can be one of the philosophical foundations upon which a theory of life-long education may be built.First, in order to demonstrate this point, the relationship between education and social inquiry is explored. The connecting link between the two is the idea of “mutual growth” which is also the essence of life-long education.Second, the nature of “coinquirer” is discussed with reference to the function of a face-to-face relationship. This discussion leads to the clarification of the unique nature of a unified self which is created through the cooperative function of choice, decision, and sympathy in the process of social inquiry.Third, the idea of a learning society is examined as a matrix through which mutual growth of coninquirers is promoted. This examination includes a compara-tive analysis of Dewey's idea of a community of inquiry and the ideas of a learning society proposed by Hutchins and the Carnegie Commission.The conclusion is that continuous social inquiry, which aims at the enrichment of one' system of meanings, is an effective method to secure and promote life-long, mutual growth in a learning society.
宇野 美恵子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.52, pp.16-29, 1985-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Entarô Noguchi (1868-1941) who is well known as a pioneer in the Taisho New Education Movement, especially as principal of the Himeji Normal School and Ikebukuro Children's Village elementary school shows us one of the typical ideas of that movement.He was brought up in the ethical climate of contemporary popular traditional culture, i. e. Buddhism (Jôdo Shinshu) and practical interpretation of Confucianism (Yang-ming school) based on religious and moral feeling of Shinto. After graduating from the Tokyo Higher Normal School, he became the principal of the Normal School of Himeji Prefecture.While in Tokyo, he was strongly influenced by “The Manual of Ethics” of John Stuart Mackenzie (1860-1935) who was an English moral philosopher of the New-Kant School. Under his influence he endeavoured to clarify the educational thought of pursuing that intuitive aspect of rationality which is commonly termed 'right reason' in the doctrine of Natural Law. At the same time, he also studied more naturlistic and experimental theories of contemporary western and American educational thought, on the basis of his traditional Japanese naturalism.The method pursued in this study is to analyze his texts, interpreting the meaning of Noguchi's educational thought and outlook as well as his historical significance and his problems, especially by concentrating on his concepts of nature and personality.

1 0 0 0 OA 幼な子の怒り

俵木 浩太郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.52, pp.30-42, 1985-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The author tries to elucidate the meaning of Jesus' paradoxical teaching 'unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.Though an analogy like 'child' can have various connotations, the author singles out an aspect that children are pure and sincere in their wrath. However, the treatment of wrath as a psychological fact can differ from one culture to another. In Japan where paternalistic ideology has been dominant historically, patience and obedience are highly valued and wrath tends to be regarded as a vice per se, partly similar to old Jewish society. In classical Greece, on the other hand, wrath seems to have been recognised as something natural for human beings. In order to support this view the author refers to the wrath of Achilles and to the Aristotelian explana-tion of anger. (Nic.Eth. IV, v).Taking this difference into consideration, one can interpret Jesus' indignation in the temple of Jerusalem as a paradigmatic case of being like a child in the teaching of Jesus. This interpretation reminds one of Dostoevsky's novels The Brothers Karamazov in which a pure and tense wrath of a child and his death play an important role. There wrath is sympathetically understood by Alyosha, the youngest of the brothers who seems to be a personification of an ideal educator and friend of the young invented by the novelist. The author suggests that this novel can be interpreted as Dostoevsky's attempt to explain the teaching of Jesus.By way of conclusion the author proposes to interpret wrath of children as a symptom of their drive to grow. Thus, adults can arrive at a better understanding of what children are like and support children' vigorous growth.
松川 成夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.51, pp.13-16, 1985-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

宮崎 俊明
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.51, pp.21-25, 1985-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

俵木 浩太郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1985, no.51, pp.25-28, 1985-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)
