師 茂樹
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:18840051)
vol.63, no.3, pp.1126-1132, 2015-03-25

雲英晃耀(きら・こうよう,1831-1910)は,幕末から明治時代にかけて活躍した浄土真宗大谷派の僧侶で,キリスト教を批判した『護法総論』(1869)の著者として,また因明の研究者・教育者として知られる.特にその因明学については,『因明入正理論疏方隅録』のような註釈書だけでなく,『因明初歩』『因明大意』などの入門書が知られているが,その内容についてはこれまでほとんど研究されてこなかった.雲英晃耀の因明学については,いくつかの特徴が見られる.一つは実践的,応用的な面である.雲英は国会開設の詔(1881)以来,因明の入門書等を多数出版しているが,そのなかで共和制(反天皇制)批判などの例をあげながら因明を解説している.また,議会や裁判所などで因明が活用できるという信念から因明学協会を設立し,政治家や法曹関係者への普及活動を積極的に行った.もう一つは,西洋の論理学(当時はJ. S. ミルの『論理学体系』)をふまえた因明の再解釈である.雲英は,演繹法・帰納法と因明とを比較しながら,西洋論理学には悟他がないこと,演繹法・帰納法は因明の一部にすぎないことなどを論じ,西洋論理学に比して因明がいかに勝れているかを繰り返し主張していた.そして,三段論法に合わせる形で三支作法の順序を変えるなどの提案(新々因明)を行った.この提案は西洋論理学の研究者である大西祝や,弟子の村上専精から批判されることになる.雲英による因明の普及は失敗したものの,因明を仏教から独立させようとした点,演繹法・帰納法との比較など,後の因明学・仏教論理学研究に大きな影響を与える部分もあったと考えられる.
佐久間 秀範
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.55, no.3, pp.1112-1120, 2007

<b>ねらい (目的)</b>: 五姓格別というと唯識教学の旗印のように日本では考えられてきたが, 吉村誠氏, 橘川智昭氏などの研究から法相宗の事実上の創始者窺基に由来することが判った. 窺基はそれ以前の中国唯識思想が如来蔵思想に歪められていたことへの猛反発から玄奘がもたらした正統インド唯識思想を宣揚しようとし, 一乗思想の対局の五姓格別を持ち出したと考えられる. それならば五姓格別思想も, その起源をインドに辿れるはずである. これまでインドの文献資料の中にその起源を位置づける研究が見あたらなかったので, これを明らかにすることを目的としたのが当論文である.<br><b>方法 (資料):</b> 全体を導く指標として遁倫の『瑜伽論記』の記述を用い, 法相宗が五姓格別のインド起源の根拠と位置づける『瑜伽論』『仏地経論』『楞伽経』『大乗荘厳経論』(偈文, 世親釈, 無性釈, 安慧釈) と補足的資料として『勝鬘経』『般若経』に登場する当思想に関連するテキスト部分を逐一分析し, その歴史的道筋を辿った.<br><b>本論の成果等</b>: 諸文献のテキスト部分を分析した結果, 五姓格別思想は三乗思想と無因子の無種姓とが合成されたものであることが判った. その過程を辿れるのが『大乗荘厳経論』第三章種性品であり, 無種姓という項目が声聞, 独覚, 菩薩, 不定種性と並列された第五番目に位置づけられるようになったのは, 最終的には安慧釈になってからであることが歴史的な発展過程とともに明らかになった. その場合玄奘のもたらした瑜伽行派文献の中国語訳に基づく五姓格別思想は, 玄奘が主として学んだナーランダーの戒賢等の思想と云うよりも, ヴァラヴィーの安慧系の思想を受け継ぐものと考えられる. これは智と識の対応関係などにもいえることであるが, 法相宗の思想の基盤が従来考えられたようなナーランダーにあると云うよりも, ヴァラヴィーなど他の地域に依拠しているケースが認められたと云うことであり, これまでの常識とされていた中国法相教学の思想の位置づけを含めて, 教理の内容を吟味してゆくことを要求する内容となった.
青原 令知
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.2, pp.848-841, 2017-03-20 (Released:2018-01-16)

Nearly 90 years ago, Katō Seishin 加藤精神, the Buddhist scholar, pointed out that many Japanese scholars had some misunderstandings about avijñapti or non-expression, one of the distinguishing doctrines of the Sarvāstivāda. The opinion he claimed as a misunderstanding is that “the avijñapti plays a karmic role as a medium force between cause and its future result,” while he suggested the correct interpretation to be “a continuous function to restrain good and evil karma, abandoned in death at the latest.” This suggestion caused some controversies at the time, but afterward many Japanese researchers re-examined and approved his view as correct in its conclusion.In this paper, we elucidate the reason why those misunderstandings took place, considering the background of research in Japan. In Japanese traditional studies of the Abhidharmakośa, scholars handed down an explanation about avijñapti equal to Katō’s interpretation, and we cannot find any misunderstandings in the descriptions conforming to the tradition in those days. We find the misunderstandings mainly in many untraditional representations from the standpoint of the theory of the bīja or the function of seeds, identifying the avijñapti with the bīja of the Vijñānavāda or Sautrāntika. However, in the Abhidharmakośa, Vasubandhu actually rejects the avijñapti adopting the bīja theory, but he does not deal with the avijñapti as a substitute for the bīja, which is obviously confirmed from the context.Many Buddhist scholars in Japan used to make light of the Sarvāstivāda doctrine labelling Hīnayāna from the stance of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Such prejudiced approaches prevented them from a rational critique of the Abhidharma texts.
林 隆嗣
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.67, no.1, pp.445-438, 2018-12-20 (Released:2019-09-07)

In his article, “The Doctorinal Canonization of the Kathāvatthu” (IBK, Vol.63, No.3, 2015, pp.1243–1249), Toshifumi Shimizu investigated a discussion about the Kathāvatthu in the Aṭṭhasālinī, and concluded that, in order to accept what was spoken by the Buddha’s disciples (sāvakabhāsita) as “the word of the Buddha,” Theravādins required three conditions: (1) being based on māṭikā demonstrated by the Buddha, (2) corresponding to sabbaññutañāṇa, and (3) being retroactively approved with anumodanā given by the Buddha. However, his argument is not reasonable. The Aṭṭhasālinī explicitly mentions the reason why the Kathāvatthu composed by Moggaliputtatissa is buddhabhāsita as that, after the prediction of the Buddha, Moggaliputtatissa, following the summary (māṭikā) established by the Buddha, expounded it with the method given by the Buddha. The commentator compares it with the Madhupiṇḍikasutta of the Majjhimanikāya. In this sutta, the Buddha gives his disciples a brief discourse, and later Mahākaccāna expounds it to them in detail. That is finally confirmed by the Buddha saying, “I would have explained it in the same way that Mahākaccāna did. Such is exactly the meaning of this. Receive it as it is.”It is noteworthy that the Pāli commentator did not intend to establish a general principle to regard sāvakabhāsita as buddhabhāsita, and also the Pāli commentator, in spite of his exertion to regard the Kathāvatthu as buddhabhāsita, agrees that what the Pāli tipiṭaka called “Buddhavacana” (the word of the Buddha) consists not only of buddhabhāsita, but also of sāvakabhāsita, and so on. Thus acknowledging a text to be buddhabhāsita is not equivalent to its canonization. Relating to the canonization of the Kathāvatthu, we may rather note that Moggaliputtatissa was pre-approved with the Buddha’s prediction and was entrusted as a successor by the arahats at the second council to purge the saṅgha by holding the third council with this work.
金 俊佑
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.1, pp.364-361, 2016-12-20 (Released:2017-10-17)

Generally, the compound abhūtaparikalpa is understood to be a karmadhāraya. This paper argues that abhūtaparikalpa is not a karmadhāraya but instead a tatpuruṣa. Vasubandhu paraphrases abhūtaparikalpa as grāhyagrāhakavikalpa in the Madhyāntavibhāgabhāṣya. This means that abhūta corresponds to grāhyagrāhaka, and parikalpa corresponds to vikalpa. This grāhyagrāhakavikalpa is annotated as a tatpuruṣa by Kuiji 窺基. The same interpretation of this compound appeared in the translation of Paramārtha. Sthiramati also annotates abhūtaparikalpa as a tatpuruṣa. He regards abhūta as an adjective which modifies dvaya, not parikalpa. Therefore, the compound abhūtaparikalpa should be understood to be a tatpuruṣa.
栗本 眞好
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.67, no.2, pp.815-812, 2019-03-20 (Released:2019-09-20)

Since the Zen sect arrived in Japan during the Kamakura period, Zen temples have played the role of a place for samurai to study Bushidō and neo-Confucian philosophy.By the Meiji restoration, the role of the temple as an academic place was much reduced, but it did not change even after the restoration, and among the so-called “right wing” who kept longing for Bushidō, Zen meditation held an important place.Although he decided to become an activist of the armed communist party and dropped out of Tokyo Imperial university, Tanaka Kiyoharau who turned from leftist ideas to conservation, Tokyo Imperial University, Uesugi Shinkichi’s “emperor sovereign theory” was depressed, Uesugi after death, he studied under Inoue Nisyo, was questioned responsibility for conviction to the clan team case, and two of Yoshitaka Yotsumoto who served as prisoners, in the young age, Yamamoto Genpo who was a priest of Ryotakuji in Shizuoka prefecture I will refer to the footprints that became big fixers to move the successive regimes after the war based on what I realized through his experiences, from the standpoint of those who studied at the sect school of graduate schools of zen sect.
釋 覺瑋
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.63, no.3, pp.1148-1154, 2015

柳 幹康
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.1, pp.516-510, 2016

<p>This paper reports a careful investigation of the citations of the <i>Zongjing lu </i>宗鏡録 (Record of the axiom mirror) in the <i>Kōzen gokokuron </i>興禅護国論 (Introducing Zen to protect the nation), with special attention to the background and intentions of Eisai's 栄西 (1141–1215) use of the <i>Zongjing lu</i>. </p><p>There are four examples of citations of the <i>Zongjing lu</i> in the <i>Kōzen gokokuron</i> which use can be roughly divided into three. (1) In the first two citations, Eisai uses the <i>Zongjing lu</i> to refute the criticisms of the Tendai sect that Zen "has an evil misunderstanding of the doctrine of emptiness" (悪取空) and are "falsely enlightened" (暗証). (2) In the next example, Eisai cites the <i>Zongjing lu</i> to differentiate himself from Nōnin 能忍, who "lacks practice and cultivation" (無行無修), and to refute Tendai, which oppressively viewed them as the same. (3) In the last example, Eisai uses the <i>Zongjing lu</i> as a skillful means for entering Buddhist practice based on the point that it collects important phrases from the Buddhist canon. </p><p>From the above it can be seen that Eisai, under the specific conditions of the Tendai sect suppressing Nōnin and Eisai, used the <i>Zongjing lu</i> to prove that the new Zen he brought was an orthodox Buddhism not in contradiction to Tendai or the other then-extant sects of Japanese Buddhism.</p>