吉村 誠
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.69, no.2, pp.686-692, 2021-03-25 (Released:2021-09-06)

Sun Wukong 孫悟空, Zhu Bajie 猪八戒 and Sha Wujing 沙悟浄 were disciples of Sanzang Fashi 三蔵法師 in the Ming dynasty novel The Journey to the West 西遊記. Many mysteries remain regarding their roots. This article points out that some of the real disciples of Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664) were their models.The model of Sun Wukong can be found in the Gaochang 高昌 native Ma Xuenchi 馬玄智 who delivered Xuanzang’s letter from Khotan 于闐 to Emperor Taizong 太宗 of Chang’an 長安, and in the exotic-looking attendant in Xuanzang’s portrait. The two may be the same person. He became a “monkey practitioner” 猴行者 in the Song dynasty novel The Narrative Story of Acquisition of Sūtras by Sanzang of the Great Tang Dynasty 大唐三蔵取経詩話 and a monkey-faced attendant in the painting of Acquisition of Sūtras by the Tang Monk 唐僧取経図 found in the Anxi Yulin Grottoes 安西楡林窟 during the same period.The model of Zhu Bajie is considered to be Xuanzang’s disciple Kuiji 窺基 (632–682). According to the Song Biographies of Eminent Monks 宋高僧伝, he traveled with women and food in carriages and was called the “Three Carriages Monk” 三車和尚. Given his image of greed and amorousness, he was fused with a boar (or pig) pulling the chariot of Marīcī 摩利支天 in The Journey to the West of the Yuan Dynasty 元本西遊記. In The Journey to the West, critical Edition by Yang Donglai 楊東来先生批評西遊記 of the Ming dynasty, he calls himself “General Carriage” 御車将軍, a subordinate of Marīcī.The model for Sha Wujing is the Great God 大神 dreamed by Xuanzang, when he was in distress in the desert. He was called “Shensha God” 深沙神 in the Song Dynasty novel The Narrative Story of Acquisition of Sūtras by Sanzang of the Great Tang Dynasty, but in The Journey to the West of the Yuan Dynasty he came to be known as “Sha Monk” 沙和尚. His level of divinity was demoted from god to monk because of the appearance of Zhu Bajie, which was modeled after Kuiji, and the image of Wŏnch’uk 円測 (613–696), a rival of Kuiji was superimposed.
栗本 眞好
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.70, no.2, pp.712-715, 2022-03-23 (Released:2022-09-09)

Hirokawa Kōzen広川弘禅 (1902-1967), who served as Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries under Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida 吉田茂 (1878-1967) during the chaotic period after the war, was born as a successor to Ryūsawa Temple竜沢寺, a Sōtō establishment in Fukushima Prefecture, and studied at the current Setagaya Gakuen High School and Komazawa University. I approach him not only as a parliamentary politician, but also as a Zen priest.I pay attention to such things as his attendance, in 1956, along with Kusaba Ryūen草葉隆円 (1895-1966) and Andō Kaku安藤覚 (1899-1967), at the “Buddha’s 2500th Anniversary Celebration” held in Thailand, his installation on the roof of the Aoba Gakuen of a relic of the Buddha during his time as director of the school, and his activities as a Zen priest.In 1952, in the magazine Bungei Shunjū 文芸春秋, he was interviewed by Otis Cary in an article entitled “Monster named Hirokawa Kōzen” (広川弘禅という怪物) in which he is quoted as saying, “Japanese culture is nothing except Buddhist culture. 97% of the national treasures are related to Buddhism. … Japan’s democracy has been clear since the period of the Buddhist articulation that discrimination is equality and equality discrimination差別即平等, 平等即差別.” Concerning the Sekai Bukkyōto kaigi 世界仏教徒会議, he said, “To tell the truth, you must do it in Sanskrit or Pāli; It’s stupid to do it in English.”I would like to pursue Kōzen’s appearance as a Zen priest from the testimonies of people who interacted with him during his lifetime.
上田 昇
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.56, no.3, pp.1136-1144, 2008

冨田 真浩
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.69, no.1, pp.461-456, 2020-12-25 (Released:2021-09-06)

The usage of the word Asura differs depending on whether people in the past took Asura as good or evil beings. In my Ph. D. thesis, I threw light on the historical usage of the word Asura in the Vedas, Nikāyas, and early Mahāyāna sūtras, literature created before the dawn of the Common Era. I also investigated the difference between Asura in myths and human Asura, as the usage of the word Asura was applied to each group. Additionally, I found that Asura were written about not only as human beings in some situations but also as spirits in others. In a former study, I examined sūtras but did not examine Vinayas or later sources. Therefore now I use the Mahāvastu and the Datang Xiyu ji大唐西域記,a travelogue of Xuanzang玄奘,and the Datang daci’ensi sanzang fashi zhuan大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師伝,a biography of Xuanzang, and I examine the influence of the historical human Asura on the rise in mythical Asura of scriptures from various viewpoints.
金 浩星
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.52, no.1, pp.470-465, 2003-12-20
手嶋 英貴
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:18840051)
vol.62, no.3, pp.1072-1080, 2014-03-25

『マハーバーラタ』(Mahabharata)第14巻(MBh14巻)は「アシュヴァメーダの巻」(Asvamedhika-Parvan)と名付けられており,ユディシュティラ王による大掛かりなアシュヴァメーダ挙行の経緯を描いている.そこでは,大戦争を通じて多くの同族を殺した王が,その罪からの解放を願い,効験あらたかな滅罪儀礼であるアシュヴァメーダを行う.その上で,本祭に先だち十ヶ月間放浪する馬をアルジュナが守護し,各地で戦争の残敵を撃破する英雄譚が展開される.他方,MBh 14巻には,断片的ではあるが,アシュヴァメーダの祭式描写が数多く含まれており,そこからこの巻の編纂者がどのような祭式学的知見を有していたかを推知しうる.そのうち特に注目されるのは,MBh 14.91.7-19で描かれているダクシナー(祭官への報酬)の描写である.そこには,Satapatha-Brahmana=(SB)など,一部のヴェーダ祭式文献が示す規定と共通する要素が認められるからである.本稿では,これら祭式文献のにおけるダクシナー規定と,MBh 14巻におけるダクシナー描写とを比較し,同巻編纂者がどのような祭式学的知識をもち,またそれを物語の劇的展開にどう活用したかを考察した.その主な検討結果は以下のとおりである.(1)MBh 14巻におけるダクシナー描写には,祭式学の視点から次の三つの特徴が指摘できる:[A]アシュヴァメーダのダクシナーを「大地」とする(MBh 14.91.11a-b);[B]祭式終了後,祭主は森林生活に入る(MBh 14.91.12a);[C]大地(国土)は四等分されて四大祭官に分与される(MBh 14.91.12b-d).(2)祭式文献の規定を照合すると,上記[A]〜[C]の三特徴は,アシュヴァメーダのほかプルシャメーダ,サルヴァメーダを含む都合三祭式のダクシナー規定に散在している.つまり,MBh 14巻のダクシナー描写は,三つの異なった祭式規定の複合からなる.(3)祭式文献のうち,上記の三特徴を全て示すのはSBのほか,Sankhayana-およびApastamba-Srauta-Sutraだけである.このことから,MBh 14のダクシナー描写は,これら三文献に共通して伝えられている伝承に起源を持っていたと推測される.
栗本 眞好
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.67, no.2, pp.815-812, 2019

<p>Since the Zen sect arrived in Japan during the Kamakura period, Zen temples have played the role of a place for samurai to study Bushidō and neo-Confucian philosophy.</p><p>By the Meiji restoration, the role of the temple as an academic place was much reduced, but it did not change even after the restoration, and among the so-called "right wing" who kept longing for Bushidō, Zen meditation held an important place.</p><p>Although he decided to become an activist of the armed communist party and dropped out of Tokyo Imperial university, Tanaka Kiyoharau who turned from leftist ideas to conservation, Tokyo Imperial University, Uesugi Shinkichi's "emperor sovereign theory" was depressed, Uesugi after death, he studied under Inoue Nisyo, was questioned responsibility for conviction to the clan team case, and two of Yoshitaka Yotsumoto who served as prisoners, in the young age, Yamamoto Genpo who was a priest of Ryotakuji in Shizuoka prefecture I will refer to the footprints that became big fixers to move the successive regimes after the war based on what I realized through his experiences, from the standpoint of those who studied at the sect school of graduate schools of zen sect.</p>