永尾 光一
Journal of smooth muscle research Japanese section (ISSN:13428152)
vol.9, no.2, pp.J37-J45, 2005-08-01 (Released:2010-07-21)

The mechanisms required for erection include nerve system, blood vascular system and endocrine system. Among them, the first two systems are especially important.The pelvic nerve accelerates erection.The hypogastric nerve suppresses erection and relates to ej aculation.Further, the NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) nervous system includ-ed in the cavernous nerve plays a key role in stimulating erection.Nitrogen monoxide (NO) is synthesized at the nerve ending.NO infiltrates the cavernous artery, spiral artery and smooth muscle and stimulates guanylate cyclase to produce cGMP from GTP.This cGMP combines to cGMP specific protein kinase to reduce the intracellular calcium concen-tration.Then, the cavernous artery, spiral artery and the smooth muscle of the trabeculae of corpus spongiosum are relaxed.The arterial blood flows into the sponge-like cavernous sinus to stimulate erection.
Marina Ilicic Trent Butler Tamas Zakar Jonathan W. Paul
Journal of Smooth Muscle Research (ISSN:09168737)
vol.53, pp.73-89, 2017 (Released:2017-06-23)

Background: Ex situ analyses of human myometrial tissue has been used to investigate the regulation of uterine quiescence and transition to a contractile phenotype. Following concerns about the validity of cultured primary cells, we examined whether myometrial tissue undergoes culture-induced changes ex situ that may affect the validity of in vitro models. Objectives: To determine whether human myometrial tissue undergoes culture-induced changes ex situ in Estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1), Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2) and Oxytocin receptor (OXTR) expression. Additionally, to determine whether culture conditions approaching the in vivo environment influence the expression of these key genes. Methods: Term non-laboring human myometrial tissues were cultured in the presence of specific treatments, including; serum supplementation, progesterone and estrogen, cAMP, PMA, stretch or NF-κB inhibitors. ESR1, PTGS2 and OXTR mRNA abundance after 48 h culture was determined using quantitative RT-PCR. Results: Myometrial tissue in culture exhibited culture-induced up-regulation of ESR1 and PTGS2 and down-regulation of OXTR mRNA expression. Progesterone prevented culture-induced increase in ESR1 expression. Estrogen further up-regulated PTGS2 expression. Stretch had no direct effect, but blocked the effects of progesterone and estrogen on ESR1 and PTGS2 expression. cAMP had no effect whereas PMA further up-regulated PTGS2 expression and prevented decline of OXTR expression. Conclusion: Human myometrial tissue in culture undergoes culture-induced gene expression changes consistent with transition toward a laboring phenotype. Changes in ESR1, PTGS2 and OXTR expression could not be controlled simultaneously. Until optimal culture conditions are determined, results of in vitro experiments with myometrial tissues should be interpreted with caution.
福原 武
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:03743527)
vol.5, no.1, pp.1-8, 1969-03-01 (Released:2010-07-21)

これまで消化管の自律神経支配については, 自律神経脱落現象腸外反射, 神経刺激効果および腸内反射効果をもとにして論じられてきたが, 各研究者の間には十分の意見の一致がみられなかった.著者は, 自身および協力者の研究結果からつぎに要約するような見解に到達した.1) 腸内反射の研究結果によると, 腸壁にはAuerbach神経叢中に亢進と抑制の両種神経細胞が存在し, 前者はコリン性であるが, 後者は非アドレナリン性であり, その伝達物質は未知である.2) 副交感神経線維には, 腸壁内に入って亢進細胞に連結するものと, 抑制細胞に連結するものとある.交感神経線維は, まず前脊稚神経節中でニューロンを交代した後, 亢進性のものは亢進細胞と連結し, 抑制性のものはアドレナリン性であって, そのまま筋に終る.3) 正常時においては, 腸-腸外反射の場合のように, 一般に副交感神経では亢進線維, 交感神経では抑制線維の興奮が優越するけれども, 腸のおかれる条件如何によっては, 壁内神経要素の興奮性に異変が起り, その結果として効果が逆転することもあり得る.4) 結局, これまでの研究成績の不一致は壁内神経要素の組織学的また生理学的複雑さと, これら要素の興奮性の不安定に帰因するものと考えられる.5) 上述の消化管の自律神経支配の特徴を考慮しながら, 消化管運動に関する薬物の作用機序究明のすすめ方に論及した.
柳浦 才三 石川 滋 三沢 幸子
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:03743527)
vol.10, no.2, pp.77-96, 1974-06-01 (Released:2010-07-21)

The present study was made to investigate in detail the mechanism of the bileflow into the duodenum in rabbit. The bile flow through the choledochoduodenaljunction was measured with a constant-rate infusion apparatus or with a constant-pressure perfusion apparatus. Pressures in gall-bladder, common bile duct and duodenum were recorded with pressure transducer. The electrical activities were recorded with bipolar electrodes which were implanted in the choledochoduodenal junction (muscle of Oddi) and the anterior wall of duodenum. The results obtained are as follows:1. The activity of choledochoduodenal junction appears to be affected by the change in duodenal wall muscle tone.2. The important factors controlling the bile flow are the rhtyhmic movements of both the choledochoduodenal junction and the duodenal wall.3. The common bile duct plays a role to regulate the pressure of biliary truct.4. Electrical and mechanical stimulations to gall-bladder were ineffective to cause the relaxing reflex of the muscle of Oddi.5. The function of gall-bladder is to accumulate the bile and control the pressure of common bile duct.From these results, it seems unlikely that the choledochoduodenal junction (muscle of Oddi) would be independent of duodenum in rabbit.
永尾 光一
Journal of smooth muscle research. Japanese section (ISSN:13428152)
vol.9, no.2, pp."J-37"-"J-45", 2005-08-01

The mechanisms required for erection include nerve system, blood vascular system and endocrine system. Among them, the first two systems are especially important. The pelvic nerve accelerates erection. The hypogastric nerve suppresses erection and relates to ejaculation. Further, the NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) nervous system included in the cavernous nerve plays a key role in stimulating erection. Nitrogen monoxide (NO) is synthesized at the nerve ending. NO infiltrates the cavernous artery, spiral artery and smooth muscle and stimulates guanylate cyclase to produce cGMP from GTP. This cGMP combines to cGMP specific protein kinase to reduce the intracellular calcium concentration. Then, the cavernous artery, spiral artery and the smooth muscle of the trabeculae of corpus spongiosum are relaxed. The arterial blood flows into the sponge-like cavernous sinus to stimulate erection.
福原 武 内藤 富夫 亀山 博子
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:03743527)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-8, 1973-03-01 (Released:2010-07-21)
2 3

1.カエルの喉門・食道開口附近の粘膜を機械的に刺激すると, 腹筋が急に強縮をおこし, 口中に食道と胃が裏返しになって出てくる.この際胃の運動高進は, 認められない.この口中への胃の脱出の機序は, つぎのようなものであろう.まず腹筋の強縮によって, 腹圧が突然に高まり, その結果として胃が押しあげられ, ついに食道内に嵌入するのである.このことから, カエルにおいては, 嘔吐は胃の収縮によってではなく, 全く腹筋の収縮によって起こるものと考えられる.2.0.05g/mlの濃度を有する吐酒石-Ringer液の0.5ml (トノサマガエル) あるいは5ml (ウシガエル) を胃内腔に注入すると, 食道と胃の脱出ばかりでなく, 胃の運動の高進が起こる.脳脊髄破壊カエルでは食道・胃の脱出は起こらないが, 胃の運動高進効果は認められる.したがってこの高進効果は薬物が直接胃壁に作用してひき起こされたものと考えられる.
北村 温
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:03743527)
vol.11, no.1, pp.15-20, 1975-03-01 (Released:2010-07-21)

The author developed a new electromyography of the detrusor muscle which is applicable also for clinical examinations and obtained the following results:1. In the normal bladder no action potential appeared when the organ was not full yet.2. When the intravesical pressure was raised by introducing saline into trie bladder, spikes appeared.3. Spikes of high frequency appeared with the onset of voiding.4. In the normal bladder no action potential appeared by administration of 5 to 7 mg mecholyl.5. From some muscles of the dome of the bladder was obtained spontaneous spike potential consisting of spike burst of about 10 spikes. In an animal experiment using adult dogs the spikes of the simple type appeared. The discharge interval was about 5 seconds.6. In the bladder with damaged peripheral nerve, spikes appeared during veridical quiescence.7. In the bladder with damaged peripheral nerve, spikes of high frequency appeared by administration of 5 to 7 mg mecholyl.
中村 紀夫
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:03743527)
vol.6, no.4, pp.245-262, 1970-12-20 (Released:2010-07-21)

This study presents a new technique to observe the structure of gastric smooth muscle layers by means of the combined use of “mucosa stripping technique” and “nitric acid treatment”. The mucosa stripping technique has been described elsewhere. After the procedure, the specimens are re-emersed into 20% nitric acid solution for 3 to 7 days. By the time, the muscle fibers contract tightly and the interstitial fibrous tissues become swollen and fragil, and they are easily removed by forceps in running water. Leaving muscle structure is solidly delineated.By this method, the author explored the detailed structure of three layers of gastric smooth muscles and individualized the special muscle bundles; namely, “anterior medial oblique muscle bundle”, “posterior medial oblique muscle bundle” and “border circular muscle bundle”. These muscle bundles constitute, so-called, “upper strain zone” in relation to the development of peptic ulcers at about the gastric angulus where almost all uclers locate.Special interest is emphasized on an existence of “lesser curvature longitudinal muscle bundle” which is confined to the area of upper strain zone and tapering off in gradual fusion with the circular muscle bundles. Although, the functional signfiicance of these muscle bundles remains for the future study.
田中 丈二
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:03743527)
vol.1, no.1, pp.50-71, 1965-08-05 (Released:2010-07-21)

Rabitts were used in these experiments. The spike potentials of the duodenum and choledocho-duodenal junction, the pressure in the common bile duct and the discharge of bile into the duodenum were recorded simultaneously in vivo.In the duodenum and the choledocho-duodenal junction, the rate of the rhythmic burst of spike potentials was 12-16 cycles/min.Similar results were obtained in both regions by the administrations of acetylcholine, prostigmine, bethanechol chloride, pilocarpine, atropine, adrenaline, morphine, cholecystokinin, secretin and amyl-nitrite. Thus, the action of the choledocho-duodenal junction is not independent of that of the duodenum.The pressure in the common bile duct rises simultaneously with the appearance of the spike potentials of the choledocho-duodenal junction.The discharge of bile into the duodenum was prevented by the muscle contraction of the choledocho-duodenal junction, when the bursts of spike potentials appeared. Bile was discharged into the duodenum by relaxation of the choledochoduodenal junction. When the pressure in the common bile duct was kept constant at about 80mm H2O, the discharge of bile into the duodenum was increased by the administration of C. C. K. during the resting intervals of the remarkable bursts of spike potentials.
楠 裕明 春間 賢 鎌田 智有 原 睦展 眞部 紀明 田中 信治 茶山 一彰 青木 信也
Journal of smooth muscle research. Japanese section (ISSN:13428152)
vol.6, no.3, pp.J-163-J-168, 2002-12-27

非侵襲的な固形食の胃排出検査法として^<13>C-octanoic acid呼気試験が用いられつつある.われわれはこれまで超音波法を,非侵襲的な胃運動機能検査法として臨床応用してきたが,今回呼気試験と超音波法の二つの結果を比較した.17名のFunctional dyspepsia (FD)患者と10名の健常人を対象とした. ^<13>C-octanoic acid 100 mg を加えた卵黄でスクランブルエッグを作り,ご飯の上にのせた後市販の親子丼の素をかけて424 kcalの固形試験食とした.試験食を摂取後,超音波法は座位で3時間まで15分間隔で観察し排出曲線を描いた.呼気試験は3時間までを超音波法と同じ15分間隔で,3時間から6時間までを30分間隔で呼気を採取し,赤外線分光機を用いて^<13>C0_2を測定した.両試験の共通した排出動態指標であるT_<1/2>とlag phase を比較検討したが,呼気試験のT_<1/2>と超音波法のT_<1/2>はr^2=0.638と強い相関を示したが,両者の結果が一致する訳ではなかった. T_<1/2>とlag phase は共にFD患者で健常人より延長していた.呼気試験と超音波法の胃内残存率曲線は一致する傾向にはあったが,超音波法でのばらつきが大きかった.
Kyosuke Sato Daisuke Chino Tomoya Kobayashi Keisuke Obara Seiji Miyauchi Yoshio Tanaka
Journal of Smooth Muscle Research (ISSN:09168737)
vol.49, pp.63-77, 2013 (Released:2013-12-05)
1 18

Inhibitory effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on blood vessel contractions induced by various constrictor stimulants were investigated in the rat thoracic aorta. The inhibitory effects of DHA were also compared with those of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and linoleic acid (LA). DHA exhibited a strong inhibitory effect on the sustained contractions induced by U46619, a TXA2 mimetic. This inhibitory effect of DHA was not affected by removal of the endothelium or by treatment with either indomethacin or Nω-nitro-l-arginine. DHA also significantly diminished PGF2α-induced contraction but did not show any appreciable inhibitory effects on the contractions to both phenylephrine (PE) and high-KCl. Similarly, EPA exhibited significant inhibitory effects against the contractions induced by both U46619 and PGF2α without substantially affecting either PE- or high-KCl-induced contractions. However, both DHA and EPA generated more potent inhibitions against contractions induced by U46619 than those by PGF2α. In contrast, LA did not show significant inhibitory effects against any contractions, including those induced by U46619. The present findings suggest that DHA and EPA elicit more selective inhibition against blood vessel contractions that are mediated through stimulation of prostanoid receptors than those through α-adrenoceptor stimulation or membrane depolarization. Although DHA and EPA have similar inhibitory potencies against prostanoid receptor-mediated contractions, they had a more potent inhibition against TXA2 receptor (TP receptor)-mediated contractions than against PGF2α receptor (FP receptor)-mediated responses. Selective inhibition by either DHA or EPA of prostanoid receptor-mediated blood vessel contractions may partly underlie the mechanisms by which these ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids exert their circulatory-protective effects.
山下 俊一 小西 眞人 中山 晋介 中林 誠一郎 國分 眞一朗
日本平滑筋学会雑誌 (ISSN:13428152)
vol.10, no.1, pp.J-38-J-38, 2006-04

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