吉田 健司
經營學論集 第84集 経営学の学問性を問う (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F59-1-F59-5, 2014 (Released:2019-09-27)

山縣 正幸
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.36, pp.49-61, 2015 (Released:2017-03-23)

This paper aims to clarify the contemporary significance of Heinrich Nicklisch’s concept. In particular, we argue that his model of “Value Dynamics (Wertumlauf)” can be applied to explicate the relationship between a firm and its stakeholders which is referred to as a “value exchange relationship (= Austauschungsbeziehungen)”. Nicklisch’s Value Dynamics Model is focused on both value creation for the “desire satisfaction”and the distribution for contribution by various stakeholders. The latter aspect is very important to actualize the sustainable development of the firm in a dynamic environment. The reason is that a stakeholder’s expectation (= desire) for firms may changes or expands rapidly. In such situations, firms should do what they can to capture necessary resources and capabilities from the stakeholders with satisfaction of their desires and expectations. Nevertheless, they have long been overlooked in previous studies on the stakeholder view of the firms / stakeholder theory. It seems necessary that we build a framework that seeks to explain the value exchange relationship with Nicklisch’s concept as it may offer elucidation for the mechanism of this relationship. We have divided the paper into three sections; First, we point out that Nicklisch’s framework focuses on the stream of the values (=value creation process). This framework is established to ex102 plain the process to transform various resources and capabilities into products and services with book keeping and accounting. Next, we examine his three laws of organization (=organizing laws), “Free (Frei)”, “Design (Gestaltung)”, and “Maintenance (Erhaltung)”. These laws have been repeatedly criticized in their normativity, in particular, “the Law of Free”. However, Nicklisch has advocated them based on empirical facts and the economic theories (Austrian school and Marginal Utility Theory). Through the integration of the three laws and the stream of the values, he has argued the possibility of two equilibriums of (1) activities for the value creation, and (2) distribution and contribution in the stakeholders relationship. In the final section, we apply his model to the elucidation of the stakeholders relationship in a contemporary firms with associating value added accounting and New Institutional Economics / the findings of the positive econometric analysis. Through this inquiries, we make an attempt to reposition Nicklisch’s concept in the history of management thought, and posit that his model can be extended into stakeholder-oriented firm theory.
谷川 寿郎
經營學論集 第87集 日本の経営学90年の内省と構想【日本経営学会90周年記念特集】 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.G11-1-G11-10, 2017 (Released:2019-09-26)

古瀬 公博
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.11, pp.3-15, 2004

This paper analyzes the effects of the development of the market for corporate control upon organizational structures or management processes. Researches on the market for corporate control have focused on the effects upon shareholder value. But we guess that the market for corporate control will urge executives not only to increase their shareholder value, but also to undertake corporate management that will facilitate buying or selling business units of the company. In this paper, we focus on the latter effects and analyze the aspects of organizational structure or management process that ease buying or selling business units. Some key aspects of that are examined by the case study of R. P. Scherer Corporation, softgel capsules manufacturer, which was resold to Cardinal Health Inc. by Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings. R. P. Scherer under control of Shearson Lehman Hutton was transformed into "the modular-corporation" which means the corporation divided into small business units, decentralized, and standardized. Dividing the corporation into small units brings down the acquisition price of each individual unit. Decentralized organization minimizes the influence of the change of headquarters upon the sold business units. Standardized management process decreases the need of learning the way of managing the sold divisions. These aspects of the modular-corporation increase the ease in buying or selling business units. The modularization of corporation facilitates buying or selling business units, but shrinks a synergy effect that is one of goals of purchasing business units. In order to gain the synergy effect, middle managements need to share management resources of each unit. But, if the acquirer also considers selling any business units in the future and decentralizes the organizational structure, coordination between middle managements will not be made by upper managements and the synergy effect will not be realized enough. This "unrealized synergy effect" problem is an important insight to be drawn from the analysis in this paper.
加藤 和彦
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.23, pp.75-86, 2009-05-25 (Released:2017-08-01)

When it comes to platform strategies in the computer software industry, a unique mechanism to decide the issue has been carved in relief. It can be said as a reason that the uniqueness may be derived from the nature of layered structure consisting of OS, middleware, application and network layers. As for preceding studies, there have been many papers regarding the industry ecosystems' formation, e.g. the theory of indirect network externalities between platform and complementary product and two-sided platform theory as platform-mediated networks. However, a few frameworks providing strategic insights between layers could be recognized plainly. This paper addresses two effective measures as platform strategies in the computer software with layered structure. One is "foreclosure attack" by Eisenmann, Parker & Alstyne (2007) and the other one is "layered intervention" which is newly argued in this paper. They both have something in common with the way of attack leveraging the adjacent layer as a footing. According to Eisenmann, Parker & Alstyne (2007), by leveraging common components and shared user relationships, one platform provider can move into another's market, combining its own functionality with the target's in a multi-platform bundle. In the meanwhile, a layered intervention demonstrates the potentiality getting an advantage over the dominant fight on a same level by interfering in the adjacent position to the competitive layer as a cross-platform functional layer. The paper examines the strategic impact for platform providers though the case of Java and analyses four market aspects i.e. context on attack, targeting, measure executed and result. Consequently, the study about Java's case sheds light on the significance of strategies acting upon between layers and indicates three interesting findings below. Firstly, the dominant layer position has been shifted to the cross-platform layer. Secondly, the existing dominant platform monopolization has been hindered. Lastly, a new ecosystem based on the cross-platform layer has emerged. These points may prove that a layered intervention performs an effective role as a strategic measure. To sum up, the measure of layered intervention may deserve to be propounded as a platform strategy for platform providers aiming at the dominant position in the software industry and introducing complimentary software, such as a sort of middleware with cross-platform functionality.
馬場 誠
vol.15, pp.三-一九, 1941-11-20