山﨑 喜代宏
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.47, pp.101-116, 2021 (Released:2022-09-21)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify a mechanism whereby products with value dimension differing from those of existing products are continually developed, through case study of new product developments by firm that has, repeatedly, developed products that deviate from the industry's dominant product specifications. In previous researches, although value dimension conversion processes, conversion endpoints, and its organizational management have been investigated, research targets were limited to a single round of value dimension conversion. Therefore, this paper attempts to examine a multiple value dimension conversion mechanism using the case study of three products -EX-S1, EX-F1 and EX-TR100- developed by Casio Computer Co., Ltd. in the digital camera industry. The results shows that a firm-specific product view plays an important role in product development that leads to value dimension conversion. When the firm faces the competitive disadvantage in the existing value dimension, the discrepancy between the existing product development and the firm-specific product view becomes apparent. This causes the product development based on the existing value dimension to reconsider and leads the product development based on new value dimension. In addition, the firm-specific product view provides product developers with criteria of product development when they attempt to create new value dimensions, and they refer to the firm-specific product view to determines the priority among the product components. In addition, this research indicates that product development organization that enables continual value dimension conversion keeps flexibility of human resources low and continuous commitment of leaders and members to the product development last for a long time. This organizational management makes it possible to share the firm-specific product view throughout product development organization, and two product development projects, value dimension improvement products and value dimension conversion products, can coexist within one product development organization.
宮本 琢也 安田 昌司 前川 佳一
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.30, pp.16-26, 2012-12-28 (Released:2017-08-01)

This paper focuses on Sanyo's case of engineer transfer between a corporate R&D and a manufacturing division and discusses how an interactive collaboration between the two divisions should be. Rechargeable battery market is somewhat unique in experiencing two of the major technology transitions in the 1990s. In this kind of the transition, particularly in terms of management of technology, it is extremely critical for a corporate R&D and a manufacturing division to collaborate closely, like taking care of both old and new technologies and making decision of shifting from the old to the new. This research focuses on the R&D management of Sanyo Electric Company in the 1990s. First, to address the case, two of the technical transitions are illustrated in terms of the imperative background to analyze, like an overview of the rechargeable battery market and the competition among Sanyo Electric and the other companies. Second, this paper analyzes the R&D activities in both corporate R&D and manufacturing division and the personnel transfer between the two divisions. One of the findings regarding personnel transfer is leaving the senior engineer in the corporate R&D, meanwhile transferring younger up-and-coming researchers to the manufacturing division. This fact leads to the discussion of how this interaction contributed to the outcome from the collaboration between a corporate R&D and a manufacturing division in a dynamic technological transition. Consequently, this paper found that a dynamic interaction functioned to offer solutions to the manufacturing division by ; younger engineers to facilitate the transfer of technology to the manufacturing division, while senior engineer left in the R&D division to explore new applications and to fine-tune technologies at R&D to customers' requirements consistently. With this combination of engineering team, Sanyo was able to manage the technology transitions tactfully.
榊原 一也
經營學論集 第85集 日本的ものづくり経営パラダイムを超えて (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F55-1-F55-8, 2015 (Released:2019-09-25)

三橋 平
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.46, pp.5-11, 2021 (Released:2022-05-18)

In the 2020 Annual Meeting, the Japanese Academy of Business Administration kindly offered me an opportunity to explore my ideas regarding globally-standardized research practices in the field of management studies. In my presentation, I made the following four points: (1) what is the globally-standardized research practice?, (2) how did it start and develop?, (3) how should we assess its superiority compared to other research approaches?, and (4) what would be potential implications for scholars in Japan? In this paper, I present a brief summary of my presentation and reflections of conversations with other presenters and participants at the meeting.
鈴木 竜太
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.46, pp.32-40, 2021 (Released:2022-05-18)

This paper discusses the question of whether Japanese management studies lags behind the world in terms of global and local. The global and the local in management studies can be considered from three points of view, and the significance and meanings of local research in global studies is discussed. It also discusses the possibility that Japanese management studies can contribute to global management studies through the pursuit of local research, rather than just the figure of the local lagging behind the global.
藤田 誠
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.46, pp.52-59, 2021 (Released:2022-05-18)

In the field of management research, although the number of quantitative studies has grown, we lack a robust theoretical and conceptual framework. Thus, we need to develop and advance theoretical construction in this area. In this paper, I suggest that we reconsider the scientific qualification of quantitative studies in management research and understand the usefulness of mixed methods for developing research. With reference to discourses regarding the philosophy of critical rationalism, we see that inductive reasoning from a singular statement, such as the description of an observation or experiment, to universal statements, such as a theory, is not logically justified. In contrast, neo-pragmatists insist that the difference between analytical and comprehensive propositions is obscure because it is impossible to define concepts in the former. Therefore, we can use inductive methods in management studies, although we still need to offer logical reasoning for business phenomena. In scientific discovery, the method of abduction starts with observations and then attempts to find the most likely conclusion from the observations. It is a logically false reasoning method, but has been adopted by many scientists in the course of the development of natural science. This method has also been adopted by management scholars. The mixed methods approach is a way to execute abduction studies, a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses. In triangulation design, quantitative and qualitative methods are used within a time framework. Furthermore, while embedded design employs qualitative methods in quantitative methods or vice versa, explanatory design conducts quantitative methods followed by qualitative methods. The latter performs quantitative analyses after qualitative research. It is the only way to conduct research in areas of study which are underdeveloped.
上林 憲雄
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.46, pp.60-68, 2021 (Released:2022-05-18)

Japanese scholars in business administration should aim broadly for “business administration as academics” which includes science and recognizes its limitations, rather than “business administration only as science.” At that time, for the time being, it is necessary for us to: (1) understand the complexity of management phenomena exactly; (2) fully consider the transmission medium and destination of research results; (3) avoid an overwhelming research attitude; (4) establish a system to be secured freedom and originality in research activities; and (5) motivate researchers to find the research itself really interesting. In the world of academic research, it is not possible to simply certify major current research groups as “standards” at this time. Rather, non-standard or special, individual research that is initially rejected and not recognized by others is the driving force for the long-term development of scholarship. In general, academic research including the natural sciences should have such a character, but in the case of business administration research that includes analyses of society and human beings, the idea that “standards” should be determined and aimed at is dangerous. Needless to say, there are many excellent studies in Japanese business administration research, and even if there are some inadequacy of overseas transmission, just because they are not listed in the “university rankings” published by the Times Higher Education, Japan’s research standards in the study of business administration are by no means behind those of the US and Europe.
松嶋 登
經營學論集 第87集 日本の経営学90年の内省と構想【日本経営学会90周年記念特集】 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.60-69, 2017 (Released:2019-09-26)

伊藤 嘉浩
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.34, pp.87-99, 2014-12-10 (Released:2017-08-01)

The purpose of this paper was to shed light on the processes through which companies formulate superior business models by conducting a case-study analysis of Askul, a new business launched by Plus Corporation that is well known for having a superior business model. Another aim was to help Japanese companies to rebuild their organizational capabilities by learning about the remarkable success story of a new business that was launched before such concepts such as resultism and individualism had taken root. For the paper, people involved with the new business at the time were interviewed, and it was found that the Askul's business-model creation process was as follows: (1) learn from the failures of other businesses in their early stages, (2) craft a basic analytical plan in advance, (3) craft a detailed analytical plan in advance, (4) verify viability by launching the business on a small scale, (5) devise an emergent business model, (6) obtain approval for and implement the emergent business model despite opposition from inside and outside the company, and (7) get into the black and expand the business. Of these steps, (1) and (5) were discovered in the course of producing this paper; they had not been proposed in previous studies. One of the main achievements of this paper was that it showed that the emergent business model contributed to the creation of the eventual business model and the success of the business. This case analyzed for this paper also showed that the absence of excessive resultism or individualism, which is often seen at Japanese companies nowadays, was important in the creation of the business model.
藤野 義和
經營學論集 第83集 新しい資本主義と企業経営 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.G3-1-G3-12, 2013 (Released:2019-09-26)

本稿の目的は,武田薬品工業と塩野義製薬,そしてエーザイを事例に取り上げ,経営者交代と戦略の変化の関係性を考察し,同族経営者のあり方を議論することにある。 本研究を通して,まず構造転換を迎えた医薬品産業の実態が明らかとなる。その上で,武田薬品工業と塩野義製薬は同族関与の終焉という企業の歴史な転換を迎えた。特に武田は,同族経営者が積極的にその転換を主導したと解釈された。一方エーザイは,同族経営者が主導し常に時代を先取し自己革新を行ってきたことが明らかとなる。エーザイの同族関与の維持や転換にかんしては,現在進行中の事象であり議論するに留まる。 以上の事例にもとづき,今日でもいわば「チャンドラー・モデル」が有効な組織形態であることが確認される一方,Chandler が同文脈で示唆する経営者の専門性の変化を深く追求することが同族の維持や転換理由をひも解く鍵となることが確認される。
加藤 俊彦
經營學論集 第83集 新しい資本主義と企業経営 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.77-85, 2013 (Released:2019-09-26)

長内 厚
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.19, pp.76-88, 2007-04-30 (Released:2017-08-01)

Excellent technology will be the one of key issue for business success. The customers, however, cannot judge the excellence by the technology itself immediately. They just enjoy it as features of a product. Therefore, it's important for business result that technology development activity is integrated with business activity. Through an empirical study of Taiwanese semiconductor industry at the first stage, this paper shows that definite business plan of the upper R & D division facilitates integration between technology development and business activities. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) was established at Hsinchu area in 1973 by Taiwanese government. Through ITRI's activities to develop semiconductor technology, ITRI had not make only new technology, but they had held their own business plan. Their plan shown into the industry gathering in Hsinchu Science based Industrial Park (HSIP) integrated technology development and business activities. As the result. Taiwanese industry could get competitive advantage in the world market.
三戸 浩
經營學論集 第88集 公共性と効率性のマネジメント─これからの経営学─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.65-71, 2018 (Released:2019-06-17)

CSR活動を考慮した経営・企業活動は当然のものとなってきている。また同時に,バブル崩壊後の日本経済が復調せず,「資本主義の行き詰まり」が世界的に見られるようになり,新しい成長分野,新しい事業が要請されている。そのような背景の中でCSVが生まれてきたと理解できよう。CSR(社会的課題)と利潤獲得,すなわち「公共性と効率性」の関係は,相反するものではなくなり,企業は積極的にCSRをわが責務として受け入れ,実行してゆくことが当然となる。「公共性」を「私企業」が担うという動向は,公企業の民営化,そしてsocial enterpriseやsocial businessなどさまざまな領域で見受けられるようになっている。現代社会を健康に維持・繁栄させる役割・機能を持つ「社会的器官」となった現代大企業の目的がCSRであるとするなら,その「社会性(公共性)」をチェック&コントロールするのがコーポレート・ガバナンス,「組織存続=効率性」を担うのがマネジメントであり,両者相まって企業は社会的器官として維持発展が可能になるであろう。
黒川 秀子
經營學論集 第88集 公共性と効率性のマネジメント─これからの経営学─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F27-1-F27-7, 2018 (Released:2019-06-17)

CSRについては1990年代から活発な議論が展開され,2000年代以降,理論面,実務面ともさらに進化,深化し続けている。第91回日本経営学会大会のキーワードは統一論題とサブテーマに示されている通り,公共性と効率性であり,CSRはまさに現代企業の持つ公共性と効率性の二面性を照射する。ところで,「企業の社会的責任」という問題は,1960年代から70年代にも大きく取り上げられ,そのブームはしばらく続いたとされる。 本稿では,1970年代の「企業の社会的責任」論の展開と2000年代以降の「CSR」論の展開を比較し,CSRに対する意識の変遷を辿るとともに,CSRの本質を探ろうとした。 谷本,宮坂の論考から,前者は「経営者の社会的責任」が,後者はビジネスエシックスとステイクホルダーセオリーを契機として「企業自体の社会的責任」が問われ,そのことが前者がブームで終わった理由であり,前者と後者の相違点であることが理解された。 また,現在のCSRを取り巻く問題点として,制度と実態の乖離,各種機関,機関投資家,アドバイザーの存在とCSRの宣伝広告性,「CSR=社会的責任」における「責任」の理解,の3点が考えられた。
犬飼 知徳
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.15, pp.3-14, 2005

The aim of this paper is to show the trap which the explanation of earlier studies of the organizational decline have and to suggest the direction about model building to overcome it. The earlier studies have a problem. They did not clarify the causal mechanism of organizational decline. Therefore they could not show how an organization recovers from decline. Of course some studies tried to account for the causal mechanism in earlier studies. But they have a trap which made it hard to explain the organizational decline. The trap comes out when we assume that the actors in their models would be reflective. This trap makes it hard of earlier studies to explain the organizational decline. This is because the actors have time enough to reflect why the organization declines. If the actors have time enough to be reflective, the earlier studies does not show the mechanism to explain why the organization does not recover from the decline. It is the lack of the mechanism that is the trap which the earlier studies have. This paper suggests a way of approaching it. According to the way, we tried to reinterpret The Innovator's Dilemma. This reinterpretation shows you that the combination of actions of many actors made the decline.
矢澤 健太郎
經營學論集 (ISSN:24322237)
vol.89, pp.F54-1-F54-7, 2019
