鈴木 信貴
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.48, pp.3-17, 2021 (Released:2022-12-16)

This study examines the management strategy of assembly manufacturer in the presence of highly competitive core module component manufacturer in modular industry. In recent years, modularization of products, division of labor in industrial structure and cost competition can be observed in various industries. Prior studies have argued that in such industries, assembly manufacturers seek to differentiate their products through the strategies: pursuing economies of scale, specializing in a niche, presenting a new concept or value to customers. However, if highly competitive core module component manufacturer is in such industries, the strategy and management of assembly manufacturers are severely constrained. Even if other component manufacturers exist, many assembly manufacturers are forced to procure components from a specific component manufacturer for the performance and function of their end products. Since core module component has a significant impact on the final products, assembly manufacturers are no longer able to differentiate their products. This study proposes coordination strategy among core module components as one of the possible management options for assembler. The coordination strategy is one in which assembler reduces its dependence on a specific component manufacturer by adjusting the differences in performance and function among core module components. In order to verify the validity of this strategy, this paper selects Mori Seiki, a machine tool manufacturer, as a case study and analyzes the approach for NC (Numerical Control). Mori Seiki tried to change its business relationship with Fanuc, the largest NC manufacturer, by increasing the number of suppliers of NC from the 1970s to the 1990s. But these efforts were not successful. In the 2000s, Mori Seiki changed the relationship with Fanuc by adjusting the differences between NCs through the development of MAPPS. From the case study, this study shows that when core module component manufacture is highly competitive in modular industry, it is difficult for the assembler to implement the strategies discussed by previous studies and the coordination strategy can be effective.
中本 龍市
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.32, pp.94-104, 2013-11-20 (Released:2017-08-01)

This research examines the relationship between research mobilization and performance of basic research. We focus on the impact of resource mobilization through "a colleague of a colleague" on a focal researcher's performance. Reflecting experiences in daily life, people can understand that a person who can cooperate with "a friend of a friend" gain more benefits than a person who have a friend's cooperation. Innovation cannot be realized only by technology or ideas alone. Rather, innovation needs two different factors : "knowledge creation" and "resource mobilization" (Takeishi et al., 2008; 2012). Previous research has extensively discussed "knowledge creation" but few scholars treat "resource mobilization". Thus, this paper analyses the scope of resource mobilization. As Burt (2010) contributes to this research field and makes a network variable to measure "second-hand" network resources, we develop his research framework. Our working hypothesis is that researchers who can gain access to second-hand network resources, or "a colleague of a colleague", achieve more than researchers who cannot. We use patent data from Japan to examine our hypothesis. Our data contains 310 researchers from two second-tier pharmaceutical companies : Shionogi and Chugai. Results show that the effect of "a colleague of a colleague" has complex impacts on researchers' performance. From a structural viewpoint, the impact of a colleague is negative but that of "a colleague of a colleague" is positive, on the other hand, from a relational viewpoint, it leads to the opposite results. Project leaders in pharmaceutical companies face difficulties to integrate differentiated research teams in order to produce new drugs. In fact, several companies have restructured the internal research process. Our results suggest that they have to achieve a balance between first-hand and second-hand network effects and not to depend on one side only.
伊藤 嘉浩
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.37, pp.15-28, 2016 (Released:2017-10-02)

For this paper, five cases of new business development at Canon were studied and investigated to shed light on the logic for legitimizing the mobilization of key resources in the new business development process, and it was found that in four cases the logic was that endorsements had been received from other well-known companies or organizations. This paper emphasizes that the decision-making entity itself can deliver a process for legitimizing resource mobilization for a new business by referencing and utilizing social and political status, mainly because of the high level of trust placed in assessments made by well-known external economic entities. The analytical framework employed in this paper is Burgelman’s Process Model of Internal Corporate Venturing process model, and two areas are analyzed. These are championing, an important process activity in the aforementioned model, and legitimization as a project strategy. The objects of the survey were projects at Canon to develop new businesses, namely 3DCGs, rotary encoders, new types of semiconductor wafer, liquid-crystal color filters, and new types of speaker. Of these, I presented detailed facts concerning four cases the logic of which had been endorsed, and used a total of 10 examples from these cases to empirically verify them. For the investigation, I compiled the results of the analysis, discussed why such logic exists, and presented this logical model.
舟津 昌平
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.39, pp.26-36, 2017 (Released:2019-09-03)

This study examines how to legitimize innovation activities when a firm introduces a department promoting innovation (like R&D). Uncertainty is the nature of innovation and this produces various problems. Firms have dealt with such problems by setting up full-time departments in manufactures, but, there is a problem about mobilizing resources. Prior research has claimed that entrepreneurs have to legitimize their activities by getting collaborators in order to achieve mobilization. However, prior research still has problems: legitimation process convergent top-down legitimation, getting the cognition of authorities even though existing studies on the legitimation process and distinguish between top-down legitimation and manipulation strategy. Next, getting collaborators is regarded as a mere instrument for legitimation that doesn't have practical value. However, getting collaborators may have practical value in the front office of service providers. This study claims the importance of a front-based legitimation process, while prior research tends to pay attention to the top-down process. So the purposes of this article are (1) to reconsider the legitimation process by analyzing the case of setting up a new department (2) to examine the practical value of getting collaborators. This investigation is a case study. It is the case that MOS Food Services introduced the ‘Jisedai MOS development department’. The data sources are mainly a) 6 interviews with 5 people from MOS Food Services; b) participant observation of a collaborative program between the university and the firm; c) lectures and discussion with Mos Food Services. As a result of analysis, this study claims that top-down legitimation is not enough and front-based legitimation is more important when the front office has an important role to serve customers and resources are divided between money and others. In addition, the acceptance of collaborators may have practical value when various stakeholders can relate with innovation activities. This article is novel and original in analyzing the legitimation process from the view of the front office and pointing out the front-based process as well as the top-down process.

1 0 0 0 OA 企業統治3・0

加護野 忠男
經營學論集 第87集 日本の経営学90年の内省と構想【日本経営学会90周年記念特集】 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.26-31, 2017 (Released:2019-09-26)

李 東浩
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F39-1-F39-8, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

本論文は,従来の模倣か創造かという二者択一的な見方と一線を画して,組織学習理論と組織能力理論の視角から,模倣と創造の両者におけるダイナミックなスパイラル上昇進化関係に焦点を合わせ,模創(もそう: imicreation)という理論概念と模創モデル(ダイクモデル:DAIC Model)を提起し,模倣と創造の理論フレームワークを構築する。模創は複製型模倣(DI:Duplicative Imitation),適応型模倣(AI:Adaptive Imitation),模倣型革新(II: Imitative Innovation),創造型革新(CI:Creative Innovation)の4モードから構成される。学習構造の面では「複製→活用→再結合→探索」といったダイナミックなサイクル(RERE Cycle)を導入し,知識能力の面では「何をするか→如何にするか→何故なのか→するかどうか・何時か」といったダイナミックなサイクル(WHWW Cycle)をも導入し,この2つのサイクルを行いながら,常に高いステージへの進化を目指すことを説明する。
青木 幹喜
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F42-1-F42-9, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

三崎 秀央
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F26-1-F26-9, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

志賀 敏宏
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F29-1-F29-9, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

鈴木 信貴
經營學論集 第89集 日本的経営の現在─日本的経営の何を残し,何を変えるか─ (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F32-1-F32-7, 2019 (Released:2019-09-26)

企業,産業の海外シフトが進む中,地域の産業集積はどのようなプロセスのもとで再生が可能になるか。この問いに対し故天野倫文東大准教授は新潟県中越地域を事例として一連の研究を行った。先行研究は,成長している企業は地元業者との分業関係のもとに,自らは開発に特化しニッチ分野で高い競争力を持つ製品を開発し販売を東アジアに広げ受注を伸ばしていることを明らかにし,これらの企業の成長とともに産業集積が再生へ向かっていると論じた。 本研究は,先行研究から10年以上が過ぎた今,先行研究どおりに産業集積は再生したのかという問題意識のもとに,その検証を試みた。先行研究の調査後も一連の企業,産業集積はおおむね先行研究の方向で成長していた。しかし,リーマンショックにより,どの企業も壊滅的な打撃を受け,特に東アジア,ニッチ分野に力を入れていた企業は,その影響が大きかった。リーマンショック後,各社はそれぞれ経営体制を大きく変えることにより業績を戻し,そのことにより産業集積が新たな形で再び再生へと向かっていることが明らかになった。