鈴木 信貴
經營學論集 (ISSN:24322237)
vol.89, pp.F32-1-F32-7, 2019

<p>企業,産業の海外シフトが進む中,地域の産業集積はどのようなプロセスのもとで再生が可能になるか。この問いに対し故天野倫文東大准教授は新潟県中越地域を事例として一連の研究を行った。先行研究は,成長している企業は地元業者との分業関係のもとに,自らは開発に特化しニッチ分野で高い競争力を持つ製品を開発し販売を東アジアに広げ受注を伸ばしていることを明らかにし,これらの企業の成長とともに産業集積が再生へ向かっていると論じた。</p><p> 本研究は,先行研究から10年以上が過ぎた今,先行研究どおりに産業集積は再生したのかという問題意識のもとに,その検証を試みた。先行研究の調査後も一連の企業,産業集積はおおむね先行研究の方向で成長していた。しかし,リーマンショックにより,どの企業も壊滅的な打撃を受け,特に東アジア,ニッチ分野に力を入れていた企業は,その影響が大きかった。リーマンショック後,各社はそれぞれ経営体制を大きく変えることにより業績を戻し,そのことにより産業集積が新たな形で再び再生へと向かっていることが明らかになった。</p>
谷 祐児
經營學論集 (ISSN:24322237)
vol.88, pp.F1-1-F1-8, 2018

<p>昨今の医療機関の経営環境の変化による医療機関間の競争激化の影響をうけ,経営状態の悪化による医療機関の倒産が増加傾向にある。各医療機関には適切な医療の提供のみならず安定した経営が求められている。第90回大会にて4つのアプローチ(内部・外部志向 ×戦略的・組織的)の必要性および重要要素を特定したが,サンプリングバイアスが課題として存在した。本報告では,この課題解消を目的として,アンケート調査対象を,全国の病床数200床未満の医療法人病院4,528施設から無作為に抽出した3,500施設に拡大した。その結果,これからの中小規模医療法人病院の経営改善には,前回報告で提示したフレームワークにおける4つのアプローチが必要であることが確認された。また,これらのアプローチは,4つのアプローチを各病院の置かれている環境や,経営資源や組織規模,弱みや強みに合わせて実施する必要があり,これらのことを病院毎に適切な内容を実行することにより経営改善が望めるであろうと考える。</p>
内田 大輔
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.37, pp.51-63, 2016 (Released:2017-10-02)

This article investigates how Japanese firms deviate from a diffusing corporate governance practice—holding their annual shareholder meeting in the same date with other firms. Prior to the late of 1990s, despite making it impossible for shareholders who have stocks of multiple firms to attend annual shareholder meetings of firms they invest, such a practice was common among Japanese firms. However, after the late of 1990s, some Japanese firms have deviated from the diffusing practice by changing their annual shareholder meeting date. In this article, using a longitudinal dataset on the annual shareholder meeting of the Japanese firms in the period of 1995 through 2004, I examine the antecedents of the deviant behavior by Japanese firms and find (1) that foreign shareholders encourage firms to deviate from the practice, (2) that organizational misconduct (in this context, payoff scandals) leads to deviation from the practice not only by perpetrators of payoff scandals but also by industry bystanders—firms that do not involved in the payoff scandals but are in the same industry as perpetrators, (3) that as the number of deviations in the same industry increases, firms are more likely to deviate from the practice.
福地 宏之
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.33, pp.100-111, 2014-06-15 (Released:2017-08-01)

The aim of the present study is to reveal processes in which organizational structures for marketing influence the market responses of organizations. It has been repeatedly demonstrated in the field of marketing research that it is important for companies to respond rapidly to changes in their customers and competitors to produce satisfactory business results. However, few studies have been conducted to verify how organizational structures for marketing affect the rapidity of such market responses. In more concrete terms, the present paper reveals the logic of how two types of organizational structures (a marketing manager controls different kinds of decision-making; and each sales staff member makes autonomous responses) lead to business results through two different levels of rapid market responses (market responses at the level of marketing strategies; and market responses at the sales level). In order to verify the hypothesis, the study conducted a questionnaire survey with 157 businesses in Japan, mainly including food businesses, on the status of their market organization, the situation of their market responses, and their business results. The present study makes the two following contributions. First, it empirically analyzes the impacts of market responses at the levels of both marketing strategies and sales on business results. Second, it reveals organizational factors that promote these two kinds of responses.
村田 大学
經營學論集 (ISSN:24322237)
vol.83, pp.G1-1-G1-12, 2013

<p>本研究の目的は,米国内部通報制度の実態と問題点を解明することである。米国の内部通報規制は,従来,匿名性や守秘義務の向上など,主に内部通報者の特定を困難にすることで,報復の防止に努めてきた。だが,現在,内部通報件数の増加とは対照的に,内部通報者の5人に1人は報復を経験しており,報復の改善・防止は大きな課題である。</p><p> そこで,本研究は,①内部通報者の潜在的報復者に対する独立性,権力,匿名性と報復の関係,および②通報先の独立性と報復の関係の解明に取り組む。内部通報者は常に様々な組織構成員と利害が対立しやすく,権力も弱いため報復に会いやすい。匿名性の強化は,内部通報者の特定を困難にすることで報復の防止に貢献するが,調査の進展に伴い低下してしまう。また,通報先の独立性が乏しいと,経営者が関与する不正の通報に対する報復の防止は難しい。以上のような限界の克服には,多様な内部通報経路の整備が重要である。</p>
宮尾 学
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.24, pp.3-15, 2009-10-25 (Released:2017-08-01)

Pioneering of a new product category to enjoy the first-mover advantage is a critical issue for manufacturing firms. However, a firm cannot simply choose to be a pioneer. We investigated interactions among market actors and product development teams to discover the process of new category generation by using the social shaping of technology approach. In a case study, we examined the "healthy tea beverage" category, which was identified as a tea beverage approved as Food for Specified Health Uses, packaged in a 350-ml PET bottle and priced relatively higher than conventional tea beverages. To describe the case study, we collected data from interviews and published documents relevant to three product development cases: "Healthya Green Tea" by Kao, "Kuro Oolong Tea" by Suntry, and "Catechin Ryokucha" by Ito En. Through the case study, we identified three phases in the category generation process: shaping of products, shaping of an exampler, and shaping of a competitive market. In the shaping of products phase, product concept and design were shaped under the influence of shared structural factors, e.g., the health care movement. When Healthya Green Tea was launched, it became an exampler and urged products that followed it into the marketplace to share its characteristics, e.g., being packaged in a 350-ml PET bottle, by involving structural factors and material factors. After those products were launched, the competitive market was shaped through the interactions among market actors. In the case study, the shared characteristics of products were generated in the shaping of products phase, and these characteristics became triggers to shape a new category. A category and products sharing characteristics were mutually shaped by interaction among product development teams, market actors, structural factors, and material factors. These findings suggest that not only interactions among market actors after products are launched but also the product development process play important roles in category generation.
石井 真一
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.38, pp.64-75, 2017 (Released:2019-09-03)

Research and development (R&D) internationalization, which generally follows sales and production internationalization, is critical for the innovation and the knowledge creation of multi-national enterprises (MNEs). However, the localization of R&D, especially new product development (NPD), at foreign subsidiaries has not been sufficiently analyzed. Previous research of NPD management suggested that Japanese automobile assemblers' NPD capability is characterized as an interdependency among varieties of tasks supported by careful integration and coordination. It is also suggested that since such NPD capability is based on Japanese culture and the country's social system, it is difficult to transfer to foreign countries. Our research addresses the following question: How did Japanese automobile assemblers transfer their NPD capability to foreign subsidiaries? We analyzed NPD projects at Toyota's R&D center in the U.S. and focused on the localization of NPD tasks and human resource management (HRM), such as recruiting and promoting local employees. Our first finding is that the localization of NPD tasks and HRM has progressed gradually in a long-term (15-20 years) period. Within that process, core project members shifted from dispatched Japanese expatriates in the early stage to American engineers as they accumulated NPD experience in the later stage. This implies that expatriate engineers play the main role of NPD activities and that HRM localization is initially difficult at foreign R&D subsidiaries. Second, various international collaborations and complicated coordination between the R&D center in the U.S. and its R&D headquarter in Japan were arranged and apparently brought in American engineers with affluent opportunities to learn the NPD capability. Third, the localization of NPD tasks and HRM localization progressed cautiously by confirming development quality. This observation implies that securing development quality is a condition of localizing R&D tasks and HRM at foreign subsidiaries that has generally been overlooked in previous research.
江口 傳
vol.50, pp.一〇三-一〇九, 1980-09-01
太田 肇
經營學論集 第87集 日本の経営学90年の内省と構想【日本経営学会90周年記念特集】 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.82-89, 2017 (Released:2019-09-26)

西村 香織
經營學論集 第86集 株式会社の本質を問う-21世紀の企業像 (ISSN:24322237)
pp.F9-1-F9-9, 2016 (Released:2019-10-01)

人々が協働するときには,それぞれの異なる考え方にいかに対応し,それをまとめていくのかが重要な課題となってくる。しかも,組織や社会をとりまく環境は常に変化しており,組織のマネジメントは,その変化に応じていかなければならない。M. P.フォレットは,相異する考えから統一的解決を導き出し,同時に新たな多様性を創発させていく過程を,統合の過程として示した。そして,統合とは思考の統合としてあるのではなく,活動の統合としてあると捉え,関係し合うおのおのの主体的な経験によって統合が実現していくことを明らかにしたのである。フォレットは,経験の本質を,人間の可能性および新しい形態の喚起にあると捉える。すなわち,経験において人々の概念が知覚されたものと統合されて自律的に展開し,そこから新たな可能性や関係性が喚起されていくと捉えるのである。こうしたフォレットの経験と統合の理解は,現代組織のマネジメントに対しても,従来の考え方の行き詰まりを超える新たな活動の枠組みを示唆するものであると考えられる。
小本 恵照
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.42, pp.40-51, 2019

<p> Entrepreneurship scholars have studied start-ups for decades, and have identified various factors that affect their performance. However, previous studies have the following two drawbacks. First, most of them have not examined the configurational effects of certain factors on business performance. That is, they estimate only independent and symmetric effects using regression analysis. Second, most studies have analyzed start-ups only with business histories of more than 10 years.</p><p> In this study, I analyze the antecedents of the performance of start-ups within 28 months of their establishment. I consider six features of an entrepreneur: (1) age, (2) growth orientation, (3) funds at the start of their business (4) business experience, (5) the form of the firm, and (6) risk-taking behavior. To analyze the complex interactions among these features, I explore configurations leading to high or low business performance using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. The results indicate three configurations for high performance and three other configurations for low performance. The high performance configurations show that growth orientation, as well as funds and business experience, are required for business success. However, the configurations also indicate that young entrepreneurs exhibiting both growth orientation and risk-averse behavior can succeed, even if funds and business experience are low. The low performance configurations indicate that unsuccessful entrepreneurs tend to start their business without establishing companies. In addition, these configurations show that when entrepreneurs are not young and growth orientation and funds are lacking, these factors, coupled with other conditions, cause low business performance. These results indicate that some of the six features have asymmetric and complex effects on business performance of start-ups, leading to high or low performance.</p>