伊木 尚幸 大嶋 二郎
醗酵工学雑誌 (ISSN:03675963)
vol.41, no.5, 1963-05

Recently tea components have been extracted from tea leaves using hot water (over 60℃). We have reported in a previous paper on the extracted components of green and black tea using Cellulae. In this paper we report on the yield, aroma and taste of the tea components. In this experiment, in the extracting process of manufacturing instant tea, Cellulase of 0.3%, 0.6% and 1.2% of weight concentration were added respectively to freshly picked black and green tea leaves, and to tea leaves dried by infra-red ray lamps. These preparations were then held at about 40℃ for 20 hrs. During this process the cellulose and hemicellulose in the cell-mumbranes were changed to a swollen resolved condition.Through the action of Cellulase, such components as, tannin, caffein soluble nitrogen, non-watersoluble materials and tasting components were extracted from the cells of tea leaves. It may be that this action is helped by such enzymes as protease, amylase and xylase which are contained in the cellulase prparation.Quality of the tea was improved during resolving of the non-solubleamide-compounds.
山本 秀策 広岡 仁史
醗酵工学雑誌 (ISSN:03675963)
vol.52, no.8, pp.570-576, 1974-08

グルタミナーゼは, 動植物, 酵母, 及びバクテリアに分布することは広く知られているが, カビのグルタミナーゼに関する報告はない. 前報で醤油麹菌Aspergillus sojaeのグルタミナーゼは醤油醸造過程でグルタミンをグルタミン酸に転換する働きのあることを示すとともに, その A. sojaeのグルタミナーゼ著量生産変異株262が高濃度のグルタミン酸を有する醤油を造るのに実際に使用し得ることを示した. そこで, このA. sojae 262のグルタミナーゼを精製し, その諸性質をしることは興味のあることと考えられる. グルコース, ペプトン, リン酸-カリ, 及びマグネシウム塩等からなる培地にて液体培養して得た菌体を磨砕し, リン酸バッファーにて抽出し, さらに乳酸にてpH4.5とする. これを遠心分離して, 得られる上澄に60%(v/v)までアセトンを加え, 得られる沈殿物をリン酸バッファーに溶解し, さらに同一バッファーに透析して, DEAE-Celluloseカラムにかけた. 次いで, その活性区分を透析脱塩, 凍結乾燥後, Sephadex G-200 カラムにかけ, 活性区分を集めて蒸留水に対して透析し, 凍結乾燥した. このときのグルタミナーゼは磨砕処理時のそれの約130倍に精製されていた. さらに, Hyroxylapatite, Sepharose 6B, DEAE-Sephadex A-50等を用いて精製が試みられたが, 数個のサブユニットに分かれるらしいこと, そしてこの結果, その活性を失ってしまうために, それ以上の精製を続けることは困難であった. そこで, この酵素剤が, 以下の実験を通して部分精製グルタミナーゼとして用いられた. Sephadex G-200 gel filtrationによって, このグルタミナーゼの分子量は約123,000と推定された. Hartmanらによって約110,000と報告されている E. coliのグルタミナーゼの分子量と大略等しい. このグルタミナーゼはpH8.0で最大活性を示し, ブタ, イヌ, 及びネズミのような動物のグルタミナーゼの場合にほぼ等しい. しかし, pH5.0に最大活性を示すClostrildium welchiiやE. coliのようなバクテリアのグルタミナーゼと著しく相異している. また, この酵素はpH7~9の範囲で比較的安定であった. しかし, 熱に対しては, 最も安定なpHにおいてさえも, 著しく不安定で, 30℃, 10分処理でその活性の10%を, 60℃ではその殆んどすべてを失った. しかし, この熱変性は40~50℃の範囲で, 卵白によってある程度防護された. また, このグルタミナーゼは希釈されると速やかにその活性を失うことからも, 卵白中のある種の蛋白質を安定剤としていることが推察された. Km値は3.3×10^<-4M>であった. このグルタミナーゼはMn^<8+>やMg^<8+>によってわずかに活性化されたが, Zn^<2+>やPb^<2+>によってある程度, 10^<-2M> の Hg^<2+>によって著しく阻害された. 10^<-3M>のCu^<2+>, Ca^<2+>, Fe^<2+> Co^<2+>及びHg^+によっては何ら影響されなかった. これは10^<-3M>のZn^<2+>, Cu^<2+>又はHg^<2+>によって強く阻害されるブタの腎臓のグルタミナーゼと異なる. この酵素はEDTA や SLSによってはわずかに阻害されるが, PCMB, monoiodoacetate, 及び N-ethylmaleimideのようなSH阻害剤によっては阻害されなかった. この点でイヌの腎臓, ネズミの肝臓, 及びC. welchiiのグルタミナーゼとまったく異なっている.
茂木 正利 井口 信義 坂口 健二
醗酵工学雑誌 (ISSN:03675963)
vol.34, no.5, 1956-05

1) The transition of the molds, yeasts, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in "Homare Shiro Miso" was studied by a new viable counting method.2) In raw materials, especially in soy-bean and salt, molds and bacteria markedly found.3) Although the viable counts of molds are declining during the ripening process, a constant number may be found through the storage.4) In the koji-making, the counts of yeasts increase rapidly, but during ripening they decrease and rather constant number has been found during the storage.5) Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria increase surprisingly during koji-making, but at its end they decrease to some extent. During ripening they decline rapidly and, when the material is kept at a temperature below 25℃, they increase again in the number.
小玉 健吉 京野 忠司
醗酵工学雑誌 (ISSN:03675963)
vol.52, no.1, pp.1-9, 1974-01

A taxonomic survey has been made of ascosporogenous yeasts found in exudates occurring on tree stumps of broad-leaved trees in Japan during the periods of April and July of 1967,1968,1972,and 1973. The samples were collected in test tubes by using cotton pieces. Usually within 2 to 7 days after collecting, a loopful of the sample was streaked directly on carrot juice-koji extract agar medium containing 100 ppm of chloramphenicol. At the same time, samples were enriched by 2 kinds of liquid media besides the koji extract, i.e., sodium acetate-peptone-yeast extract, and glucose-nitrate media, both supplemented with 100 ppm of chloramphenicol, for 3-7 days at 25℃ followed by streaking on the agar media mentioned above. The pure cultures were identified mainly by the procedures described in "The Yeasts" edited by Lodder (1970). Out of 334 strains identified, this paper deals with the species belonging to the genera Saccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces, Pichia, and Debaryomyces.Among these a new species of Pichia naganishii is proposed beased on the reasons menitioned below.Pichia naganishii Kodama sp. n.The strain studied resembles Pichia angophorae Miller et Barker and Pichia bovis van Uden et do Carmo-Sousa, in both the shape of the ascopore and the assimilation pattern of the routine five sugars.However, in contrast to P. angophorae, this strain does not form pseudomycelium, nor does it ferment sucrose and maltose but assimilates _L-arabinose, _D-ribose, _L-rhamnose, glycerol and erythritol, and can grow at 37℃. Also, this strain is differentiated from P. bovis, in that it assimilates in addition to the above carbon compounds, ribitol and galactitol, and furthermore heterogamous conjugation preceds its ascus formation.Single strain (LKB-747) of this species was isolated from exudate of Camellia sp. in Nagasaki prefecture.
小玉 健吉 京野 忠司 市川 邦介 長西 広輔
醗酵工学雑誌 (ISSN:03675963)
vol.40, no.11, 1962-11

This paper deals with two yeast cultures which were isolated from a mushroom (Russula spec.) sent from Germany. Judging from the morphology of the ascospores with warty surface walls, these cultures should be classified in the genus Debaryomyces.These isolated agree well with debaryomyces cantarellii Capriotti not only in the morphological properties (ie. large long oval cells in malt extract, pellicle formation in malt extract, etc.) but also in the physiological ones (ie. fermentation of sugars, assimilation of carbon compounds, no vitamin required for growth).This species should be considered as one of the unique and significant species in discussing the diagnosis of genus Debaryomyces, because of both of its strong fermentative ability of sugars and oxidative dissimilation, as well as the cell morphology. A culture of the isolates (L.K.B.D-2) has been deposited in the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (Delft. Holland).
小玉 健吉 京野 忠司 市川 邦介 長西 広輔
醗酵工学雑誌 (ISSN:03675963)
vol.40, no.9, 1962-09

This paper deals with 5 yeast cultures isolated from soils sent from abroad, which should be classified in the genus Debaryomyces Klocker judging from their ascospores with distinct warty surface walls formed after hetro or isogamic conjugation. These isolates are similiar to Debaryomyces globosus Klocker in many of their properties, as follows : 1. Fermentation of glucose, saccharose and raffinose2. Assimilation of glucose, saccharose3. No pellicle formation on malt or "koji" extract4. A rather higher maximum temperature for the growth (ie 40-41℃).Whereas, in 1952,Lodder et van Rij changed Debaryomyces globosus to Saccharomyces rosei (Guilliermond) Lodder et van Rji, based predominantly on its strongly fermentative activity. In the author's opinion, however, it seems to be noteworthy that, as in most species belonging to genus Debaryomyces Klocker hitherto reported (except for a very few species such as D. vini etc.) a distinct warty wall of ascospores can be clearly observed in all strains under discussion and therefore this characteristic of ascospores should be considered as one of the most important properties to define the genus Debaryomyces as Klocker originally proposed.Eventually, taking the above mentioned into consideration, the authors wish to identify our isolates not as Saccharomyces rosei but as Debaryomyces globosus which should be regarded as a species of different genus from the former in the morphology of ascospores. A type culture of the isolates (D-1) has been deposited in Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (Delft. Holland).