松尾 利行 西田 豊明 星本 健一
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.12, no.1, pp.68-77, 1997-01-01

In this paper, we describe a practical method of extracting, structuring, summarizing, and integrating technical information from technical papers in metallurgy. The heart of the method is packets of domain specific knowledge called KP (Knowledge Pieces) in which procedures for extracting and structuring technical information from technical papers are embedded. We studied information structure of ten technical papers in metallurgy and constructed about a hundred KPs. We implemented a system called METIS which takes technical papers in metallurgy encoded in a mark-up language and produces a varieties of summaries and surveys including structured technical summary, visual display of similarites and differences of relevant papers, and Cause-effect relations. We have undertaken qualitative and quantitative evaluation of METIS against 106 technical papers so far. The evaluation demonstrates the reliability and robustness of our method.
桐山 孝司 冨山 哲男 吉川 弘之
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.6, no.3, pp.426-434, 1991-05-01

Integration of design object models is one of the expected roles of intelligent CAD systems. This paper deals with maintenance of relationships among models. We examine the nature of models and show that knowledge about relationships among background theories is crucial for the integration. Based on this discussion, we propose the metamodel mechanism, a new framework for integrated design object modeling. The idea of the metamodel mechanism is to utilize a qualitative model in order to represent dependency among concepts of which the models consist. The metamodel is refined through the design process by four operations, viz. instantiation, unification, specialization, and delegation. We also show an implementation of the metamodel mechanism.
佐藤 俊治
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.15, no.6, 2000-11-01

本論文は神経生理学や心理学的知見を導入して, パターンの多様性に影響されない視覚神経回路網モデルの構築を目的としており, 6章より構成される.第1章の「序論」に続いて, 第2章では, 既に提案されている視覚神経回路網モデルであるネオコグニトロンの構成・学習方法について定式化するとともに, 回転したパターンに頑健性がないことを実験により確認した.第3章では, 新しいボトムアップ型神経回路モデル(回転対応型ネオコグニトロン)を提案している.実際に手書き数字を用いた数値実刑により, パターンの変形・位置ずれ・拡大縮小・ノイズだけでなく, パターンの回転にも完全に頑健であることを示した.第4章では, 回転対応型ネオコグニトロンを含むネオコグニトロン型神経回路モデルの学習過程を解析し, その結果から高速に学習を行なうアルゴリズムを提案している.本アルゴリズムを用いることで, 認識性能に影響を及ぼすことなく, 学習時間が約1/680に短縮することを確認している.第5章では, 回転した文字を必ずしも瞬時に認識せず心的回転により初めて認識するというヒトの認識機能を実現する視覚モデルを提案している.数値実験により, パターンの多様性に頑健であることを明らかにした.また, 鏡像回転パターンに対する提案モデルの挙動が心理学的事実と符号するという興味深い結果も得られた.第6章「結論」では本論文の成果をまとめ, 今後の課題を述べている.
アルモアリム フセイン 秋葉 泰弘 金田 重郎
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.12, no.3, pp.421-429, 1997-05-01

This paper studies the problem of learning decision trees when the attributes of the domain are tree-structured. Quinlan suggests a pre-processing approach to this problem. When the size of the hierarchies used is huge, Quinlan's approach is not efficient and effective. We introduce our own approach which handles tree-structured attributes directly without the need for pre-processing. We present experiments on natural and artificial data that suggest that our direct approach leads to better generalization performance than the Quinlan-encoding approach and runs roughly two to four times faster.
小林 重信
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.24, no.1, pp.128-143, 2009-01-01
10 63

Real-coded genetic algorithms (RCGA) are expected to solve efficiently real parameter optimization problems of multimodality, parameter dependency, and ill-scale. Multi-parental crossovers such as the simplex crossover (SPX) and the UNDX-m as extensions of the unimodal normal distribution crossover (UNDX) show relatively good performance for RCGA. The minimal generation gap (MGG) is used widely as a generation alternation model for RCGA. However, the MGG is not suited for multi-parental crossovers. Both the SPX and the UNDX-m have their own drawbacks respectively. Therefore, RCGA composed of them cannot be applied to highly dimensional problems, because their hidden faults appear. This paper presents a new and robust faramework for RCGA. First, we propose a generation alternation model called JGG (just generation gap) suited for multi-parental crossovers. The JGG replaces parents with children completely every generation. To solve the asymmetry and bias of children distribution generated by the SPX and the UNDX-m, an enhanced SPX (e-SPX) and an enhanced UNDX (e-UNDX) are proposed. Moreover, we propose a crossover called REX (φ, n+k) as a generlization of the e-UNDX, where φ and n+k denote some probability distribution and the number of parents respectively. A concept of the globally descent direction (GDD) is introduced to handle the situations where the population does not cover any optimum. The GDD can be used under the big valley structure. Then, we propose REX^<star> as an extention of the REX (φ, n+k) that can generate children to the GDD efficiently. Several experiments show excellent performance and robustness of the REX^<star>. Finally, the future work is discussed.
河合 和久 塩見 彰睦 竹田 尚彦 大岩 元
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.8, no.5, pp.583-592, 1993-09-01

A distributed and networking card-handling tool named KJ-Editor that simulates arranging index-cards on a desk as working in collaboration is described. Card-handling is one of the most useful methods for information representeation and idea-generation. In KJ-Editor, hundreds of cards can be generated on any place in a display and a sentence can be written on each of them. A generated card can be picked and moved by a mouse. Cards may be grouped by enclosing them with a curve. Relationships of cards and groups can also be marked by special lines. The chart of cards edited on KJ-Editor can be output by a printer and stored in a disk. When a user of the cooperative work makes some operations on the chart in KJ-Editor, the other collaborators can see the operations on thier own displays. That is so-called WYSIWIS (What You See Is What I See) facilities are implemented in KJ-Editor. An experiment that four collaborators made a specification of a middle-scale software- "LIFT" problem, that is well known as a common problem for requirements analysis-using KJ-Editor was conducted. The collaborators meet at a room and are provided with separate networked computers. They can make a face-to-face communication. According to our observation and analysis on this experiment, some features of cooperative work activity using KJ-Editor are identified : (1) a computer-supported card-handling tool is a useful resource for the group in mediating their cooperative work ; (2) pointing a card or an element of the chart by a mouse has an effect for concentrating the discussion, and (3) WYSIWIS facilities sometimes become obstacles for personal viewing of the card-arrangement and cause collaborators to be uncomfortable.