1 0 0 0 OA 海洋情報都市

寺井 精英
溶接学会誌 (ISSN:00214787)
vol.57, no.1, pp.8-16, 1988-01-05
岡田 実 西口 公之 丸尾 大 谷 隆之
溶接学会誌 (ISSN:00214787)
vol.36, no.1, pp.44-52, 1967-01-25

An excellent dense and oxide free coating of Ni-Cr-B-Si alloy was obtained by the shielded plasma spraying method as shown in the previous report. The present report describes certain effects of spraying conditions, such as spraying atmosphere and preheating of substrate surface, on the quality of coating. And the application of shield nozzle and its effect are also investigated in details. Usually, plasma spraying of Ni-Cr-B-Si alloy in the air makes a porous and oxide inclusive deposit, even with use of pure argon plasma jet. It may be seen that some of these defects were caused by the oxidation of droplets in spraying. Air contamination into the plasma flame up to 90% was detected in the quantitative gas analysis of plasma flame at a distance of 90mm from the torch. Spraying in argon atmosphere gave a somewhat better coated layer compared with the spraying in the air, but is far from being perfect. These results suggest that the protection of particle and substrate from oxidation is necessary but is insufficient for obtaining perfect coating. Furthermore, thermal problems in a process should be considered at the same time. As the result of atmospheric, thermal and kinetic considerations in the processes, shield spraying method has been proposed. In the shielded spraying of this alloy, the preheating of substrate has great effect on the bond between the coated layer and the substrate. For the specimen which is shield-sprayed without any preheating, a little amount of porosity was observed at the boundary. But almost perfeet metallurgical bonding is accomplished with local preheating (300℃) of substrate surface. As for the application of shield nozzle, a series of experiments were carried out to analize the effect of nozzle. Results as follows; (1) Spraying atmosphere is kept perfectly inert. (2) Shield nozzle has an effect of raising the heat transfer from the plasma flame to the particles and substrate, since the contamination of cold gas is completely shout off. (3) Application of shield nozzle makes it easy to preheat the substrate surface with a high effluent of heat flux. (4) Temperature and velocity of particle rise as a result of increase of thermal efficiency and velocity of plasma flame.
稲垣 道夫 岡田 明 小林 志希男 木村 勝美 福原 煕明 松本 庄次郎 青木 孝夫 中野 恵司 兼古 光行
溶接学会誌 (ISSN:00214787)
vol.51, no.9, pp.775-783, 1982-09-05

For purpose to obtain the fundamental data of securing the reliability of welded joints, the establishment of welding control technique to make weld defects of arc welded joints in the natural condition, the design and trial making of ultrasonic point focussed probe in order to detect quantitatively planar defects and their application were carried out. And also, effects of the lack of penetration with one side welding of SM50B steels on the fatigue test results of welded joints were investigated. The main results are as follows; (1) Relation between the lack of penetration and welding condition in gas metal arc (GMA) welding were made clear. (2) The point focusing angle probe using spherical tansduser in ultrasonic detecting method was applied to the measurement of the size of lack of penetration. In case that the root face of butt welded joint was gas cut, the detecting accuracy was about±0.5mm. However, in case that there were blow-holes or some weld defects on the way of passing of ultrasonic beam or near the root, the size of planar defect was often mistaken. And also, in case that the root face was closely attached by welding, the detection of lack of penetration was often difficult. (3) The uniaxial stress fatigue strength of arc welded joints for SM50B steels which have the lack of penetration of about 2∿4mm in depth, without reinforcement and finished surface, was extremely lower than that of base metal and welded joints which have full penetration, without reinforcement and finished surface And the fatigue strength of arc welded joints with reinforcement showed the intermediate values between that of base metal or welded joints which have without reinforcement and finished surface and that of welded joint which have the lack of penetration of about 2∿4mm in depth, lowered fairly in comparison with that of base metal. These test results were discussed with non-linear fracture mechanics, consequently, the fatigue limits of welded joints are evaluated with effective notch depth as a whole.
山本 光 高野 悠敬 大嶋 健司 山根 敏 窪田 武文
no.68, pp.84-85, 2001-03-19

大橋 修 菅 誠一郎
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.10, no.1, pp.53-58, 1992-02-05

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of twist angle on tensile strength of diffusion-welded joints by using molybdenum single crystals with (121) and (025) surfaces. Relation between the twist angle and strength is tried to explain with the coincidence site lattice model and a theoretical model calculation. The results are as follows : Single crystals could be welded without recrystallization. Tensile strength of the joints depended on the twist angles. The joints with twist angles up to 10 degree were as strong as the base metal. In case of the twist angles above 10 degree, there were peaks in tensile strength of the joints around the certain twist angles where a number of common lattice points were formed at welding interface. From the calculation, it was shown that the binding energy between the crystals decreased with decreasing the number of common lattice points. Twist angle widths of peaks in tensile strength were estimated with the Brandon's equation.
金 裕哲 李 在翼 猪瀬 幸太郎
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.23, no.3, pp.431-435, 2005-08-05
13 23

In order to predict the distortion generated by welding with high accuracy, distortion with fillet welding was measured by three-dimensional photographic measurement. Then, the experiment was simulated by three-dimensional thermal elastic-plastic analysis by FEM. The important matters that should be noted on predicting the distortion with high accuracy were shown by comparing with the results of the experiment and those of the analysis. The results of measuring temperature could be accurately simulated by non-steady state thermal conduction analysis based on FEM. In carrying out the elastic-plastic analysis, four conditions (equilibrium equation, constitutive equation, condition of compatibility and yield condition) should be satisfied. In welding, the temperature largely changed from a melting temperature to a room temperature. So, yield stress of materials largely changed, too. In particular, yield stress becomes about zero above 700℃. The analysis should be carried out under the yield condition that equivalent stress generated in temperature increment ΔT did not exceed yield stress of materials at high temperature above 700℃. It should be sufficiently recognized that the obtained results were not reliable if the yield condition was not satisfied. Angular distortion generated in fillet welding could be accurately predicted by regarding the weld metal as a deposited metal not assuming that a deposited metal zone was a simple triangle. Specifying an influence factor on longitudinal bending distortion was difficult because the absolute value was small. However, it was indicated that the reasonable result could be obtained by regarding the weld metal as a deposited metal because the absolute value of longitudinal bending distortion at pass (2) (the second pass) of which restraint was severer became smaller than that at pass (1) (the first pass).
小林 明 栗原 摂 羽原 康裕 荒田 吉明
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.8, no.4, pp.21-27, 1990-11-05

The deposit characteristics of ceramic powder sprayed onto a substrate by the gas tunnel type plasma spraying apparatus were studied, and it was found that the special spraying distance L^* can be determined by the deposit characteristics. The relation between the deposit characteristics and the coating quality such as the Vickers hardness and porosity was discussed and it was clarified that the special spraying distance L^* governing deposit characteristics corresponded to the critical spraying distance L_c which indicated the largest distance in order to obtain the good coating quality.