Herbiet M. Veen Van der
vol.26, no.3, 1957-03-25

1995年9月のIIW チューツッヒ総会において, Commission IXはクラスCとDの熔接用鋼板を分類するために,板厚のままを含む試験について研究する価値があると考えた.その試験には静的切欠曲げ試験が採用された.したがって Commission IXはVノツチシャルピー試験の統計的研究を行う Sub-commission に対し, Mr. Herbiet と Mr.Van den Veen の監督の下にその仕事をこの方向に向けることとした. 1955月10 Liege と1955年12月 St. Germain en Layeにおける2つの会合では, この Sub-Commission は研究目的を定め,実験計画の詳細を決めた.
松田 福久 上山 智之
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.11, no.1, pp.95-101, 1993-02-05

Solidification crack susceptibility in partially-melted bead-on-plate laser beam weld metal of 6 mm trick 0.2C-1.8Ni-0.55Cr-0.2Mo low alloy steel has been investigated with change of S and P contents in steel using maximum 5 KW CO_2 laser facility beam welder. Effect of weld bead configuration and amount of S and P on crack length in crosssectional bead have been mainly investigated. Estimation of crack length in weld metal was tried by means of regression analysis of data, using bead configuration and impurities of S and P. Moreover, effect of restraint of weld bead during welding on crack susceptibility was investigated. Main results obtained are as follows ; 1) Weld bead configuration is gradually changed from winecup-type to well-type with changing to higher power and higher welding speed in laser beam welding (LBW) within the welding condition in this investigation. 2) With an increase in weld power and welding speed solidification crack susceptibility in weld bead is increased. 3) Solidification cracks have been seen both winecup-and well-type weld bead. However, the cracks were much more in well-type bead than in winecup-type bead in general. 4) S and P impurities in steel have a detrimental effect for the cracks. However, S is 1.8 times more detrimental than P according to statistical investigation. 5) According to statistical investigation the cracks increase with an increase in length of side wall fused and of d_<B1/2> (bead width in 1/2 penetration) 6) The equation which can estimate the crack length in weld bead is introduced from the statistical investigation using the factors of bead configuration and impurities (S, P) in steel. 7) The restraint of the specimen during welding increases the crack susceptibility in weld bead in comparison with the restraint free bead.
大山 松次郎
熔接協會誌 (ISSN:18837190)
vol.8, no.8, pp.397-399, 1938-08-25

小暮 寛彦
溶接学会誌 (ISSN:00214787)
vol.72, no.7, pp.579-580, 2003-10-05

このたび,国際溶接学会(IIW)2004年度年次大会が大阪で開催されることとなりました.日本での開催は,1969年の京都・1986年の東京に続いて3回目となります.今回の開催については,世界の溶接技術主要先進国が既に3回の年次大会の開催を実施していることから,日本での開催を加盟各国から切望され,日本溶接協会藤田会長がIIWの会長に就任した1997年7月のサンフランシスコ年次大会総会において日本での開催が決定されました.IIWは第2次大戦後,欧州の疲弊した国土に産業を復興させるため,全産業の基盤技術である溶接技術の普及・発展を目指し,1948年に欧州経済協力機構の基金によって設立されました.IIWの活動については,溶接技術の1994年5月号から12月号に「Joining Nations-IIWの歴史-」(P.D.ボイド著妹島五彦訳)及び溶接技術の1996年3月号「IIWの組織と活動」(小暮寛彦著)に紹介されていますので,興味のある方は,これらの関連記事を参照願います.
太田 昭彦 渡辺 修 松岡 一祥 志賀 千晃 西島 敏 前田 芳夫 鈴木 直之 久保 高宏
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.18, no.1, pp.141-145, 2000-02-05

The fatigue strength of developed box welds was improved about two times of the conventional box welds. The improved welds used the low transformation temperature welding material which contains 10% Cr and 10% Ni. The expansion of the developed welding material was 0.55% due to the transformation from austenite to martensite. This expansion induced the compressive residual stress around welds. On low stress range condition, the stress ratio effect by this compressive residual stress avoids the fatigue crack initiation at the weld toe. On high stress range condition, the fatigue crack initiated from weld toe and the fretting was observed on the fractured surface. While in the conventional welds, no trace of fretting was observed.
中村 照美 平岡 和雄
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.19, no.1, pp.44-53, 2001-02-05

Narrow gap welding (NGW) joints offers many advantages over conventional welding methods, such as good mechanical properties of joints, high welding efficiency and low residual stress. As the groove gap width becomes narrower, the arc heat input can be reduced and the merits in narrow gap welding increases more. Generally, GMA welding method has been never applied to less than 5 mm groove gap, because it is guessed that it is arc instability and lack of fusion at the groove bottom area occur. In this paper, first of all, arc behavior under narrower gap joints is discussed, and it was concluded that the arc in MIG arc welding irregularly perturbates up-to-downwards along the groove wall under less than 5 mm gap, but CO_2 arc was stable under narrower gap. Next, penetrations at the groove bottom area in CO_2 arc welding were discussed. Characteristics of bead formation phenomena in CO_2 buried arc welding of bead-on-plate were analyzed. From the results, the relationship between hydrostatic potential of molten metal and arc force corresponding with welding current was estimated. Furthermore, the width of gauging region of penetration by arc force was measured and the relationship between the melting width at groove bottom and welding conditions (welding current and welding speed) can be suggested. With these results, numerical simulation model was proposed and the optimum welding conditions to melt the groove bottom area sufficiently and to minimize heat input were searched by numerical simulation. And then narrow gap welding with 5 mm groove gap was carried out using these simulated welding conditions. In the experimental results, the weld bead was obtained without lack of fusion at groove bottom, but the convex surface bead was formed which is disagreeable in multi-pass welding. The new welding process was proposed from numerical simulations in order to prevent this convex bead and to obtain sufficient melting at bottom area. In the new process, the wire extension can be controlled by welding current waveform and then arc regularly oscillated up-to-downwards along the groove wall. In this arc oscillation, arc heating distribution along groove wall 1ed to both sufficient penetration at groove bottom and concave surface bead shape.
吹田 義一 正箱 信一郎 佐藤 順子 黒川 哲平 高井 大輔 佃 芳行 寺嶋 昇 藤澤 正一郎 黄地 尚義 増渕 興一
溶接学会論文集 : quarterly journal of the Japan Welding Society (ISSN:02884771)
vol.21, no.1, pp.33-38, 2003-02-05
6 8

As a welding method in space, the authors have proposed the GHTA (Gas Hollow Tungsten Arc) welding method in the previous papers, where some GHTA welding experiments have been conducted under the condition of low pressure (10^-2 Pa) and/or the micro-gravity. In the present paper, a feasibility study has been conducted whether the method can be used under such a high vacuum condition (10^-5 Pa) as on the space station orbit. As a result, it is made clear that the GHTA method is quite feasible under the high vacuum condition and its melting process strongly depends on the operating gas species such as Ne, Ar and Kr. Increasing the flow rate of operating gas decreases the mass of metal vapor from molten pool and the use of a heavy operating gas such as Kr also decreases the mass of metal vapor.