永井 正太郎 福本 梨乃 山下 久仁子 岡田 明
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.20, no.4, pp.469-478, 2018-11-25 (Released:2018-11-25)

Touchscreens are common in personal devices as well as in public devices such as ATMs and vending machines, because they are customizable and require less mental and physical load. However, touchscreens are subject to human error and visual overload, because a touchscreen interface doesn’t have haptic clues. Furthermore, the elderly may tend to be more affected by these issues. We conducted the experiment by measuring finger movement and finger contact force while using a touchscreen, to ascertain suitable feedback from haptic clue for both the elderly(62-75 years old) and younger people(20-30years old) . The findings were as follows: The amount of finger movement and finger contact force of elderly participants were significantly more than that of the younger participants (p < 0.01). Increased finger movement was due to tremors and decreased dexterity caused by aging. Increased finger contact force was due to two reasons: first, a response to less haptic feedback than what elderly participants are accustomed to experience, such as in the operation of a mechanical button; second, an attempt to prevent an error in movement due to their tremor. In addition to the physiological measurements, interviews of the participants revealed that the reason for their differences in using ICT devices is not a lack of experience, but physiological issues, such as tremors, decreased sensation in aging. The study further confirmed that touchscreen designs should include larger buttons and text display and a haptic experience that is attuned to strong finger contact force to promote greater usability for elderly users.
深谷 千絵 矢郷 香 大塚 志穂 岡田 明子 中川 種昭 朝波 惣一郎
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.50, no.10, pp.624-627, 2004-10-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

Concool F®is a chemical mouthwash containing chlorhexidine gluconate that is used for the treatment of periodontal disease and halitosis. We report a case of gingival necrosis caused by incorrect use of Concool F®A 52-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of gingival necrosis. One week before presentation, she went to sleep after putting a cotton roll soaked in a large amount of Concool F®solution (0.36 % chlorhexidine gluconate) on the upper gingiva to reduce bad breath. She noticed bleeding and a painful ulcer in the upper gum from the maxillary right lateral incisor to the left second premolar.Whenever a mouthwash agent containing chlorhexidine gluconate is used, we must be cautious about its usage and dosage and instruct the patients on proper use.
岡田 明憲
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.39, no.1, pp.85-99, 1996-09-30 (Released:2010-03-12)

A variety of goddesses appear in the Zoroastrian pantheon. Among them, three goddesses are especially significant -Armaiti, Aši, and Anahita.Armaiti is a member of the Ameša Spentas and is ranked among the highest order of goddesses. Aši is closely connected with the concept of Aša, the core of the thought of Zoroaster himself. In Yašt it is recorded that Aši was the love of Zoroaster. Anahita, apparently influenced by the cult of Mesopotamian Mother Goddess, became the most popular object of Iranian faith.The three goddesses have separate origins and are theologicaly distinct. Nonetheless, under the influence of Indo-Iranian folk beliefs, all these goddesses have been viewed as the Earth Mother and as the complements to deities of the sky. Ahura Mazda and Armaiti were regarded as the parents of Gaya Maretan, or the primeval man. Mi∂ra and Anahita formed a pair. Aši was closely associated with Sraoša. These models parallel the dual divinities-Dyavaprthivi-of Rg Veda.
岡田 明憲
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.37, no.2, pp.157-169, 1994 (Released:2010-03-12)

The myths of the people of ancient Iran contain references of many animals and among them the horse is of particular importance. In mythological terms, the horse appears as the symbole of the warrior class. In the beliefs of the people of ancient Iran, the connection between the horse and the warrior was related to the ambiguity of the horse. In the Avesta, this is shown by the use of -aspa (horse) in proper names and in the opposition of the white horse and the black horse.Studies in ethnology show that the horse is frequently connected with deities of the wind. It is not unusual, for example, for a horse to serve as a sacrifice to the deity of the wind. In the Avesta, too, passages hinting at the ties between horses and the wind can be found. In Zoroastrianism, wind possesses opposing qualities. Vayu, the god of wind, presents a clear duality. The twin Mainyus of good and evil reside in Vayu, like Zurvan.Wind is the demarcation between life and death, situated between this world and the after life, as demonstrated in the Haδoxt Nask and the Aogemadaeca. The horse, too, represents the character of being this boundary or being situated in the between. This point can be seen in the horse as a metamorphosis of Verethraghna as well as the Gushnasp fire venerated during the Sassanian dyansty. The proof for the tie with the boundary is the prayer on horseback frequently mentioned in the Avesta.
山下 和彦 岡田 明 山下 久仁子 渡辺 一志
Health and Behavior Sciences (ISSN:13480898)
vol.17, no.2, pp.53-57, 2019 (Released:2020-03-12)

This study was the examination of the sustained effects of the autonomic nerve response due to the difference in the posture of the supine and the standing after the acupuncture method of the "skin / subcutaneous tissue, exhalation phase, sitting position". The subjects were 11 healthy male college students without medication and smoking habits (age 19.6 ± 1.0 years old, height 172.1 ± 4.1 cm, body weight 70.4 ± 4.3 kg). Cardiac autonomic nerve function was measured by measuring electrocardiogram and analyzing by spectral analysis of heart rate variability. In the evaluation by spectral analysis, the high frequency component HF (0.15 - 0.40 Hz) and the low frequency component LF (0.04 - 0.15 Hz) were measured, and HF component was used as a cardiac parasympathetic function and LF / HF component was used as an index of cardiac sympathetic function. HR and HF components showed no significant change at standing posture with passage of time after the acupuncture stimulation. However, HR and HF components showed significant change at supine posture with passage of time after the acupuncture stimulation, and enhanced the cardiac parasympathetic function. Furthermore, significant increase of LF / HF component was observed between 5 minutes and 25 minutes after the stimulation in the supine position. From these results, it was obvious that the sustained effects of acupuncture stimulation in the enhancement of cardiac parasympathetic function was caused by supine posture. Moreover, it was suggested that this acupuncture method may be enhance both cardiac parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves.
向井 伸彦 岡田 明彦 鈴木 昭紀 高橋 利郎
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.93, no.12, pp.967-975, 1998-12-15 (Released:2011-09-20)
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ビール醸造の観点から, ビール酵母, 清酒酵母, 焼酎酵母及びワイン酵母の各醸造用酵母の特性を比較することを目的に, 炭素源の発酵性・資化性試験や酵母の凝集性試験を実施した。また, 三角フラスコレベル (100ml) 及び発酵管レベル(2L)での麦汁発酵性試験を実施し以下の結果が得られた。ビール酵母は, マルトース及びマルトトリオースの発酵・資化性が高く, 麦汁中でよく発酵したとともに凝集性が強かった。ワイン酵母は, ビール酵母同様マルトースの発酵・資化性が高く, また, 一部の酵母でマルトトリオースの発酵・資化性も高く, 麦汁中で比較的よく発酵したが, 凝集性は弱かった。清酒酵母は, ガラクトース, マルトースの発酵性・資化性が弱い傾向がみられた。焼酎酵母では, マルトースは発酵・資化したもののマルトトリオースの発酵・資化性が低かった。これらの酵母では, 一部の酵母である程度麦汁を発酵したが, おおむね麦汁の発酵性は低く, 凝集性は弱かった。さらに, 麦汁による小規模の発酵性試験で比較的よく発酵したワイン酵母 (K-1), 及び清酒酵母(民14)を用いてパイロットスケール (100L) での試験醸造を実施した。その結果, これらの酵母を用いた場合, ビール酵母に比べ, 主発酵の期間が長くなり, 真正発酵度は高くはならなかったが, ビールを製造出来ることが確認された。また, 試醸したこれらのビールは官能評価を行ったところ, ワイン酵母によるビールは酸味とフェノール臭が強く, 清酒酵母によるビールはエステル香が強いことがわかった。ワイン酵母は, バイツェン酵母と同様にフェルラ酸の脱炭酸による4-ビニルグアイヤコールへの変換能を持つこと及び, 清酒酵母は麦汁中での発酵における酢酸イソアミルの生成が他の醸造用酵母に比べて高いことがわかった。
岡田 洋一 石井 宏祐 松本 宏明 岡田 明日香 オカダ ヨウイチ イシイ コウスケ マツモト ヒロアキ オカダ アスカ Okada Yoichi Ishii Kosuke Matsumoto Hiroaki Okada Asuka
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.36, no.2, pp.41-51, 2017-10

本研究は、アルコール臨床におけるサポートグループに関するスタッフの経験を、半構造化面接法によるインタビュー調査を通して明らかにすることを目的としている。アルコール依存症患者を主たる対象としたサポートグループに、スタッフとして参加経験のある看護師1名が調査対象者であった。現象学的分析の結果、調査対象者のサポートグループにまつわる経験が叙述された。参加メンバー、スタッフ、ファシリテーターが分け隔てなく参加する場にサポートグループがなっており、メンバーにとってはもちろんスタッフにとっても貴重な場と感じられていた。スタッフとして感情が揺さぶられるときも、サポートグループという場を守るために感情をコントロールすることができていた。回復を続けるアルコール依存症患者に出会うことのできるサポートグループは、スタッフにとって回復の希望につながる場となっていることが示唆された。The purpose of this study is to examine the lived experiences of staff involved in a support group for alcoholism care using semi-structured interviews.One nurse who had served as a staff member of an alcoholism support group was recruited as the sole participant in this study. Interview data were analyzed using a phenomenological approach. The participant's experiences of the support group were described and considered as follows.This particular support group was organized such that members, staff, and facilitators participated without distinction. For the participant, it was a place where they could interact with patients from the same line of sight.In fact, the participant felt that the support group helped promote one's growth, enabling one to interact with others on the same level. Staff often experienced unstable emotions, and the participant felt that such emotions should be controlled in order to protect the integrity of the support group.For the participant, the support group was a place where they could encounter people with alcoholism who showed continual recovery, which was inspiring. The support group seemed a place to recover hope.
阪本 清美 坂下 誠司 山下 久仁子 岡田 明
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.19, no.1, pp.119-128, 2017-02-25 (Released:2018-12-10)

We carried out experiments to investigate the relationship between display resolution and physiological and psychological state during the viewing of 4K and 2K content on a 65-inch 4K TV as a comparison between age groups. During viewing tests of 4K scenic content by participants in their 20s and 50s, psychological evaluation scores and NIRS, an index of nervous system activity, were significantly higher during 4K scenic content viewing than for 2K viewing. However, the effect of the display resolution for content comprising video images of fine objects such as food, jewels, watches, glass and fur, was limited compared to that for scenic content between age groups. Our results suggest that content viewing at 4K tends to cause psychological elation and a surge in brain activity, although the effects varied somewhat according to content, and these effects of display resolution on physiological and psychological state were found regardless of age groups.
岡田 明子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.12, no.1-2, pp.65-92,171, 1969 (Released:2010-03-12)

It was generally thought that the Sumerian kingship appeared in their society which had been equal, when the Sumerian cities became to need the powerful director with the intensification of the disputes between the cities. H. Frankfort, Th. Jacobsen, S. N. Kramer, and some others generally thought like this, and concluded that the Sumerian kingship established at the Early Dynastic II.But recently some scholars has begun to think earlier than the Early Dynastic II about the appearance of the kingship. They think that the centralization and the leading minority was rather suggested in the Sumerian great enterprises as the river improvements, the irrigation, and so on, though H. Frankfort thought them useful for strengthening the unity of the community.I consider the establishment of the Sumerian kingship from the development of the temple architecture.The Sumerian temple architecture deriving from the small shrines at Eridu developed into the gigantic temples of Uruk at the late Uruk period (c. 3000 B. C.). But after this period the precincts became more extensive and to be enclosed with the walls on the one hand, the temple architecture itself was inclined to be rather small, and to be built on a high terrace, that famous ziggurat, on the other hand. Almost all the great temples at the Early Dynastic period took this style, and this suggests the separation of the grades in the Sumerian society, that is to say the privileged class to be able to use the temple on the large terrace, and the mass to be able to approach only under the ziggurat. The former intervened between the mass and the great gods, and grasped the gods' will in their hands. The most powerful man of the privileged class became their king.And so the Sumerian kingship already appeared at the late Uruk period, that is earlier than the period when H. Frankfort and some others suggested.
岡田 明彦
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.93, no.6, pp.407-413, 1998-06-15 (Released:2011-09-20)

ここ数年, 日本でも小規模醸造所のビール醸造が増加しているが, 醸造技術者を悩ませているものの一つに微生物汚染がある。微生物汚染は品質に直接影響を及ぼすため, 微生物管理の技術は非常に重要である。そこで, 小規模醸造所において役立つ技術を, 微生物管理に詳しい筆者に解説していただいた。現在ビール醸造に携わっている技術者のみならず, これからビール醸造に携わろうとする方々にとっても, 十分参考になると思われる。
保吉 和貴 佐藤 俊光 岡田 明男
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.74, no.8, pp.797-804, 2018 (Released:2018-08-20)
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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of adaptive iterative dose reduction 3D (AIDR 3D) on the computed tomography (CT) image quality by using single energy metal artifact reduction (SEMAR). Materials & Methods: A water phantom (22 cmφ) with the stem for total hip arthroplasty made of titanium was scanned. The volume CT dose index (CTDIvol) was set to 8.9 and 5.0 mGy. The reconstruction was performed using filtered back projection and AIDR 3D by soft kernel (FC13) and SEMAR. The averaged profile method was used for the quantitative evaluation of artifacts. We placed a rectangular region-of-interest on the artifact part, and obtained the x-direction averaged profile (Profile A). Profile B was obtained using a water phantom without metal. Profiles A and B were normalized as Profiles A′ and B′ using the mean value calculated from Profile B. Based on the standard deviation (SD) calculated from Profile B′, the background variation level was defined as ±2SD, and subtracted from Profile A′ (Profile A″). Finally, the area of Profile A″ was calculated and defined as Artifacttotal. Artifactover, and Artifactunder, respectively, the positive- and negative-side components of Artifacttotal. Results: Both Artifacttotal and Artifactunder increased according to the strength of AIDR 3D. The variations of Artifactover and Artifactunder, due to the AIDR 3D strength, were small and large, respectively. Further, in comparison with a high dose, the effect of artifact emphasis increased at low dose. Therefore, it should be noted that stronger AIDR 3D can emphasize the residual metal artifact.
松田 典子 岡田 明
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.58, no.2, pp.97-107, 2016-08-12 (Released:2016-11-04)

This study investigates certain aspects of the reading process including starting location, reading direction, and eye movements within an 8 x 8 matrix made up of Japanese katakana characters representing either meaningful or meaningless content. Two experiments were conducted with both involving two task-conditions. Within Experiment 1, participants in one task-condition were asked to merely read matrices without specific instructions about content meaning, while participants in another task-condition were instructed to read quickly. In Experiment 2, all participants were asked to search and report whether matrices were meaningful, but participants in one task-condition were asked to read quickly while those in another task-condition were instructed to read accurately. The results indicate that, when instructed to read quickly, participants were more likely to read from the top-left corner and move to the right. Regardless of content meaning or instructions, reading from the top-right corner and moving to the left was less frequently, which suggests that it is regarded as being more difficult. Experiment 1 results indicate that searching for meaning was not a significant factor. The findings from both experiments suggest that both starting location and reading direction are influenced by the instructions provided.