呉 小寒 高井 省三
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.71, no.1, pp.25-34, 2005-01-31
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The somatotype and skeletal maturity of 801 Korean-Chinese children aged 11.60-18.11 years in Longjing of Northern China have been assessed by the Heath-Carter and TW2/TW3 methods. Their physique was similar to that of Japanese children . The endomorphy was prominent during 12 to 16 years in girls. The mesomorphy and the ectomorphy were remarkable dur ing 14 to 16 years in boys. The typical somatotype was the mesomorphy for boys and was the endomorphy for girls. Their TW3 skeletal maturities were also similar to that for Japanese children, but slightly differed from the recent European standards. This study clarified that endomorphic and mesomorphic children were early maturer skeletally, while ectomorphic children were late maturer skeletally for the sexes.
西澤 昭 田原 靖昭 湯川 幸一 網分 憲明 小原 達朗
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.64, no.1, pp.37-47, 1998-01-31

体組成を求める算定式に身体密度は不可欠である.しかし算定式が確立しているわけではなく,用いる算定式によって同じ身体密度でも体脂肪率が異なることになる.特に児童,生徒の年齢では,除脂肪組織の比重が成人より小さいという報告もあり,そのまま成人の算定式にあてはめると問題の生じる可能性がある.そこで本研究では身体組成算定の基礎になる身体密度に関する問題を検討するための試みとして身体密度を年齡別にもとめ詳細に検討した. 身体密度の測定は水中秤量法によった.被験者は10歳(小学4年生)から18歳(高校3年生)の男子268名と女子332名の計600名であった.加齢と身体密度の関係をみると男子では年齢が大きくなるにつれ身体密度が大きくなる傾向にあったが,女子では逆に身体密度は減少する傾向がみられた.この時期の男子では密度の大きい除脂肪量が増加すること,および女子では逆に密度が小さい脂肪量の増加が顕著なことに起因していることが考えられた. 男子の10歳から18歳までの各年齢間で身体密度の平均値を比較すると最小が1.0530g/ml(11歳)で最大が1.0695g/ml(14歳)であった.女子は最小が1.0415g/ml(16歳)で最大が1.0530g/ml(13歳)であった. 小児期では,除脂肪組織の密度が成人とは異なることや脂肪量と除脂肪量の増加の傾向が男女で異なることなどから,この年代について身体組成を求める推定式を明らかにする必要性が示唆された.
加賀美 雅弘
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.55, no.6, pp.273-280, 1989

There are various regional elements which relate to the health condition of inhabitants. The purpose of the study is to show the military conscription data for the systematic elucidation of such relationships. The records of the physical examination taken in 1910 for the conscription of twenty-year-old male in the Austrian monarchy have been used. For each examinee, besides a success or failure of the conscription, names of diseases as reason for failure, occupation, stature and mother tongue (German or Italian) are recorded. A total of 4, 790 persons, 1, 661 persons in the South Tyrol and 3, 129 in Trentino in the Northern Italy has been analyzed for comparison of the health condition between these two regions which have the distinct regional characters. As a result of the analysis, it was clarified that the percentage of failures in Trentino was much more than that in the South Tyrol . In regard to the regional variation of diseases, skin diseases and diseases of thyroid gland are relatively dominant in rural and mountainous regions in Trentino, which can mean endemic pellagra and goiter prevalent in the region in the early 20th century. Furthermore, using the military conscription data the complicate relationships between disease and regional elements, i.e. physical and socio-economic elements, in Trentino could be described qualitatively .
杉田 稔 伊津野 孝
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.72, no.6, pp.234-245, 2006-11-30

Introduction: Over the past several years, differences and/or inequality within Japanese society have been pointed out from various study areas. The actual status of variations in differences and/or inequality in the economy and variations in health indicators was determined objectively from statistics collected in Japan. We forecast the differences and/or inequality in the economy and mortality rate in the future, and discuss countermeasures for health impairment due to economic inequality as a social epidemiologic study. Materials and methods: Gini coefficients, which show economic inequality, and mortality rateswere collected from statistical data published in Japan. An article in which the relationship between economic inequality and difference in health was noted and others were cited.Results: The Gini coefficients for inequality in income under 35 years of age and in consumptionof the thirties and the forties increased recently in Japan. Mortality rate for all causes ofmales aged 30-34 years increased and that for suicide increased notably except aged people in recent years. Discussion: The Gini coefficient increased in adults recently in Japan. The reason for this isbecause enterprises reduced the numbers of regular employees, whose salaries are higher, and increased the numbers of non-regular employees such as part-time and dispatched workers, whosesalaries are lower, in order to decrease labour cost after the bubble economy collapsed in 1990.Age-adjusted mortality rate for all causes and mortality rates for all causes by age decreased consistently in Japan after World War II. Recently, however, the mortality rate for all causes in males aged 30-34 years has increased. This indicates that socialization of anti-risk countermeasures are not sufficient in Japanese society in a recession, demonstrating the existence of a defective social system and/or of notable problems in the management of social systems in Japan. It should be recognized that if the situation is neglected and effective countermeasures are not taken, social chaos may result. Thus effective policies introducing sufficient anti-risk countermeasures are necessary to reduce the mortality rate.