小林 正子 竹本 泰一郎 田原 靖昭 田川 宜昌 東郷 正美
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.61, no.6, pp.309-316, 1995-11-30
趙 南勲 洪 文植 林 謙治
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.5, pp.298-314, 1996-09-30

韓国における家族計画プログラムの全国的な展開により,避妊の実行が普及すると共に出生率が低下してきた.こうした初期の目標が達成された中で,人工妊娠中絶は依然に高率であり,また,出生性比も増加する傾向にある.性比の歪み伝統的な男子選好に起因するものと思われる.本論文では妊娠結果の経年的変化を調査し,人工妊娠中絶の決定要因を分析すると共に中絶と男子選好が性比の歪みどのように影響を与えているかを検討した. 人工妊娠中絶率は1980年代前半まで急激に増加しており,中絶と出生はほぼ同数であった.その後,中絶率は高い水準で推移し,出生回数が多いほど中絶率が高い傾向を示している.第1子出産後の次の妊娠結果は前子の性別により強い影響を受けることが判明した.すでに男児を得ている場合妊娠が中絶になる確率はきわめて高い.希望子供数の減少と男子選好のために既存の子供の性構成が妊娠結果を左右することにおいてより重要な因子となっている.女性の教育水準も中絶の確率に対して常に影響を与えているが,最近ではその影響度は弱まっている.婚姻外妊娠と都市化も中絶の増加の方向で影響を与えている. 本研究から得られた結果により,今後韓:国における家族計画プログラムは性比の歪みをもたらす男子選好の価値観を弱めると同時に,人工妊娠中絶を予防すべく社会政策の強化を打ち出す必要があることを示唆している.
竹原 健二 三砂 ちづる 本田 靖
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.72, no.6, pp.215-224, 2006-11-30
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The purpose of this study is to comprehend the correlation between the conditions of experience in sexual behavior and the sex education needs of high school students. We conducted a cross-sectional study in January-February 2004 using self-response sheetstargeting 681 students (15-16 years old) attending three public high schools in Ibaraki Prefecture and received valid responses from 627. The subjects of the analysis were divided into three groups depending on the conditions of experience in sexual behavior. We found that, as sexual behavior becomes more active, there are more pressing needs for sexual behavior related information such as "contraceptive methods" and "sexually transmitted infectious diseases" while lessinterest is shown in "male and female psychology" or "interaction between the sexes, " It became clear that the source of sex-related information is shifting from textbooks and school instruction to friends and news media. Although 30-40% of the subjects responded that they wanted to know more about the "nature of love" and "interaction between the sexes, " that is hardly handled in sex education. This suggests that needs and the sources of information on sex-related issues also differ.Judging from this result, if instruction in sex education had more varied content depending on experience in sexual behavior, there would likely be a strong possibility of being able to respond better to student needs. Though the primary issues handled in current sex education are probably centered in the provision of medical knowledge, it can be assumed that high school students want to know more essential matters as well as specific methods and it would be desirable for sex education to provide more multifaceted information.
安里 龍 友利 啓子 東盛 キヨ子 新城 澄枝 金城 須美子 山本 茂
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.61, no.4, pp.219-236, 1995-07-30

Okinawa prefecture, consisting of the Ryukyu Islands in the southern part of Japan archiperago, is located in the subtropics. From ancient time, Okinawa had developed trading networks with China, Korea and many Southeast Asian countries and had received cultural influence from them. As the results, it is said that the foods consumed by, and food habits of, Okinawans, have been more similar to those in such countries than in Japan. The life span of Japanese has recently become longest in the world, and it has been longer in Okinawa than in any other prefectures. In this respect, special attention has been drawn to the historical aspects of Okinawan food habits. In the literature so far, however, typical foods, recipes and food habits in specific historical periods were documented but their compiled description throughout the history was lacking. This paper aims at a comprehensive description of the various events from the ancient time to the present to demonstrate their interrelation in a chronicle. Major a pects treated are introduction of foods, food production systems, food-processing, trades, marketing activities, food consumptions, religious roles of food services, and famines caused by natural and man-made disasters in relation to food habits.
日置 敦巳
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.2, pp.75-86, 1996-03-31

1988年度および1992年度の各市町村単位のデータを用いて,社会参加意識およびその他の因子が健康診査受診行動に及ぼす影響について分析を行った.健康診査受診状況については基本健康診査,結核検診,胃癌検診および子宮癌検診の受診率を,社会参加意識として県知事選挙投票率を,その他の因子として人口およびその分布,産業,経済,社会環境,行財政,人口動態,保健,医療,福祉に関するデータを用いた. 基本健康診査,結核検診および胃癌検診受診率は県知事選挙投票率と強い正の相関を示したが,子宮癌検診受診率はやや低い相関を示した.健診受診率は全体として小規模町村で高く,大規模市町で低い値を呈した.多変量解析の結果,基本健康診査受診率は投票率および老人クラブ加入率と正の相関を,市町村財政における公債費比率と負の相関を示した.胃癌検診受診率は投票率および15~64歳人口割合と正の相関を示し,過疎地域で高い割合を示したが,集団検診実施による受診率上昇はわずかであった.子宮癌検診受診率については,用いた指標の中で相関を示したものは投票率のみであった.結核検診受診率には投票率と結核有病率が正の相関を,人口密度が負の相関を示した.これらの結果から,健康診査受診行動は住民の社会参加意識および社会経済的因子の影響を受けるものと考えられた.ただし,子宮癌検診受診行動には,本研究で検討した以外の要因も関与しているものと推測する.市町村における保健サービスの指標として健康診査受診率を用いる場合には,これらの因子による影響を考慮する必要があるものと考える.
安川 通雄
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.2, pp.65-74, 1996-03-31

1)本研究の目的は,体脂肪率の増大に伴って身体各部位の皮脂厚がどのような割合で付着しているか,また,体脂肪率および身長調整周囲値(身長当たりの各部位の周囲値)と皮脂厚値の分布状態を,Aモード式超音波皮脂厚計で測定した皮脂厚値と水中体重測定法で求めた体脂肪率との関係から横断的に検討した.本研究の被験者は,18歳から49歳までの健康な白人男性60名および女性52名の計112名であった.皮脂厚の測定部位は,肩甲骨下角部,腹部,腸骨稜上部,上腕二頭筋部,上腕三頭筋部および大腿前部の計6部位とした. 2)本研究のすべての被験者の水中体重法による体脂肪率の平均値は男性が11.7±4.1%,女性が21.4±5.3%であった.体脂肪率の増大に伴って皮脂厚値の増加形成は,男女共に腹部が最も大きな値を示した.次いで,男性が腸骨稜上部,大腿前部,肩甲骨下角部,上腕三頭筋部および上腕二頭筋部の順となり,女性が腸骨稜上部,大腿前部,上腕三頭筋部,肩甲骨下角部および上腕二頭筋部の順となった. 3)皮脂厚の分布状態をみると,体脂肪率および身長調整周囲値が増大するのに伴って男女共に皮脂厚が増大するという傾向は認められなかった.特に腹部の皮脂厚値は,男女共に他のどの測定部位よりも大きなばらつきが観察された.すなわち,同じ体脂肪率でかつ同じ身長調整周囲値を有する被験者であっても,腹部の皮脂厚値は大きくばらついた. 4)以上のような腹部の皮脂厚値のばらつきは,皮下脂肪あるいは内臓脂肪のどちらかにより多く付着するといった,体脂肪の分布の個人差を考察すべきかもしれない.
園部 真美 上田 礼子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.65, no.3, pp.129-135, 1999-05-31
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For three-year-old children whose mothers visited a health center in Tokyo for consultation about childrearing problems in 1976 and 1996, their co-sleeping with adult and the related fac tors were examined. The major results were as follows.1. In 1996, the proportion of mothers who co-sleep with toddlers is high among those with jobs, and the mothers who experienced co-sleeping in their own childhood and whose child has evolopmental risk tend to co-sleep.2. Sleeping arrangements, including co-sleeping, of children with developmental risks differ in quality from that of handicapped children.3. Mother's co-sleeping behavior is interrelated with her intention of childcare, information source of childrearing, consultants in neighborhood and the matter of her major interest. From these results, it is suggested that sleeping arrangements of children is associated with factors concerning both mothers and children and it is recognized as an indicator of assessing mother's nurturing behavior and child's developmental risks.
後藤 京子 杉本 侃
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.2, pp.53-64, 1996-03-31

The Japan Poison Information Center (JPIC) received 205, 199 inquiries from citizens and medical personnel for 5 years from April, 1989 to March, 1995. And, the number of inquiries concerning with suicide in those was 5, 778. In July 1993, the book named the Suicidal Manual were published in Japan and since then, the inquiries concerning with suicide attempts have increased. So, I analyzed these data about implicated products and contrasted the data received before the publication of the manual to the data received after that on purpose to make clear the affection of the Suicidal Manual. In regard to the substance that was selected in suicide attempts cases, teen-ager and the twenties tend to use medicines, especially over-the-counter drugs and older people tend to use agricultural chemicals. After the book was published, the number of inquiries about some over-the-counter drugs that were shown as appropriate way for easy and painless death in the book had increased. So, it is very important to give the young people the information of drug toxicity and appropriate management of drugs to decrease the influence of the book.
呉 小寒 高井 省三
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.71, no.1, pp.25-34, 2005-01-31
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The somatotype and skeletal maturity of 801 Korean-Chinese children aged 11.60-18.11 years in Longjing of Northern China have been assessed by the Heath-Carter and TW2/TW3 methods. Their physique was similar to that of Japanese children . The endomorphy was prominent during 12 to 16 years in girls. The mesomorphy and the ectomorphy were remarkable dur ing 14 to 16 years in boys. The typical somatotype was the mesomorphy for boys and was the endomorphy for girls. Their TW3 skeletal maturities were also similar to that for Japanese children, but slightly differed from the recent European standards. This study clarified that endomorphic and mesomorphic children were early maturer skeletally, while ectomorphic children were late maturer skeletally for the sexes.
西澤 昭 田原 靖昭 湯川 幸一 網分 憲明 小原 達朗
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.64, no.1, pp.37-47, 1998-01-31

体組成を求める算定式に身体密度は不可欠である.しかし算定式が確立しているわけではなく,用いる算定式によって同じ身体密度でも体脂肪率が異なることになる.特に児童,生徒の年齢では,除脂肪組織の比重が成人より小さいという報告もあり,そのまま成人の算定式にあてはめると問題の生じる可能性がある.そこで本研究では身体組成算定の基礎になる身体密度に関する問題を検討するための試みとして身体密度を年齡別にもとめ詳細に検討した. 身体密度の測定は水中秤量法によった.被験者は10歳(小学4年生)から18歳(高校3年生)の男子268名と女子332名の計600名であった.加齢と身体密度の関係をみると男子では年齢が大きくなるにつれ身体密度が大きくなる傾向にあったが,女子では逆に身体密度は減少する傾向がみられた.この時期の男子では密度の大きい除脂肪量が増加すること,および女子では逆に密度が小さい脂肪量の増加が顕著なことに起因していることが考えられた. 男子の10歳から18歳までの各年齢間で身体密度の平均値を比較すると最小が1.0530g/ml(11歳)で最大が1.0695g/ml(14歳)であった.女子は最小が1.0415g/ml(16歳)で最大が1.0530g/ml(13歳)であった. 小児期では,除脂肪組織の密度が成人とは異なることや脂肪量と除脂肪量の増加の傾向が男女で異なることなどから,この年代について身体組成を求める推定式を明らかにする必要性が示唆された.
杉田 稔 伊津野 孝
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.72, no.6, pp.234-245, 2006-11-30

Introduction: Over the past several years, differences and/or inequality within Japanese society have been pointed out from various study areas. The actual status of variations in differences and/or inequality in the economy and variations in health indicators was determined objectively from statistics collected in Japan. We forecast the differences and/or inequality in the economy and mortality rate in the future, and discuss countermeasures for health impairment due to economic inequality as a social epidemiologic study. Materials and methods: Gini coefficients, which show economic inequality, and mortality rateswere collected from statistical data published in Japan. An article in which the relationship between economic inequality and difference in health was noted and others were cited.Results: The Gini coefficients for inequality in income under 35 years of age and in consumptionof the thirties and the forties increased recently in Japan. Mortality rate for all causes ofmales aged 30-34 years increased and that for suicide increased notably except aged people in recent years. Discussion: The Gini coefficient increased in adults recently in Japan. The reason for this isbecause enterprises reduced the numbers of regular employees, whose salaries are higher, and increased the numbers of non-regular employees such as part-time and dispatched workers, whosesalaries are lower, in order to decrease labour cost after the bubble economy collapsed in 1990.Age-adjusted mortality rate for all causes and mortality rates for all causes by age decreased consistently in Japan after World War II. Recently, however, the mortality rate for all causes in males aged 30-34 years has increased. This indicates that socialization of anti-risk countermeasures are not sufficient in Japanese society in a recession, demonstrating the existence of a defective social system and/or of notable problems in the management of social systems in Japan. It should be recognized that if the situation is neglected and effective countermeasures are not taken, social chaos may result. Thus effective policies introducing sufficient anti-risk countermeasures are necessary to reduce the mortality rate.