與古田 孝夫 石津 宏 秋坂 真史 名嘉 幸一 高倉 実 宇座 美代子 長濱 直樹 勝 綾子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.65, no.2, pp.81-91, 1999-03-31 (Released:2011-10-21)

To clarify Japanese university students' attitude toward suicide and to relate it with their views on life and death, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 1, 366 students of University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa Prefecture in 1992 The major findings were as follows.1. The subjects who had thought about suicide (called "suicide awareness" group) accounted for 6.3% ; compared between the students from Okinawa and those from other prefectures this rate was significantly higher in the latter (p<0.01).2. The suicide awareness group thought about death earlier in their lives and had more positive attitude toward death such as "release from suffering, " "beautiful" and "peaceful" than other two groups.3. The association between attitude toward suicide and consciousness about death in the homeland was recognized by the suicide awareness group (a half of the students) more than by other two groups (p<0.001) and the suicide awareness group showed higher proportions in justification of suicide (p<0.001) and in courageous behavior for suicide (p<0.05).4. Compared with other two groups, the suicide awareness group had a higher proportion in positive feeling on the effect of religion on death (p<0.001) and a lower proportion in belief of metempsychosis (remigration of souls) (p<0.001).5. Regarding the association with terminal situation, the suicide awareness group showed a higher proportion in recognition of cerebral death as human death (p<0.001) and differed from other two groups in desired place at death and desired treatment in the terminal period.
附田 鎭厦
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.21, no.5-6, pp.133-145,A11, 1955 (Released:2010-11-19)

新城 正紀 有泉 誠 等々力 英美 恩河 尚清 金城 英子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.63, no.6, pp.362-373, 1997-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

Analyzing the records kept in Koza Public Health Center, this study aimed to elucidate tuberculosis (TB) control in Okinwa after World War II. The records included each patient's registration year, name, sex, date of birth, address, occupation, disease classification, treatment classification, bacterial tests, type of chemotherapy, surgical history, length of chemotherapy and ambulatory treatment. Pulmonary TB cases, 5, 289 in total, were the subjects of the present analyses . Based on the date of registration, the patients were assigned to phase I(1952-1961) or phase II (1962-1971), since the treatments changed from the concomitant use of 2 medications (isoniazid and pyrazinamide) in the former to that of 3 medications (streptomycin in addition to the above 2) in the latter . From the viewpoint of public health, medical care for TB patients was markedly improved from phase I to phase II, as exemplified by the decrease in the mean medication period from 3.9 years to 3.1 years and the decrease in the mean control period from 4 .8 years to 4J years. It is concluded that the home therapy system which was introduced to TB contorl in Okinawa in the postwar period to cope with insufficient medical resources, particularly in health centers, functioned effectively.
西田 茂樹 木村 正文
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.58, no.4, pp.224-234, 1992-07-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

The purpose of this study is re-evaluation of population dynamics, especially of marriage, divorce, and birth and stillbirth by legitimacy, in Japan before the first population Census. Formerly we reported results of similar analysis for the period between 1872 and 1898. In this study, we have investigated the successive period from 1899 to 1919 which is the preceding year of the first Census. The marriage rates over this period were estimated to be around 50 to 60 per 1, 000 unmarried women over age 15. These figures are very low in comparison with those of the period after 1920. The official statistics of population before 1920 was based on "the Koseki (family registration system)" in contrary to the census after 1920. This difference may contribute the lower marriage rates for the period of this study. The divorce rates were estimated to be 6.0 to 8.4 per 1, 000 married women and showed a clear decrease since 1899. The illegitimate birth was found to be very frequent in the study period. It was estimated that one out of fifty unmarried women beared one child per annum. But the ratio of illegitimate births to all birth had showed a decline since 1912. The sex ratio of illegitimate birth was found to be lower than that of legitimate birth. The illegitimate stillbirth rates were around two and a half times higher than those of the legimate. It is considered that the enactment of the Civil Law in 1898 had contributable influence on these trends of marriage, divorce and the legitimacy of child.
本多 正喜 城田 陽子 金子 鈴 高橋 滋
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.61, no.2, pp.115-123, 1995 (Released:2011-02-25)

We studied 388 cases who have consulted by telephone twice or more, and were selected from records kept at the Gunma Prefectural Mental Health Center since its opening (1986) until March 1993. For many cases, such series of consultations ended after no more than four calls, but 19 cases have lasted over several years or over a hundred calls. The most frequent type was related to mental illness of various sourts; the second most frequent concerned problems of children. Among the first type, many cases had visited psychiatric hospitals or clinics, increasing percentage wise as they passed the stages of their condition; first, anxiety overhaving fallen mentally ill; second, dissatisfaction or doubt about psychiatric treatment; third, anxiety over rehabilitation. Many cases felt completely at a loss over difficulties in finding solutions to their problems even after consulting with mental hospitals, clinics, or other counseling facilities. Cases continually used telephone for a sense of ease and/or familiarity with counselors of the Center. It was suggested that these continuing telephone consultations followed public relations that the Center's services were available without charge, and especially that they were so easily accessible by telephone.
渡辺 鑑江
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.27, no.2, pp.130-158,A7, 1961 (Released:2010-11-19)

Female pelvis, as the most important part of maternity, has repeatedly studied not only in Japan but in foreign countries, but few with the research from the point of view of relative growth throughout thewhole ages till maturity. This study of 1543 normal pelvis, sampled at random by sex, year-age (month-age in infancy), through the ages between 1 month and 17 years, was attempted to clarify the developmental changes of pelvic cavity by means of stochastical analysis on the radiographic measurements.The results obtained are as follows.(1) The pelvic cavity was found to become larger with the age advanced, and to show a particularly rapid. growth for three months after birth, between the ages of 1 and 4 years, and also in the puberty.(2) Sexual differences of pelvic cavity were observed already in the infancy, that is, the upper structure in males and the lower structure in females were greater than those in opposite sex. After 10 years old, the growth of pelvic cavity in females was remarkable and in the puberty every parts of the cavity measured in females was greater than that in males.(3) The investigation on relative growth between each parts of the pelvic cavity measuied in this study revealed that in the early infancy the maximum distance between both obturator-foramina increased most rapidly while the distance of Wollenberg's Y-cartilage-line did eminently in the later infancy and also in the puberty. The growth of breadth of the cavity was superior to that of the height in the infancy, while after that the latter became superior to the former ; in the puberty the both were almost of the same increase from the point of view of relative growth.(4) The growth of the pelvic cavity had so close relationship to that of the pelvis that the coefficients of correlation between them gave very high possitive values.
金 潤信
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.43, no.3-4, pp.91-102, 1977 (Released:2012-02-17)

The main purpose of this study was laid on vital statistics concerning basic factors of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces including changes in population growth of the Korean population in Japan. An analysis, one of series of demographic-ecological studies on Vital Statistics from 1965 to 1975 issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan was undertaken in order to study the recent trends of the Korean population in Japan and compare it with the Japanese population. The major findings are summarized as follows. 1) The Korean population in Japan has been slightly increasing yearly, and the average annual growth rate was 1.05 percent per year from 1965 to 1975.The ratio of total dependent population has decreased from 57.1 percent in 1965 to 50.8 percent in 1975, but it is expected to show a little increase in the near future. 2) Trends in crude birth rate and crude death rate from 1965 to 1975 have steadily declined, while natural increase rate was higher than that of Japanese.The crude birth rate and crude death rate of the Korean population in Japan in 1965 were 21.7 and 5.7 per 1, 000 population, in 1975, 17.9 and 4.7 per 1, 000 population, respectively, whereas the corrected death rate was rather higher than the Japanese. More interestingly, it is concluded that the Japanese folk superstition of Hinoe-Uma in 1966 seemed to be a factor influencing the crude birth rate, stillbirth rate of Koreans in Japan, whereas the extraordinary passing phenomenon was not showed in Korea. 3) The infant death rate has declined very rapidly from 15.8 in 1965 to 8.2 per 1, 000 live births in 1975 and stillbirth rate was also declined from 56.3 in 1965 to 40.5 per 1, 000 total births in 1975. 4) Major cause of death have remarkably changed due to the efficient public health services. Malignant neoplasms, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease were for the three leading causes of death of the Korean population in Japan in 1975. Specific death rates by major causes of death of Koreans in Japan for liver cirrhosis, accidents, suicide, and pan-tuberculosis were higher 38.0, 38.5, 22.4, and 12.8 per 100, 000 population in 1975 than that of the Japanese, respectively. 5) Marriages of Koreans in Japan have increased and the crude marriage rate was 9.8 in .1965 and 11.2 per 1, 000 population in 1975, slightly higher than that of Japanese . It is more considered that the intermarriages of the Korean-Japanese bridegroom or bride have increased and it will overwhelm the level of Korean-Korean marriages in a few years, and general divorce rates have tended to increase following the Japanese.
西田 茂樹 綿引 信義
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.3, pp.127-138, 1996-05-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

Life expectancy of woman at birth usually exceeds that of man in developed countries. The purpose of this study is to explain the reason of such sex differential in life expectancy at birth in Japan in recent years, analyzing sex differentials of age-specific death rates and mortality rates by causes of death. The calculated life table and vital statistics in 1990 were employed for the analysis. The analysis of age-specific death rate showed that the sex differential of mortality in age 50 and over explained around 70% of the sex differential in life expectancy at birth. In contrast, the sex differential of mortality rate in age 0 explained only 1 % of the difference. From the analysis of mortality rate by causes of death, it was shown that sex differentials of mortality from malignant neoplasm, heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, pneumonia and bronchitis, suicide, and accidents mainly contributed to the recent sex differential of life expectancy at birth. Of these causes, malignant neoplasm was the leading contributor to the sex differential in life expectancy at birth. From these results, it is considered that elongation of male life expectancy at birth would be possible by improving the life-style.
村上 カオル 大塚 愛子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.23, no.2, pp.55-60,A6, 1957 (Released:2010-11-19)

女子の体育においては, 人体美の形成ということが, 目標の一つとして考えられるであろう.従来の顔偏重の弊より腕却し, ようやく全身の均整・調和などの美が叫ばれるようになつたのは当然のことである.最近8頭身という言葉が流行語として通用し, それがあたかも美入の代名詞の如くとり扱われている. 果して8頭身は人体美の規範となるであろうか.ここに先ず, 8頭身の学詮に関し歴史的考察を行うならば, 紀元前5世紀, ギリシアの最盛期において, 有名な彫刻家Polvkleitosが, 人体の均整美に注目し, 以後実測による比較研究を行い, 途に7頭身をもつて入体の最高の構成美となした. その成果は彼の著述にも発表したといわれる. しかしその記述は現在残つていないが, それらの理念にもとすき, 全身の調和律を作つた彼の代表作が「槍をかつぐ人」 (Doryuhoros) だという.これに対し, 8頭身論をとなえたのは紀元前4世紀に活躍したLysipposである. 彼はボリュクレイトスにならい, 人体の計測的比較をなし, 頭部が全身の1/8を示す比例が最も美しいと考えた。彼のApoxyomenos「泥をかき落す青年」といわれる彫刻は, このような規準によりつくられ, 優美軽快な彫刻である.次に, 数字的にも白人の身長及び頭高に関しては, CH. Stratz1) 2) 以来の研究があり, 韓国人の頭部及び躯幹の計測値は景氏によつて明らかにされている4). さらにStratzは日本入についても身体計測を行つている3). 日本人の頭部計測に関しては, 附田氏の日本入頭型の地域差5), 中山氏の近畿地方男子6), 古屋氏の北陸入7) 等の貴重な研究がある. なお西田氏は芸術的な立場から8頭身について述ぺているが, 系統的な測完に基いたものではない8).即ち, 日本人の人体構成要素の比率について系統的な測定をとげたものは, まだ見出されないようである. ここにおいて私達は頭身指数の意義, 並びに年令別・性別の推移を追求し, さらに頭身指数と体力との関係, 手長, 足長身についても測定を行つた.
照屋 寛善 宮城 重二 平良 一彦
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.48, no.3, pp.108-115, 1982 (Released:2011-02-25)

We have tried to classify the health/medical services administration in Okinawa after World War II into five periods and to describe the trends of major communicable diseases and causes of death for each period. First period (1945-49, the period under the administration of the U.S. Military Government (USMG)): In those days, the major activities of health/medical services for Okinawa Civilians were first, supplying food and second, controlling acute communicable diseases; especially, malaria which was very prevalent. USMG executed an aggressive sanitation program which included DDT spraying. Second period (1950-51, the period during which the USMG administration turned control over to a civil administration): Acute communicable diseases were eradicated by the aggressive sanitation control, but chronic communicable diseases - leprosy, tuberculosis, venereal disease and others became more prevalent. USMG issued many ordinances to affect "control of communicable diseases". USMG especially showed deep concern for controlling venereal disease and established district health centers and began free treatment for venereal disease in these centers. Third period (1952-64, the period of full-scale construction of U.S. Military bases): Markets, crowded houses, slums, so-called red-light districts and other similarly difficult living situations developed around U.S. Military bases with the full-scale construction of the bases, and chronic communicable diseases, especially, tuberculosis were very prevalent in the 1950's and 1960's. However in the 1960's the death rate due to tuberculosis decreased gradually as did the rates for gastroenteritis and pneumonia or bronchitis. On the other hand, the death rate due to adult diseases such as cerebrovascular disease, cancer, heart disease and others increased year by year. Fourth period (1965-71, the period of a great increase in financial and technological aid from the Government of Japan to Okinawa): The period started from the time when the late Prime Minister Mr. Sato made a speech on his visit to Okinawa in 1965 that a medical school should be established in University of the Ryukyus. From that time the financial and technological aid from the Government of Japan to Okinawa was substantial. A vaccination program to fight tuberculosis for health personnel, families of tuberculosis patients, students of the first and second year of junior high school was established in 1966, and consequently the morbidity rate due to tuberculosis decreased year after year. Fifth period (1972-, the period after Japanese laws were applied). After the application of Japanese laws, the condition of health/medical services in Okinawa improved considerably. The mortality and morbidity rates due to adult diseases increased significantly as the rates for communicable diseases declined.
後藤 京子 杉本 侃
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.2, pp.53-64, 1996-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

The Japan Poison Information Center (JPIC) received 205, 199 inquiries from citizens and medical personnel for 5 years from April, 1989 to March, 1995. And, the number of inquiries concerning with suicide in those was 5, 778. In July 1993, the book named the Suicidal Manual were published in Japan and since then, the inquiries concerning with suicide attempts have increased. So, I analyzed these data about implicated products and contrasted the data received before the publication of the manual to the data received after that on purpose to make clear the affection of the Suicidal Manual. In regard to the substance that was selected in suicide attempts cases, teen-ager and the twenties tend to use medicines, especially over-the-counter drugs and older people tend to use agricultural chemicals. After the book was published, the number of inquiries about some over-the-counter drugs that were shown as appropriate way for easy and painless death in the book had increased. So, it is very important to give the young people the information of drug toxicity and appropriate management of drugs to decrease the influence of the book.
上村 桂
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.41, no.2, pp.59-65, 1975 (Released:2010-06-28)

The twinning rates in 46 Prefectures of Japan were calculated from the vital statistic data in the period 1955.1959. The zygosity of twins was estimated by the Weinberg's differential method. The twinning rates increased from a low level in the southwest of Japan to a high level in the northeast. The tendency was more definite in the dizygotic twinning rate than in the monozygotic one. In old times of Japan, there had been a superstition of abhorring twin births . To investigate whether the tradition has been transmitted down to the postwar time or not, correlation-coefficients between the twinning rates of 46 Prefectures and their parameters which might affect the registration of twin births were figured out . The mediate parameters were the decreasing magnitude of the crude birth rate in the year of "Hinoe-Uma", the proportion of the delayed registrations of live births to total ones, the percent of the unlike-sexed-to total twins, and the proportion of the stillbirth-to live-birth twins . No result supported the fact that the superstition has affected the registration of twin births in the postwar era of Japan. Relationship between the twinning rate and the maternal age at birth was also analyzed during 19601967 in Japan. Although the monozygotic twinning rate seemed to have no relation, the dizygotic one showed a high maternal age dependence. The tendency was analogous to those reported in other ethnic groups. The author express his appreciation to Dr. G. Watanabe for his advice .
矢ケ崎 信子 豊川 裕之
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.55, no.2, pp.100-112, 1989 (Released:2011-02-25)
5 6

The subcutaneous fat thickness was investigated to obtain the general characteristics of Japanese fat distribution by sex and age. Our subjects consist of 1, 477 males and 1, 933 females of all age groups in various localities in Japan. The newly developed A-mode type ultrasonic instrument was utilized to measure fat thickness including such locations as biceps, triceps, subscapula, suprailiac, thigh anterior, thigh posterior, and calf. The data obtained were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and percentile. Our findings are summarized as follows: 1) It is confirmed that the subcutaneous fat layer of females is thicker than that of males. 2) Examining the ratio of upper-arm and trunk in subcutaneous fat layer, i.e. (biceps+triceps)/(subscapula + suprailiac), the adults' ratios are smaller than those of infants, and adult males accumulate more fat abdominally than adult females do. 3) The percentiles we obtained will provide the criteria for subcutaneous fat thickness of the Japanese by sex and age.
清水 勝嘉
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.42, no.2, pp.72-86, 1976 (Released:2011-02-25)

In this papes, administrative orpanization for public health, tuberculosis control and prevention of venereal disease, which had been involved in the problems of public health in the early years of the Showa Era, were discribed. 1. In those days, public health administration had been centrlized to the Health Bureau and Social Bureau of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and they gave their instructions to the Public Health Section of the Prefectural Police Department. Countermeasures for the chronic infectious diseases were the most imoprtant problems at that time. 2. The mortality from tuberculosis in Japan was two or three times higher than that of Western countris, and there were poor and insufficient preventive facilites in all over the country. It was epock making in 1932 that the Health Guidance Clinic were established in every prefectures in order to prevent against tuberculosis by the subsides offered from NHK (Nihon Hoso Kyokai), but not by the national budget. 3. Licenced and unlicened prostitute, geisha, waitress and barmaid had been the major contagion source of venreal disease. Legal inspection system for the syphilis was forcibly applied only to the licenced prostitutes, but the others took the medical check only when they were arrested. Since 1928, when the original Venereal Disease Prevention Law enforced, all prostitures, streetwalkers, geishas, barmaids and waitresses have forcibly taken medical check for the venereal disease.
安川 通雄
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.2, pp.65-74, 1996-03-31 (Released:2011-02-25)

1)本研究の目的は,体脂肪率の増大に伴って身体各部位の皮脂厚がどのような割合で付着しているか,また,体脂肪率および身長調整周囲値(身長当たりの各部位の周囲値)と皮脂厚値の分布状態を,Aモード式超音波皮脂厚計で測定した皮脂厚値と水中体重測定法で求めた体脂肪率との関係から横断的に検討した.本研究の被験者は,18歳から49歳までの健康な白人男性60名および女性52名の計112名であった.皮脂厚の測定部位は,肩甲骨下角部,腹部,腸骨稜上部,上腕二頭筋部,上腕三頭筋部および大腿前部の計6部位とした. 2)本研究のすべての被験者の水中体重法による体脂肪率の平均値は男性が11.7±4.1%,女性が21.4±5.3%であった.体脂肪率の増大に伴って皮脂厚値の増加形成は,男女共に腹部が最も大きな値を示した.次いで,男性が腸骨稜上部,大腿前部,肩甲骨下角部,上腕三頭筋部および上腕二頭筋部の順となり,女性が腸骨稜上部,大腿前部,上腕三頭筋部,肩甲骨下角部および上腕二頭筋部の順となった. 3)皮脂厚の分布状態をみると,体脂肪率および身長調整周囲値が増大するのに伴って男女共に皮脂厚が増大するという傾向は認められなかった.特に腹部の皮脂厚値は,男女共に他のどの測定部位よりも大きなばらつきが観察された.すなわち,同じ体脂肪率でかつ同じ身長調整周囲値を有する被験者であっても,腹部の皮脂厚値は大きくばらついた. 4)以上のような腹部の皮脂厚値のばらつきは,皮下脂肪あるいは内臓脂肪のどちらかにより多く付着するといった,体脂肪の分布の個人差を考察すべきかもしれない.
島田 彰夫
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.56, no.5, pp.229-235, 1990-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

Longitudinal study of visual acuity (VA) from 6 to 17 years old have been carried out using the medical examination records of the graduates of a high school in Akita City in 1978 and 1988. The study subjects were completed their elementary and junior high school in Akita City and their numbers were 114 out of 236 male graduates in 1978 (78M), 54 out of 79 females (78F), 150 out of 322 male graduates in 1988 (88M) and 67 out of 115 females (88F). VA of decimal notation have been changed to visus logarithmus and then the mean values were caliculated. The highest values of mean-VA of each group were 1.21 at 8 years old(y) of 78M, 1.18 at 9y of 78F, 1 .17 at 7y of 88M and 1.15 at 8y of 88F, and their mean-VAs were fallen to about 0.4 at their 17y and the speed of decline of mean-VAs of 88M and 88F were faster than those of 78M and 78F . The cases of the lower vision at 17y showed earlier decline of VA. Stability of VA which showed the same VA more than continuous 3 years were 1.5+ and it seems that the normal VA of Japanese is 1.5 or more. Lower facial mascular strength that comes from the softness of foodstaff s makes trouble to control the mascules participate to lens . It would be a major cause of decline of VA.
古謝 安子 宇座 美代子 玉城 隆雄 小笹 美子 船附 美奈子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.69, no.2, pp.35-46, 2003-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)
1 1

Questionnaire study on the concern of 245 inhabitants regarding funeral practices and sur vey on the situation of old people's hospitalization in the isolated islands of Zamami village with out crematorium were carried out in 2000. The relationship of funerary practice and care of old people are discussed. 1. Traditionally the funeral practice involves burial of the dead followed by exhumatio: after several years whence the bones are cleaned by their relatives. All people died in the is lands have been practiced in the islands from 1990 to 1999. 2. Concern of the respondents for the funeral practice is influenced by experience of bone cleansing. Most of the respondents over 50 years old who have experienced bone-cleansing, sup port cremation. About 40% of the respondents below 50 years old who have little experience, support free of the funeral practice. About 90% of inhabitants choose to have cremation after their death. 3. Among the patients over 65 years old from islands without crematorium who were hos pitalized in 4 hospitals in mainland Okinawa, those over 90 years hospitalized for terminal care constituted the high number, accounting for 23.1% from Zamami. The non existence of the crematorium facility and concern of the inhabitants seem to exert considerable influence on the lives of old people in isolated small islands.
豊川 裕之 加藤 知己 佐伯 圭一郎 矢ケ崎 信子 岸田 謙一 李 廷秀
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.53, no.4, pp.192-200, 1987

A-mode式超音波皮脂厚計(TATT TH-500)を用いて,日本人の皮下脂肪厚の性・年齢別度数分布を作成するために,今回は小学生(1~6年生)の皮脂厚の計測を行なった.1986年5月から7月にかけて東京都にある4つの某小学校の児童1925人(男子:984人,女子941人)を対象にして,4部位の皮脂厚を計測した.主な結果は以下の通りである. (1)小学生の全学年(7~12歳)において,いずれの部位でも女子の皮脂厚の方が男子よりも厚い傾向が認められた. (2)小学生における4部位(biceps,triceps,subscapular,suplailiac)の皮脂厚は,年齢に伴い概ね漸増する傾向が示唆された. (3)超音波皮脂厚計を用いて,4部位における小学生の皮脂厚の度数分布を作成した. (4)部位別皮下脂肪厚と身長,体重,Kaup指数との関連を,年齢の影響を除去して男女別にそれぞれ全例について検討したところ,以下に示す結果が得られた. 1)身長と各部位別皮下脂肪厚及びこれらの合計値との間には男女ともに正の相関(0.2~0.3)が認められた. 2)男女ともに,体重が重いほど各部位別皮脂厚値及びこれらの合計が大きいという関係が認められた. 3)Kaup指数が体重,比体重,Rohrer指数よりも皮脂厚値と最も強い正の相関が認められた.