三上 岳彦
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.114, no.3, pp.496-506, 2005-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Urban heat island phenomena, which are known as high temperature occurrences in the central part of a city, would be estimated to become much greater in a large city as Tokyo. There have been many studies on urban heat island phenomena in the field of meteorology, climatology, architecture and city planning. Thus overall feature of urban heat island phenomena including their mechanisms became clear from observational and numerical studies. However, the detailed characteristics of urban heat islands such as the long term warming trends of urban temperatures and the seasonal/diurnal variations in local scale temperature distribution are not fully discussed. This paper aims at clarifying the spatial and temporal structure of urban heat island phenomena in Tokyo metropolitan area as a case study in connection with anthropogenic energy consumption and diurnal wind fields based on the high density meteorological observational system in Tokyo Metropolis.
青木 隆浩
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.107, no.5, pp.659-673, 1998-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Generally, most sake breweries were established by local people. But in case of present day sake breweries in Saitama prefecture, more than half were established by brewers from Echigo and Ohmi, while a few were established by brewers from Saitama. One reason for this is that brewers from Echigo and Ohmi extended markets by establishing many branch houses, on the other hand, brewers from Saitama were conservative. Then, the sake brewers had to produce more delicious sake to meet demand. They need well water which contains little Fe and Mn, good quality rice, and excellent brewing technology to make delicious sake. The well water quality and the brewing technology together with the organization and the market were closely related with the rise and fall of sake brewers. In this paper, differences of well water quality and brewing technology of breweries are analyzed.As a result, the successful brewers established breweries where there was good quality well water, and they had excellent technologies. The typical brewers were from Echigo and Ohmi. While brewers from Saitama operated in the eastern part of Saitama where they pumped well water that was unsuitable for brewing. Because there was very little competition among brewers in eastern Saitama, brewers from Saitama could continue to operate breweries.Brewers from Echigo and Ohmi also used bought-in rice for brewing. Brewers from Echigo especially had excellent techniques to produce high-quality sake in eastern Japan. Brewers from Ohmi lagged behind brewers from Echigo on technical innovation. Conversely, most brewers from Saitama depended on tenant rices as well as traditional technologies. They were defeated in competition over quality and disappeared.But the quality improvements of brewers from Echigo and Ohmi had not gained competitive power in the Tokyo market. There was a price gap between Saitama sake and national brands, and Saitama sake was helped by selling at lower prices. As a result, brewers from Echigo tried to sell within Saitama, and brewers from Ohmi changed their sales outlet from Tokyo to Saitama. Brewers from Saitama who lost sales outlets, sold sake at bargain prices in Tokyo, and this caused a declining general popularity of Saitama sake in Tokyo.
高橋 正樹
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.103, no.5, pp.447-463, 1994-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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岡 義記 寒川 旭
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.90, no.6, pp.393-409, 1981-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Geographic Outline AWaji Island lies from NE to SW, dividing the east Inland Sea. The central range running in same direction continues to the Rokko mountains which are thought to have been elevated by crustal movement in Pleistocene (Rokko Movement). In the southern part of this island is the Yuzuruha mountains of Cretaceus sedimentary rocks which are a part of the series of mountain ranges on the north of Median Tectonic Line (MTL). In the plains of this island are seen hills of Pliocene deposits (the Awaji group) elevated from below the bottom of the Inland Sea.Purpose of Study The authors intended in this study to make clear the process of the formation of the east Inland Sea and Awaji Island. In order, they carried out the investigation on following points : 1. Relation between the Miocene deposits and the age of the formation of the erosion surface on the mountains in the north.2. Sedimentary process of the Awaji group.3. Faults and deformation of the Awaji group.Result of study The results obtained are as follows : 1. The morphology of the basement rocks (granitic rocks) in the north had been already gentle and undulating before the Kobe group deposited, caused by the Miocene transgression. The thickness of it reached a few hundreds meter in the north, but after regression the Kobe group was erosed down to basement. The mountains in the north were flattened again in this age.2. In Pliocene time, the area of the east Inland Sea depressed and deposited the Awaji group of gravel, sand, lacustrine silt and clay. In early stage, the lake began to be supplied with sand, and gravel from the area to the north of the island. In last stage, rivers originated to the south of MTL carried gravel (Goshiki-hama gravel) over MTL. to the lake.3. Goshikihama gravel is supposed to be contemporaneous with the Uchihata gravel, which is the lowest of the Osaka group (Yoshiki OKA 1978). The lower part of the Awaji group is suggested to be older than the Osaka group.4. The thickness of the Awaji group reaches 800 meter in the north and 300 meter or more in the middle part of the island. It indicates the depression of the Inland sea in Pliocene time.5. The fault movement in this island took place after the sedimentation of the Awaji group. Reverse and transcurrent faults by E-W compression have been discriminative since the middle of Pleistocene age.6. The faults can be divided, by strike, into three types, as follows : Type I (N60°E) The faults of this type caused the uplift of the Yuzuruha mountains in the south.Type II (N-SNE-SW) This type of faults caused the uplift of the central range of the island.Type III (N20°W) This type of faults are active reverse faults cut through the main range of the island.
関谷 溥
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.79, no.3, pp.175-180, 1970-06-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

September 1, 1923, southern Kanto was devastated by a severe earthquake. The main shock of the events, which occurred at 11 h 58 m (JST), was felt all over Japan. The highest seismic intensity is 7 in JMA scale at the southern part of Kanagawa, Tokyo and Chiba prefectures. The epicenter is located on the Sagami-nada. Parameters of the main shock given by the Japan Meteorological Agency are as follows ;origin time : 11 h 58 m, September 1, 1923.epicenter : 35° 20' N, 139° 20' Emagnitude : 7.9The earthquake was accompanied by many fore- and after-shocks. The foreshocks occurred in Kashima-nada. It seems that the foreshock activities began in May 1923 and became vigorous in June 1923 before the occurrence of the main shock.The aftershocks occurred in Kanagawa, Yamanashi, Saitama, Chiba, Ibaraki prefectures and near seas, and the general trend in decrease of daily number of the aftershocks can be explained by Omori's generalized formula.
小林 貞一
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.98, no.1, pp.34-48, 1989-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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In Japan 14 species in 21 genera of Carboniferous trilobites were known in 1980 and 22 species in 11 genera of the Permian ones in 1984. Adding a few species described since then, the Permo-Carboniferous trilobites of Japan total about 70 species at present. They are described from 18 horizons, namely 11 and 7 horizons respectively for the Carboniferous and Permian ones. They are compared with the faunas of the Mongolian geosyncline, Hwangho and Yangtze basins and Southeast Asia. While the Mongolian sea retreated from the west side through the periods, the route of migration was maintained toward the Mediterranean sea through the Himalayan geosyncline until the end of the Palaeozoic era. Some trilobites of Japan reveal relationship further toward the Australian and North American sides.
田村 芳彦
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.112, no.5, pp.781-793, 2003-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Mantle melting and production of magmas in NE Japan may be controlled by locally developed hot regions within the mantle wedge that form inclined, 50 km-wide fingers. In this case, are these hot fingers chemically and/or isotopically different from the host mantle wedge? Forty-four Quaternary volcanoes in NE Japan have been reviewed to evaluate twodimensional strontium isotopic variations, and to infer 87Sr/86Sr contours of the source mantle. The isotopic composition of magma source materials at depth is found to have little relationship with slab depth, suggesting that mantle heterogeneity was established before the flux of fluid released from the subducting slab reached the magma source regions. On the other hand, Miocene Japan Sea back-arc Yamato basin basalts have the same isotopic variation as the Quaternary volcanic arc. Cousens et al. (1994) suggested the possibility that partial melts of sediments, forming at a depth of >200 km may mix with mantle wedge material (87Sr/86Sr0.703), resulting in a magma source component with enriched 87Sr/86Sr of0.705. I suggest that after the cessation of Yamato basin rifting, a MORB-like mantle source (87Sr/86Sr0.703) in the mantle wedge below the Quaternary NE Japan arc was replenished by a fertile mantle material (87Sr/86Sr0.705) through convection induced by the subducting lithosphere. On its way to the shallower mantle wedge (<150 km), the fertile mantle material changes shape from a hot sheet to hot fingers, for reasons not yet fully understood. Thus, the hot fingers, with 87Sr/86Sr of0.705, extend from150 km below the back-arc region towards the shallower mantle (50 km) beneath the volcanic front. A conveyor-like return flow is interpreted to carry the remnants of these fingers to depth, resulting in greater amounts of fertile material being incorporated in diapirs beneath the volcanic front, and smaller amounts incorporated in areas behind the front.
浜田 信生
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.2, pp.132-144, 2001-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Based on macro seismic and instrumental observation data covering a period of over hundred years, the characteristics of seismic activity around Miyakejima, Kozushima, and Niijima, the northern Izu islands, were investigated. Seismic activity is distributed along the Zenisu ridge and the Nishi-Shitito ridge to the west and along Niijima, Miyakejima, Mikurajima and Hachijojima islands to the east. Most of the seismic activity in the region is of the swarm type and is often induced by a large earthquake or magmatic activity at Miyakejima and other volcanoes. Comparison of macro-seismic data of large earthquakes in the late 1800s and the early 1900s with a seismic intensity map of recent earthquakes suggested that the maximum size of an earthquake in the region is around a magnitude of 6.5 on the JMA magnitude scale. Linear arrangements of seismicity in the NE-SW direction, which is parallel with the Zenisu ridge, and in the NW-SE direction, which is almost normal to the former and parallel to the direction of the plate motion of the Philippine Sea plate, are often recognized. While the strike slip-type earthquake with a NE-SW tension axis is predominant in the region along Niijima, Miyakejima, Mikurajima, and Hachijojima islands, a strike slip with E-W tension axis is predominant in the region along the Zenisu ridge and the Nishi-Shitito ridge. A complex tectonic setting of the region, back arc spreading, collision of the Philippine Sea plate to the Eurasian plate around the Izu peninsula, deformation of the plate due to the subduction of slab from the Suruga and the Sagami trough, must shape the characteristics of seismic activity in the region such as the upper limit of earthquake scale, swarm-type activity, close relation with volcanic activity, and regional stress pattern.
都城 秋穂
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.99, no.3, pp.217-229, 1990-06-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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The chemical compositions of solid-solution minerals in metamorphic rocks are controlled by equilibria not only of exchange reactions but also of net-transfer reactions among coexisting minerals. In rocks with a variance of 2, the compositions of solid-solution minerals are functions of temperature and pressure alone as is illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3, and so can be used as a measure of the P-T condition under which the rocks were recrystallized. In rocks with a variance of 3 or greater, on the other hand, the compositions of solid-solution minerals vary not only with temperature and pressure but also with the bulk-rock composition (Fig. 4). The growth of zoned crystals causes fractional crystallization, resulting in a change of composition of the reacting system. If the variance of the system is 3 or greater, the change of the composition of the reacting system causes a change in the composition of the crystallizing mineral.Pelitic metamorphic rocks are commonly simplified as belonging to the 6-component system : Al2O3-FeO-MgO-K2O-SiO2-H2O. In this case the mineral assemblages may be shown on the THOMPSON AFM diagram. Any 3-AFM phase assemblage in the diagram has a variance of 2, whereas any 2-AFM phase assemblage has a variance of 3.In the paragenetic relations of garnet, MnO commonly plays an essential role, and so garnet-bearing metapelites are commonly treated as belonging to the 7-component system : Al2O3-FeO-MgO-MnO-K2O-SiO2-H2O. Most metapelites with MnO-rich garnet have a variance of 3 or greater. Garnets in low- and middle-grade metamorphic rocks are usually strongly zoned. Hence, the composition (or the MnO content) of garnet is strongly influenced by the initial bulk-rock composition and fractional crystallization. SPEAR (1988) has calculated the progressive compositional change of garnet that grows not only under complete equilibrium condition but also with fractional crystallization for garnet-bearing 3-AFM phase assemblages that are observed in the Barrovian sequence.In the Sanbagawa high P/T ratio metamorphic belt, progressive metamorphism is represented by a sequence of the chlorite zone, garnet zone (with no biotite), and biotite zone (with garnet) for metapelites. In other words, garnet begins to occur at a considerably lower temperature than biotite. In the garnet zone, garnet probably forms by reaction involving Tschermak exchange component like (4), whereas in the biotite zone, garnet forms by the same reactions as in the garnet zone of the Barrovian sequence. Such a change in the garnet-producing reactions between the two zones may cause a break in the MnO and FeO curves in the composition profile of zoned garnets. Some of the observed features of the compositional trends of garnets could be ascribed to the effect of a variation in bulk-rock composition.The average composition of zoned garnets in metapelite shows a progressive decrease of the MnO content with increasing metamorphic grade. This is probably related mainly to a progressive increase of the amount of garnet. Higher pressure tends to increase the amount of garnet, and to decrease its MnO content.
奥山 育子
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.95, no.1, pp.46-61, 1986-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Most of the Japanese Islands have experienced intensive rural exodus caused by the rapid economic growth since 1960s. The excellent papers on these migration processes have been published. Comparing with the migration processes since 1960s, those before the World War II had distinctive features in each island. Their studies have no sufficiently advanced because of the difficulties to follow the statistical data. This article aims to analyze the features of migration process in the Hachijou-jima (Hachijou Island) mainly from the beginning of the Meiji period to the World War II.The Hachjiou-jima has been historically known as a jail island. The exodus from the island was strictly prohibited in the Edo period, but the agricultural emigration to Mainland villages was allowed in 1777. The economic activities in the Hachijou-jima had based on the traditional sifting cultivation and the commercial production of Kihachi-jou (silky weaving), but the scarcity of economic resources and the agricultural low productivities had historically brought about the overpopulation. This economic structure had not been transformed in the Meiji period. But with the beginning of the colonization of Ogasawara Islands to develop the sugarcane industries, this island had experienced the intensive outmigration since 1890s. The migration process in this first stage has the characteristics as follows : (1) The emigrants were not from the peasants of lower classes. They kept the ownership of their agricultural lands and sometimes enlarged it by the purchase even after moving to Ogasawara Islands (Fig. 1 and 2).(2) They usually migrated with all family members and their family heads were from younger age-group (Table 3).(3) The migration flows to Tokyo or the neighbouring islands were not significant.The success stories of migrants in this first stage accelerated the spacial mobilities of islanders. The migrantion flows expanded to Hokkaido, Minamidaito-jima and the Japanese colonies such as Korea, Taiwan and their neighbouring islands. The economic acitivities in the Taisho period were mainly the dairy farming and charcoal making, but they severely suffered from the economic damages after the Great Depression. With the territorial expansion policy in this period, the migration flows of Hachijou islanders also expanded to Japanese colonies such as Mariana, Carolin and Marshall Islands. The features of migration process in the second stage were those as follows : (1) Migrants engaged in sugarcane industries as tenants.(2) They were from the peasants of lower classes.(3) Many of them had experienced the migration to Ogasawara or Minamidaito-jima Islands, or had the relatives in these islands (Fig. 3).These migration process came to the end with the opening of the World War II.
矢ヶ崎 典隆
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.89, no.3, pp.149-166, 1980-06-25 (Released:2010-10-13)

Japanese immigrant agriculturists on the west coast of the United States in the pre-World War II period enjoyed a highly competitive position with their small but labor intensive operations even under social conditions that often discouraged their activities. One of the biggest factors in their competitive success in agriculture was their organizational effectiveness. Ethnic solidarity was maintained by first generation immigrants of most ethnic backgrounds both in fraternal and economic activities and they tended to cluster geographically and by occupation. But the Japanese agriculturists developed especially tight and efficient organizations to meet special needs and to protect themselves in this new and unaccustomed environment.The present paper describes and analyzes the development of Japanese floriculture in the San Francisco Bay Area from its beginnings in the late nineteenth century to the World War II relocation of the Japanese, with special emphasis on grower organizations as a key factor in their success.The early pioneering efforts and success of the immigrants, who were mostly of rural background, invited the participation of other Japanese in commercial flower production. The mild climatic conditions of the Bay Area, especially the absense of temperature extremes, were favorable for cut flower production, and the rapidly growing population created an increasing demand. Although two other ethnic groups, Italians and Chinese, were already in the business when the Japanese first started to grow flowers commercially, the industry itself was not fully organized. The Japanese thus moved into a niche that was waiting to be filled.In the early period the Japanese flower growers were mainly located in the East Bay region, producing carnations, roses and chrysanthemums in greenhouses. Marketing of flowers was undertaken on an individual basis, peddling them from wicker or bamboo baskets carried on the back or by opening flower stands on busy streets, which was generally inefficient and time consuming. As the number of growers increased and production expanded, intense competition developed among them. Gradually they became aware of a need for their own trade organization and marketing facility.
安藤 萬寿男
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.97, no.2, pp.91-106, 1988-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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(1) In the lowland of the Kiso, Nagara and Ibi rivers, the people constructed embankments around the villages and arable land for the flood control to protect the villages from the flood. The flood control community is called Waju in Japanese.(2) People have long dwelled in the Waju region and a part of the dike was already built in the ancient time. But it is only in the early 17th century when the main parts of the Waju embankment were established for the first time. The construction of Waju increased since then.(3) When a Waju was established, the earth and sand were accumulated in the river bed. As a result, the river bed became so higher that the embankments were frequently broken in the feudal time. To cope with this situation, they raised the ground level of the building land and there built the mizuya in Japanese for an emergency evacuation. They used mizuya as a temporary house and a store-place of flood. Moreover, they raised the ground level with the earth produced by the digging of a moat in a part of the paddy. Through this procedure, the reduction of the rice production was prevented (horita in Japanese).(4) Since the Meiji era, the extensive river improvements by the government decreased the flood damage. And Waju, which was an unofficial organization in the feudal period, was controlled by a lower branch of the government's river administration.(5) In the Waju region, wet rice fields changed into dry ones in the Showa era. With increasing urbanization and industrialization, it became difficult to maintain the organization of the flood control. On the other hand, a new type of flood has also appeared.
川幡 穂高
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.104, no.1, pp.1-15, 1995-02-25 (Released:2010-11-18)

Several hundred years of astronomical observations have left no doubt that the Earth's orbit is subject to cyclic variations. While the annual energy receipt of solar radiation over the Earth as a whole is not change, the distribution of this energy, by latitude and by season, is affected by three parameters: an obliquity cycle of 41kyr, an eccentricity cycle of a quasi-period of 100kyr, and a precession cycle of 26kyr.The variance spectrum of the records of foraminiferal δ18O and magnetic susceptibility from Indian Ocean and organic carbon percentage from the equatorial regions of Pacific and Atlantic Oceans shows the well-documented concentrations of power at the orbital periodicities of 100kyr, 41kyr and near 23 and 19kyr. On the other hand, the resolution of the precessional bands in carbonate dissolution index is much less clear than those of obliquity and eccentricity bands. These results show that orbital forcing of global climate has strongly affected global carbon cycle. Detailed analysis of coherency and phase spectrum between δ18O and carbon-related data (i. e., carbon contents and isotopic composition) will improve our understanding global carbon cycle.
下鶴 大輔
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.98, no.6, pp.782-790, 1989-12-05 (Released:2009-11-12)
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宮井 宏
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.3, pp.231-247, 1999-06-25 (Released:2010-10-13)

Meteorological observations have been made since 1881 by a weather station in Kyoto, Japan. Therefore, some approach must be considered to know about tempe ratures before 1881. This paper gives quantitative estimates of the monthly mean of the lowest daily temperature in winter in Kyoto.A long record of dates Lake Suwa, in central Japan, 36°N138°E, 250km from Kyoto, was frozen has been found in the Suwa Shrine Documents by S. Fujiwara and collected by H. Arakawa.A long record of dates of snowfalls was extracted by the author from many old diaries kept in Kyoto.The dates Lake Suwa froze and the first and the last dates of snowfalls in Kyoto bet ween 1881 and 1953 are correlated with the monthly mean of the lowest daily temperature in winter observed in Kyoto. The correlations obtained are applied to estimate winter temperatures in Kyoto before 1881.As a result, two series of winter temperatures are obtained: one deduced from the freezing dates and the other from the dates of snowfalls. The former covers 430 years (1450-1880) and the latter 880 years (1001-1880).The two series give almost identical winter temperatures considering the error involved in the correlation used and the volume of available snowfalling data.The sequence of the 50-year means of temperature obtained from the dates the lake was frozen shows that the mean lowest daily winter (December-March) temperature has been rising incrementally from-0.7°C in 1551 to-0.2°C in 1880.The sequence of the 100-year means of temperature obtained from the dates of snowfalls shows that the mean of the lowest daily winter (December-March) temperature from the year 1101 to 1200 was higher by 0.8°C than one from the year 1001 to 1880.
坂上 澄夫 八田 明夫
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.99, no.3, pp.230-246, 1990-06-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Recently we had chance to visit Palau Islands two times in 1986 and 1988. The aim of the present article is to introduce the geology including some new evidences investigated by us, and the human history of the islands is also briefly described.The Aimeliik volcaniclastic rocks, which have been recognized as in the Eocene Aimeliik (=Aimiriki) Formation by the former scientists, from the quarry at Ngeruluobel located at about 1km west of the Palau International Airport terminal at Airai in southern end of Babelthuap Island, are discussed in Cepter V. Many foraminifers, calcareous algae and some corals were found as individuals in the matrix or in the limestone gravels of the volcaniclastic rocks. Among the determinable species of foraminifers, Biplanispira absurda, B, inflata, B. mirabilis, Pellatispira rutteni, Fabiania saipanensis and Discocyclina dispansa were reported from the Matansa Limestone (Upper Eocene) of Saipan, and Gypsina globulus, Eulepidina formosa from the Tagpochau Limestone (Lower Miocene) of Saipan by HANZAWA (1957). It seems there are at least two groups of foraminiferal fauna showing different ages, namely, the Upper Eocene and Lower Miocene (Aquitanian to Burdegalian). Accordingly, the depositional age of the Aimeliik volcaniclastic rocks should be Late Miocene or later.In Chapter VI, we introduce our study (SAKAGAMI et al., 1987) on the environmental change in some period of the Miocene to Pliocene by the pollen and spore analyses of the Airai lignite-bearing beds in Babelthuap Island.Lastly the literatures on geological sciences are comprehensively compiled for the convenience to the future study.
山口 寿之
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.86, no.5, pp.285-304, 1977-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

The phylogeny of Cirripedia has been studied by DARWIN (1851 a, b, 1854 a), BROCH (1922), WITHERS (1928, 1935, 1953) and others. Their discussion on the phylogeny has mainly concentrated upon an order Thoracica which has abundant fossil records. There is a consensus of opinion that three suborders of order Thoracica, Verrucomorpha, Brachylepadomorpha and Balanomorpha, independently derived from the Scalpellidae of suborder Lepadomorpha. In the phylogeny of Lepadomorpha, however, two different opinions have been proposed on evaluation of primitiveness of the Scalpellidae (s. lat.) and the Lepadidae (s. lat.). DARWIN, WITHERS and others interpreted that the Scalpellidae is more primitive than the Lepadidae. While BROCH considered that the Scalpellidae is as primitive as the Lepadidae. For this twenty years many new data on ontogeny, nervous system, sexuality, shell structure, ecology and Paleozoic fossil records were accumulated for interpretation of the phylogeny of lepadomorph cirripeds. NEWMAN, ZULLO and WITHERS (1969) have proposed a new interpretation on the phylogeny of Cirripedia based on these data. In this report these works are reviewed and evaluated.
増田 富士雄
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.114, no.3, pp.419-433, 2005-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

A new research field is introduced for strata science in geology. The new stratigraphy is that a layer, a bed and/or a band of “a year, a month, a day, and several hours” we actually experience everyday, are defined from strata. In this paper we introduce the following four case studies of high-resolution determination for 1) annual beds, 2) historical river-flooding beds, 3) tidal bands, and 4) cross-beds. We also describe new information obtained from the results of these high-resolution stratigraphic studies, which include : discovery of millennial oscillations of solar cycle from the 500 Ka lake varves (annual beds) date determination of every fluvial-flooding beds from the intercalated human wastes and, 600-million-year history of Earth's rotation detected from an annual band in fossils and tidal beds in strata.