青木 隆浩
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.197, pp.321-361, 2016-02-29

青木 隆浩
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.5, pp.425-446, 2000-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The aim of this paper is to examine how the association of sake brewers ("syuzo-kumiai") was organized and expanded in modern Saitama. The trade association was an organization principally involved in the production and sale of sake. Research related to this field in Japan has focused on, first, how trade associations were established, although a cartel was banned by the Government at the beginning of modern era; second, why they increased in number; and, third, what were their main functions?A new entry into a cartel had been prohibited by the Shogunate until the end of the Edo era. The liberalization of business brought about a sudden increase in the number of sake brewers. Small newly-established sake brewers often attempted to evade liquor tax and to ensure bargain sales which caused confusion in the market. Meanwhile, large and medium-sized sake brewers organized the association of sake brewers ("syuzo-kumiai") in 1875 to stabilize the market and restore order. However, the association of sake brewers did not perform well in Saitama Prefecture.The association grew into a nationwide organization to oppose a proposed tax increase in the 1880s. Although the campaign was initially supported by the opposition parties "Jiyu-to" and "Kaisin-to", the former agreed to the necessity of a tax increase in 1896. As a result, the liquor tax was increased substantially in 1898, 1900, and 1902, respectively. The association of sake brewers ("syuzo-kumiai") was obliged to halt its campaign since it had lost its raison d'être.The price rise due to the tax increase reduced the demand for sake and resulted in strong competition within the industry. The sake brewers thus had to improve quality to overcome competition. Some members of the association of sake brewers established a brewing research laboratory, and held annual meetings to evaluate the quality of sake. The sake brewers who assiduously improved quality differed from those who had objected to the tax increase. The aims and achievements of each member of the association of sake brewers thus became quite diverse.
青木 隆浩 小池 淳一

青木 隆浩
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.43, no.2, pp.83-99, 1997-05-31 (Released:2017-05-19)

本稿では, 埼玉県の酒造家を系譜の出身地別にまとめ, その経営方法の違いとそれに伴う盛衰の状況について比較考察した. その結果, 近江商人, 越後出身者, 地元出身者の家組織には大きな違いがあり, この組織力の差が, 明治以降のそれぞれの盛衰に関わっていることがわかった. 埼玉県に出店した近江商人は酒造家の約9割が日野屋と十一屋で占められている. 日野屋が本家中心の同族団を, 十一屋が同郷での人間関係によるグループを形成しており, 最も強い組織力をもち, 戦後まで安定経営を続けてきた. 越後出身者は, 分家別家を数多く独立させたが, 明治期に同族団が崩壊し, 1軒あたりの生産量が増えるにつれグループ内での競争が激化し, 多くの転廃業をだした. 中には, 大石屋のように商圏が重ならないように離れて立地したことにより安定した市場を確保し, 戦後まで繁栄した例もみられた. これらに対し, 地元埼玉出身者は分家別家, 親類の酒造家が少なく, 単独経営で家組織が脆弱だったため, 戦前までに多くが転廃業をすることとなった. また, 販売網と市場にも系譜の出身地別に大きな違いがあった. 近江商人は主要街道沿いでかつ江戸出荷に便利な河川沿いに支店網を築いた. しかし, 19世紀中頃から江戸市場における地廻り酒のシェアが低下すると, 近江商人は地方市場へ販売先を切り替えていった. これにより, 従来から地元販売を主としてきた地元出身の酒造家は競争に破れ, 衰退していった.
青木 隆浩
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.107, no.5, pp.659-673, 1998-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Generally, most sake breweries were established by local people. But in case of present day sake breweries in Saitama prefecture, more than half were established by brewers from Echigo and Ohmi, while a few were established by brewers from Saitama. One reason for this is that brewers from Echigo and Ohmi extended markets by establishing many branch houses, on the other hand, brewers from Saitama were conservative. Then, the sake brewers had to produce more delicious sake to meet demand. They need well water which contains little Fe and Mn, good quality rice, and excellent brewing technology to make delicious sake. The well water quality and the brewing technology together with the organization and the market were closely related with the rise and fall of sake brewers. In this paper, differences of well water quality and brewing technology of breweries are analyzed.As a result, the successful brewers established breweries where there was good quality well water, and they had excellent technologies. The typical brewers were from Echigo and Ohmi. While brewers from Saitama operated in the eastern part of Saitama where they pumped well water that was unsuitable for brewing. Because there was very little competition among brewers in eastern Saitama, brewers from Saitama could continue to operate breweries.Brewers from Echigo and Ohmi also used bought-in rice for brewing. Brewers from Echigo especially had excellent techniques to produce high-quality sake in eastern Japan. Brewers from Ohmi lagged behind brewers from Echigo on technical innovation. Conversely, most brewers from Saitama depended on tenant rices as well as traditional technologies. They were defeated in competition over quality and disappeared.But the quality improvements of brewers from Echigo and Ohmi had not gained competitive power in the Tokyo market. There was a price gap between Saitama sake and national brands, and Saitama sake was helped by selling at lower prices. As a result, brewers from Echigo tried to sell within Saitama, and brewers from Ohmi changed their sales outlet from Tokyo to Saitama. Brewers from Saitama who lost sales outlets, sold sake at bargain prices in Tokyo, and this caused a declining general popularity of Saitama sake in Tokyo.
川村 清志 葉山 茂 青木 隆浩 渡部 鮎美 兼城 糸絵 柴崎 茂光

青木 隆浩
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.156, pp.245-264, 2010-03-15

青木 隆浩
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.205, pp.7-35, 2017-03

青木 隆浩
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.109, no.5, pp.680-702, 2000-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

The sake brewers in advanced regions such as Hyogo, Aichi, and Saitama prefectures began innovations in brewing techniques to improve quality from 1890's. In contrast, the peripheral regions such as the Tohoku Area have long maintained traditional brewing techniques in order not to increase the cost of production. Therefore, the disparity in technological levels between regions expanded.Under these circumstances, the national government established the Brewing Research Laboratory to research and develop brewing techniques, which played very important roles in supporting sake brewers, as well as in promoting the introduction of new techniques to so-called peripheral regions in 1900's. They were adopted by many sake brewers in peripheral regions to make the production process easier than in the advanced region's. The interregional disparity diminished. Accordingly, the advanced regions lost their superiority in brewing technique.National sake competitions have been held since 1907. The brands produced in advanced regions lost prizes, while those in the peripheral regions won the event every year. The prizewinner was sweet, however, the others were pungent in flavor. Sweet sake was regarded as having high quality in the events.However, sweet sake has not become popular in the consumer market. Therefore, brewers in the peripheral regions could not expand their market shares. In addition, sake brewers in the advanced regions often held their own local sake competitions, and enhanced the infiltration of their brands into the markets. Taking sake brewers in Saitama Prefecture as an example, by producing sake with a somewhat light alcohol content, they could expand their market share.If sake's qualities were homogenized within a region, they could be easily differentiated from another region's sake. In the Kanto Region, the sake brewers in Saitama Prefecture homogenized the qualities of their brands; however, in Tochigi Prefecture the quality was so diverse that they could not be differentiated from other region's sake. As a consequence, sake brewers in Saitama gained more shares than Tochigi in the sake market.
青木 隆浩
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.197, pp.321-361, 2016-02

本稿では,明治時代から1980年代までの長期にわたり,日本における美容観の変遷とその原因をおもに化粧品産業の動向から明らかにしたものである。そのおもな論点は,明治時代以降の美容観が欧米化の影響を受けながらも,実際に変化するには長い時間がかかっており,欧米化が進んだ後でも揺り戻しがあって,日本独自の美容観が形成されたということであった。まず,明治時代といえば,白粉による白塗りと化粧品の工業製品化による一般家庭への普及がイメージされるが,実際には石鹸や化粧水,クリームといった基礎化粧の方がまず発達していったのであり,メイク方法は白粉をさらっと薄く伸ばす程度のシンプルなものだった。口紅やアイメイクに対する抵抗感は,現在から考えられないほど強かったため,欧米の美容観はなかなか受容されなかった。1930年代に入ってから,クリームや歯磨,香油などの出荷額が伸びていくが,第二次世界大戦による節制と物品税の大増税によって,すぐに化粧をしない時代に戻っていった。その後,1960年前後までの日本の女性は,クリームや化粧水による基礎化粧はするものの,メイクはほとんどしなかった。欧米型のメイク方法は,1959(昭和34)年におけるマックスファクターの「ローマンピンク」キャンペーンと1960(昭和35)年におけるカラーテレビの放送開始を契機として,普及し始めたと考えてよい。とくに1966(昭和41)年からそのキャンペーンにハーフモデルを起用して成功を収めたことが,ハーフモデルの日焼けした肌と大きな目に憧れる結果となって,欧米型のメイクが普及する大きな要因となった。ところが,1970年代の初めにハーフモデルを起用した日焼けの提唱がいったん終わり,その後,日本の美が見直されていくことになる。さらに,1980年代に入ると自然派志向やソフト志向が顕著となり,その中でアイドルタレントが化粧品のプロモーションに起用されるようになると,日本独自の自然でソフトな女性像,つまり1980年代の「かわいらしさ」のイメージが形成されていった。This article examines the trends of the Japanese cosmetics industry from the 1870s to the 1980s to reveal the changes in the Japanese sense of beauty and their causes. The results consist of two main findings: (i) after the Meiji period (1868-1912), the Japanese sense of beauty was affected by westernization but changed very slowly; and (ii) the westernization was followed by a backlash, resulting in the creation of a new sense of beauty unique to the Japanese.It is generally considered that in the Meiji period, cosmetics were commercialized and became popular among ordinary women and they started to powder their faces. In actual fact, however, skin care products such as soap, skin lotion and cream were developed earlier. Japanese women preferred simple makeup and thought light powdering was enough. Their reluctance to wear lipstick and eyeshadow in those days was much stronger than we can imagine today; therefore, it was difficult for them to accept the western sense of beauty.In the 1930s, the sales of skin cream, toothpaste, and scented oil products expanded; however, soon all the cosmetics products disappeared from the market due to the frugal habits and drastic commodity tax hikes during the Second World War. From after the war until around 1960, Japanese women used skin care products such as skin lotion and cream but hardly wore makeup.Western-style makeup techniques began to penetrate into Japan through the Roman Pink Campaign of Max Factor starting in 1959, also receiving a nice tailwind from the start of color TV broadcasting in 1960. In 1966, the advertising campaign starred a half-Japanese model, which resulted in a huge success. Many women admired her light suntanned skin and big eyes. This served as a great impetus for the spread of western-style makeup techniques.However, once the campaign starring the half-Japanese model with light suntanned skin finished in the early 1970s, Japanese women reviewed their sense of beauty once again. In the 1980s, when a desire for the soft, natural look became prominent and pop stars started to appear in cosmetics advertisements, the Japanese shaped their own unique image of female beauty that was soft and natural by emphasizing "cuteness" in the 1980s.
岩本 通弥 川森 博司 高木 博志 淺野 敏久 菊地 暁 青木 隆浩 才津 祐美子 俵木 悟 濱田 琢司 室井 康成 中村 淳 南 根祐 李 相賢 李 承洙 丁 秀珍 エルメル フェルトカンプ 金 賢貞

青木 隆浩
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.43, no.2, pp.83-99, 1997-05-31

本稿では, 埼玉県の酒造家を系譜の出身地別にまとめ, その経営方法の違いとそれに伴う盛衰の状況について比較考察した. その結果, 近江商人, 越後出身者, 地元出身者の家組織には大きな違いがあり, この組織力の差が, 明治以降のそれぞれの盛衰に関わっていることがわかった. 埼玉県に出店した近江商人は酒造家の約9割が日野屋と十一屋で占められている. 日野屋が本家中心の同族団を, 十一屋が同郷での人間関係によるグループを形成しており, 最も強い組織力をもち, 戦後まで安定経営を続けてきた. 越後出身者は, 分家別家を数多く独立させたが, 明治期に同族団が崩壊し, 1軒あたりの生産量が増えるにつれグループ内での競争が激化し, 多くの転廃業をだした. 中には, 大石屋のように商圏が重ならないように離れて立地したことにより安定した市場を確保し, 戦後まで繁栄した例もみられた. これらに対し, 地元埼玉出身者は分家別家, 親類の酒造家が少なく, 単独経営で家組織が脆弱だったため, 戦前までに多くが転廃業をすることとなった. また, 販売網と市場にも系譜の出身地別に大きな違いがあった. 近江商人は主要街道沿いでかつ江戸出荷に便利な河川沿いに支店網を築いた. しかし, 19世紀中頃から江戸市場における地廻り酒のシェアが低下すると, 近江商人は地方市場へ販売先を切り替えていった. これにより, 従来から地元販売を主としてきた地元出身の酒造家は競争に破れ, 衰退していった.