畠山 里沙 杉田 克生 大上 順一 杉田 克生 スギタ カツオ Sugita Katsuo 大上 順一 オオウエ ジュンイチ Oue Junichi 下山 一郎 シモヤマ イチロウ Shimoyama Ichiro
千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13482084)
vol.55, pp.287-289, 2007-02

認知神経学の観点から,外国語として日本語を学習するイタリア人が,ひらがな・ローマ字を見てから発語するまでの読字反応時間を解析した。外国語の学習効果を客観的に評価していくためにこの検査は有用であると考えられる。We performed a test of "Hiragana" and "Romaji" reading-reaction time to Italian university students who learn Japanese. This test is simple and regarded as a useful method to evaluate their acquisition of foreign language objectively.
河田 純一 坂場 優 富澤 明久 福井 敬 宮澤 寛幸 弓山 達也 渡邉 龍彦 Kawata Junichi Sakaba Yu Tomizawa Haruhisa Fukui Takashi Miyazawa Hiroyuki Yumiyama Tatsuya Watanabe Ryugen カワタ ジュンイチ サカバ ユウ トミザワ ハルヒサ フクイ タカシ ミヤザワ ヒロユキ ユミヤマ タツヤ ワタナベ リュウゲン
宗教と社会貢献 (ISSN:21856869)
vol.8, no.2, pp.1-33, 2018-10

論文本稿の目的は、東京・山谷地区の浄土宗寺院を拠点に路上生活者支援を行うひとさじの会に焦点を当て、そこに集うボランティアがどのような宗教性や価値を共有し、共同性を醸し出しているかを明らかにするところにある。そのため関与型調査の方法を模索し、Tled 法を開発して本稿に実装した。その結果、この路上生活者支援がもつ宗教性・価値・共同性について相反する性格を見出せた。In this paper our purpose is to show what types of religiosity / spirituality, values and cooperation volunteer workers share and how they share them, focusing on Hitosaji-no-Kai (one spoon club) based in the Jōdō Shū temple in Sanya, one of the biggest flophouse areas in Japan. We explore the use of an intensive "researcher in the loop approach" and develop the Tled Method for this paper. We found contradictory or conflicting characteristics among these homeless support volunteers regarding religiosity / spirituality, values and cooperation in their movement.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌツカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inutsuka
vol.46, pp.43-59, 2009-03-01

Expression is the key feature of the post-modern model of culture today, not only in the field of industry but also the definition of man, comparing to Creation which is the key concept of the classic-western-modern model of the society and man. This essay is focused to the syntactic function of Narrator in classic Japanese literature text, as the tale of Genji, which is highly suggestive to study of post-modern expression technology. With referring to Vilem Flusser's philosophical approach to Tools and Chiyuki Kumakura's literary analysis to Genji, I tried to depict ontological structure of adjectival subject in Japanese language and cognition, as which would provide our ways of expressionist today.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌズカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inuzuka
vol.49, pp.53-64, 2012-03-10

To avoid a crisis that Marx predicted, capitalism has been improved. Fordism and the financial policy was achieved rapid development of industrial society. However, the market would naturally have physical limitations. Market is not able to be expanded indefinitely. Thecreation of the symbolic market, economic growth became possible to overcome this constraint.Symbols and credit creation technology, made possible the growth of the market, as it wareneutral to its own physical limitations. However, humanity and the earth continues to be aconcrete existence even if regarding the market as sign. As the limits of its contradictions,brought the crisis of global environmental crisis and human nature. On the criticism of theontological structure of these two crises, we must envision our new society.
佐藤 潤一 サトウ ジュンイチ Jun'ichi SATOH
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編
vol.12, pp.129-172, 2011-06

From 1990's, theories of Japanese Constitutional Law had been radically changed. The constitutional law is discussed by many books and articles of the political theory, history of law, and the philosophical theory. Constitutional theory is influenced by these theories. In this lecture note, I try to reconsider the theories of constitution interpretation, especially the historical aspects and comparative study about the constitutional theory of common law countries, e.g., U.K., Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
AHMED Sadik ツツミ ジュンイチロウ アラカワ リョウキ ナカマツ リョウ ヤスイ フミオ
学術講演梗概集. D-1, 環境工学I, 室内音響・音環境, 騒音・固体音, 環境振動, 光・色, 給排水・水環境, 都市設備・環境管理, 環境心理生理, 環境設計, 電磁環境 (ISSN:13414496)
no.2001, pp.557-558, 2001-07-31

An analytical approach has been made based on Gumbel's extreme-value distribution for frequency analysis to compare the different agreements between India and Bangladesh regarding the water flow in the dry season through the river Ganges at Farakka in West Bengal of India. Flow lines of the 1^<st> agreement year of different agreements have been compared with the calculated shared value.