森好 浩行 三好 美紀 日野 大樹 中山 英樹 森川 俊雄 中木 真一 糸原 幸次
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.14, no.2, pp.61-70, 2009 (Released:2009-08-25)
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Facial image identification has become important in forensic science because surveillance cameras are popularly used as silent witnesses at potential crime scenes. In general, three methods are used for facial image identification: morphological comparison of facial features, facial image anthropometry and face-to-face superimposition. The most commonly employed method in actual casework is morphological comparison based on the morphological classification of facial components such as facial types, eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips and ears. However, classification for ear morphology has not been developed, except for the ear lobe. The human ear has various anatomical parts, including the helix, antihelix, tragus, antitragus, scaphoid fossa, and ear lobe. The present study was designed to develop a new classification system for the ear.   Ear images obtained from 164 Japanese adult males (n=94, age range: 24-60) and females (n=70, age range: 20-54) were used for establishing the morphological classification. In general, the features of the ear are very easily influenced by camera angle, which usually make it difficult to compare facial images taken with surveillance cameras to mug shots in actual casework. In our previous study, however, it was suggested that some components of the ear are little affected by camera angles if the scaphoid fossa could be found on the image even though the external acoustic meatus could not be found. Therefore, the morphological characteristics of some components such as the antihelix, tragus, antitragus, scaphoid fossa, and ear lobe were observed in the ear images from all persons, and morphological classification items for those components were established. All data classified according to these items were analyzed to obtain their frequency distribution in each component and to clarify the correlation between morphological characteristics. The results revealed that some morphological characteristics in each component were significantly correlated.   The present classification system for ear morphology would be useful for facial image identification.
黒谷 佳代 新杉 知沙 三好 美紀 瀧本 秀美
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.78, no.Supplement, pp.S50-S59, 2020-12-01 (Released:2021-02-16)

【目的】 食育の推進に関連する法律,政策および活動について整理すること。【方法】 食育基本法,食育推進基本計画,都道府県および市町村における食育推進計画について情報をとりまとめた。【結果】 食育基本法は,国民が生涯にわたって健全な心身を培い,豊かな人間性を育むことができるようにすることを目的として,2005年に制定された。食育基本法では,5か年計画の食育推進基本計画の作成及び実施による食育推進を図ることが規定されている。2005年から2015年は,内閣府が食育の推進を図るための基本的な施策に関する企画,立案,総合調整の事務を担い,2016年以降は農林水産省が担当している。毎年,食育推進基本計画の推進状況について評価が行われている。第3次食育推進基本計画(2016~2020年度)では,21の目標値が設定され,共食や中学校における学校給食の実施,食品中の食塩や脂肪の低減に取り組む食品企業,伝統的な料理や作法等の継承,食品の安全性に関する項目が2019年現在達成されている。また,都道府県食育推進計画はすべての都道府県で作成,実施がされているものの,市町村の計画は未だ100%に達していない。【結論】食育基本法制定後,約15年間で食育推進計画によりいくつかの課題が改善したものの,朝食欠食などの課題が依然として続いている。COVID-19の影響で,人々の生活環境は急速に,そして劇的に変化した。国民の明るい未来の創出のために,食育推進に関わるすべての人々が食・健康課題への対応に尽力することが必要だろう。
中村 哲 翠川 裕 波部 重久 松田 肇 翠川 薫 渡部 徹 中津 雅美 二瓶 直子 鈴木 琴子 黒倉 壽 風間 聡 三好 美紀 桐木 雅史

森好 浩行 三好 美紀 日野 大樹 中山 英樹 森川 俊雄 中木 真一 糸原 幸次
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.12, no.1, pp.27-34, 2007 (Released:2007-06-27)
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Images of the ear are highly valuable for facial photographic identification because the ear has a lot of morphological features, such as the helix, ear lobe, antihelix, scapha, antitragus, tragus, and so on. However, the morphology of ear components changes so easily depending on the camera angle that it is usually difficult to identify people based on images of their ears from surveillance cameras and mug shots.   In this study, the correlation between the morphology of ear components and camera angles was investigated in order to identify people based on ear images taken from different camera angles. The samples were ear images of 56 persons taken at 27 different camera angles for each person. The morphologies of the ear components were compared among the angles and among the subjects. This revealed the morphological changes in the helix, ear lobe, antihelix, and tragus according to the camera angle.   It was found that the morphology was consistent between ear images taken at different camera angles if the compared images satisfied two conditions: the scapha must be clearly observed, and the external acoustic meatus must not be visible. If these conditions are met, it is possible to identify a person by images of his or her ear regardless of the camera angles.