三宅 志穂 井内 希 木戸 彩也香 熊田 愛 大山 紗絵子 佐々木 晶子 Shiho MIYAKE Nozomi IUCHI Sayaka KIDO Mana KUMATA Saeko OOYAMA Akiko SASAKI
vol.57, no.1, pp.125-132, 2010-06-30

According a research in the brain science research field. it was suggested that foreign people recognized the sound of insects as noise. However, Lafcadio Hearn from Greek admired the sound of the cicada. Therefore, it is supposed that some other nations as well as the Japanese can sympathize with the sound of insects. In this research, a pilot survey about the impression of "like" or "dislike" on the sound of insects was conducted for the Japanese and other nations. Field interview to the Japanese and foreign visitors to Japan was carried out in Kyoto from July to November, 2009. Answers by "like" or "dislike" of the impression from 450 foreigners and 100 Japanese people were obtained on the sound of five sorts of insects: Teleogryllus emma, Oncotympana maculaticollis, ampsocleis buergeri, Homoeogryllus japonicus, Tanna japonensis. People in the total of 35 nations cooperated in this research. As a result, it was suggested that the impression on the sound of five insects between foreign people and Japanese people had similarity. On the other hand, the ratio of the number of people, who answered "like" or "dislike", was defferent between foreign countries and Japan. Furthemore, the following issues were understood by the result from nine foreign nations, where the samples of ten or more people were collected. 1) The impression of "like" or "dislike" on the sound of insects would be different from each nation. It cannot be caught only by a framework of Jspsnrdr people and foreign people. 2) Distinction of "like" or "dislike" cannot be relevant to the sound by one concept of "insects". That is, impression of the sound may depend on the kind of the insect.
三宅 志穂
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.42, no.2, pp.73-81, 2018 (Released:2018-07-12)

Zoos are the ideal place for promoting science and environmental education, since they have the possibility of fostering biodiversity awareness and environmental values, which are necessary for global citizens. How should we develop an exhibit that meets the demand of visitors’ interest and arouses their biodiversity awareness reflecting the principles of museum exhibition? This study examined how the aspects of cognitive learning and emotional stimulus were reflected in the audience from the case of the new type of a communicative exhibit that the author developed with her students. As a result, from the aspect of cognitive learning, the exhibition contents showed a strong educational effect. In terms of emotional stimulation, the theme was impressed on the audience as a sad story while gaining favorable evaluation. In addition, it was found that the story of the birth of the zoo’s elephant birth was the result of empathy. This study showed an implication that suggested how to raise biodiversity awareness in public citizens through a zoo exhibition.
三宅 志穂
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 (ISSN:21863628)
vol.43, pp.469-470, 2019

<p>著者は学生らとともに,動物園にいる動物を題材として生物多様性保全意識の向上を目指す教材開発に取り組んできている。本研究では来園者をいかに聴衆者として取り込むかという視点で,コウノトリを題材とするコミュニケーション型展示を開発し,展示手法の改善を試みた。そして,本展示の視聴者が時系列でどのように変化するのかを調査した。その結果,プレクイズ・シーンでは開始時に比べて3 割から4 割近く増加したことから,クイズの導入が聴衆を惹きつける動機付けになったと推察された。また,本編シーンの「コウノトリの野生絶滅と野生復帰(前半)」と「リコちゃんの貢献(後半)」のお話でも,聴衆者は継続的に増加した。物語内容が来園者の興味・関心を惹きつけたと理解できた。</p>
加藤 瑠理 奥田 留那 福光 真理奈 小林 美緒 三宅 志穂
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
vol.30, no.3, pp.95-100, 2015

本研究では、 天王寺動物園 (大阪市) のアジアゾウをモチーフにして、 環境教材絵本を創作する研究に取り組んだ。 科学絵本に含まれる3つの観点 (Visual Simplicy, Narrative, Mystery ofthe World) について、 創作プロセスをふりかえることにより、 どのようなことが反映できたかを考察した。1) Visual Simplicy : 画用紙を切り貼りすることにより、 視覚的明瞭さが反映された。2) Narrative : 動物園で実際に会うことのできるゾウを主人公としたことによる親近感、 私たちの日常的なものが環境問題を引き起こしているという関係性が反映された。3) Mystery of the World : 天王寺動物園のゾウの固有な性格や特異な行動の 「謎」 を解き明かす展開が反映された。こうした知見の蓄積は、 環境教材絵本の開発をさらに進めるノウハウにつながるかもしれない。