上野 行良
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.7, no.2, pp.112-120, 1992-03-10 (Released:2016-11-30)

Humor phenomenon can be defined in terms of expression and perception of funny stimuli, such as jokes. Various studies of humor phenomenon are reviewd, and types of humor are categorized in this paper. First, theories and hypotheses on humor are briefly reviewd; the theories discussed are superiority theory, incogruity theory, theories by Freud and Berlyne, theoretical thinking in humanistic psychology, and stress-moderating hypothesis. Each theory along with related studies is examined and characterized in terms of the humor phenomenon framework. It is suggested that the past research in the field has focused mainly on three subjects: 1) motivation behind expression of humorous stimuli, 2) cognitive processes for perceiving such stimuli, and 3) psychological consequences of humor perception. Finally, a new classification scheme for humor in terms of motivation is proposed, with categories of playful, aggressive and support-relief humor, for clear and coherent understanding.
上野 行良
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.64, no.4, pp.247-254, 1993-10-30 (Released:2010-07-16)
11 14

This study investigated the attitude towards humor and the relationship among the attitude, aggression and altruism. Four hundred and seven subjects answered the questionnaires consisting of (1) items about attitude toward humor, (2) items about aggression and altruism, and (3) items about humorous statements, frequently heared in negative situations. Factor analysis revealed that the attitude toward humor consists of two factors; (a) preference for aggressive humor and (b) preference for playful humor. The former is related to aggression and altruism, while the latter is related to altruism only. The items about humorous statements frequently heard in negative situations suggested that preference for aggressive humor is related to aggressive behavior, while preference for playful humor is related to moderation of the atomosphere.
宮戸 美樹 上野 行良
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.4, pp.270-277, 1996-10-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
16 14

In this study, we constructed a scale to measure individual preference for supportive humor, and examined whether the preference related to mental health. Two samples of female undergraduates cooperated with survey studies. In the first, a scale was constructed to measure preference for supportive kinds of humor, and relationships were examined between its score, hardiness to negative events, and depression, together with preference for other types of humor identified in a previous study (Ueno, 1992). In the second, the reference was correlated with hedonistic attitudes and private self-consciousness. Main findings were as follows: (1) Of the three types of humor (aggressive, playful, and supportive), only preference for supportive humor correlated with depression. (2) Hedonistic attitudes correlated with preference for each of the three types. (3) Private self-consciousness correlated only with preference for supportive humor.
上野 行良 上瀬 由美子 松井 豊 福富 護
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.42, no.1, pp.21-28, 1994-03-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
7 5

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between adolescents' views on friendship and personality characteristics. Six hundred twenty (620) randomly- sampled high-school students completed a questionnaire. Hayashi's Quantification Method of the Third Type showed two more-or-less ind ependent dimensions for the views: friends as a source of conformity and preferred psychological distance to them. The students, in accordance with the above two d imensions, were classified into four types: independent, individual, surface, and close friendship seekers. Analyses indicated that these types were related to such personality characteristics as inferiority, family-adjustment, public self-consciousness, frequen cy of problem-behavior thoughts, and purposes in life. Surface friendship, with high conformity but more psychological distance to each other, might characterize contemp orary youth relationship in Japan. The students who viewed friendship in th is way, in general, loved family more and were better socially adjusted, but the males of thi s category felt inferiority and thought about problem behaviors more frequently.
上野 行良
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.7, no.2, pp.112-120, 1992

Humor phenomenon can be defined in terms of expression and perception of funny stimuli, such as jokes. Various studies of humor phenomenon are reviewd, and types of humor are categorized in this paper. First, theories and hypotheses on humor are briefly reviewd; the theories discussed are superiority theory, incogruity theory, theories by Freud and Berlyne, theoretical thinking in humanistic psychology, and stress-moderating hypothesis. Each theory along with related studies is examined and characterized in terms of the humor phenomenon framework. It is suggested that the past research in the field has focused mainly on three subjects: 1) motivation behind expression of humorous stimuli, 2) cognitive processes for perceiving such stimuli, and 3) psychological consequences of humor perception. Finally, a new classification scheme for humor in terms of motivation is proposed, with categories of playful, aggressive and support-relief humor, for clear and coherent understanding.
麦島 剛 上野 行良 中村 晋介 本多 潤子
福岡県立大学人間社会学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences, Fukuoka Prefectural University (ISSN:13490230)
vol.15, no.1, pp.85-91, 2006-11-30

軽微な犯罪の早期解決がそれより重大な犯罪を抑止するという考え方を割れ窓理論 (broken windows theory)という。現在では、環境悪化放置の防止が地域の犯罪の抑止となる、 という観点から議論されることも多い。この理論の実践は1990年代半ばから米国において警察主導の取り組みとして始まった。最近は、日本でも地域住民主体による落書き防止などの取り組みとして盛んになっている。本研究は、地域環境悪化の放置および地域に立地する各種施設と、中学生の非行容認度との間にどのような関係があるのかを検討し、非行防止対策への手がかりとすることを目的とした。 福岡県内の中学2年生と矯正施設入所等中学生に対し、質問紙により以下の点を調査した。1)校区の悪化環境の放置に関する認識について、2)校区に立地する各種施設について、3)非行の容認について。その結果、悪化環境が放置されていると考える中学生は非行の容認度が高いことが示唆された。いっぽう少年院等の中学生は、悪化が放置された環境で暮らしていたと考える率が低かった。自らの住む環境の悪化が放置されていると感じるとき、中学生は非行を絶対悪だと考えなくなるが、放置状態に対して無頓着になると、実際に非行を犯す可能性が高まるとも考えられる。また、校区に、ギャンブル場などがあると答えた中学生において非行を許す程度が高かった。さらに、どんな施設であっても、立地する場合に環境が悪化していると認識する率が高かった。 以上の知見を踏まえると、落書きやゴミ放置などの公衆ルール違反を即急に解決することは、中学生が非行を許さないと考えることにつながる可能性がある。犯罪の低減と同様、割れ窓理論にもとづく具体的な取り組みが非行防止の一助となると考えられる。