中井 遼
北九州市立大学法政論集 (ISSN:13472631)
vol.49, no.3・4合併号, pp.57-94, 2022-03

中井 遼
The Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2009, no.38, pp.89-103, 2009 (Released:2011-10-14)

This article presents quantitative aspects of the party system in Lithuania and argues that Lithuania’s electoral institutions (mixed-member majoritarian system) define the quantitative features of its party system. There has been an ambivalent view of Lithuanian party politics in the literature. Some scholars argue that it is a highly fragile and volatile system, while others assert that it is stable. Several scholars have argued that its complexity could be explained as a result of intertemporal change. Adding to this debate, I argue that the differing evaluations of the Lithuanian party system is the result of analyses based on different measurement scores. The view that the system is unstable is supported by the multitude of political parties that seats in the parliament and the view that it is volatile is evidenced by the fact that newcomer parties easily win seats. On the other hand, effective party number index (known as the Laakso-Taagepera index) and the bipolar cabinet forming support the view that the system is stable. This article organizes and clears up various quantitative features of the party system of Lithuania and argues that its two main aspects—its instability (multitude of political parties) and its volatility (newcomer parties)—are prominent features of the political systems in other Central and East European countries. In order to explore the origins of these two prominent aspects of the Lithuanian party system, this article focuses on Lithuania’s electoral institutions. Socioeconomic and historical factors cannot account for the quantitative aspects of Lithuanian party politics. Lithuania has adopted the mixed-member majoritarian system as their electoral system, an institution that is very exceptional in the context of the Central and East European democracies. Referring to theoretical research in electoral studies, I argue that Lithuania’s adaptation of the mixed-member system is an explanatory variable in the determination of the quantitative aspects of Lithuania’s party system. This is because Lithuania’s adaptation of the mixed-member system, including single member district, do not promotes two party systems, rather fragmentizes the party system and foments personal voting. These effects are bolstered by contamination effects which occur in the mixed-member majoritarian system, seats distribution rule and the transitional fledgling Lithuanian party system. Observation clearly shows that single-member districts are responsible for the multitude of political parties, which are seated in the Lithuanian parliament. Representatives from about four to six parties are elected in proportional representation districts, but representatives from ten parties are elected in single member districts in Lithuania. Moreover, profiles of political elites who organize new political parties show that those who have been elected in single member districts are significantly involved in splitting from existing parties and forming new political parties. In addition, in single member districts it is easier for a member of the local elite possessing a political or economic power base to win an election than in another type of district. Lithuania’s party politics exhibit aspects of both stability and instability. However, the quantitative character and prominent features of the party system have been considerably defined by its mixed-member majoritarian electoral system.
中井 遼
北九州市立大学法政論集 (ISSN:13472631)
vol.50, no.1・2合併号, pp.137-153, 2022-10

This work investigates the development of Baltic studies in Japan and its changes and evolutions, focusing on quantitative data from bibliographic databases, including some anecdotal episodes.
伊藤 武 浅羽 祐樹 川村 晃一 菊池 啓一 久保 慶一 中井 遼 成廣 孝 西川 賢

米欧アジアにおけるプライマリーの実証的分析を行う本研究は、地域・手法を重層的に横 断した研究体制に基づいて、4カ年 計画で議員サー ベイを含むデータ収集、量的・質的な比較分析を行い、引き出した仮説をサーベイ実験で検証する。データベー ス・成果は国内外の 研究者に 公開して、プライマリー関連研究の進展に貢献する企図である。進捗管理と予測できない事態へ の対応も含めて、メンバー間での研究会を実 施する。計画2年目に当たる2019年度は、初年度に整理した海外調査のデータとそれを基にした分析をまとめて、英語または邦語で論文を執筆した。代表者及び分担者は、国内外の学術誌における査読論文(Party Politics等)、国内外の学会発表等(Council for European Studies, Midwest Political Science Association , International Political Science Associationなど)を通じて、積極的に成果を発信した。また2019年度は在外研究の研究資金処理の関係で分担者を外れざるを得なかった菊池氏についても、研究上の連携を維持し、関連論文の執筆及び次年度のサーベイに向けた研究を実施した。データ収集・調査については、各自の担当地域について、関連資金も利用しながら調査を行った。研究打ち合わせは、国内学会の開催に合わせて随時実施していたが、年度末に予定してた成果取りまとめと論文集作成のための研究会、その前のいくつかの海外調査については、新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大に伴う移動制限によって断念せざるを得なかった。
中井 遼
北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu (ISSN:13481851)
no.18, pp.43-72, 2020-03
