河野 寛 坂本 静男 丸藤 祐子 小西 真幸

根本 裕太 菊賀 信雅 澤田 亨 松下 宗洋 丸藤 祐子 渡邊 夏海 橋本 有子 中田 由夫 福島 教照 井上 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.431-441, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-09-13)

Approximately 40%–65% of new fitness club (FC) members cancel their membership within 6 months. To prevent such cancellations, it is essential to identify members at high risk of doing so. This study developed a model to predict the probability of discontinuing FC membership among new members. We conducted a cohort study and enrolled participants from 17 FCs in Japan. We asked 5,421 individuals who became members from March 29, 2015 to April 5, 2016 to participate in the study; 2,934 completed the baseline survey, which was conducted when the participants became FC members. We followed up the participants until September 30, 2016. We excluded 883 participants with missing values and 69 participants under aged 18 years; thus, our analysis covered 1,982 individuals. We conducted the random survival forest to develop the prediction model. The mean follow-up period was 296.3 (standard deviation, 127.3) days; 488 participants (24.6%) cancelled their membership during the follow-up. The prediction model comprised 8 predictors: age; month of joining FC; years of education; being under medical follow-up; reasons for joining FC (health improvement, relaxation); and perceived benefits from exercise (maintaining good body weight, recognition of one’s ability by other). The discrimination and calibration were acceptable (C statistic: 0.692, continuous ranked probability score: 0.134). Our findings suggest that the prediction model could assess the valid probability for early FC cancellation among new members; however, a validation study will be needed.
真田 樹義 宮地 元彦 山元 健太 村上 晴香 谷本 道哉 大森 由実 河野 寛 丸藤 祐子 塙 智史 家光 素行 田畑 泉 樋口 満 奥村 重年
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.3, pp.291-302, 2010 (Released:2010-07-15)
17 8

The purpose of this study was to develop prediction models of sarcopenia in 1,894 Japanese men and women aged 18-85 years. Reference values for sarcopenia (skeletal muscle index, SMI; appendicular muscle mass/height2, kg/m2) in each sex were defined as values two standard deviations (2SD) below the gender-specific means of this study reference data for young adults aged 18-40 years. Reference values for predisposition to sarcopenia (PSa) in each gender were also defined as values one standard deviations (1SD) below. The subjects aged 41 years or older were randomly separated into 2 groups, a model development group and a validation group. Appendicular muscle mass was measured by DXA. The reference values of sarcopenia were 6.87 kg/m2 and 5.46 kg/m2, and those of PSa were 7.77 kg/m2 and 6.12 kg/m2. The subjects with sarcopenia and PSa aged 41 years or older were 1.7% and 28.8% in men and 2.7% and 20.7% in women. The whole body bone mineral density of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. The handgrip strength of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that the body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and age were independently associated with SMI in men; and BMI, handgrip strength and waist circumference were independently associated with SMI in women. The SMI prediction equations were applied to the validation group, and strong correlations were also observed between the DXA-measured and predicted SMI in men and women. This study proposed the reference values of sarcopenia in Japanese men and women. The prediction models of SMI using anthropometric measurement are valid for alternative DXA-measured SMI in Japanese adults.
菊賀 信雅 福島 教照 澤田 亨 松下 宗洋 丸藤 祐子 渡邊 夏海 橋本 有子 中田 由夫 井上 茂
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.68, no.4, pp.230-240, 2021-04-15 (Released:2021-04-23)

目的 健康増進施設であるフィットネスクラブ(fitness club: FC)では,約4割以上の新規入会者が6か月以内に退会する。運動の習慣化に心理行動医学的アプローチが重要とされるが,民間FCの退会と関連する心理的要因を検討した報告は極めて少ない。そこで,本研究の目的はFC新規入会者における運動習慣の促進要因・阻害要因と退会との関連を明らかにすることである。方法 単一の経営母体である民間FC(17施設)の協力を得てコホート研究を実施した。2015年4月1日から2016年3月31日までのすべての新規入会者(5,421人)に自記式質問紙調査を依頼し,2,934人より回答を得た。未成年者(n=167)および回答欠損者(n=702)は解析から除外した。運動習慣の心理的要因は「簡易版運動習慣の促進要因・阻害要因尺度」で評価した。2016年9月30日まで追跡し退会の有無を把握した。Cox比例ハザードモデルにより全体および性・年齢階級別に検討した。結果 最終的な分析対象者は2,065人(平均年齢[標準偏差],39.0[15.0]歳,男性28.8%)で,追跡不能者はいなかった。平均追跡期間は10.1(4.4)か月で,退会率は24.6人/1,000人月であった。全体の分析では心理的要因と退会に有意な関連は認めなかった。層別解析において40-59歳の男性では「健康体力(促進要因)」得点が高い者ほど退会率が低かった(HR, 0.72[0.52-1.00])。39歳以下の女性では,「身体的・心理的阻害(阻害要因)」得点が高い者では退会率が高かった(HR, 1.10[1.01-1.19])。40-59歳の女性では「対人関係(促進要因)」得点が高い者ほど退会率が低く(HR, 0.84[0.74-0.97]),「怠惰性(阻害要因)」得点が高い者ほど退会率が低かった(HR, 0.85[0.73-0.99])。男女とも60歳以上では「自己の向上(促進要因)」得点が高い者ほど退会率が高かった(男性HR, 2.52[1.10-5.81],女性HR, 1.31[1.00-1.72])。結論 退会と関連する入会時の心理的要因は性・年齢階級により異なった。退会予防には入会者の属性や心理的要因に即した運動プログラムの提供が必要と考えられた。
真田 樹義 宮地 元彦 山元 健太 村上 晴香 谷本 道哉 大森 由実 河野 寛 丸藤 祐子 塙 智史 家光 素行 田畑 泉 樋口 満 奥村 重年
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.3, pp.243, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-05-18)

理由:体力科学 第59巻 第3号 291-302(2010)掲載論文における身体組成データ収集の過程で,資格を持たない者がX線骨密度測定装置を操作したことを理由とした著者からの掲載論文撤回の希望を受け,本誌より撤回する. 一般社団法人日本体力医学会 編集委員長 田中 喜代次
真田 樹義 宮地 元彦 山元 健太 村上 晴香 谷本 道哉 大森 由実 河野 寛 丸藤 祐子 塙 智史 家光 素行 田畑 泉 樋口 満 奥村 重年
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.3, pp.291-302, 2010-06-01
2 8

The purpose of this study was to develop prediction models of sarcopenia in 1,894 Japanese men and women aged 18-85 years. Reference values for sarcopenia (skeletal muscle index, SMI; appendicular muscle mass/height<sup>2</sup>, kg/m<sup>2</sup>) in each sex were defined as values two standard deviations (2SD) below the gender-specific means of this study reference data for young adults aged 18-40 years. Reference values for predisposition to sarcopenia (PSa) in each gender were also defined as values one standard deviations (1SD) below. The subjects aged 41 years or older were randomly separated into 2 groups, a model development group and a validation group. Appendicular muscle mass was measured by DXA. The reference values of sarcopenia were 6.87 kg/m<sup>2</sup> and 5.46 kg/m<sup>2</sup>, and those of PSa were 7.77 kg/m<sup>2</sup> and 6.12 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. The subjects with sarcopenia and PSa aged 41 years or older were 1.7% and 28.8% in men and 2.7% and 20.7% in women. The whole body bone mineral density of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. The handgrip strength of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that the body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and age were independently associated with SMI in men; and BMI, handgrip strength and waist circumference were independently associated with SMI in women. The SMI prediction equations were applied to the validation group, and strong correlations were also observed between the DXA-measured and predicted SMI in men and women. This study proposed the reference values of sarcopenia in Japanese men and women. The prediction models of SMI using anthropometric measurement are valid for alternative DXA-measured SMI in Japanese adults.