久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.Supplement, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
9 6

The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden) . The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows:Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities.In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.
大野 治美 村上 晴香 中潟 崇 谷澤 薫平 小西 可奈 宮地 元彦
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.68, no.2, pp.92-104, 2021-02-15 (Released:2021-02-26)

目的 ふん便(以下,便)は,我々の食事や栄養状態ならびに腸内細菌叢の特徴を反映し,身体の健康状態や栄養摂取状況を,簡便かつ非侵襲的に評価できるツールであると考えられる。一方で,便を包括的に評価し,簡便かつ客観的に評価する適切なツールに関する検討は十分に行われておらず,日常の排便状況や便性状を的確に把握できる有用な質問票が求められている。習慣的な排便状況(排便回数)や便性状(排便量,色,形状など)を把握するための評価ツールを作成し,排便日誌に基づく排便回数や便性状の記録と比較し内的妥当性を検討した。方法 22から78歳までの成人男女35人(45.2±17.1歳)を解析対象とした。習慣的な便に関する質問票(以下,習慣的便質問票)による最近1か月間における平均的な排便回数,1回あたりの排便量,便の色や形状,便の浮きや腹部膨満感を調査した。この習慣的便質問票の各項目の再現性を検討するため,2回の調査を実施し,再現性を確認した。その後,排便日誌を用いて,毎日の排便時刻や便の性状などを1週間記録した。この排便日誌を基にした排便回数や便性状を内的妥当基準とし,習慣的便質問票により得られた回答を比較した。なお,習慣的便質問票における排便回数は,排便回数がカテゴリー化された回答を選択する選択回答法と数値による自由回答法の2種類で回答した。結果 習慣的便質問票の再現性を検討した結果,全ての項目においてスピアマン順位相関係数の有意な相関(ρ=0.431~0.911)が認められ,重みづけκ係数においても高い一致度を示した(weighted κ=0.348~0.841)。また,内的妥当性については,排便日誌による1週間あたりの排便回数と,習慣的便質問票における排便回数の回答を比較すると,自由回答法による1週間あたりの排便回数の方が,選択回答法より高い相関(ρ=0.855)を示した。さらに,便性状については,1週間の排便日誌における便性状の回答の中央値と習慣的便質問票での回答との相関を検討したところ,「便の浮き」を除いて有意な相関が示された(ρ=0.429~0.800)。結論 本研究で作成した質問票は,習慣的な排便状況や便性状を評価する上で,再現性と内的妥当性が高いことが確認された。
真田 樹義 宮地 元彦 山元 健太 村上 晴香 谷本 道哉 大森 由実 河野 寛 丸藤 祐子 塙 智史 家光 素行 田畑 泉 樋口 満 奥村 重年
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.3, pp.291-302, 2010 (Released:2010-07-15)
17 8

The purpose of this study was to develop prediction models of sarcopenia in 1,894 Japanese men and women aged 18-85 years. Reference values for sarcopenia (skeletal muscle index, SMI; appendicular muscle mass/height2, kg/m2) in each sex were defined as values two standard deviations (2SD) below the gender-specific means of this study reference data for young adults aged 18-40 years. Reference values for predisposition to sarcopenia (PSa) in each gender were also defined as values one standard deviations (1SD) below. The subjects aged 41 years or older were randomly separated into 2 groups, a model development group and a validation group. Appendicular muscle mass was measured by DXA. The reference values of sarcopenia were 6.87 kg/m2 and 5.46 kg/m2, and those of PSa were 7.77 kg/m2 and 6.12 kg/m2. The subjects with sarcopenia and PSa aged 41 years or older were 1.7% and 28.8% in men and 2.7% and 20.7% in women. The whole body bone mineral density of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. The handgrip strength of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that the body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and age were independently associated with SMI in men; and BMI, handgrip strength and waist circumference were independently associated with SMI in women. The SMI prediction equations were applied to the validation group, and strong correlations were also observed between the DXA-measured and predicted SMI in men and women. This study proposed the reference values of sarcopenia in Japanese men and women. The prediction models of SMI using anthropometric measurement are valid for alternative DXA-measured SMI in Japanese adults.
原田 和弘 村上 晴香 宮地 元彦 近藤 徳彦
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.2, pp.105-116, 2019-04-01 (Released:2019-03-16)

This study aimed to develop affective experience, attitude, and behavioral intention scales for exercise, and examine their associations with exercise behavior. A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted among 500 individuals aged 60 to 69 years at baseline. The survey measured respondents’ affective experiences, attitude, behavioral intention, exercise behavior, and demographic factors. The same survey was conducted 2 weeks (n = 345) and 1 year later (n = 338). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that the factor structures of the affective experience (2 factors: 3 items each for positive experience and negative experience), attitude (2 factors: 3 items each for affective attitudes and instrumental attitudes), and behavioral intention scales (2 factors: 4 items each for intention to maintain behavior and intention to overcome barriers) were acceptable. For these scales, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from 0.69 to 0.92, Pearson’s correlation coefficients for baseline and 2-week follow-up ranged from 0.51 to 0.81, and Cohen’s d values for the associations with exercise behavior ranged from 0.46 to 0.98. After adjusting for demographic factors and exercise behavior at baseline, structural equation modeling showed that an affective attitude toward exercise at baseline significantly predicted exercise behavior at 1-year follow-up (standardized coefficient = 0.27), and that the affective attitude was predominantly explained by the positive affective experience of exercise (standardized coefficient = 0.80). The results confirmed the validities and reliabilities of the scales. Positive affective experiences and affective attitudes may be important determinants of exercise behavior.
中出 麻紀子 村上 晴香 宮地 元彦 饗場 直美 森田 明美 霜田 哲夫 渡邊 昌
運動疫学研究 (ISSN:13475827)
vol.19, no.1, pp.44-53, 2017-03-31 (Released:2019-06-14)

我々は,肥満者に対する行動科学的手法を用いた減量プログラム(佐久肥満克服プログラム)を開発し,無作為化比較対照試験および1年間の追跡により,その有効性を明らかにしてきた。本資料論文では,日本運動疫学会プロジェクト研究「介入研究によるエビデンスの『つくる・伝える・使う』の促進に向けた基盤整備」の一環として,減量プログラムのエビデンスを提供し,プログラムの一般化可能性についてRE-AIMの観点から検討を行った。本減量プログラムは,食事や身体活動の改善に関する目標を対象者自身が考え,日常生活において実践できるよう,医師,管理栄養士,健康運動指導士が連携し支援を行うものであった。対象は,人間ドック受診者における肥満者であり,プログラムの到達度は24.1%であった。介入群の対象者では,プログラムにより,体重等の減少やその維持が認められた。 本プログラムは特別な施設等を必要とせず比較的容易に実施することが可能であるが,今回総勢19名もの管理栄養士・健康運動指導士が指導に携わり,その多くが研究所のスタッフであったこと,介入に多くの時間を要したことを考えると,通常の保健指導の現場へそのまま適用するのは困難であると考えられる。したがって,今後,今回得られた成果から介入手法の中で効果的であったものを明確にし,それを現場の予算に応じて活用していくことが重要だと考えられる。
村上 晴香 膳法 浩史 宮本(三上) 恵里 菊池 直樹 福 典之
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.3, pp.277-286, 2016

Physical fitness including muscle strength and endurance capacity varies substantially among individuals. Physical activity level and exercise behavior also vary among individuals. Many family studies and studies on twins have reported that genetic factors are responsible for heterogeneity in fitness-related traits. However, there is much dispersion in heritability, as previously reported. A systematic review was performed to determine the extent of heritability in physical fitness. A literature search was conducted through PubMed using the following keywords: (heredity or heritability) and ("muscle strength" or "muscle contraction" or endurance or athlete* or fitness or exercise) and (twin* or family). Finally, 43 articles that included 137 phenotypes met the criteria. Only one article focused on the heritability of athletic status. With respect to muscle strength, 23 articles and 54 phenotypes were collected, and showed a range of heritability of 0%-98% (mean: 55±22%). This heterogeneity was partly explained by the ages of subjects. With respect to endurance capacity, 13 articles and 28 phenotypes showed heritability of 0%-93% (mean: 54±25%). The considerable degree of variability in heritability of fitness-related traits may depend on age, sex, race, and environmental factors. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the interaction between genetic factor and factors other than genetic factor. On the other hand, with respect to exercise behavior or physical activity level which is important for improving the physical fitness or health status, the heritability of 0%-85% has also been reported. That is, the genetic factor plays a role in not only physiological phenotypes but also behavioral phenotypes. Understanding of these genetic factors and their mechanisms will lead to improvement in physical fitness or encouragement of physical activity/exercise behavior.
真田 樹義 宮地 元彦 山元 健太 村上 晴香 谷本 道哉 大森 由実 河野 寛 丸藤 祐子 塙 智史 家光 素行 田畑 泉 樋口 満 奥村 重年
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.3, pp.243, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-05-18)

理由:体力科学 第59巻 第3号 291-302(2010)掲載論文における身体組成データ収集の過程で,資格を持たない者がX線骨密度測定装置を操作したことを理由とした著者からの掲載論文撤回の希望を受け,本誌より撤回する. 一般社団法人日本体力医学会 編集委員長 田中 喜代次
真田 樹義 宮地 元彦 山元 健太 村上 晴香 谷本 道哉 大森 由実 河野 寛 丸藤 祐子 塙 智史 家光 素行 田畑 泉 樋口 満 奥村 重年
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.3, pp.291-302, 2010-06-01
2 8

The purpose of this study was to develop prediction models of sarcopenia in 1,894 Japanese men and women aged 18-85 years. Reference values for sarcopenia (skeletal muscle index, SMI; appendicular muscle mass/height<sup>2</sup>, kg/m<sup>2</sup>) in each sex were defined as values two standard deviations (2SD) below the gender-specific means of this study reference data for young adults aged 18-40 years. Reference values for predisposition to sarcopenia (PSa) in each gender were also defined as values one standard deviations (1SD) below. The subjects aged 41 years or older were randomly separated into 2 groups, a model development group and a validation group. Appendicular muscle mass was measured by DXA. The reference values of sarcopenia were 6.87 kg/m<sup>2</sup> and 5.46 kg/m<sup>2</sup>, and those of PSa were 7.77 kg/m<sup>2</sup> and 6.12 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. The subjects with sarcopenia and PSa aged 41 years or older were 1.7% and 28.8% in men and 2.7% and 20.7% in women. The whole body bone mineral density of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. The handgrip strength of PSa was significantly lower than in normal subjects. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that the body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and age were independently associated with SMI in men; and BMI, handgrip strength and waist circumference were independently associated with SMI in women. The SMI prediction equations were applied to the validation group, and strong correlations were also observed between the DXA-measured and predicted SMI in men and women. This study proposed the reference values of sarcopenia in Japanese men and women. The prediction models of SMI using anthropometric measurement are valid for alternative DXA-measured SMI in Japanese adults.
久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
体力科學 = Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01

The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden). The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows : Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities. In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.
久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01
9 6

The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden). The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows : Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities. In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.