村井 宏 井上 克弘
公益社団法人 砂防学会
砂防学会誌 (ISSN:02868385)
vol.38, no.5, pp.4-11, 1986-01-20 (Released:2010-04-30)

At present, there are many devastated mountains in Greece. Soil loss from this area is a serious problem in terms of national land safeguard. Under such a condition, dams are being established in some places in order to meet the increasing demand of water and to control flood. However, it is pointed out that there is a dangerous possibility that the dams may be stuck with much eroded soil running from upper part of stream. We, together with cooperating researches of Aristoteles University and Ministry of Agriculture Forest Research Insitute in Greece, are continuing our study so as to clarify the causes of mountain devastation and establish the measures for devastation prevention. In 1984, we started our research with the help of Japan Society for Promotion of Science and plan to finish it within two or three years.This report is based on the first field survey held in Oct. 1984 and is a summary of overall view of devastated mountain and results of measurement on infiltration capacity and analyzing of some soil erodibilities in ten survey areas. In each survey area of different cover condition, infiltration capacity was measured by the simple inf iltrometer of tube type and soil . hardness by Yamanka's penetrometer under the naturally undisturbed condition. We analyzed some other erodibilities such as erosion ratio and dispersion ratio of the sampling soils in 0-5cm depth. These erodibility indexes are higher especially on bare land where goats are trampling and in man-made pine forest (Pinus halepensis Miller etc.) than in naturaloak (Quercus: pubescens Willd etc.) and fir (Abies cephalonica Loundon etc.).In the survey of this time. we could not clarify the followings; relation to causes and effects of mountain devastation phenomenon, confirmation of changing process on devastation condition and grasping of exact sediment yield from denuded area. Therefore, we are planning to survey these three points neyt time.
井上 克弘 張 一飛 板井 一好 角田 文男 趙 静
一般社団法人 日本土壌肥料学会
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.66, no.3, pp.223-232, 1995-06-05 (Released:2017-06-28)

Seasonal changes of water-insoluble, soluble and gaseous F concentrations of aerosols in day and night times from June, 1988 to April, 1989 in a non-industrial area, were investigated in Morioka, Northeast Japan. The water-insoluble and soluble F concentrations were higher from November to April than from June to October. On the contrary, the gaseous F concentration was high in summer, probably because of influences of the steel industrial area in the Pacific coast region and wind-blown sea salt from the Pacific Ocean. The water-soluble F concentration of aerosols from Changchun, Northeast China in March and July to December, 1991,which are mainly due to coal soot, was extremely high in the winter season and was 116 times higher than that from Morioka. In addition, Holocene, Malan and Lishi Loesses, loess-derived soils, and saline soils from Xinjian Uygur Zizhiqu, the Loess Plateau, and Northeast China, where there is a high incidence of endemic fluorosis, contained a considerable amount of water-soluble F. However, the amount of water-soluble F in loess-derived soils from Korea and Japan was very low, indicating that F was leached out by heavy rainfall. The aerosols collected at Morioka from winter to spring contained a significant amount of coal soot and eolian dust. The F concentration of aerosols in Japan, therefore, could be influenced by coal soot and eolian dust transported from the Asian continent. These airborne particles could affect the water-insoluble and soluble F concentrations of aerosols in Japan.
井上 克弘 張 一飛 成瀬 敏郎
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.65, no.6, pp.619-628, 1994-12-05

1990年6月から3年間,兵庫県加東群社町において,50点の雨水を採取し,pH,雨水中の風成塵降下量および雨水の化学成分の変動について観測した.採取した雨水のうち,80%が酸性雨であった.雨水中に含まれる降雨風成塵のうち粒径<20μmの画分は41%であり,春期に多い傾向がある.海水の Na^+ 濃度に対する富化率から,SO_4^<2->, NO_3^- , NH_4^+ は大気汚染物質起源,Ca^<2+>,K^+ は広域風成塵起源,Na^+, Mg^<2+>, Cl^- は風送海降塩起源と推定した.雨水の nssSO_4^<2-> ,NO_3^- の年平均降下量はそれぞれ 1.57, 1.69 meq m^<-2gt;であり, Ca^<2+>の年平均 降下量は 1.49 meq m^<-2> であった.雨水中の Ca^<2+> 降下量と<20 μm の風成塵の降下量の間には高い相関が認められた.これは雨水中の Ca^<2+> が,風成塵中のカルサイトと酸性物質の硫酸との反応の結果生成した硫酸カルシウムの雨水への溶解に由来するためと考えた.東アジアにおける雨水は,中国の長江以南地域にくらべ長江以北地域や韓国で pH 値が高く,SO_4^<2-> + NO_3^- 濃度および Ca^<2+> 濃度がいずれも高い.しかし,長江以北地域とほぼ同緯度に位置するわが国の雨水は酸性が強く, SO_4^<2-> + NO_3^- 濃度から推定される程には Ca^<2+> 濃度が高くなかった.この原因は,中国内陸部乾燥地域からわが国に輸送される広域風塵中のカルサイトが,輸送の過程で中国長江以北地域や朝鮮半島上空の酸性物質の中和に消費されてしまい,近年わが国にはカルサイト含量の少ないすなわち酸性雨中和能の低い広域風成塵が輸送されているためであると解釈した.
井上 克弘 成瀬 敏郎
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.29, no.3, pp.209-222, 1990-08-20 (Released:2009-08-21)
10 14

A long-range, tropospheric eolian dust transported from the Saharan desert and the Asian continent has been deposited on the terrestrial and aquatic environments in the northern hemisphere. Soil loss due to wind erosion in the arid and semiarid source areas is more significant than previously assumed. Global emission of desert dust and mineral aerosol material is estimated to amount to more than 1.0×106ton yr-1. Long-range eolian dust is an important factor in soil formation and nutrient input in many deposition areas. Physical, chemical, and mineralogical characteristics of long-range eolian dust derived from the Takla Makan and Gobi deserts and the Loess Plateau in China and their influence and significance to the soil and paleosol formations in Japan and Korea are reviewed in this paper.The long-range eolian dust in East-Asia was characterized by a predominance of soil particles 3 to 30μm in diameter. Their dominant minerals were 2:1 layer silicates, kaolinite, quartz, and feldspar. Nonallophanic andosols, red-yellow soils developed on limestones, basalts, and other diverse parent materials, and paleosols buried in paleodunes in the area along the coast of Japan Sea, were strongly influenced by the long-range eolian dust derived from China. Oxygen isotope abundance of the fine-grained quartz (1 to 10μm) isolated from soils revealed that fine quartz and 2:1 layer silicates in diverse soils and paleosols in Japan and Korea and pelagic sediments in the Japan Sea were of eolian dust origin. The eolian dust flux from the atmosphere to terrestrial environments in Japan is significant in the heavy snowfall area along the coast of Japan Sea and was more prominent in the last Glacial age than in the Holocene. Dust flux from East China Sea, Yellow Sea, and Japan Sea pelagic sediments dried during the marine regression period in the last Glacial age to soils and paleosols was also significant in Japan. Thus the desert dust phenomenon is of relevance to geophysical science in general, e. g. geography, geochemistry, climatology, soil science, ocean sedimentology, and Quaternary studies. Desert dust emission and long-range transport are useful indicators for dynamic change in the tonal circulation system, influencing the discussion of future climatic change.
成瀬 敏郎 酒井 均 井上 克弘
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.24, no.4, pp.295-300, 1986
12 13

我が国に分布する土壌のうち, 火山灰土 (クロボク土), 古砂丘下に埋没する古土壌, 玄武岩台地や海成段丘上にのる土壌, 南西諸島の赤黄色土など, 北海道から与那国島にかけての地域で20試料を採取した.<br>試料土壌中に含まれる微細石英 (1~10μm) は, 10~30%と多く, この微細石英の起源を明らかにするために石英の酸素同位体比 (<sup>18</sup>O/<sup>16</sup>O) を求めた.<br>その結果, 完新世に生成された火山灰土や黄色土中に含まれる微細石英の<sup>18</sup>Oは15.4~15.9‰であり, これまで行われた研究の結果とほぼ一致した. 最終氷期に生成された土壌についても, ほぼ同様の値が得られ(δ<sup>18</sup>O=14.1~15.5‰), これも, 従来の研究の結果とほぼ一致した.<br>以上のことから, 我が国には最終氷期, 後氷期を通じて頻繁に風成塵が飛来し, また雨水や雪にともなって降下堆積し, 土壌の母材になったことが明らかとなった.
井上 克弘 横田 紀雄 村井 宏 熊谷 直敏 望月 純
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.64, no.3, pp.265-274, 1993-06-05

富士山麓森林水文試験地のブナ林とヒノキ幼齢および壮齢林において,林外雨,林内雨,樹幹流および土壌浸透水を採取し,水質分析を行った.また,林外雨量,林内雨量,樹幹流下量と各雨水の化学成分の濃度から,ブナ林およびヒノキ林の林相部分の養分収支について考察した.その結果,次の点が明らかになった.1)富士山麓の雨水中にはかなりのレベルの大気汚染物質(SO_4^<2->, NO_3^-, NO_2^-, NH_4^+)が含まれていた.各無機イオン海水中の Na^+ に対する富化率から,Mg^<2+>, Na^+, Cl^- は風送塩起源,SO_4^<2->, NO_3^-, NH_4^+ は工場や自動車など排気ガス起源であるということが判明した.雨水中の SO_4^<2->, NO_3^- 濃度が高い場合は雨水の酸性が強かった.このうち,NO_3^- (NH_4^+ も部分的に硝化作用を受け NO_3^- に変化する)の一部は樹木の養分として吸収利用されていると考えられる.ブナは樹体が塩基類に富,酸性雨に対して高い中和機能を示した.2)ブナからは多量の塩基成分とくに K^+, Ca^<2+> が降雨に伴って,雨水中に溶出した.雨水によるブナの樹体からの K^+ の浸出は落葉機にとくに顕著であった.Ca^<2+> の一部は樹体に付着している風成塵などの乾性沈着物から溶出したものであると推定した.雨水の H^+ はブナの樹間,樹幹を通過・流下する過程でかなり中和され,林内雨および樹幹流の RpH 値が高くなった.一方,ヒノキからの塩基成分の雨水中への溶出はブナに比べるとかなり小さかった.また,林外雨の RpH 値はヒノキの林内,樹幹を通過・流下する過程で低下した.これはブナに比べ樹体からの塩基類の溶出が小さいこと,またヒノキの樹体から水溶性有機酸の浸出があったためだと考えられる.3)土壌浸透水の水質は,調査地域の土壌母材である富士山起源の玄武岩質火山灰やスコリアの岩石学的性質の影響を強く受け,Ca^<2+>, Na^+ 濃度が高かった.土壌浸透水中の Ca^<2+>, Na^+, SO_4^<2-> 濃度は下層ほど高く,下層への浸透が容易に進行していることがうかがわれる.一方,土壌浸水中の NO_3^- 濃度は土壌全体で低く,樹根により植物養分として吸収利用されていると考えられた.また,塩基類に富む玄武岩質火山灰土壌のもつ高い緩衝能のため,土壌浸透水のpH はほぼ中性で,樹種や土壌層位による水質の違いは余り認められなかった.