
"京大漫画企划"制作记 / 竹宫惠子(京都精华大学)
岡田 知弘 京都大学経済学部岡田ゼミナール

序 本書は、私の学部ゼミナールの2004年度の調査報告書である。今回のテーマは、「観光地に住むこと」とした。京都市内で最も多くの観光客が集まる東山の清水寺周辺が調査対象地である。観光客が集中することによって、門前の商店街が潤う一方で、年々交通渋滞やゴミ問題等、住民にとっては「観光公害」とも表現される負担が増大している。住民の生活空間のなかに多くの観光客が入り込んでくる諸問題をいかに解決するかという難問が、住民、そして行政に対してつきつけられることになる。この間題については、過去の私の学部ゼミナールでも、たびたび取り上げ、同地域の皆さんに対してヒアリング調査やアンケートを何度か実施してきた。たまたま、2002年度の調査報告書『京都再生』が新聞で報道されたことをきっかけに、清水寺の麓にある茶わん坂商店街の皆さんとの交流が始まった。茶わん坂は、もともとは清水焼の窯が立地していたところであり、清水寺門前の商店街としては後発の新しい商店街である。通りに沿って商店と住宅が相半ばしており、生活環境を維持しながら、より多くの観光客を集めるための努力を積み重ねてきた歴史がある。他方、京都市においても、秋の観光シーズンにおける清水寺周辺の交通渋滞問題について、2004年度から交通社会実験によって対応を開始することとなった。京都市ではすでに嵐山でも先行的に実施しており、それを東山にも拡張したものである。京都市交通政策課と東山区役所、地元の自治会連合会や商店街だけでなく、清水寺や高台寺をはじめとする社寺、鉄道、バス、タクシー業界の代表、警察、国土交通省の担当者らによる東山交通対策研究会が設直され、そこで交通需要管理施策の検討と実験が行われた。パークアンドライドの広域展開とシャトルバスの運転、駐車場情報の徹底、路上駐車の禁止などを軸にした施策が、どのような成果を得、いかなる課題を残したかも知りたいところであった。また、フィールド調査を繰り返すなかで、東山区が京都市内にあって最も高齢者比率が高く(2000年の国勢調査で28%)、交通問題だけでなく、買い物の便の悪さや、犯罪増加への不満や不安も高まっていることがわかった。さらに、このような地域の特殊性を踏まえて、東山区において「まちづくり推進課」が、独自の基金を区内の社寺や企業等からの寄付によって造成し、まちづくりの独自事業を開始しつつあることも知ることができた。京都市は、人口150万人近くの政令市であり、区には東京都の区制のような独自の行財政権限は存在しない。ところが、区ごとにみれば、産業面でも、生活面でも、環境面でも、それぞれ独自の特質をもっている。そのような地域の個性に合わせた地域政策を展開するには、地域の住民や各種団体と行政が協働することが、必要となるのは自明なことであろう。縦割り行政をバラバラに展開するのではなく、それぞれの地域において産業振興、福祉施策、都市基盤の整備、治安の維持を一体のものとして展開する方が、はるかに合理的であり、かつ効率的である。本報告書では、日本有数の観光地である清水地区における、観光振興、交通対策、生活の利便性や安全性の確保といった課題とその解決方向、政令市における区のあり方について、学生なりの視点からまとめている。今回の報告書は、調査や報告書のとりまとめを経験したことのない2回生が中心となったため、内容的にも記述的にも不十分なところがあるとはいえ、清水地区の市街地・商店街形成の歴史からはじまり、現在の交通問題、生活問題の実相を各種調査結果によって明確に把握し、その解決をめぐる基本的方向を試論ながら操示できたことは、大きな成果であると考えている。もちろん、現状把握や政策の方向性については、当然、異論もあると思われる。是非、大小に関わらず、ご批判、ご教示を頂ければ幸いである。

飛田 哲男 井合 進 汪 明武 仲山 賢司 Tetsuo TOBITA Susumu IAI Ming-gu WANG Kenji NAKAYAMA 京都大学防災研究所 京都大学防災研究所 京都大学防災研究所 京都大学大学院 Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering Kyoto University
自然災害科学 = Journal of Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science (ISSN:02866021)
vol.23, no.4, pp.595-602, 2005-02-28

A major earthquake (M 6.8, 37.289 N, 138.870E, Depth 13km) occurred on October 23, 2004, at 5 : 56PM (local time) near Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The JMA seismic intensity of 7 was recorded in Kawaguchi-machi for the first time after seismic intensity meters were installed. Aftershocks with the JMA seismic intensity scale of more than 5 minus had been measured for more than two weeks in the affected area. Forty people were killed, more than 4,500 were injured and more than 100,000 were evacuated for days. The number of totally collapsed houses exceeded 2,800. Strong shaking triggered more than 1,600 landslides, and some of them blocked up river channels in mountain area. The earthquake also caused major damage on civil structures. The Joetsu Shinkansen bullet train was derailed for the first time in its history of 40 years. The number of passengers was 151 and miraculously no one was injured.
木村 拓也 Takuya KIMURA 京都大学経済研究所 Institute of Economic Research Kyoto University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.165-186, 2007-05-31

The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the use of "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" as the basis for University Entrance Examinations. Though the phrase "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" itself was first articulated in the 1997 report of the Central Council for Education (Chuou Kyoiku Shingikai), the concept itself came into existence immediately after the postwar period. In fact, "comprehensive evaluation" was merely an excuse for avoiding having to add the score of Japanese Scholastic Aptitude Test (Shingaku Tekisei Kensa, used from 1947 to 1954) into the total score of the University Entrance Examination. Moreover, the term "multi-dimensional evaluation" appeared in the outline of the University Entrance Examination (Daigaku Nyugakusha Senbatsu Jisshi Youkou), as it is proposed in the first report of the National Council on Educational Reform (Rinji Kyoiku Shingikai) in 1985. In fact, the report of the Central Council for Education (Chuo Kyoiku Shingikai) in 1971 stated that "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" was scientifically valid as a basis for University Entrance Examinations. The report is famous as the only report based on evidence, and is generally known as the "1971 Report" (Yonroku Toushin). In the interim report, the Central Council for Education stated that follow-up surveys by the National Institute for Education and the Educational Test Research Institute (Nouryoku Kaihatu Kenkyujyo) had proven that a "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" could be a valid selection method for predicting a good Grade Point Average after entrance to university. However, the two surveys cited contained simple statistical errors. The first, survey by the National Institute for Education, failed to control for the "Selection Effect." A "Selection Effect" is a "restriction in range problem," caused by cutting off the distribution at the passing grade. As a result, there is a tendency to misunderstand the fact that, in actuality, academic achievement tests on University Entrance Examinations have little relationship with Grade Point Average after entering university. To tell the truth, this problem had been pointed out as early as 1924 by Japanese psychologists who were interested in Entrance Examinations. In the second survey, by the Educational Test Research Institute, the inevitable nature of multiple correlation coefficients was ignored. As the number of independent variable increases one by one, the multiple correlation coefficient necessarily reaches the maximum of 1. In this paper, the follow-up research data from the Educational Test Research Institute is recalculated using a multiple correlation coefficient adjusted for the degrees of freedom. The conclusion is different from that reached by the Central Council for Education. This demonstrates that there is absolutely no scientific ground for the use of "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation." In other words, it is not necessarily correct that putting a lot of effort into University Entrance Examinations and using anything more than academic achievement tests as reference for University Entrance Examination will lead to more students gaining good grades after entering university. If this mismeasure of academic achievement is not properly recognized, the number of university students who cannot achieve even low basic competence level will surely increase.
江原 武一 Ehara Takekazu 京都大学 Kyoto University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.56-69, 1988-10-03

This paper seeks to trace the teacher education system since the Meiji era in Japan and clarify the characteristics and pressing problems of present-day teacher education in Japanese higher education. Teacher edutation for elementary school teachers at the higher education level began in 1943, when "The Law for Normal Schools and Higher Normal Schools Amendment" was enacted. It was, however, only implemented after the Second World War under the newly legislated education laws. The idea of teacher education in the postwar period consists of the following three princibles : "teacher education at the university", "the open system of teacher education" and "an emphasis on in-service teacher training". The first principle means that, as a rule, all candidates for the teaching profession are trained in four-year (new-system) universities. The second means that students, both at teachers' colleges and at other general higher educational institutions could obtain teacher's licences, if they obtain the required basic qualifications and credits. The final principle has been emphasized especially after the 1970s. The first two principles have been steadily realized in the Japanese teacher education system in the past forty years. Among full-time teachers at the upper secondary level and below, the proportion of university graduates in 1983 stood at 79.4% in senior high schools, 74.5% in junior high schools, 58.0% in elementary schools, and 9.1% in kindergartens. 78.3% of teachers in kindergartens graduated from junior colleges. We also see that the proportion of non-teachers' college graduates among the full-time teaching staff who entered into those schools in 1987 was 57.3% (four-year non-teachers' college graduates 27.8%, junior college graduates 29.5%). At the same time, however, some pressing problems have arisen. They are (1) the relative degradation in social status of the teaching profession among modern occupations, (2) the difficulty of keeping the balance of supply and demand, (3) the failure to establish a systematic teacher education curriculum in higher education, and (4) related problems such as lower standards of programs compared to those of other professional education. What is needed now for teacher education reform is the development of an educational theory which synthesizes both pre-service and in-service teacher training processes in a broader perspective, making it possible to reconstitute the roles and functions of higher education in teacher education.
山本 雄二 Yuji Yamamoto 京都大学大学院 Graduate School Kyoto University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.40, pp.126-137, 280, 1985-09-30

There are many articles about the conflicts or dilemmas with which teachers confront. In these studies, conflicts are treated from two aspects: the one is structural conflicts which include status conflict or role conflict (Ambivalence), and the other is conflicts on the level of action (Dilemma). They treat dilemmas, however, just as the restatement of ambivalences, that is, they do not examine the particular features of dilemmas. This paper focuses on the dilemma itself with which teachers confront in the face-to-face situation. Such dilemma should be caused when teachers find out no response from their students (situational dilemma). When one tries to resolve a dilemma in one situation, it might bring out another new dilemma. In some cases, this causes a vicious cycle. There are very few sociological studies on the features of such a vicious cycle and the mechanism by which it is created. This paper analyzes, using the concepts of "situational dilemma" and "strategy," the problematic face-to-face situation and the vicious cycle which comes out in the effort of the resolution of dilemma. Firstly, I describe the features of the dilemma with which teachers confront in the interaction with their students (situational dilemma). Secondly, I explain the significance of strategies teachers use as a means of avoiding such a dilemma. By using the concepts of "situational dilemma" and "strategy" as the core of the study, we shall be able to make clear the process of the reproduction of teachers' alienated situation. Furthermore, it should provide a new perspective for the studies of staffroom culture, occupational socialization and deviance of teachers.