大林 賢史 佐伯 圭吾
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.138-142, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)

The purpose of this short review is to describe the influence of housing environment temperature and lighting on circadian blood pressure (BP) variability using data from the HEIJO-KYO cohort, a community-based cohort study launched in 2010. Increased excess mortality from cardiovascular disease in winter is a worldwide problem. Previous studies showed higher conventional BP and higher daytime ambulatory BP in winter; however, the relationship between indoor cold exposure and circadian BP variability remained unknown. In our cohort, we found a significant inverse relationship between indoor temperature and morning BP surge, independent of potential confounding factors. In addition, we found the tertile group with the lowest daytime indoor temperatures showed significantly higher urinary sodium excretion than the tertile group with the highest daytime indoor temperatures. Higher sodium intake caused by indoor cold exposure may partly explain the higher BP in winter. Physiologically, light exposure is the most important environmental cue for the circadian timing system and melatonin secretion. In our cohort, we observed that an increase in nighttime short-wave length light exposure and a decrease in daytime light exposure were significantly associated with lower melatonin secretion. Furthermore, lower melatonin levels were significantly related to higher nighttime BPs and parameters of atherosclerosis, which are predictors of cardiovascular disease incidence. Further longitudinal studies of the influence of housing environment temperature and lighting on cardiovascular disease incidence are required.
佐伯 圭吾 車谷 典男 岡本 康幸 奥地 一夫
Journal of Nara Medical Association (ISSN:13450069)
vol.61, no.5, pp.127-134, 2010-12-31

笹井 佐和子 坂東 春美 大林 賢史 山上 優紀 佐伯 圭吾 城島 哲子
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.69, no.4, pp.262-272, 2022-04-15 (Released:2022-04-26)

目的 障害児の在宅生活は,健康管理や医療的ケアの役割を担う母親によって支えられている。昼夜を通して行うケアによる負担や,睡眠不足,体調の限界を感じているという母親の現状が報告されている。本研究の目的は1) 障害児に対するどのようなケアが母親の睡眠や心の健康に関連しているかを明らかにすること,2) 障害児の母親の睡眠を客観的に測定し,睡眠の実態を明らかにすることである。方法 A県特別支援学校在籍の障害児の母親180人に対し,自記式質問紙調査を行い,同意を得た9人に対し,アクチグラフィーによる客観的睡眠測定を行った。障害児と母親の生活背景,主観的睡眠(ピッツバーク睡眠質問票),心の健康状態(GHQ12)について質問紙調査を行った。ロジスティック回帰分析にて,睡眠と心の健康への影響する障害児の特性を分析した。結果 対象者180人中84人(46.7%)が有効回答した。主観的睡眠不良は52人(64.2%)にみられた。主観的睡眠不良に対する,酸素療法の粗オッズ比は,20.16(95%信頼区間:1.15-353.07)であった。夜間ケアのモデル1(調整因子:母親の年齢,配偶者同居)による調整オッズ比は,6.93(2.40-20.00),モデル2(調整因子:母親の年齢,経済的余裕)では4.76(1.68-13.50)であった。 心の健康不良は34人(42.0%)にみられた。心の健康不良に対して,酸素療法の調整オッズ比(モデル1)は,11.10(2.11-57.90),モデル2では12.00(2.18-65.90)であった。夜間ケアの調整オッズ比(モデル1)は,4.54(1.45-14.2),モデル2では2.74(0.96-7.81)であった。 客観的睡眠測定の結果(個人平均),有効睡眠時間は283分から381分,中途覚醒時間は36分から123分,睡眠効率は68.6%から90.9%,睡眠潜時0分から8分であった。人工呼吸器管理やてんかん発作,発熱など児の体調の変化は,母親の中途覚醒時間の延長や睡眠効率の変動につながることが示された。結論 睡眠および心の健康と有意に関連する要因は,障害児の酸素療法と夜間ケアの有無であった。酸素療法や夜間ケアを必要とする障害児の母親への支援が重要である。
松嶋 紀子 森田 徳子 尾方 希 佐伯 圭吾 松田 亮三 車谷 典男
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.57, no.4, pp.674-681, 2003-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objectives: To investigate the diurnal rhythm of live births labored spontaneously, and the effects of obstetric intervention on birth time distributions.Methods: The data of live births tabulated by time (one-hour intervals), date and birthplace throughout Japan between 1981 and 1998 were obtained with permission from the former Ministry of Health and Welfare. Together with an investigation of hourly birth numbers by place in each year, an annual transition of hourly birth rates in medical institutions and the diurnal rhythm of birth numbers in maternity homes and at home were analyzed using regression analysis.Results: In every calendar year studied the hourly live birth numbers at hospitals showed a singlepeak distribution pattern with maximum values at 13:00-15:00. The annual transition of hourly birth rates showed a 10% (birth numbers base) decrease in the 11:00-13:00 period in 1998 as compared with that in 1981, while there was a corresponding increase of 8% in the 13:00-15:00 period. Hourly birth numbers at clinics showed a double-peak distribution pattern with maximum values during the 11:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00 periods in early 1980, while a single-peak distribution with a maximum value during the 13:00-15:00 period appeared in 1989 and has remained thereafter. Hourly birth rates (birth numbers base) increased by over 6% in the 13:00-15:00 and 17:00-20:00 periods over the past 18 years, while they decreased by 10% in the 9:00-13:00 period. The results at maternity homes were clearly different from those at hospitals and clinics. The live birth numbers totaled for the 18 years showed a double-phase distribution with a maximum value in the 6:00-7:00 period and a minimum value in the 19:00-20:00 period. The best-fit regression model for the obtained data was a sine curve with a maximum value at 6:00 (coefficient of determination 0.97). Hourly distributions of live births at home also fitted best to a sine curve with the maximum value again at 6:00 (coefficient of determination 0.95).Conclusions: The results suggested that the timing of spontaneous live births follows a circadian rhythm and that obstetric intervention affects time distributions of live births by shifting over 10% of births during the night and early morning to a working day service time (9:00-17:00).