佐藤 弘明
浜松医科大学紀要. 一般教育 (ISSN:09140174)
vol.7, pp.19-30, 1993-03-31

Food restriction on elephants among the Baka, a hunter-gatherer group in northwestern Congo, was described, and its social function was also discussed. The Baka hunt and snare various forest animals ranging from rats to elephants, mainly aiming at duikers and primates. Elephants are rarely hunted. Once killed, however, an elephant could bring enormous amount of meat to many people. Nevertheless, the Baka elephant hunter and his senior close relatives don't eat any portion of the huge game, because if they eat the meat of an elephant killed by the hunter, he is believed to be incapable of catching any elephant as game thereafter. Besides elephants, there are many kinds of game which certain people should avoid eating. The game includes "anomalous", "unusual", or valueless game for food, which the previous studies on food taboos have so far considered to be susceptible to avoidance. On the other hand, an elephant is not "anomalous", "unusual", or valueless. Unlike the elephant hunter and his senior relatives, most of those who are required to avoid the game are the people at momentous stages of life such as pregnant women, new-born babies, etc. These differences suggest that the above custom of food restriction on elephants has different meanings from the ones interpreted in the previous studies concerning food taboos. I think that this custom is part of the leveling mechanism of the Baka society. Although experienced Baka elephant hunters are held in esteem, they don't have social or political power. It is possible that sharing such an enormous amount of meat as an elephant has makes receivers feel a psychological burden and helps centralize prestige on givers. But, there is not such centralization of prestige in the Baka society. I consider that it is partly because elephant hunters control themselves and partly because they can have no right to the meat under the above custom and therefore meat receivers do not need to feel obliged to the hunters. The egalitarian society of the Baka could be maintained by the leveling mechanisim including thorough sharing, the restrained attitude of elephant hunters, food restriction on elephants and so on.
佐藤 弘明
浜松医科大学紀要. 一般教育 (ISSN:09140174)
vol.12, pp.35-55, 1998-03-30

This paper addresses the structure of traditional medical belief and knowledge with special reference to etiology among the Baka hunter-gatherers living in the tropical rainforest from northwestern Congo to southeastern Cameroon. A group of the Baka in northwestern Congo have 89 folk illness terms. The illnesses are classified into three groups according to the type of cause. The first group consists of 8 illnesses which develop exclusively due to some specific causes such as contacts with various pathogenic substances, violation or sorcery, the second group consists of 55 illnesses which develop due to some specific causes or spontaneously, and the third group consists of 26 illnesses which can develop only spontaneously. In the Baka folk etiology, the naturalistic notion that some natural entities are responsible for the occurrence of illnesses is more predominant than the personalistic notion that some agents, such as sorcerers, evil spirits, and ghosts, cause illnesses. Among various pathogenic substances, animals are major pathogens. Forest animals, whose bodily shapes or behavior look strange or unusual to human beings, seem to provide good materials to the Baka who wish to explain and understand what causes illnesses, an abnormal state in body and mind, without warning. The Baka people think that almost all of their folk illnesses can develop spontaneously too. Their search for pathogenic substances of their illnesses seems neither for the purpose of removing it nor cutting off contacts with it, but for the purpose of seeking specific remedies.
阿比留 卓也 佐藤 弘明 小田 昌史 永井 秀利 江島 俊朗 木村 伸行 木原 由光
電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演論文集 平成24年度電気関係学会九州支部連合大会(第65回連合大会)講演論文集
pp.586, 2012-09-14 (Released:2014-12-17)

平良 一彦 松崎 俊久 宮城 重二 佐藤 弘明 名嘉 幸一 崎原 盛造

佐藤 弘明 吉田 則信 宮永 喜一
電子情報通信学会論文誌. C, エレクトロニクス (ISSN:13452827)
vol.84, no.10, pp.954-963, 2001-10-01

フォトニック結晶は, ある波長帯の光を強く遮へいするストップバンド特性(フォトニックバンドギャップ:PBG)を有し, 光ファイバやスラブ導波路のような弱導波の導波路では実現できない波長程度の鋭い曲がり等を有する微細構造デバイスの製作の可能性が期待されている.しかし, それらの設計・製作には多くの困難が予想され, シミュレーションによる特性の把握と予測は必要不可欠であり, これまでFDTD法やBPM等で解析されてきている.特に, 機能的光回路デバイス製作のためには, 分散性や非線形効果を有する誘電体を含むフォトニック結晶光導波路構造の全体的解析が必要不可欠である.本論文では, 凝縮節点空間回路網における媒質条件の取扱いの特長を生かして, 種々の媒質を含んだフォトニック結晶光導波路構造の基本特性について明らかにする.