前田 啓朗
no.3, pp.119-126, 2000-09-01

This paper firstly reviews what are regarded as the preferable ways to measure and analyse conceptual variables such as language proficiency, motivation, attitude, strategy use and so on. Since it is difficult to measure such concepts using only a few indexes, many observed variables are used for that purpose. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), which is a kind of multivariate analysis, can be used to assume latent variables (factors) behind observed ones. Here, attention should be paid as each solution offered by EFA is not absolute and is subject to variation according to the way the EFA is conducted. Secondly, this paper investigated five nation-wide journals (ARELE, JACET Bulletin, JALT Journal, JLTA Journal, Language Laboratory), which have been published in Japan and have broadly focused on language teaching and learning for these five years (from 1995 to 1999). All 15 EFAs conducted in them are analysed and described according to the method set out above. Finally, points to be aware of for further study are noted on the basis of the description of these five years' research tendency.
前田 啓彰
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.87, no.5, pp.350-358, 2022 (Released:2023-10-19)

Offshore drilling, which began some 130 years ago with a pier on the coast in only a few meters of water, has faced many difficulties and challenges, struggled in the harsh site, and repeatedly challenged itself to develop various elemental technologies. As a result, the frontier of greater water depths of more than 3000 meters, and even greater depths that were unimaginable in the beginning, has been opened up.In line with the development of technology, there have been significant changes in operations. Lessons learned from various accidents have reaffirmed the importance of safety management systems in the industry, and HSE-MS has been implemented and operated. In addition, the development of satellite communications has made it possible to build high- capacity networks on rigs, which has greatly contributed to the efficiency of operations and the safety of crew members by allowing more information to be shared with land bases.
前田 啓朗
no.6, pp.140-147, 2004-08-30

This paper presents 1) what limitations causal analyses have, 2) how causal analyses are conducted in English language education research in Japan, 3) what problems are seen in those causal analyses, then, 4) how the problems can be improved for further research. A Causal analysis, especially an analysis according to Multiple Regression Model, is originally a powerful tool for predicting a dependent variable by some independent variables. However, when the degree of causal effect by each independent variable is focused, the problem of multi-collinearity, which is provided by correlations among dependent variables, arises. On the other hand, when stepwise method is adopted in deciding which dependent variables should be included, the problem of multi-collinearity may cause again by deleting the dependent variables which reasonably seem to contribute to independent variables. After reviewing those limitations of Multiple Regression Models, eleven articles in English language education research in Japan were reinvestigated in terms of those problems. Then, some suggestions, such as using a correlation analysis, are presented instead of regression models.
深澤 清治 前田 啓朗 鬼田 崇作 山内 優佳 辰己 明子
ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan (ISSN:13448560)
vol.26, pp.125-140, 2015-03-31

The purpose of the present research is to examine how quickly and accurately Japanese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners can make appropriateness judgments for second language (L2) requests. Previous studies in interlanguage pragmatics are limited in that they did not distinguish between types of pragmatic inappropriateness and also in that they used only offline measurement through questionnaires. The present study therefore distinguishes two types of pragmatic inappropriateness in L2 utterances (under-polite and over-polite) and measures the reaction time of learners' appropriateness judgments. The participants were 45 Japanese university students; they were asked to judge whether the presented L2 requests were appropriate or not in the situation, as quickly and accurately as possible. Six appropriate requests, five under-polite requests, and five over-polite requests were judged. Further, the degree of inappropriateness in under- and over-polite requests was manipulated from slightly inappropriate to very inappropriate. As a result, it was found that speed and accuracy of appropriateness judgments depend on the degree of (in)appropriateness of requests. In particular, extremely over-polite utterances were difficult for L2 learners to process.
田中 博晃 前田 啓朗
no.6, pp.128-139, 2004-08-30

The purpose of this study was to examine the construct of amotivation. When amotivation is measured, negative items in a questionnaire cause attenuation of correlation, and as a result, it would give bias to the construct of amotivation. A questionnaire was made on the basis on Noels, Pelletier, Clement, and Vallerand (2000), and it included both positive items (P-type) and negative items of amotivation (N-type). By analyzing the data from the questionnaire using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to correct attenuation, we examined a systematic error caused by negative items. The result showed that (1) an artificial factor was identified when positive and negative items of amotivation were analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis; (2) the construct of amotivation was supported when 7-factor model of motivation was examined by conducting Confirmatory Factor Analysis to P-type questionnaire; and (3) P-type questionnaire was more appropriate than N-type questionnaire as a measure of amotivation, because bipolarity between amotivation and self-determined forms of motivation was clearly identified in P-type questionnaire.
前田 啓朗 田頭 憲二 三浦 宏昭
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.51, no.3, pp.273-280, 2003-09-30

本研究では,日本の高校生英語学習者による語彙学習方略(以下VLS)の使用に焦点を当て,VLS使用の一般的傾向と異なる学習成果の段階における傾向を明らかにすること,簡便にVLS使用を測定できる質問紙を提供すること,英語学習をより促進できるようなVLS指導への示唆を導くこと,を目的とした。先行研究で示された高校生英語学習者のVLSを用いて調査を行い,15高等学校からの1,177の回答を分析し,先行研究に示される「体制化方略」「反復方略」「イメージ化方略」の3因子を仮定するモデルが確認された。同時に学習成果を測定し,上位・中位・下位に分割して分析を行った結果, VLS使用の強さが上位・中位はあまり異ならないがそれら2群と下位では顕著に異なり,異なるVLS間の相関は中位と下位ではあまり相違ない一方で上位ではイメージ化方略と他の2方略が比較的独立している,という結果が得られた。このことから,VLS指導や語彙指導の際に,学習成果の度合いに応じて効果的なVLSは異なるという点に留意する必要性が示唆された。
前田 啓朗
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.8, pp.109-116, 2005-03-31

This paper investigates two ways in which the English proficiency of students at Hiroshima University is measured: the TOEIC Bridge Test and the TOEIC Test. By administering two different forms of the TOEIC Bridge Test to participants, its test-retest reliability is confirmed. Correlation analyses between scores on the listening and reading sections show that the two sections reasonably measure different components of English proficiency. TOEIC Bridge Test scores were compared with TOEIC Test scores, using correlation analyses and regression analyses. As a result, it is shown that the two kinds of test scores correlate almost linearly, and that the estimation formulas can be used with caution to convert the two kinds of scores.
前田 啓朗
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.6, pp.81-90, 2003-03-31

This study is intended to elucidate gender differences of learning strategy use and learning achievement by Japanese EFL learners. Though much research has addressed the strategy area, few studies have addresed the learners' kinds of strategies and degrees of their use. Especially, gender differences are relatively ignored in research, although they are a socially important factor. Therefore, this research is intented to elucidate general tendencies according to gender and to derive suggestions for instruction from the aspect of Aptitude Interaction Theory. Data were obtained for 1,584 students from 38 high schools. Questions dealt with in this analysis were 36 items. A Otest and items from the STEP test measured learning achievement. Basic statistics are shown for fundamental study. Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling is used to examine the models shown in a preceding study, to compare models under several restrictions, and to estimate means of factors and correlations among factors. Data indicated that learning achievement and correlations among strategies and achievement can be interpreted at the same degree between male and female learners. However, only the factor mean (strategy use) differs remarkably: controlling for proficiency female learners use more strategies than male learners do. Pedagogical suggestions regarding this result are stated for classroom instruction in relation to Aptitude Interaction Theory.
信田 聡 前田 啓 浪岡 真太郎
一般社団法人 日本木材学会
木材学会誌 (ISSN:00214795)
vol.62, no.6, pp.301-310, 2016-11-25 (Released:2016-11-29)

藤原 和歌子 髙木 雄三 松岡 佑樹 前田 啓之
特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器外科学会
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:09190945)
vol.36, no.2, pp.108-114, 2022-03-15 (Released:2022-03-15)

縦隔リンパ節転移を伴った硬化性肺胞上皮腫の1例を報告する.症例は44歳女性.検診異常精査のCTで右下葉S7に25 mm大の境界明瞭な円形結節影を指摘され,CTガイド下生検にて非小細胞肺癌と診断された.PET-CTで原発巣に集積があるも,肺門縦隔リンパ節には明らかな集積は認めなかった.右下葉肺癌cT1cN0M0 Stage IA3の診断で,胸腔鏡下右下葉切除+ND2a-1を行った.永久病理標本にて硬化性肺胞上皮腫及び気管分岐下リンパ節転移と診断された.硬化性肺胞上皮腫は肺良性腫瘍として扱われているが,リンパ節転移や再発例が稀にみられ,低悪性度腫瘍としての性質を持つものと考えられている.外科的切除が治療の第一選択であるが,その切除範囲については定まっていない.切除例の予後は良好で,リンパ節転移も予後不良因子ではないとされるが,本腫瘍の生物学的な特徴については不明な部分も多く,慎重な経過観察が必要と考える.
前田 啓朗
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.19, pp.253-262, 2008 (Released:2017-04-27)

This paper reports the practice of English language teaching for the first year university students in a listening class, intending to cooperate classroom teaching and individualized learning. A Web-Based Training (WBT) system is involved in order to overcome some problems which will be easily observed in the classroom teaching. Since each learner has different aptitudes, a certain instruction may be effective for some but ineffective for the others. It is true that instructions should be flexible so as to balance out the students' aptitudes. However, as far as a teacher controls the lessons, there still would be some difficulties for students to commit themselves to learning. Therefore, the present courses are planned to utilize the WBT system, named Gyuto-e, for the purpose of involving students into self-learning. Three kinds of questionnaires, which investigate learner beliefs, learning motivations, and vocabulary learning strategies, are conducted in the beginning and the end of the course. A hierarchical cluster analysis reveals the fact that the TOEIC test scores show there seem to be the positive tendencies compared with the students in other classes as well as that there are successful and unsuccessful learners who seem to show some particular tendencies of learner factors.
前田 啓彰
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.82, no.5, pp.346-354, 2017

<p>There are three types of offshore drilling rigs: Drillship, Semi-submersible, Jack-up rig.</p><p>As the generation of rig progressed, the operating water depth had deepened and consequently the ability of drilling equipment, redundancy and on-board capacity, had been enhanced.</p><p>The technological evolution of drilling rig made the hull and drilling equipment greater in size, which enabled deeper operation and that also led to considerable improvement in performance of major drilling equipment.</p><p>Looking back the progress of element technology in the past, we'll look into the latest specifications as of now and predict the rig of the future.</p>
前田 啓彰
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.82, no.5, pp.346-354, 2017 (Released:2019-05-15)

There are three types of offshore drilling rigs: Drillship, Semi-submersible, Jack-up rig.As the generation of rig progressed, the operating water depth had deepened and consequently the ability of drilling equipment, redundancy and on-board capacity, had been enhanced.The technological evolution of drilling rig made the hull and drilling equipment greater in size, which enabled deeper operation and that also led to considerable improvement in performance of major drilling equipment.Looking back the progress of element technology in the past, we'll look into the latest specifications as of now and predict the rig of the future.
小峰 早貴 前田 啓 信田 聡
一般社団法人 日本木材学会
木材学会誌 (ISSN:00214795)
vol.63, no.5, pp.189-195, 2017

<p>バスーンリード製作の際に行われている葦(<i>Arundo donax</i> L.)表皮の色や模様を用いた材選定の妥当性を検証するため,市販のリード用葦材に対して表皮の色情報を測定し,両端自由たわみ振動試験で求めた葦材の振動特性との関係を検討した。表皮の色情報としてスキャン画像の<i>L</i><sup>*</sup>,<i>a</i><sup>*</sup>,<i>b</i><sup>*</sup>の平均値と標準偏差を求めた。結果として模様以外の部分の色が明るく色の薄い材は動的ヤング率が低くtanδが大きいという傾向が見られ,既存の葦材選定方法と同じ傾向であった。一方で表皮に占める模様面積の割合に関しては振動特性との相関はあまり見られず,模様による葦材選定が有効であるという裏づけは得られなかった。 </p>