葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 加賀美 英雄 藤岡 換太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.55, no.1, pp.259-297, 1980-08-25

More than 40 topographic highs resembling conical submarine volcanoes in the area between the eastern coast of the Izu Peninsula and the Izu-Oshima island, are identified by the detailed submarine topographic maps recently published. 17 dredge hauls were recovered from 26 dredge stations occupied during cruise KT78-10 of S.S. Tansei Maru of the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo. Most of the rock samples are fresh basalts from the top part of the isolated peaks indicating that many of these topographic highs are young submarine volcanoes. They are very likely to be the submarine counterparts of the subaerial Higashi-Izu Monogenetic Volcano Group distributed on land just west of the dredge area. Most of them are high-alkali tholeiitic basalts with phenocrysts of olivine and plagiocalse. Augite phenocrysts may be present and some specimens contain abundant quartz and plagioclase xenocrysts derived from felsic plutonic rocks, a feature very similar to that found of the Higashi-Izu Monogenetic Volcano Group. Many are nearly aphyric and high in Al2O3 (19-17%) which is in strong contrast with the low alumina, low alkali tholeiites of Izu-Oshima island. In the Harker variation diagrasm, the highalumina, high-alkali tholeiites, both on land and under the sea, have distinctly high Na2O as compared with the basalts of Izu-Oshima. There seems no compositional gradation between the two although they are contemporaneous and occurring in adjacent areas.
加賀美 英雄 満塩 大洸 大和 雄一
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.31, no.5, pp.271-283, 1992-12-30 (Released:2009-08-21)

南海前弧スリバーはフィリピン海プレートの北の境界に発達するマイクロプレートである. これは, 百万年前頃から南海トラフに沿ってフィリピン海プレートが斜めに沈み込むことによって形成されたのである. この新しい沈み込みサイクルは四国の海岸地域を隆起させ, 四国山地を形成した. 四国山地の麓と高知海岸平野の間にある城山層の層序と堆積岩相の研究から, 本層の下部はアルプス造山における赤色モラッセと類似の赤色礫岩相の河成堆積物よりなり, 中部は大規模な扇状地堆積物よりなり, 上部は高位段丘堆積物よりなることを示した.大陸棚盆地と土佐前弧海盆に分布する竜王層は, 500mの厚さと四国山地に匹敵する分布範囲を示すが, この堆積物は隆起した四国山地のみからきたものである. 本層は南海トラフの底にある海溝埋積タービダイトも含めて, シーケンス層序学の低位堆積体を代表している. それゆえ, 本層は四国山地の初期曲隆にともなう海成モラッセといえる. 南海前弧スリバーは繰り返し隆起し, その各サイクルはフィリピン海プレートの新規沈み込みに対応した. 海岸山脈の隆起の機構は付加体の深部における延性変形流動か, 付加体の断層変形または脆性変形であろう. 南海トラフや四国山地における野外観察は, 付加体深部での活褶曲のような延性変形を支持している.
加賀美 英雄
城西大学研究年報. 自然科学編 (ISSN:09149775)
no.32, pp.1-16, 2009-03

In 1972, Professor Haeberli of the Zurich University discovered permafrost presence inside the Alpine talus by measuring overcooled temperature at the bottom of the new snow-cover in the beginning of winter. This is called BTS (Bottom Temperature of the Snow-cover) method to detect permafrost. One of the observation well set up by the Zurich University at the rock glacier in the Muragl glacier cirque (2,740 m) near Pontresina indicates that the temperature of the permafrost increased from -2.7℃ to -1.5℃ for the last 7 years. This may be due to the global warming by green house effect of carbon dioxide. The rock glacier at east facing glacier cirque of Foscagno (2,730 m), Stelvio National Park indicates distinct characteristic of rock glacier, but its permafrost had melted down by 2,700 year BP or much older time. This is another example of warming in the post glacial period. The Forni glacier in Stelvio National Park shows rapid retreating of its glacier front,indicating decrease of its ability to keep glacier mass-balance between ice and water because of the global warming. Alpine areas surrounding many glaciers are popular resort areas for tourists from many countries of the world. Therefore, municipal governments are very keen for the stability of the mountain slopes. This is the reason for organizing the field study trip for world research groups.
加賀美 英雄 徳山 英一 小玉 一人 満塩 博美

加賀美 英雄 満塩 大洸 野田 耕一郎
城西大学研究年報. 自然科学編 (ISSN:09149775)
vol.18, pp.9-28, 1994-03

Tributaries of the Shimanto River have a north-south trending stream starting from the watershed of the Shikoku karst plateau, a part of the Shikoku coastal mountains, but do not end at the nearby coast of Tosa Bay. Because a small ridge (Rokusen-san, 507 m) along the coast of Okitsu Peninsula prevented the tributaries to cross over, the Shimanto River made a westward detour into the mountainous region for more than 100 km. This study shows new evidences on eastward flow of the ancient Shimanto River : 1) the inclosed meander of Matsuba River comes close to the coast, that of Ihoso River almost contacts to the same contour line of the coastal valley of Iyoki River, and that of Yusuhara River continues to the coastal valley of Iyoki River without interruption : 2) the lower gravel bed of 50 cm thick is found at Hirose meander to show a eastward dip-strike. The gravel bed correlates to the pre-terrace deposit : 3) a mudstone bed of lake-deposit origin is found in an abandoned meander at Satokawa. It deposited after closure of eastward flow by uplifting of the coastal ridges. The measured dip-strike of the bed indicates eastward flow. Uplifting of Okitsu Peninsula was the main reason for westward migration of the Shimanto River. The uplifting zone was formed between earthquake faults, which was clearly shown between the Tosa basin and Nakamura basin during the last Nankaido Earthquake in 1946. Often the weak zone is associated with protrusion of igneous rocks such as Kashiwa-shima/Okino-Shima uplifting zone and Ashizuri uplifting zone. Rejuvenation of the Shikoku peneplain started at round 0.7 Ma B.P. and the uplifting of the Okitsu Peninsula occurred sometime later.