小林 哲夫 早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.28, no.2, pp.129-139, 1983-07-01

大隅降下軽石堆積物は, 約22, 000年前に鹿児島湾最奥部で起こった一連の巨大噴火の最初期のプリニアン噴火の産物である.灰白色の軽石と遊離結晶および少量の石質岩片からなる本堆積物は, 全層にわたってほぼ均質な見かけを呈するが, 多くの場合, 上方に向かって粒径がやや大きくなる逆級化層理を示す.層厚分布図(Fig.3)と3種の粒径分布図(軽石の平均最大粒径・石質岩片の平均最大粒径・堆積物の中央粒径;Figs.5, 6, 7)は, いずれも本堆積物の噴出火口が姶良カルデラの南縁, 現在桜島火山の位置する地点付近にあったことを示している.分布軸は火口からN120°E方向に伸びるが, 分布軸から60 km以上離れた地点にも厚く堆積している.又, 堆積物は分布軸の逆方向すなわち風上側にも20 km以上追跡できる.分布軸上で火口から30 km離れた地点での層厚は10 mに達するが, 40 km地点より遠方は海域のため層厚値は得られない.そのため噴出量の見積もりには多くの困難が伴うが, すでに知られている他のプリニアン軽石堆積物の層厚-面積曲線(Fig.4)にあてはめて計算すると, 総体積98 km^3(総重量7×10^<16>g)が得られ, 本堆積物は支笏-1軽石堆積物(116 km^3)に次ぐ最大規模のプリニアン軽石堆積物であることがわかる.3種の粒径分布図から得られる粒径-面積曲線(Fig.8)は, 噴出速度・噴煙柱の高さ・噴出率などで示される噴火の「強さ」を比較する上で有効である.それにより, 大隅降下軽石噴火の「強さ」はけっして例外的なものではなく, プリニアン噴火の平均あるいはそれをやや上回る程度であったことが判明した.
葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.527-557, 1983-10-22

葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 加賀美 英雄 藤岡 換太郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.55, no.1, pp.259-297, 1980-08-25

More than 40 topographic highs resembling conical submarine volcanoes in the area between the eastern coast of the Izu Peninsula and the Izu-Oshima island, are identified by the detailed submarine topographic maps recently published. 17 dredge hauls were recovered from 26 dredge stations occupied during cruise KT78-10 of S.S. Tansei Maru of the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo. Most of the rock samples are fresh basalts from the top part of the isolated peaks indicating that many of these topographic highs are young submarine volcanoes. They are very likely to be the submarine counterparts of the subaerial Higashi-Izu Monogenetic Volcano Group distributed on land just west of the dredge area. Most of them are high-alkali tholeiitic basalts with phenocrysts of olivine and plagiocalse. Augite phenocrysts may be present and some specimens contain abundant quartz and plagioclase xenocrysts derived from felsic plutonic rocks, a feature very similar to that found of the Higashi-Izu Monogenetic Volcano Group. Many are nearly aphyric and high in Al2O3 (19-17%) which is in strong contrast with the low alumina, low alkali tholeiites of Izu-Oshima island. In the Harker variation diagrasm, the highalumina, high-alkali tholeiites, both on land and under the sea, have distinctly high Na2O as compared with the basalts of Izu-Oshima. There seems no compositional gradation between the two although they are contemporaneous and occurring in adjacent areas.
西村 裕一 荒牧 重雄
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.44, no.1, pp.41-43, 1999-03-05 (Released:2017-03-20)
荒牧 重雄 藤井 敏嗣
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.33, no.SPCL, pp.S297-S306, 1988-06-30 (Released:2018-01-15)

Detailed characterization of the whole rock composition of the ejecta of the 1986-1987 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano by the XRF technique (FUJII et al., 1988) clearly indicates that the ejecta from the central crater of Miharayama (Crater A) are different from those erupted from the fissures (Fissures B and C) on the caldera floor and on the outer slope of the main stratovolcano. This suggests that the conduits which led the A and B, C magmas to the surface were separated physically from each other down to a certain depth. The ejecta from A crater resemble closely to those erupted during the past 1300 years (Y magmas) while the ejecta from B and C fissures are unique in composition among the Izu-Oshima magmas. The A and Y magmas are Fe-enriched island arc type tholeiites that must have been derived from the primary tholeiite magmas through crystal fractionation of olivine, pyroxenes and plagioclase. The B and C magmas can be derived simply through crystal fractionation of A or Y magmas leading to Fe-enriched basaltic andesites, andesites and dacites. This strongly suggests that an isolated pocket of magma starting with a composition of Y underwent strong fractionation to produce volatile enriched ferroandesitic magma. This body of magma was probably activated by the sudden depressurization caused by shattering and fissuring of the crust to form a 1500 m high fire fountains and to produce a sub-Plinian scoria fall deposit. The vent of A crater must have been stable at least during the last 1300 years and directly, or through the subsidiary magma chamber(s), connected to the main chamber above the Moho, where an extensive crystal fractionation has been taking place to produce Y magma from the parent tholeiitic magma. Marked ground depression and extension and migration of seismicity observed during the eruption suggest a possibility that a substantial amount of additional magma was intruded to form a NW-SE trending dike during the peak phase of the eruption. This is in harmony with the Nakamura’s model of the volcano with the NW-SE trending dike swarm which is controlled by the regional compressional stress field. However, gravity and some other grophysical data suggest that the deformation could have been the result of underground cracking without magma injection. Our model is not conclusive on this matter and the expectation that this eruption will eventually lead to the large-scale activity that has been recurring in every 130±50 years is yet to be tested.
荒牧 重雄
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.1, no.1, pp.47-57, 1957-01-15

The pyroclastic flow is defined as the flow of high-temperature, essential, fragmental materials. This is a synonym of the nuee ardente in the broad sense. Three modes of emplacement of high-temperature, essential, solid (or liquid) materials after the ejection from the crater may be recongized: 1) Projection of the fragments from the crater by the explosive expansion of gas which occurs within the crater. 2) Descent of the fragments or liquid magma from the crater which is caused only by the action of gravity. 3) Swift downflow of the mixture of gas and fragments. This is intermediate between 1) and 2) and to this corresponds the pyroclastic flow. A new classification of the pyroclastic flows is proposed. The principle is based upon the viscosity of the materials, which is inferred from the nature of the deposit. The volume of the deposit increases as the viscosity decreases. 1) Nuee ardente in the strict sense. Represented by the nuees ardentes of Mt. Pelee, Merapi, etc. The fragments are less porous, which indicates the high viscosity. The volume of the deposit is small, generally less than 0.01km^3. 2) Pyroclastic flow of the intermediate type. Represented by certain pyroclastic flows of Asama. Hakone. Myoko Volcanoes. The viscosity and volume (0.1〜1km^3) are both intermediate between 1) and 3). 3) Pumice flow. Represented by pumice and tuff flows of all sizes, such as those of Crater Lake, Hakone, Katmai. Aso Volcanoes. Low viscosity leads to the full vesiculation into pumice. Many of them are larger in volume (>10km^3) than 1) and 2), and the caldera of Krakatau type is often formed after the eruption of larger pumice flows.
早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄 白尾 元理 小林 哲夫 徳田 安伸 津久井 雅志 加藤 隆 高田 亮 小屋口 剛博 小山 真人 藤井 敏嗣 大島 治 曽屋 龍典 宇都 浩三
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.29, pp.S208-S220, 1984-12-28

Stratigraphy and thickness distribution of the pyroclastic fall deposits formed during the eruption of Miyakejima volcano on October 3-4, 1983, were studied immediately after the deposition. Of the total mass of 20 million tons erupted, 8.5 million tons were ejected as basaltic scoria to form a complex set of air-fall deposits east of the fissure vents. One million tons of the latter were ejected from the upper fissures as fire-fountain products. The rest was the product of phreatomagmatic explosions which occurred in the lower fissures where ground water chilled the magma to form dense scoria blocks which devastated villages. Explosion craters and a tuff ring were formed along the N-S trending lower fissures. Account of the general distribution of the deposits, nature of the constituents, mutual stratigraphic correlation and correlation with observed sequence are given.
荒牧 重雄
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.32, no.1, pp.57-72, 1987-04-30

Lake Nyos is a maar-type volcano formed by phreatomagmatic eruption along the fissure. The rock is weakly alkaline olivine basalt very rich in crustal xenoliths and mantle-derived spinel-lehrzolite nodules. Stratiied surge deposits made of scoria and ash drape the pre-Cambrian(?) granitic basement along the lake shore. Lake Nyos is a part of Cameroon Volcanic Line which contains many fields of monogenetic volcanoes. Among them is another maar-type crater lake Monoun, which erupted similar lethal gas(CO_2) in 1984 and killed 37 people. The rocks of these young monogenetic volcanoes range from weakly to strongly alkaline basalts and basanitoids. The older(Tertiary?), plateau-forming basalts which constitute immediate basement are also alkaline basalts and basanitoids.
高田 亮 大島 治 荒牧 重雄 小野 晃司 吉田 克史 梶間 和彦
The Volcanological Society of Japan
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.37, no.5, pp.233-250, 1992-11-15 (Released:2017-03-20)

The subaerial history of Aogashima volcano (about 3 km3 in volume) was studied. The sequence of volcanic activity is summarized as follows: the growth of Kurosaki volcano (0.3 km3 in volume; basalt>andesite) in the northwestern area of Aogashima island; the construction of the main edifice of Main stratocone (basalt≫andesite) in the southeastern area; the fissure eruptions of Aphyric basalts (<0.1km3 in volume) on the northwestern flank; a surge activity (Ojiroike surge deposits) (basalt>ndesite) at about 3,000 y.B.P.; the eruptions of Kintagaura lavas (0.15 km3 in volume) filing the Southeasern basin, and airfalls (Yasundogo airfalls tephras) (0.4 km3 in volume; basalt>andesite) on the east and north flanks 3,000-2,400 y.B.P.; the occurrence of a debris avalanche (Nagashizaka debris avalanche deposits) associated with the formation of the Ikenosawa crater (1.7 km×1.5 km insize); the Tenmei (A.D. 1781-1785) eruption (0.08km3 in volume; andesite). Based on the historical records and the geological data obtained in this study, the sequence of the Tenmei eruption is restored as follows: according to historical records, a small ash eruption occurred in 1781; in 1783, the Tenmei eruption began with an explosive scoria effusion (Tenmei airfall tephras 1) associated with cone building (Maruyama pyroclastic cone); in 1785, ash fall continued intermittently for more than one month (Tenmei airfall tephras 2); finally, the Ikenosawa crater was filled with lava flows (Tenmei lavas 1 and 2). During the development of Aogashima volcano, magma paths were shifted over a distance of about 4 km. Some geological units derived from different magma paths have different, parallel trends of chemical composition in SiO2 vs. oxide diagrams. The chemical composition of magma changed with the shift in magma path. Each trend consists of a combination of plagioclase accumulation and crystallization. The magma-supply rate of Aogashima volcano was fluctuating in time and space with the growth of each geological unit, which may have led to the generation of andesite magma.
葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.p527-557, 1983

荒牧 重雄 宇井 忠英
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.72, no.7, pp.337-349, 1966-07-25 (Released:2008-04-11)
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葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.527-557, 1983-10-22
