岡出 美則 吉永 武史
筑波大学体育科学系紀要 (ISSN:03867129)
no.23, pp.21-35, 2000-03

2002年に実施に移される小学校新指導要領では、バスケットボール型ゲーム、サッカー型ゲーム、ベースボール型ゲームといった名称が用いられるようになった。それは、あふれる球技種目の選択基準を戦術という視点から ...
岡部 祐介 友添 秀則 吉永 武史 稲葉 佳奈子
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.30, no.1, pp.13-23, 2010-10-30 (Released:2013-07-20)
3 1

The purpose of this study is to clarify a contemporary meaning of discourse concerning the suicide of Kokichi Tsuburaya who was a marathon runner in the Olympic games in Tokyo, 1964.Tsuburaya's death was continually talked about in the newspaper and magazines, and discourse related to the suicide of Tsuburaya was reproduced.It was pointed out that the nation and the Self Defense Forces had caused “pressure” for Tsuburaya. In worldwide competitions including the Olympic games, contemporary athletes receive “pressure” as Tsuburaya.However, the difference with the generation of Tsuburaya's was clearly shown, and the conversion of the “ethos of sports” was pointed out. As a result of Tsuburaya's death it brought meaning as follows:Through Tsuburaya's, it was recognized that athletes undertake an excessive expectation from those around them, and social pressures over winning or defeat. It is thought that the death of Tsuburaya made clear the problem of identity loss for athletes. In addition, “recognition that modern athletes represent the nation”and “preferable attitude to competitive sport” is recognized. A definite link can be made between the “ethos of sport” and “Tsuburaya” which reproduces a (standard) discourse.
濵﨑 敦仁 吉永 武史
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.292_3, 2016

<p> 小学校中学年のゲーム領域には「易しいゲーム」が位置付けられている。しかし、実際のゴール型ゲームでは、コート中盤でのボールの奪い合いが多くなり、ゴール前での攻防に持ち込むことができないことが指摘されている(中村、2003)。この解決策として、中学年ではハーフコートのゲームを設定することにより、ゴール前での攻防に焦点を当てた学習機会を保障できると考えた。また高学年では、攻撃側が数的優位になるようにゲームを簡易化することも明示されている。そこで本研究では、ハンドボールを基にした易しいゲームを対象に、ハーフコートによるアウトナンバーのゲームを導入した指導プログラムを作成し、その効果について検証を試みた。2015年11月に、関東圏内のW小学校4年生1クラス24名を対象に検証授業を実施した。単元始めと最後のゲームパフォーマンスを比較した結果、クラス全体の合計得点が19点から35点へと増加し、攻撃完了率についても61.8%から71.7%へと向上がみられた。このことから、ハーフコートによるアウトナンバーのゲームの導入によって、児童のシュートや得点の機会を十分保障できることが明らかになった。</p>
鬼澤 陽子 小松崎 敏 吉永 武史 岡出 美則 高橋 健夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.439-462, 2008-12-10

The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of modified basketball games based on on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball movement. Two types of numerically modified basketball games, "3 on 2" and "3 on 3", were played by two 6th grade elementary PE classes. Twenty-four students participated in the 3 on 2 games, and 28 students in the 3 on 3 games. All games were videotaped, and the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) was used for data analysis. This instrument allows counting of the frequency of on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support movement, and assists in judging the performance of students in situations such as shooting, passing, ball-keeping, and supporting, as to whether or not these are appropriate. The main findings are summarized as follows: 1. The number of students who experienced on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support situations, and the average frequencies of these experiences, were higher in the 3 on 2 games than in the 3 on 3 games. 2. In the 3 on 2 games, the numbers of students who performed appropriate passing, ball-keeping, and support were significantly higher than in the 3 on 3 games (p<.001). 3. The rates of appropriate shooting, passing, ball-keeping, and support were significantly higher in the 3 on 2 than in the 3 on 3 games (p<.01). The 3 on 2 basketball game was shown to be very effective, allowing upper elementary grade students to learn appropriate on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support movement, in comparison with the 3 on 3 game.