松井 純一 澤 文博 土田 昌宏 月本 一郎 亀田 典章
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児血液・がん学会
日本小児血液学会雑誌 (ISSN:09138706)
vol.4, no.1, pp.105-108, 1990-03-31 (Released:2011-03-09)

小児白血病にみられる脊髄腫瘍はまれであるが, 重篤な合併症である.私たちは急性白血病に合併した3症例の臨床経過と病理所見を報告し, 20歳未満の12報告例と比較検討した.脊髄腫瘤はおもに硬膜外腫瘤による圧迫症状で見つけられ, 胸椎から発生するものが最も多かった.治療としては化学療法と放射線療法が有効であるが, 急速に神経症状が進展する場合にはラミネクトミーを行うべきである.
清河 信敬 恩田 恵子 高野 邦彦 藤本 純一郎 真部 淳 康 勝好 小原 明 林 泰秀 花田 良二 土田 昌宏
Cytometry research : 日本サイトメトリー学会機関誌 (ISSN:09166920)
vol.20, no.2, pp.27-33, 2010-09-25

<p>Aim. We are in charge of the central diagnosis and cell preservation as a part of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment study in Tokyo children's cancer study group. It is necessary to diagnose with a minimal quantity of specimen, to preserve leukemic cells effectively as possible. On the other hand, recent progress in multi-color flow cytometry enable to analyze cell marker of leukemia in more detail. We therefore we intended to perform a immuno-phenotypic diagnosis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia by nine-color analysis with digital flow cytometer.</p><p>Methods. We examined cell markers of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells by nine-color analysis using digital flow cytometers. We decided the combination of the monoclonal antibodies for nine color analysis based on the recommendation of Japan Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group using commercially available fluorescence-laveled antibodies.</p><p>Results. Nine colors that we used in this study were fluorescein isothyocyanate, phycoerythrin (PE), phycoerythrin-Texas Red, Peridinin Chlorophyll Protein - cyanin (Cy) 5.5, PE-Cy7, allophycocyanin (APC), APC-Cy7, Pacific Blue, and Cascade Yellow. Using list mode compensation, nine color marker analysis of childhood leukemia was easy to perform.</p><p>Discussion. Although several problems need to be solved are present, nine-color analysis using digital flow cytometer is useful to obtain precise information of antigen expression as well as save precious specimen of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.</p>
月本 一郎 塙 嘉之 高久 史麿 浅野 茂隆 上田 一博 土田 昌宏 佐藤 武幸 大平 睦郎 星 順隆 西平 浩一 中畑 龍俊 今宿 晋作 秋山 祐一 櫻井 實 宮崎 澄雄 堺 薫 内海 治郎 黒梅 恭芳 古川 利温 山本 圭子 関根 勇夫 麦島 秀雄 矢田 純一 中沢 真平 小出 亮 加藤 俊一 金子 隆 松山 秀介 堀部 敬三 小西 省三郎 多和 昭雄 筒井 孟 高上 洋一 田坂 英子 植田 浩司
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.31, no.10, pp.1647-1655, 1990 (Released:2009-03-12)

Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rG-CSF), produced by Chinese hamster ovary cells, was administered in 69 chemotherapy-induced neutropenic pediatric patients (pts) with malignant tumors. Each pt received two cycles of the same chemotherapy and had neutropenia with absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) <500/μl in the first cycle. Initiating 72 hours after termination of chemotherapy in the second cycle, rG-CSF (2 μg/kg/day) was given subcutaneously or intravenously to each pt for 10 days. rG-CSF significantly increased ANC at nadir; 72±14 vs. 206±40/μl (data in the first cycle vs. data in the second cycle, respectively), and reduced the period of neutropenia with ANC<500/μl; 9.7±0.6 vs. 5.1±0.6 days, and the period for restoration to ANC≥1,000/μl after initiation of chemotherapy; 25.5±0.6 vs. 17.5±0.9 days. rG-CSF did not affect other components of peripheral blood. The number of days with fever ≥38°C was significantly reduced by rG-CSF treatment. Neck pain and lumbago were observed in one pt, polakysuria in one pt, and elevation of the serum levels of LDH and uric acid in one pt, however these were mild to moderate, transient, and resolved without any specific treatment. We concluded that rG-CSF was effective in neutropenia induced by intensive chemotherapy for malignant tumors without any serious side effects.